The Stoopid Unikorn
Spiciest of Guacamoles
-and Yang tries to push it herself!--Illya now tried to ram Nine Lives from the side!-
-It's what you'd expect a bunch of kids to draw, but hey, it's the intention that matters-
Yuri: "Is it any difficult?"
Circe: "Alright, everything's done~!"
Tiamat: -Did a low "yaaaay"-
Euryale: "That's right, yaaaaay~"
Stheno: "Now like this we should be able t- ........" -blinks before turning to the blue-haired goddess-
Tiamat: "........" -waves awkwardly-
Circe: "...............................A-AAAAH!"
Musashi: "Phew, a nice save~!"
Palutena: "Awwwwww~"
Sakura: "N-Not really..."

Shez: "What got you banned though?"
Dark Pit: "Be my guest if you want to keep track of that web."Kirby: "Then...shouldn't we keep an eye on her and her pranks?"
-Ceeative liberties- :V
-She worries a lot about her own manners because she's a prideful Vulpix- :V
-one he frankly did need, if you ask me >:V-
-and because of who raised her too?-
Martha: "So she's been bearable... Good. Alear, these are our fellow leaders, Palutena, Azura and... Caren"
Koyanskaya: "Sorry kid... But I'm not. You're a human, so goodbye!" -shot with a pistol-
-Nadeshiko was flying in order to dodge his shots, and while non-sentient, did a peace sign in the middle of that and tilted its head, a characteristic of the original-
Stacey: "I... GOT IT!" -finally managed to take his gun from the machine-
Natsuki: "Cuuuute"
-Both Gorgons blush while gritting their teeth-
Circe: "Uuuuuuuuh..."
-Jeanne did a nervous laugh in response-
Atalanta: Alright, then let's look at more of the castle -dropped towel and manifested her clothes back-
Illya: On the very least that means he cares about this more than I thought... -but in the end it'd still be reduced to nothng serious given he's a child-
Tiki: -Giggle- How cute~ It gives me memories of when I was jealous how much Caeda spent time with Marth. I was such a silly back then.
Mordred: "I bought you a cool jacket, so here you go" -it's a red-leathered jacked with a rose printed on the back-
Alear: -bows- "A pleasure to meet you."-Alear greets them?-
-Kris expected that and raised his shield to block it-
-What does he do?!-
-Steven and Connie chuckle too-
Moon: "I suppose it can be easy to forget some foods after trying a lot."-Friemdly teasing-
-Blake annoyed that she's the only one here who still has to get dressed normally?- :V
-Nostalgia for Tkii-
-Ruby's reaction to that jacket?-
Azura: "...What's with your hair?"
Alear: "A long story that I don't have time to tell, given what's at stake."
Azura: "Fair enough."
-Coyle's ARMS are restored and she starts shooting blasts from Lokjaws-
Viridi: If only they would weaponize that cuteness rather than be upset by it, they might have an actual following.
Kamui: "Y-Yeah...."

Blake: Wait for me! -yes-
Kanna: "Maybe he could gather candy with us. Why not have all kids together?"
-it even looks like Ruby's personal emblem-
Ruby: "THIS IS SO COOOOOOL!" >_< -puts it on-