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Social Social Thread - Talk About Anything (You Are Allowed to Talk About)!


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2008
disproving determinism
Back to what's important:

300 lbs 1RM

My gf was standing way to close with the camera >____> , but I'm probably gonna try and upload another with better form anyways (Even though I do go past 90 degrees here but it's hard to see), and I think I should be able to do two reps.

Anyways, I summitted this for the contest on TigerFitness/Marc Lobliner's YouTube page. There are some pretty good other ones submitted so far but hopefully I have a chance. There is only two bench presses above mine and I don't think those vids follow the rules of the contest though. Hopefully I get lucky. I just get a supplement xD , but I figured I could kill two birds with one stone and show you guys too.

I also have an even better idea for next week's submission 8)

Light Weight
What crazy distribution of plates do you have on there?

I was expecting 2 45s a 25 a 10 and a 2.5 on each side = 300

So what are the technical rules for a legal bench press? From what you're saying sounds like 90 degree arm angle?

Props for the video obv


Smash Lord
Mar 31, 2009
Training Mode
Hey, it's a ghetto apartment gym, what can I say. I work with what I'm given lol, they only have two 45s. Hench the bootleg plate arrangement:


I could have put 2 more 25s up instead of the 10s/2.5s, but then I'd be at 305, and I've never lifted that high so figured at that weight I might as well keep it a round number; those 5 pounds might make a difference xD .

Yea, the rules are basically, heavy *** weight, with interesting vid (mine isn't really interesting lol), with good form (typically at least 90%), and you have to establish validity that it's you lifting, and that you made the vid after hearing about the contest (by basically giving a shotout to the contest in the vid).

It's not just bench, it's anything. You also can resubmit the same vid over again if you don't win, but I'm probably gonna make a better Max vid, and also gonna submit a pushup vid with my gf on my back (which I have a feeling will DEF win).

And thanks <3 .


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2008
disproving determinism
I've been all about the weighted planks lately. Dunno if that compares visually to a weighted pushup. But it's less likely to result in accidentally throwing the person off your back lol


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
Let's reexamine your original post again

There is no mention of lobbying for or instituting subsidies. It only mentions receiving subsidies.

And yet you say you didn't change what you're talking about?
I was assuming that you were familiar with the issue (which was silly, because it's a very small issue and you shouldn't be familiar). It's not like I'm speaking hypothetically here; the people lobbying ARE the people receiving subsidies. That's why it's a clarification and not a position change when I say that the people receiving are also lobbying.

It's like if I said "Michael Jackson sucks for accusing that guy of being a child molester" and you were like "Child molesters suck" and I was like "Yeah but MJ is one himself" and then you were like "Oh now you changed your position"


Smash Lord
Mar 31, 2009
Training Mode
I've been all about the weighted planks lately. Dunno if that compares visually to a weighted pushup. But it's less likely to result in accidentally throwing the person off your back lol
I laughed out loud xD

Meh, I've never been a weightlifter, I'm more of an aerobic junkie.

That might change given how girls view guys these days.
Sad, but def some truth to this :/

But hey, just do what you enjoy bro, there are still plenty of good girls out there.

lol and by that, I mean that you can still get a chick just by talking a good game.

All's right with the world (?). Probably not lol...


Smash Ace
Aug 17, 2009
World Traveler
I'm not sure what you guys mean.

If anything, these days I've seen guys who were fat, goth looking with those horrible skinny jeans, and every manner of size and shape with all sorts of different chicks. Generalizing is always pretty bad but that to me has changed from like, 10 years ago, where any guy was a loser who didn't play sports/lift.

The Star King

Smash Hero
Nov 6, 2007
Generalizing is always pretty bad but that to me has changed from like, 10 years ago, where any guy was a loser who didn't play sports/lift.
That hasn't really changed... a lot of people will still judge people like that, anyways.


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
It depends on what kind of girls you like/the social circles you move in, really

I mean there are a lot of girls who are pretty much only into the muscular thing, nothing wrong with that, but there are also a lot of (often fairly sexy) hipster chicks or whatever who'll tolerate or even prefer skinny guys

TBH I'd probably do worse with the ladies if I was what ballin' calls an acceptable weight


Smash Ace
May 8, 2012
Training Mode (or Toronto)
How old were you? And I was making a statement about the present based on the information you gave about the past, so yeah, irrelevant.
it's not what he meant but the fact that you're 18 means you probably know 18 year old girls and they're more prone to judging and all that. girls become more understanding and all that when they get older. not much, but a bit. i think it has something to do with caring less what other people think.


