-Yang is laughing, really enjoying this spar-
-is Illya feeling the same?-
Alear: "Oh, she does?"

I do admit I miss when she was corporeal...
Shez: "So... want any?"
-Little bit yeah, now tjay she's no longer bitter about them cheating-
-Indeed, plopping to the floor-
Natsuki: "Yeah, I wonder if she's busy now..."
-Even if they could get into some petty squabbles...-
Star: "Huh?"
(I wonder who they're talking about...)
Linebeck: "I'll consider it once so much as one other person here claims or acknowledges you as a royalty or the
de factor leader around here."
-Of course, then there's XJ-4-
XJ-4: "Now just because you're the family pet, don't think you can just go around making messes, young lady!" -Trying to resist the cuteness-
Peridot: "I've gotta say, it's nice having another roommate around here. But I'm even more glad that you got a second chance like myself and so many others! The Snatcher may have stirred up chaos by using his powers to revive the other Stunticons, but hey, one good thing came out of it. And that's the fact that you got revived as well!"

A Disney movie it is!
Medea: "I have been speaking with his oarents in fact"
Lily: "T-That so...?"
King Knight: "Oh, you'll mope the floor for your insolence!"
-Fishpuff just tilted her head while listening to her demands-
Breakdown: "So am I! It's been such a long time since I knew anything remotely close to peace. Everyday I had to listen to that Motorjerk and every other demand the other flur had... I don't even know how I survived that long"
Wait, did she say a Snatcher?
-So to Disney+ they log intooooo!-
S-Sorry this is on such short notice, you two! We're planning on trying to retake the fortress again, and Neo here is going to try and sneak into the base using her illusion powers to disguise as a Ranger Sentry. Her illusion abilities even allow her to mimic voices.
We were hoping you two could provide some insight on Ranger Sentry protocol and the general behavior of most troops in order to make her act more convincing.
DO YOU WANT TO [be prepared for meticulous planning] BY [sensational news] OR [die] FROM NOT KNOWING THE EVEN THE WORST [headlines]?
Noelle: "Oh, thank you for all the hospitality and kindness as well! You remind me a lot of Kris and Asriel's mom."
(If only my mother was more like that...)
-and that's what Lancer does, as despite occasionally proving clumsy, he still manages to retrieve the Power Coin without shocking himself or setting off any alarms or traps-
Mabel: "Not that I'm aware, but admittedly I don't know her that well." -Regardless, she holds up a small portable mirror to Neo to confirm that yes, she's blushing-
Dipper: "Around here? Nothing is normal and almost every day is an adventure. I wouldn't have it any other way."

Moon: "I was mostly asking for confirmation. I'm not surprised that you would help them."

"Admittedly, however, I'm not sure what Chaldea's with the leaders of the tower are like."
-The only other places in the castle I can think of that aren't off-limits to guests that they haven't seen are probably the knights training grounds and the laundry room-
TLink: "...Does anyone still honor the deceased on or near Halloween?"
-It used to be called All Hallows' Eve, a name still used on occasional today, and before that, was two separate annual events entirely-
Steven: "Oh no, we've gotta stop them before they can do this to your friends or anyone else!"
All we know for sure is that they're an organization collecting ghosts, cryptids,, mutants, and now powerful people like Takeru and his friends to try and take over the world, building an even bigger army of ghosts along the way. And that somehow, Spooky is working with them and one of their leaders...
-Neo indeed transformed into one to prove things-
Coyle: "..................Let's focus on our plans for now. This shady salesman could always look for activity in the Dark World if needed." I'm thankful to have a robot body. I can adapt my hearing so it isn't overwhelmed.
Neo: "............."
Kamui: "It's calmed down a lot... before we had to be forced out."
-I don't think any of them would think of laundry-
Kanna: "I guess they do, huh..."
Yang: "And we're the next targets..."
Trini: "Sure, sounds like fun!" -sees that- "Okay, even if you're a criminal, I'll admit that's cool"
Kimberly: "Sentries were rarely, if ever, allowed to speak on their own wills. They're trained soldiers in a dictatorship, but on those ocassions they also must speak exclusively formally"
Rita: "You're both right..."
Koyanskaya: "Yeah, we have more immediate goals, but we can prepare for the future a little later"
Lindy: "Thanks! As a matter of fact, Chrono here is my son! And I also have a daughter here!"
-And... It's quiet-
Roberts: "...Hey! It worked out!"
Yuri: "...Well, you can be cute too!"
Natsuki: "Heh, good for you! Uuuuh, what's your age though?"
Jeanne: "Now I hope that they are alright..."
-What Uni said-
Gil: "In some parts yes..."
Jeanne Lily: "Though Christmas remains the better holiday!"
Bunyan: "No reason to compare though"
Eleonora: "It used to be called All Hallows' Eve, and was more than one day"
Takeru: "Yes they do..."
Rin: "Were your friends just leverage or they're experimenting on then because they had powers?"
Takeru: "Makoto-niichan is Kamen Rider Specter and Alain is Kamen Rider Necrom" -it'd be too long of a story right now to tell them that one is an artficial human created to make the next step on human evolution and the other is the ruler of a realm that once transfered their souls to devices to extend their lifespans until they got rid of that, so he just says that-
Sakura: "Okay, with those names... They do fit their bill...S-Sorry!"
Takeru: "It's fine. Thank you so much for freeing me. Unfortunately we can't just let them go kill people!"
Ghost Musashi: "He's right, more of those Specimens are already out attacking more innocents to add their corpses and souls to their ranks"