Okay so once again recapping entries I must make next month:
-Natsuki, Sayori and Yuri
O-Oh my gosh, i-if that's true, that ability has so much potential! 
-She takes a defensive stance, ready to crack her whip at the first sign of Coyle trying to throw another attack-
Not Really You've Already Proven Yourself To be A Competent And Dangerous Warrior And Beast. Looks Like I'll Just Have To Use My Strongest Attacks Sooner.
-Berdly struggles to either block attacks and/or cancel out projectiles with his own missiles and mini-tornadoes-
Steven: "And that's not all I can do!" -Also summons a bubble shield, which spikes then jut out of, then despawns before jumping extremely high into the air, floating back down slowly enough that he literally looks as light as a feather as he does-
(At least now the chefs may not be overworked...)
-No rule saying they can't-

-Did Yuuno have a costume as well or did he just turn into his ferret form for Halloween?-
Pearl: "I-It's nothing!"
Garnet: "Nothing worth worrying about."
-Also how does Ruby react to the action movie DVD Sieg gave her?-
Emblem Tiki: "Whoever wants to volunteer must wear my bracelet."

-Coyle is invisible, attempting to suplex Tasque-
Viridi: ".....I hate to say this, but I'm impressed."
Kamui: "Yeah, we're trying to savor this, right?"
Blake: "I don't see why not?"
Kanna: "Whoa! You even followed the theme. That's amazing, Eleonora."
Ren: "I can sense the gift caused a reaction... but perhaps we can talk of this later to not bring down the mood."
Tiki: "It would be redundant if it was me, soooo, how about you, Martha?"
Martha: "Why me?"
Tiki: "You tamed a dragon, didn't you?"
Martha: "...Fair enough. Alright, I'll do it"
Koyanskaya: "Much as I detest hearing that, I'll admit your smarts..."
Kaito: "Take this" -hands a Sentai Gear-
Stacey: "Huh?! This is..."
Kaito: "I guess you should use them for now. Just for a bit"
Stacey: "We'll go on this later..." -inserting it on his gun, he spins it as his gun ominously said
"FULL-THROTTLE BANG", as he made a shot of dark energy that took physical shape and his gun yelled
"GAORANGEEEEERRR...", as he summoned his own copies of Thousand-Beasts Sentai Gaoranger that began to attack the copies Berdly was fighting-
Natsuki: "I don't hate to say it at all, those are all so cool! Like powers I'd see in one of my mangas!"
Jeanne: "It'd be a waste if we didn't"
Artemis: "Yaaaay!" -does a peace sign in fornt of one- "Catch my best angle! I wanna show Darling!"
-Ferret form to act as a familiar-
Eleonora: "W-Well... Mother had it ready..."
Yuuno: "I didn't have one, so I figured I could be like.... Hmmm..."
Hayate: "A mascot?"
Yuuno: "No! I mean... Like a partner for Nanoha!"
Nanoha: "Thanks! I'd love that!"

-that made the boy's heart race-
Okay, he scored a point. Now how will Fate counter that~? -she won't tonight because she's glad to see Yuuno having fun too as a friend-
Sieg: "Oh! Glad you enjoyed it"

Atalanta: "On the least, after the birthday?"
Star: "Same one..."
-All she can gather is that demons aren't seen as being monsters or even similar to monsters around Mewni...-
Tetra: "Looke like this place has it's own share of tragedies and dark histories..."
Sorry, Rin! That's just super nice of you to help me find one. So I'm thankful. 
-They need to stop them and capture them. And fast...-
H-Honestly, none of us can blame you...D-Do you need to talk about it?
Circe: "Geeeez, that bad, huh?"
Come to think of, what of the pony heads? They're even less humanoid in comparison...
Altera: "...Yeah. There's more than one..."
Sakura: "In fact maybe you should go now!"
Rin: "That's the idea, just wait a bit, then you can thank me"
On the least, it appears those spirits can't do anything when their rings and bracelets aren't worn...
Lusamine: ".....I also don't know"
Yang: "Everything alright, girl?"
-about to kill each other?- :V
Azura: "This is a man who should do at least a little more than just observe his family and do nothing."
Sakura: "That's a little harsh, Azura...
even if you're not wrong..."
Sothis: "Why wouldn't you?"
Shez: "Sure. Whatever you say."

-to Musashi-
How long until she becomes fond of us?
Illya: "Uh, nothing!"
But what was that?
-More like, Natsuki and Yuri definitely wanting to do that to Monika while Sayori tries to mediate-
Irisviel: "She's pretty right though"

Natsuki: "Huh?"
-Silent Kerry, not knowing what to say-
Tiamat: "Well... Technically my real body is waiting outside..."
Tamamo Cat: "Okay, just wait for your oders, nya~"
I'm not sure...