-And the healing spell was strong enough to heal all of Ralsei's injuries?-
-Jenny outright flies out of the way-
There's got to be some way to destroy that thing!
-And Rockruff launching a Rock Slide at him-
-But was any of this enough to actually damage Mondo?-
(If he has no information to give us, then he's merely another threat to our lives.) -Preparing to use a fire attack-
-This situation is going from bad to worse by the second...-
-They both stay silent for a minute so the three DDLC girls can have this reunion-
-The others can only hope that one day that this mess can be resolved someday...-
Moon: "I do apologize for this being on such short notice, I only received confirmation that Atalanta would be coming along as well earlier this evening. I sincerely hope this doesn't cause any conflict for any of you..."
-Blake's just glad to have Atalanta as a friend?-
-it's Medea Lily and we're not using gameplay logic, how should it not? :V-
-the push worked but Byleth quickly regained balance-
Byleth: "Not the talkative type? Good, I didn't wish to speak anyway."
-it eventually vanishes over time, so Jenny can deduce they're temporary summons as a trade-off for their intangibility?-
Ingrid: "How odd... There is one Servant of every single class, yet two Rulers? It could be overthinking things, but this strikes me as suspicious..."
-it will... maybe...-
Kamui: "If things turn awry, I'll do my best to mediate things."
-oh yeah, Blake is glad of that-
-What Uni said pretty much- :V
-Cronus was regaining its feet, while Odin didn't hesitate to keep attacking with a blurry of double sword strikes-
-Not really, mostly because he managed to summon robotic minions that took the blows for him-
Mesogog: "You are committing a mistake here, if you want to live…"
Shiki: "Enough talk, let's get to the finishing part" -knife ready!-
Monika: "I mean, it could be a coincidence… Even if Extra Classes are rarer"
BB: "Eeeeeeh?! That girl hasn't done anything?"
-How sweet of them all~ With the hug eventually ending-
Sayori: "Come on then! There's more places to see and people to meet!"
Tiki: "Fair enough for you all"

Yuri: "I…I really want to see~!"
Natsuki: "Guess we must"
-But alas, they know it won't be today-
Jeanne: "Well, so far she tries to ignore my presence. I believe that's enough for both of us"
-So what does she respond?-
Grievous is a great villain.
Now I wonder if Rasputin will ever show up an antagonist here. :V
Eh, that is what I originally said, so fair argument!
But seriously, I've been thinking it might be helpful for combat and strategizing.
Linebeck: "So much for having top authority around here."
-They really need to start working on a new plan...And to bring Jenny back-
-Luka finds a variety of different jackets and jeans-
-Ahim, meanwhile finds some dresses for formal events like dancing or eating out-
-...Does she mean a normal-looking human lady? Hard to tell since the only other people from that dimension who she's met thus far look like a skeleton with a ghost-like skull and an anthromorphic dinosaur/lizard- :V
Thought of it, I dunno how :V
Cú: "Fair enough, mental link to speak like that and all…"
King Knight: "Curses! I'll have to be more strict with my regime then!"
-Everyone was ignoring whatever he was saying-
-Indeed, slamming the door open as they get back inside-
Luka: "Oh well look at this~" -picked up a jacket-
Ahim: "I like this one" -an elegant white dress with pink trims-
Lillie: "...You, uh…You mean human, right?"
Aya: "Right!"
Lillie: "Ah, just to make sure"
-maybe Artemis would ask?-
Palutena: "They wanted to make something for Hyrule's Goddesses."

Azura: "I suppose it can't be helped."

There's no way Yukari told them, so best not to reveal THAT. "Maribel was... an old friend of mine."
Camilla: "I'm still learning, after all."
Artemis: "Oh, how about something from your home~?"
Merlin: "Aaaah, something for their pretty aunts"

Kama: "Really?"
Merlin: "I'm just being honest"

Fujino: "Well, what do we do?"
Sakura: "Oh you know, we can still do stuff like dressing up, talk about our families and friends…"
Scáthach: "Is that so? Because if she's a blonde that could travel through worlds, she just spoke to us"
Sieg: "I see. I'm sure you'll be great if youk eep at it"