The Spook Factor
-While Shaymin finshes up their own meal--Lily glad to see as she goes on to do that-
Medea: Maybe I won't need to try to correct anything...
-Yep, in his very King Knight way-
-People be like "oh, it's just him"-
-What are her thoughts?-
Breakdown: "Yeah! I'm already by season two! Well, Book II! Just saw the episode where they got to a swamp. Those future visions were a little freaky"
Aya: "Oooh, I made some for you~"
-If she does, Star or one of her friends would likely bring it up themselves-
-And that's only the people who paid any attention to him showing up at all- :V
XJ-6: (She's so cute! I'll take extra good care of her and make sure her fur's always brushed to maximum cuteness and that she only gets the highest quality food!)
Peridot: "That's a good episode. I'd go in-depth about what it means, but no way am I gonna spoil this show!" (Wait'll he gets to the season finale. Zuko not turning his life around is a metaphorical punch to the gut...Wait, Cybertronians don't have guts.)
Oh, thank you! -Takes a sip-
Kirby: "Still, you know how to fight without her help, right? What about the 1v1 matches you've fought in the Smash tournaments?"Pit: "Thanks..."
-indeed they are :V-
Weiss: "Hmmmm..."
-Speaking of, Amethyst is the first out of the Gem tag-team to enter the ring-
(She's totally from Newtopia, right?)
-The newt soldier marches into the restaurant with a stern expression and her arms behind her back, while various customers at the restaurant look on in concern and confusion. She then speaks to the bartender, who's currently washing dishes, and sternly tells him "I suppose you're wondering who I am." The bartender, looking uninterested and focusing on his job, just casually answers "Not especially." The newt soldiers responds by slashing the plate he's cleaning with a pair of razor sharp claws from her gauntlets, causing it to break in half a few seconds later, to his shock The newt soldier then gets a big grin and dramatically announces "I am General Yunnan! Scourge of the Sand Wars, Defeater of Ragnar the Wretched, and, the youngest newt to ever achieve the rank of general in the great Newtopian Army!" She strikes a pose when mentioning Ragnar, and then backflips onto the bar before the background turns black the Newtopia flag appears waving in the background when discussing her achievement as the youngest newt to ever become a general in their army-
-...Not one patron in the restaurant says a single word in response and everyone just stares blankly at her, emphasized by the sound of a cricket chirping...which turns out to be an actual live cricket on someone's plate, and is then eaten by the customer who ordered it a few seconds later. Yunnan goes from looking proud to annoyed from the sheer lack of a response to her introduction and achievements and just remarks "...And this is why I hate coming out to the boonies..."-
Kamui: "That's truly impressive work."
Alear: -to Kaito- "Trust me, if I go serious on you, you will regret it."
Byleth: "I would suggest listening to her."
Coyle: "I knew this would be a good plan."
"Blake": "Oh, did I let that slip? I really need to work on that..." -sees no harm in revealing the twist due to Chaldea being allies-
Kamui: "I like that idea."
Blake: "That's something we can agree on."
Kanna: "With all I've seen in the war back at my old home, I'm sure I'll be alright as well."
Ruby: "Whether it requires mercy or not..." -rushes to Takeru with her Semblance-
Oh my gosh, that's fantastic news! .W-We have an even better than ever shot at actually beating the Alliance now!Kaito: -To Alphys and Kamui- "Well thay, they no longer eill be able to create more Super Sentai. Neat, huh?" -to Alear- "I dunno, they look quite glittery"-shows that somehow he's already wearing Lyn's ring and Soren's bracelet-
-Rita also unmorphed, her appearance altered and even rejuvenated-
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Rita: "Hmmm, not complaining..."
Stacey: "And I've seen they're capable of holding their own in a fight too"
Chrono: "Hmmmm..."
Charlotte: "Yes we are~ Hmmm, now which brick is it...?"
Yuri: "Uuuh.... W-What's going on?"
Natsuki: "Uuuuh, those books look extensive..."
Jeanne: "If you may, please"
Medea: "While I don't believe it's realistic to expect relationships to be overhauled in one generation, I still think it's a step forward in regards to the future"
Tiki: "Hmmmm... So you wanna rebel against the adults, in front of one?"
Rin: "Of course you wou-!" -siiiigh- "Why would I waste my breath with you?" -shot energy arrows at the Lub Gulbs-
-Sieg couldn't see the attack, and thus was hit by Specimen 2!-
Escapist ghost: "Keep at it!" -forcibly attacking Liz- "Get him to reason, please!"
-Takeru didn't see Ruby getting to him, thus wouldn't be able to becomw intangible-
-Then the two Emblems got stolen-
-Then they saw a familiar salesman through a broken gap in the wall created during the fight-
-Noelle awkwardly waves at Chrono while Berdly just stands looking proud-
...Good question.
Mabel: "Let that slip? Are you not even the real Blake?! Alright, alright, who the heck are you?!"
Dipper: "One of our great uncles made them to record everything he found in Gravity Falls years before we were born."
-To a theater!-
Change is something that takes time, but every little step towards a better future for them counts.
Tetra: "I was raised as a pirate by my mother. Nothing to rebel about when your mother was also one."

-the energy arrows destroy the Lub-Glubs instantly, hinting they may have a weakness to light-
-Specimen 2, also named Goop, continued trying to slash at him with it's clawed hand, dealing more damage with each hit-
Steven: "I'll at least try..." -Will try to talk to Takeru both to reason with him and to distract him in case Ruby's first attack isn't enough to defeat the corpse monster-