-Medli also got back up, similarly rubbing her head-
Uh, is that actually doable with just magic?
Pacifica: "...You did the right thing by taking them in. Especially Yuma..."
-She can relate in the latter case due to her own parents being extremely controlling and emotionally abusive to her previously-
...Who else do you consider a significant threat?
TLink: "It helped me a lot of my journey, and even helped out a gallery and museum business near the Forest Haven! I still have a few pictographs on it, including several of the places I visited."
Peridot: "Can we see one of the Tower of the Gods?"
TLink: "Oh, right! Here!" -
-Toon Link then shows the group a pictograph of the Tower of the Gods in question:
View attachment 399737
-It seems to be located in the middle of the ocean, with no closely surrounding islands. And if that one staircase near the top of the tower is anywhere near the normal scale for people to be able to traverse, then that means the rest of the tower and is utterly
Hekapoo: "Then I'd say it's hardly earned."
Ike: "Another successful mass recovery. Nice work, Micaiah. And you, Mash. Nice work. You're like a living wall."
Sothis: "A lot of things are possible with mere magic. Were I at my peak, I could have demonstrated it myself."
Byleth: "That's deeply touching, Oriko."
Shez: "Reminds me of when B and her dad offered me to join their group. Sure, I was a bit angry about how the Ashen Demon wiped out all my colleagues but it was never personal, just business. Took me a bit to adjust but nowadays, I can't imagine her being my enemy."

Zelda: "Look at the sheer size of it..."
Palu: -nods- "Any opinions on their kind?"
Pandora: "Heh. That's what you think."
Sothis: "Such is your secret on making sure the number of wielders is rare. You declare any major advantage as unfair and therefore no victory is legitimate. Quite the deceptive one you are."
Mash: "Thank you, you really helped with that more"
Yuri: "...Do you think you'll ever return to it?"
Oriko: "Thank you for both comments"
Suzune: "That's a way to meet..."
Tart: "My turn now! I met Riz back in my village years ago along Monsieur Angel! They were traveling France to find someone who could stop the Hundred Year War, and well, they thought I was the one! So she trained me for 3 years and when I became a magical girl, she remained by my side, until the very end, even if in spirit"
Kazumi: "Sounds like she was very strong!"
Tart: "She was! It's how I became really good with a sword! Then there's Melissa. When the army started calling me a holy maiden, they assigned Melissa as my personal maid, but I told her quickly she could be more than that. She was the daughter of mercenary La Hire, and she saved me and him from death by Corbeau with her wish, and started to fight along us!"
Iroha: "Soounds really nice to make friends with anyone..."
Tart: "Yes! Finally, there was Eliza. She was a haughty noble who was already a magical girl fighting the English and was more experienced in combat, but she and I started to get along quick despite our differences! ...Though Melissa suplexed her first to humble her, but that aside, everyhting went smoothly!"
Kagari: "Her name is Shez, and she has the power to counter that other woman..."
Iroha: "It looks really tall..."
Ophanimon: "Yes, actually, I know the very original Minervamon"
Minervamon: "A-Aaah..."
Ereshkigal: "Could you please not fight over that?"
Ishtar: "Whatever! I know the facts!"
Palutena: "You slept all morning."
Alear: "Say... I wonder..."
-which is justified since Jalter has only surfed for one day... and Shez was her teacher so clearly she'd be more experienced-
-Byleth observing-
Byleth: I wonder if they'll form a bond...
Alear: "I hope so as well... I would never wish anyone lived like I did..."
Minervamon: "Aaaaah... I'm really sorry!"
Oriko: "...alright?"
-To who she speaks to?-
-It still frustrates the French woman, though- :V
-Perhaps... For now, we can skip to Shez and Suzune!-
Sitonai: "That's fair. I once did but that was a single person who I felt vengeful against"
Squirtle: "(Pichu was right, she was really friendly!)"
Pichu: "(Palutena is your aunt?!)"

-IIRC Palutena also visited the Pokemon Center around the same time Ophanimon did-
I don't think the kitchen staff has actually made any compromise with the Rulers or had any new rules signed yet, they just...refuse to serve people more than about a normal amount of meals per day. It only really applies to people made out of magic or hard light since they don't actually need to eat, and even then, it only affects the ones who order more food than any average human can eat in the span of three or more days. 
Steven: "You're in danger, Breakdown, and so are tons of people across several entire worlds. We can't give up now..."
(Perhaps I should focus more on your well being in the present. Have most others here been here kind to you?
-Meanwhile, the bagels looks like actual bagels-
-...But with the textures of CD discus commonly used for music, DVDs and computer files, much to the confusion of the four Pokemon-
Fate: "Um... Not literally, she and my mother are just good friends"
Oriko: "...That's plenty of food"
Kazumi: "That's what I thought!"
Breakdown: "I really hope you're right..."
Shatter: "Is your conversation over?"
Homura: "Sensei and her friends have been..."
Atalanta: "Good. But have you made any friends?"
Homura: "...Not really..."
Jack: "It's probably some local food thingy!"