-The others wonder the same thing-
-Noelle chuckles a bit more at the sight, moved-
I...didn't really think about that part now that Koya and her gang are onto us. Chen Gong?
-Mabel won't like- :V
Dipper: -Sighs- "Sorry, it's complicated...Actually, so is the whole story... You're probably bored of trying to hear the whole thing explained by now, aren't you? Sorry about that..."
Moon: "Most Mewni dramas end with a lot of deaths, so this is actually a more positive ending among classic tales."
-The castle has
knights doing the laundry?-
-Knights specifically
trained to do complicated laundry methods?-
Tetra: "Looks like we're still in the lead. Let's keep it that way!"
TLink: "Yeah!" -Running ahead along with Tetra-
Pearl: "That poor child... i-if what you're saying is true, then..."
Garnet: "She might be a cursed or unrested spirit..."
Amethyst: "Man, now I just feel bad for her..."
Steven: "Okay, first thintgs' first, we need to get out there and stop whatever other ghosts and mutants are attacking the city. Save everyone they're going after and get anyone who's been hurt medical attention, pronto!"
(Then, we need some answers. Do any of you four know anything else about this "GL Labs"?) -Talking and referring to Rin, Sakura, Jenny and Takeru-
-Eyes briefly looking like the Wii Shop Channel loading icon while doing a web search- Actually, I've been running searches on the internet for any matches for "GL Labs" and any information about them, and I think I may have just found a match. There's barely any information on it, but there's some liminted information about a lcompany with the same logo...
Steven: "Really? What does it say?"
Amethyst: "What the heck does the "GL" even stand for?!"
It says that "GL Labs" stands for...Generic Lab Labs.
Garnet/Amethyst/Pearl/Steven: "........"
I couldn't make this up if I tried.