ChaldeaDex Entry:
Servant #351
Arcueid Brunestud (Archetype:Earth)
Class: Moon Cancer
Gender: Female
Height/Weight: 167cm/52kg
Alignment: Neutral Good
Origin: The entire Earth (born in Europe)
Debut: Tsukihime
Likes: S-E-C-R-E-T
Dislikes: Blood, her vampiric urges, Michael Roa Valdamjong
Line: “So this is a Servant? I may not possess a name but... yes... I suppose the "Original One" will suffice. My summoning must be some kind of fate. As such, I shall take it upon myself to observe your life for a brief period… Just kidding! You can scrap whatever that self-important me said. Hello, people of Chaldea. I am Arcueid Brunestud, a Moon Cancer. Looking forward to working with you! Let's meet again very soon!”
Comment: In a way she could be considered a special guest of sorts to the Servant summoning system "Is that really something special around here? Oh well, the place looks fun!"
White Princess of the True Ancestors. Her name is Archetype: Earth, a being known as the 'Original One' in the world of magecraft. At times, a ruler feared by the vampires. At times, a vampire hopping on the moon's surface like a rabbit. And at other times, a sheltered princess. Natural opulence accompanied by pure white innocence. The funny vamp that goes well with the sun has come to celebrate!
While she was revered as a princess, as she had only lived as a killing machine, she never engaged in anything "pointless". This changed when she set foot into a Japanese city in pursuit of her vampire elimination target, where she was killed by a human and then revived. It was such a shock to her that rage, confusion, obsession and admiration erupted within, eventually morphing her into an 'innocent vampire princess'. As a result, she's gained an easygoing yet intellectual nature.
Even for such being, she wishes to eliminate her cravings for blood, and the extermination of the one that caused most of her race's extinction.
Strength: B
Endurance: B
Agility: B
Mana: A
Luck: B
Noble Phantasm: EX
Class Skills
Magic Resistance: Rank A+. Protection from magic effects.
Item Construction: Rank A. The ability to produce various magical items.
Territory Creation: Rank EX. The ability to build a special terrain that is advantageous to oneself as a magus.
Personal Skills
Independent Action: Rank A. The ability to remain in existence without any magic source for some time.
Original One: Rank D. Her output and Lifescale increases to become one rank higher than her enemy as a form of backup from the planet. However, as her frame is a Saint Graph instead of the World Egg, this is not exhibited in full.
Rainbow Mystic Eyes: Rank A. The highest rank of Mystic Eye: Rainbow. For a single turn, all enemies will have their movement strongly restricted, while her own attack is increased.
Breath of the Planet: Rank C. Though it seems as if she's simply taking a deep breath to psych herself up, she's actually absorbing mana from her surroundings.
Funny Vamp: Rank EX. The result of a malfunction that caused her to awaken her own form of love for humanity. An atmosphere that protects the virtuous earthlight that blooms in profusion. The entire party will receive great blessings.
Noble Phantasm
Marble Phantasm: Rank EX, Anti-Army Noble Phantasm
Temporarily transforming her frame into a condensation of mana, she executes an immensely powerful strike with the energy provided by the planet. Rather than interference of nature through magecraft, it is a purely natural phenomenon. As a fan of direct frontal assaults, she turns herself into an energy bullet for a bunker buster attack. If she chose to, acting as True Ancestor royalty or the infant of nature, it'd be her 1200 A.D. self sending an attack across space-time from the Millennium Castle. In addition, the field is morphed into a materialization of the Castle.
Attribute: Star
Traits: Humanoid, Immune to Pigify, Servant
Notes: As a True Ancestor, her craving for blood is extreme, but in a dislike of that, she uses her own power to suppress 70% of her urges. In addition, her Noble Phantasm can manifest as a white board to write on, which she pulls out when trying to expose ideas.
-Hmm, maybe I'll just say that she opened the portal to a forest in Mewni so the group has a chance to catch their breath and heal other injuries, including Lily's own-
Dang it...! -Standing back up, but somewhat slower than usual due to all the damage she's received-
And yet your empire fell to another power-hungry nutcase who was both stronger and crazier than you. So what, now you want to rebuild it?
-Fair enough- :V
(...That sounds bad.) -Inner thoughts, worried about what Shuten's plan is- :V
-Of course they found one of the least social people around here-
-Using state of the art anti-Peridot technology- :V
-Will Kamui ask about it?-
-With that, they should probably make their way towards the castle-
Byleth: You must be joking...
Sothis: This one manipulates gravity! We have nothing against that!
Shez: "...I've got a bad feeling B might be biting more than she can chew."
Coyle: "Looks like I won a new toy~"
Ingrid: "What an odd thing to do to Servants."
-said Goddess is asleep right now, fortunately-
-and measures they will take-
Kamui: "So it's a diary? Alright, I won't press it further then."
-Atalanta replied to herself :V-
-That would be a good idea, yeah-
Lily: "You think so...?"
-And finally finished with a kick to her gut before turning gravity in the room back to normal-
Mondo: "Precisely!"
Cú: "Man, even more cliché and delusional"

Shuten: "Transform~!" -then Shuten suddenly got bright!-
Monika: "I think we should question things a little later..."
-I said in the post before that that it was Eresh LOL, but they will meet that one after- :V
Sayori: "Hi there!"
Ereshkigal: "Ah!" -almost dropped the box she was carrying-
-Many Bounded Fields to detect presences- :V
Jeanne: "...It is! So thanks for understanding"
-FIXED, also what KoP said they start to do!-
Have you heard about all the eldritch creatures and evil wizards he and his friends have defeated? Even I wouldn't want to fight them with their badass track record!
(Here's hoping this fellow was a far more selfish and egotistical man, then...Actually, that wouldn't be a good thing, either...)
-They're fellow robots and protectors of Earth, so of course she looks up to them-
-The armor conceals everything except for their eyes, which are still covered by goggles made of clear rubber, as well most of their locks of their hair-
-Maybe just to see if try another variety of fashion?-
It's honestly reassuring...K-kinda reminds me of myself sometimes, honestly...
Cú: "I think a few, like we even had some of them get to us, right?"
Tamamo Cat: "So what you wanna eat, meow~?"
Sakura: "Hmmm, I can move with no issue..."
Rin: "Good, I was worried for that"
-She reasons it must be that, yeah... No other reason-
Aya: "Aw you..." -hugs-
Blake: "Isn't that a little personal...?"
-happy Kama?-
Azura: "Oh, that's good to hear."
Ingrid: Hopefully, they do not press this further. These names opened old wounds...
-Kamui was just the same before :V-
Artemis: "I just thought you'd be curious"

-Very happy Kama to see she helped daughter-
-So she pats-
Fujino: "Yes, as I said he was always very kind!"
Sakura: "I'm glad then!"
-It's a good thing present-day Maribel wasn't here to say anything... Which opens the question if she recalls this-
-Indeed, so it brings memories of when they met!-