Star: -Sigh or relief- "Thanks, you're a really good friend..."
-Hardly typical of most other underworlds they know...Albeit, even the Hades they once knew wasn't nearly as bad as many of the other Greek deities-
-More like since he first got here- :V
-Anthyding can hadplen- :V
Because said terrible guardian is dead? And she totally will if the trio's curious since she considers them friends as well
-He needs answers, but how do they even get them without drawing attention?-
Except for those naturally immune to lava.
-Wearing a fuzzy robe now-
Lily: "I try to be for my bestest of friends~"

-Not like he knows- :V
King Knight: Maybe I should go announce myself!
-True- :V -Back to Fishpuff tho!-
Because she fwens with them of course, so gotta show them around her turf
-That's what he's pondering about... Would anyone come see Breakdown?-
Kiara: "Technically, I should be immune to lava, unless someone else pushed me against it, or attacked me with it"
-making Yang trip-
-Qrow strikes it with a Blade Beam-like slash of his own-
-it's pretty deep cut because you only see one instance of it in the V3 Winter fight and even then it's easy to miss with everything going on... but he can do that :V-
Alear: "...Yes."
Viridi: "Indeed..."
-she was not but Guifei would like that even more? :V-
-And giving Illya the opportunity to SHORYUKEN-
-Nice- :V -Though he was surprise grabbed by her once he did that, who lifted him on the air while having turned her wings into a jetpack, AND THEN PILEDRIVED DOWN-
Yuri: "Oh. I take it that your hair is a sign of that?"
Tiamat: "...I'm sorry I couldn't help..."
-Maybe, but she's not seeing Musashi as a potential partner-
Y-You again? Aren't you the guy who literally tried to steal from someone trying to stop Koyanskaya right after a bunch of innocent people were killed? 
-Queen and the others remain out of sight-
-One looks like a reindeer girl, and the other looks like a male bird around the same age-
-Both look like they just walked out of middle school or the early years of high school-
Thank you, thank you! Now we just need to keep a sharp eye out for soldiers and distract any that we see so that Swoop can retrieve the Power Coin!
Mabel: "You usually read books, but something about you still seems...different."
Dipper: "It really wasn't..."

"Still, some days of the summer weren't all pleasant, either..."
-Kamui's thoughts on that idea?-
She's part of my family and seems to share a similar rare opinion on monsters among fellow mewmans, so I would very much like to.
Tetra: "Gotta simple as this holiday is, it's oddly kinda of fun. It's a break from more dangerous adventures at sea."
Steven: "Only the monster controlling them seems like that! Can you hear them? It sounds like they don't want to fight us!"
-Some Lub Glubs were attempting to slash at Mordred with their claws-
-Neo confused at the interruption-
-while the Alliance is plotting-
-V9 spoiler but yes, Neo can talk but in a very roundabout way; she can only do it through disguises made using her own Semblance because she herself is legitimately a mute girl-
-in other words, the voices she does are purely illusions-
"Blake": "You really think so?"
I was trying to hard to imitate her...
Kamui: "That would be lovely."
Blake: "We could suggest it to Moon."
Kanna: "And we get many yummy treats~!"
-but Yang interrupted by punching them!-
Blake: -heard that- "...Takeru must be the one controlling them..."
Ruby: "You might be right... but we'd still have to kill that one to free them. You think you can handle that, Steven?"
Kaito: "That's how you receive someone with good news?"
Martha: "We are in the middle of a meeting, and a call"
Kaito: -Sees the Emblems, their rings and bracelets- "Huh, new treasures to take later"

"Anyway, I managed to sneak in and shut down her copying system"
-Koyanskaya returned to her humanoid form... However, she looked different. She looked like a sort of chimera. She was more distinctly like a kitsune, though if anyone looked closer those fox-like ears still had the characteristics of a rabbit, and that's not to say some of the fur protuding from her. Her similiarities to Tamamo also becoming more evident, as her attire now resembled hers-
Koyanskaya: "Hmmmm, not a bad form, though better reserved for when I'm against the enemy..."
-Thus, she allowed herself to change to this shape-
Koyanskaya: "There we go~! Still looks like quite an upgrade, but more inconspicuous, don't you agree~?"
Chrono: "...Aside from their non-humanoid appearance, they just look like high school students" -says the 14 year old-
Gareth: "Hm, with the current attack they may have sent someone..."
Charlotte: "Yeah! I saw some of those guys included ninjas!"
Yuri: "Um... Sorry, I'm new here, I wouldn't know about it much..."
Sayori: "Ooooh, did you find other stuff besides the triangle?"
Jeanne: "Can we, Moon?"
Medea: "Well, I could try a little more than the others. She and I have become quite close"
Illya: "Yeah! Oh, and after that we're planning to see scaaaary movies!"
Tiki: "But I'll be there to make sure nothing R-Rated"
Mordred: "Like hell you will!" -using Prydwen as a shield while bashing some with her sword-
-Another of the ghosts who was aiming arrows at Atalanta spoke-
Archer ghost: "Do it! He doesn't wants to do this, those labs turned him into this monster!"
-The only female amongst the ghosts also said it while forcibly attacking Ren with magic-
Queen ghost: "You must defeat him... He'd rather be downed than steal more souls!"