The Spook Factor
Star: "Heh, yeah...I was kinda a brat back then..."Circe: "I'd say you accomplished it. I mean it! You were much more... Childish, by the time I was gone"
Medea: "...I guess he's still a teen, of course he might not..." -she said that to herself-
Draco: "I am the one who one day will devour all of humanity! I am the Beast of Sodom! I am Draco, Beast VI/S~! Hahahahahaha~!"
Sakura: "Hmmmm?"
Marvelous: "Nah, we like to be showy"
Joe: "The moment we arrived at our Earth we announced our presence"
-There's literally an episode where they just be testing their giant robot's powers and a crowd forms, no monster then, they're just seeing what their Ranger Keys could unlock. And the crowd after a bit got bored and went off-
-So on one part it's also like an usual sight-
-Teenagers can be reckless and rude sometimes...They're still more naive and impressionable than they realize at first-
Tetra: "...And what are you going to be when you play pretend tomorrow? An evil queen?"

...Maybe not yet.

Amethyst: "I get that."

-Comedic chaos-

-Dedede and Kirby similarly laughed-Pit:
-I'm surprised we never did-
Weiss: "It seems to be... But also not very good at it."
-Same. So far I've only fought of a few my friends from here in Ultimate, tbh-
(Maybe it's damaged? Or not adapted to track through certain environments?)
Alear: "What an incredible ship. It's made entirely of metal and flies like the Somniel."
Coyle: "Whatever backup you have will not match our might."
Viridi: "Fair enough." -already getting a little bit more along with the new gremlin.... her not being human helps :V-
Kamui: "...I'm not taking that chance."
-oh yeah, totally-
Azura: "You have no idea." -_-
-improved doesn't mean it's magically good though :V-
-Alphys chuckled at that-Tiki: "And that's just the start! Wait until you see more of the stuff they use here. Ah, by the way..." -pulls out phone, pulls Alear to her and takes a selfie of both- "That was to make a portrait of us in less than a second"
Koyanskaya: "We're not afraid of whatever you pull out!"
Kaito: "Going off already?" -managed to land a kick on Odin-
Yuri: "...I don't know..."
Euryale: "HUH?!"
Natsuki: "Heh, what I thought"
Jeanne: "It is an uncomrfortable topic for all we know..."
-Medea simply casted some to get to them-
Tiki: "Oh well, do you feel fine?"
Mata Hari: "She apparently can become an adult again on her own"
-Or that she realizes when is she being good and when is she out of tone-
Nothing wrong with a best friends selfie.

That's What You With Your Puny Brains Think
-Someone else is watching them from the shadows...-
Noelle: "I-I mean all of us! We said we'd get you out of here somehow, and i-it's really less than safe here at this rate!"
Steven: "I'm not surprised, but I'm also relieved..."
Moon: "It would be for almost anyone. If you ask me, they're only popular as a daredevil's "fad" as Star calls it...That, and perhaps some paranoid individuals wishing to foresee something they want to prevent."
-Resulting in some clean and dry towels floating straight towards their hands-
-So they need an excuse...But what kind?- :V
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