Morino, if you're thinking about getting into competitive yugioh, don't let what aa said discourage you. There's a lot of falsity behind that post, no offense aa.

I played yugioh competitively until last summer and still somewhat keep up with it. A lot of my good friends still play.
It is true that the good-to-bad card ratio is absurd lol. But if you're expecting to build a deck from cards you get in packs you're out of your mind. I didn't buy my first booster pack until two years after i started playing lol.
Acquiring the cards to make a deck is extremely easy. If you walk into a decent sized local with cash you could easily have a deck by the time you leave.
Main decks are generally cheap. There aren't a lot of "stupid" expensive cards for any given deck, there might be like 1 or 2 that you need to complete your extra deck. However, Konami continues to reprint cards so you can pick up like a third of the cards in your extra deck for virtually nothing.
Yeah, a top tier main decks could cost you like 150 bucks to complete. But that's really unlikely and might only be like one deck in a format. Like i said, main decks are generally pretty cheap.
There are top tier main decks (Rabbit & Darkworld) that you could make for like 20 dollars lol.
Evilswarms just came out and the most expensive card is 16$. It's a tier one deck.
Getting in to yugioh isn't very expensive. What's expensive is keeping up with the metagame. New decks and cards are made a LOT. BUT there are decks that you could play competitively for a really long time to avoid spending a lot of money. Rabbit and Darkworld are both over a year and a half old and are still top tier decks.
The game's really fun and the community is great. If you have the time and locals to go to, i highly suggest playing.