Star: "Okay, I think that's everyone! Mom, are you okay?!"
Moon: "I'm fine, Star...But how did you all know we were here? And why are
you here?!" -A bit mad, but only out of concern for her daughter's safety-
-The Lancers oblivious-
-Jenny immediately scans the area with ultraviolet vision-
(Keep a sharp eye out for threats.)
what's comedy without a few bad jokes every now and then?
Steven: "That's okay,, it's okay to feel upset..."
-She found a babysitter for her little sis!-
-Greg will as well- :V
Byleth: "Three against one? Seems a little unfair..." -cracks her knuckles- "For you."
Shez: "Byleth had a bad feeling and wanted me to follow her.
Star followed because she saw us and was too stubborn to realize how dangerous things would be... and Lily is because she wanted to drag her Servant along."
-she'd show up almost immediately to strike!-
Ingrid: "What else is there...? Oh, an old friend of yours is an Avenger this time."
Harleen: "If you feel awful, it shows you changed."
Kanna: "She'll be under good care with her for sure."
Blake: "Now I'm worried for him... We totally should've brought your dad along, Atalanta."
Lily: "I'm sorry for worrying you, but we had to do something!"
-The golden Odin was slowly approaching her with two blades in hand-
-They would hear some grunting-
Yukari: "It'd be interesting to see if she retains any memories. If not, she's a goner"

Monika: "Isn't that a little harsh?"
Yukari: "With her as an Avenger that already had anti-divine traits?"
Yuri: "Well, failure is the path to success..."
Natsuki: "Hmmm..."
-If anyone had played the game they'd notice Yuri and Natsuki are much less hostile towards each other than in the main game-
-Sayori is glad for that!-
Kiara: "You are not a sociopath, you have become much more"
Monika: "Your words are so kind... Even of you acknowledge my misdeeds"
Kiara: "We also do understand the circumstances behind them'
Was Kanna there a mistake or Kamui did bring her?
-The Croagunk will catch him flirting with Suzuka, who took a picture of the occassion to upload to social media with a caption "Look at this loser LMAO"-
Atalanta: "He's not my Father though" -there's no denial unlike with Artemis in her tone, unlike with her she doesn't sees Orion as a parental figure, nor does he back with her-
I was wondering how this whole magic contract stuff works.
Linebeck: "Why hasn't anyone else mention you, then?"
-While Jenny fires missiles at him, seeing as blasting water at him won't be a reliable option until they can trap Gigawatt or overwhelm him with firepower-
Gigawatt: "I don't know what kind of lifeforms you two are, but you appear to manifest from pure energy! And a most powerful one, at that. No wonder you possess such strong sorcery. Yet rather than take from this planet's energy as I do, you seek to protect it? Why?"
-Is going shopping not the others' excuse, then?-

-Lusamine might have to remember her children on her own first, or otherwise come to terms with how her past might've been before Lillie speaks to her again...-
Cú: "Which part of it all?"
King Knight: "They haven't?! Hmmm, mayhaps it was just a mistake done once"
Sakura: "You speak too much! Ugh, just get trapped already!" -tried to shoot yet another arrow-
-It's phase 1 of the plan-

-Indeed, as much as... Lillie wishes to settle things by now-
Blake: "I suppose we do..."
Palu: "Oh, you do?"
-oh, so many new things she can have with her new friends-
Byleth: "If you did, we both did..."
Camilla: "During a ninja festival back in my world. I even trained in some jutsu arts."
Artemis: "Let's converse for the moment~!"
Alice: "We can craft stuff for them!"
Mary: "Oh, I love that!"
-Yeah, like all the places of mutual interest to see!-
Scáthach: "...You're thinking what I'm thinking?"
Sieg: "...Can I see one?"