The Spook Factor
Relax, I'm not sending a bunch of magic spears this time!Cú: "Just don't get all of them with that"
Tamamo Cat: "He's too much of a dunce, nya~!"
Sakura: "So we are now trying to change our tactics"
Marvelous: "This is far from my thing..."
Don: "But... Well, it is showy, right?"
Marvelous: "A little?"
-I dunno, I have nothing for her at this very moment besides what she already thought-
Aya: "Okay, and also tell the laatter about Lillie"
-She still manages to spear and catch several fish at once, though-
Linebeck: "How often do you have to put up with antics like that from this guy?"
I guess there isn't much else we could have tried at the time...But I still should've considered the possibility that Gigawatt could absorb magic...
Nora: "There was nothing else you could have done, XJ-9. You tried your best with the best plan you could utilize, and it nearly succeeded. You're on the right track, it turns out you just needed some additional precautions. What's important is that everyone is still alright, and that we can still stop Gigawatt now."
-At least it's fancy and epic...Or showy, as they said-

-Fair enough-
Agreed, it's of utmost importance!
Shez: "As much as I wanna fight that thing, it ain't my mission. Keep moving, everyone!"
Sothis: Such annoying sounds! Get rid of this one at once!
Byleth: That's the plan. -her plan is to take out this one to weaken the army's abilities and then escape-
-leading to Coyle causing a burst of Psycho Power around herself-
Ingrid: "Shall we take a look, or simply assume the information we have is enough?"
Harleen: "Didn't think we've be around a bunch of eavesdroppers."
Kamui: "A lot more than you think, that's for sure."
Blake: "Quite the sight, right?"
Star: "She's actually totally right about that one. We need to get outta here!"-The lemon and cupcake blasts clash, and he once again shot!-
-Better get going now!-
-And seemingly there'd be nothing to stop her... Until, she feels something stabbing her back!-
-And so Mesogog turned into a much more animalistic form before their eyes-
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BB: "BB-chan will send Melt and Lip to see if there's any trap there"
Monika: "...Maybe we should personally"
-So the two sloooowly back away from the deities-
Kiara: "Please don't next time. Respect to the patient's privacy is a sign of trust"
Jeanne: "I will attest that"-she giggled as Kamui noticed that some small notepad was hanging from Jeanne's pocket-
Artemis: "Woooooah there's three moons here! Hey, remember I'm a Goddess of the Moon! Let me take a pic!"
Atalanta: "..Mother, please low that down..."
Medea: -Chuckled-
Ralsei: "Huh?" -Dodged a lemon laser, then starts running- "ACK! What's going on?! Where are we now?!"
-Jenny is launched back...and is quickly losing her patience battling the rad scientist at this point-
-Which works and sends her flying across the room!-
(He transformed into a lizard monster!)
(Whatever kinda creature he is, he's got to have a weakness!)
-Again, good idea-

Steven: "A-Alright, can do. I'm really sorry, I was just really worried about the situation would go..."
-What is the notepad for?-
-Classic Artemis-