Smash Ace
Aug 17, 2009
World Traveler
10 years ago I was in my wee years of high school.

You can't actually think you would get an accurate picture of what high school was like 10 years ago from my post do you? Like I said, it was a generalization. And being 8 wouldn't help you either. I was anticipating a Tank/Sheermadness/ response as a fellow old man.

Back then (I'm old), people hardly had cell phones. If you played video games you might as well forego any chance of a good social life among "cool people".

Nowadays who doesn't play call of duty/halo? It's a lot more acceptable. A lot more kids don't do sports either, at least from what I've seen. I keep in touch with some of the kids I used to coach in basketball so I have an idea of what highschool life is like for them.

Battlecow is right though, a lot depends on the circle and the area your highschool is in. For me, if you weren't in an organized sport you were doing intramurals or playing pickup bball/lifting weights otherwise highschool was NOT fun.


Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2011
wow you're old as hell kys , I was thinking you were in high school, and you're a 26-28 year old man LOL


Smash Hero
Apr 6, 2005
Newfoundland, Canada!
10 years ago I was in my wee years of high school.

You can't actually think you would get an accurate picture of what high school was like 10 years ago from my post do you? Like I said, it was a generalization. And being 8 wouldn't help you either. I was anticipating a Tank/Sheermadness/ response as a fellow old man.

Back then (I'm old), people hardly had cell phones. If you played video games you might as well forego any chance of a good social life among "cool people".

Nowadays who doesn't play call of duty/halo? It's a lot more acceptable. A lot more kids don't do sports either, at least from what I've seen. I keep in touch with some of the kids I used to coach in basketball so I have an idea of what highschool life is like for them.

Battlecow is right though, a lot depends on the circle and the area your highschool is in. For me, if you weren't in an organized sport you were doing intramurals or playing pickup bball/lifting weights otherwise highschool was NOT fun.
Old man surri agrees


Smash Ace
Aug 17, 2009
World Traveler
wow you're old as hell kys , I was thinking you were in high school, and you're a 26-28 year old man LOL
Thanks for reminding me. I'm actually 25. That's weird that you thought that because people ask how old I am all the time, I guess you just missed all of those conversations (on kaillera). I did say I'm in graduate school here on smashboards at one point, which requires you to be pretty old, but you probably missed that too.

10 years ago was my sophomore year in high school. I hate thinking about it.

I'm pretty sure I'm the same age as like YBOMBB, Loto, Sheer, Tank, and Surri (maybe a little older than they are). I think Isai has a few years on me but most everyone else is still a teenager. Any old folks out there lurking?


Smash Master
Aug 18, 2005
I'm 26 in a week, was a sophomore in high school 10 years ago just like kys.

Doubt high school has changed much. Were the ones who've changed, kys. In high school most of us notice and get caught up in the whole popularity thing. Once you leave high school you quickly realize nobody is constantly judging you all the time (well, most of the time). This is quickly evident when you hit college and have 300 person lectures and it's clear everyone is doing their own thing. Nobody gives a crap about you lol.

I don't remember video games being uncool either. Everyone played madden/NCAA and shooting games just like they do today.

But to the original point about women.. I think a vast majority of women find muscles attractive, unless it's like bodybuilder extreme. Humans in general find a toned body attractive.

Women just don't like the show off attitude a lot of guys have about their muscles. Arrogance is unattractive.


Smash Lord
Mar 31, 2009
Training Mode
Yea, I'm 25. Highschool is a strange place. I agree now that some video games are more acceptable (mostly shooters and casually playing fighting games) as '"cool." But even when we were in high school and peeps kind of pretended not to like video games temporarily. Once you leave, and go to college (or not), people are way less judgmental, and you realize the real world is actually way better.

That being said, in my highschool the cool kids were all geeks lol, so maybe I'm contradicting myself. We would just play Melee, and Halo all day. Man we had it easy.

I wasn't originally talking about highschool though. I was just talking about women in general. In the past the general rule was: if you have confidence, and are a smooth talker you can pretty much get any hot girl you want, regardless of your looks (besides basic hygiene and all that good stuff).

And don't get me wrong, that still holds true. I've noticed, however, an intrusion of a much more superficial perception of men. Similar to how men view women (generalization, watch out!). Which is really annoying lol (the idea). But fret not. I don't think this more shallow perception has longevity toward men though. The traditional funny/confident with the sense of security/protection will never be dethroned. (This is for women, not high schoolers. Y'all just need the funny/confident)

And as you get older, money becomes the new handsome.

EDIT: But yea, chicks like muscles lol.

EDIT: What have I started...


Smash Ace
Jan 10, 2009
23 here. I always thought kys was a high schooler to for some reason, which is weird now that I think about it.
Edit: girls don't like boys, girls like cars and money


Smash Lord
Mar 31, 2009
Training Mode
+1 Sharksquail

@Battlecow, What's the smash 64 flexed arm hang record?

Though it'll probably be an uphill battle while I'm fat. Just getting some IDEAS.


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2011
hipster is the new jock. Though maybe its because I come from a magnet school where girls get the hots for you when you win the science fair (that's not actually how it is, but its how everyone in my area thinks it is, amiright star king?)


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
smash 64 flexed arm hang record is 94 seconds

although I tried it the other day and barely got 70 lol

I'm getting fat


Smash Ace
Jan 14, 2011
Kathleen, Georgia
Well, no one is school plays anything besides CoD or Halo.

If you play CoD, you're in the norm.
If you play Halo, your like almost in the mainstream.

Barely ANYONE plays any type of fighting game, I'll say random Marvel reference or SF references and no one will pick up on them. Only a few people play Smash, but all of them are like "Kirby is cheap in Brawl and Melee, Meta Knight sucks" and I'm the only one I know of that plays Smash on a wider more competitive scale (excluding Moises, who left last year) and this one really attractive Asian girl who didn't even know you could play an emulator on an computer).

To sum it up:
Cod > Halo in HS, Minecraft
Fighting games and Smashers are hella minoity.



Play to Win
May 19, 2009
tell me about it

If there was a library sitting contest you'd all be dead

I did 18 straight hours in the Regenstein a couple weeks ago. Didn't see a human soul the entire time.

The Star King

Smash Hero
Nov 6, 2007
hipster is the new jock. Though maybe its because I come from a magnet school where girls get the hots for you when you win the science fair (that's not actually how it is, but its how everyone in my area thinks it is, amiright star king?)
Uh kind of

depending on what middle school you go to

because I went to Lake Braddock where a lot of my friends went to TJ, so I know they're, like normal (in my eyes, anyways, so take that with a grain of salt... hurhurhur)

But even though I go to a public school it's probably a lot nerdier than American average just because of where I live. A lot of gamers... but I'm actually kind of left out of THAT because I'm kind of a gaming hipster. sigh

The Star King

Smash Hero
Nov 6, 2007
No that was completely different.

Partly because they were so mindbogglingly bad it probably wasn't worth the time/won't be fun

Partly because I had to get **** done in that class

Partly because I don't wanna be a douche and destroy them and ruin their fun (because they were apparently having a blast) for no real reason


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2008
disproving determinism
I wasn't originally talking about highschool though. I was just talking about women in general. In the past the general rule was: if you have confidence, and are a smooth talker you can pretty much get any hot girl you want, regardless of your looks (besides basic hygiene and all that good stuff).
It's probably a lot easier to be a funny, confident smooth talker if you are good looking and have huge muscles

B Link

Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
tell me about it

If there was a library sitting contest you'd all be dead

I did 18 straight hours in the Regenstein a couple weeks ago. Didn't see a human soul the entire time.
That's an interesting looking library. Here's the one I go to most (not joking either, this is really how it looks):


It was even used in a prison scene (resident evil afterlife); rather fitting if you ask me


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
That's an interesting looking library. Here's the one I go to most (not joking either, this is really how it looks):


It was even used in a prison scene (resident evil afterlife); rather fitting if you ask me
Damn son that looks scary

Libraries are very prison-like. I have like my own special space in a corner of the near eastern collection where literally no one comes for days at a time... I get a little crazy if I stay there too long.


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2011
Actually, you have it wrong my friend. Jock is the new Hipster.
lol. Have we come full circle already? You may be right.

i'm totally gonna beat that flexed arm hang record. AFTER I gain 10 lbs so I can be over 200 lbs.

Also I got +2 minutes back in elementray school on flexed arm hang, does that count as the smash 64 record?


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2011
no i don't, nor do I have proof of this. I was also weighed approximately nothing at the time so its really not very impressive. I'll try and beat that at a man's weight soon. I think I checked what I could do 1 year ago when you first mentioned this and got like ~60 sec, so I gotta put some work in, BUT I WILL PREVAIL.

Oh and this is chin up grip (palms facing me) right? Or is it just whichever you prefer?
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