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Social Social Thread - Talk About Anything (You Are Allowed to Talk About)!


Smash Ace
Aug 17, 2009
World Traveler
Man, back in the high school days I only weighed 130 and could do pull ups all day and the iron cross. I would've pwned at the flexed arm hang.

Libraries are amazing for making you focus and get work done. If I don't go to a library I end up surfing the interwebz and watching TV.

The Star King

Smash Hero
Nov 6, 2007
So I'm gonna be on It's Academic tomorrow

So that's an opporunity to see what I look like IRL if you wanna see me on TV (for the nerdiest reason possible), and watch me and my team be dumb and get destroyed possibly

...Except it doesn't air until like January 5th :troll: (West Springfield)

Also I just saw an Asian soap opera for the first time and what the actual ****

The Star King

Smash Hero
Nov 6, 2007
Uh, like nothing. Honor. Huge bragging rights for college apps and stuff I guess.

Doesn't matter because tbh us winning would be the stuff of miracles >_>


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2008
Section 476
So I'm gonna be on It's Academic tomorrow

So that's an opporunity to see what I look like IRL if you wanna see me on TV (for the nerdiest reason possible), and watch me and my team be dumb and get destroyed possibly

...Except it doesn't air until like January 5th :troll: (West Springfield)

Also I just saw an Asian soap opera for the first time and what the actual ****
We have a game show just like that in our area, it's called Brain Busters. It;s been around for about 12 years. I was actually in it and we WON. It's 4 dudes or girls from one school vs 4 dudes or girls from another school, and they ask you questions that nobody knows except for like 1 person on each team, and which ever team presses the button the fastest gets to say the answer. If you get it wrong the other team has a chance to answer.

It's funny cause ALWAYS 1 team has a super high score and makes them look smart, and the other team has nothing and makes them look like *******. LOLOLOL.

BUT anyways i was with some *****, and me and 2 other dudes, and the girl we were with was smart as ****, made us look good. We just stood there like ***s and didn't know ****. LOL. and we won. LOL.

It was one of the only things i remember from high school besides Gym class, cause school sucks.

The Great MATTS!

King Funk

Int. Croc. Alligator
Nov 1, 2008
Copenhagen, Denmark
Sup guys, will probably start streaming again. Expect a pretty high quality stream with a new layout and some good matches as usual in the near future. ^^


Smash Lord
Mar 31, 2009
Training Mode
Just DI out of every question and you'll be fine.
hahaha xD lol That's funny.

We have a game show just like that in our area, it's called Brain Busters. It;s been around for about 12 years. I was actually in it and we WON. It's 4 dudes or girls from one school vs 4 dudes or girls from another school, and they ask you questions that nobody knows except for like 1 person on each team, and which ever team presses the button the fastest gets to say the answer. If you get it wrong the other team has a chance to answer.

It's funny cause ALWAYS 1 team has a super high score and makes them look smart, and the other team has nothing and makes them look like *******. LOLOLOL.

BUT anyways i was with some *****, and me and 2 other dudes, and the girl we were with was smart as ****, made us look good. We just stood there like ***s and didn't know ****. LOL. and we won. LOL.

It was one of the only things i remember from high school besides Gym class, cause school sucks.

The Great MATTS!
Nice lol.

20 weighted push-ups
^^censors are hiding the proper url >__>
It censors me even when I try and make a hyperlink. ****!

Well the three asteriks are F C K . Thankssss.
**** was hard lol


Smash Ace
Aug 17, 2009
World Traveler
Tank, my man, you gotta lift that head a little more and get those hands down closer to chest level. Very impressive though. I lol'd so hard at your girl staying on her phone the whole time. Women smh

Anyone watch the Rom 5 stream? There was some shady stuff going on.


Smash Lord
Mar 31, 2009
Training Mode
Tank, my man, you gotta lift that head a little more and get those hands down closer to chest level. Very impressive though. I lol'd so hard at your girl staying on her phone the whole time. Women smh

Anyone watch the Rom 5 stream? There was some shady stuff going on.
I knoooooow :( . And keeping my hands lower would have helped keep my elbows in, and helped my strength >____> . I'm so bad at this game ;___; . And yea, it was kind of frustrating because my nose was about to hit the ground lol but I didn't want to look up. And it wasn't even "bad form" for chest per say lol, just inefficient and bad form. /wut.

lol at me trying to have perfect form when someone's on my back. It was fun anyways, and it was pretty clean (besides the last few). And I have more ideas comin' for next week :) (yea, she just stayed on the phone lol).

Yo ROM went cray...

That's a bit easier lol

The Star King

Smash Hero
Nov 6, 2007
^That's just part of it. Also KK/Unknown/M2K (top 3) split and finals were just them using secondaries, and there was no hype


Smash Ace
Oct 6, 2011
I did briefly look in the thread for that tourney but everyone there already knew what had happened so it was still unclear to me.
M2K, KirbyKazy, and Unknown522, split the money for top 3. It was really obvious too cause they were trying to forfeit, one match they were trying to play Pichu vs Kirby, and those matchs looked liked friendlies not tournament matches.

I really hope there are repercussions cause stuff like this does not need to be tolerated in the smash community.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 12, 2012
I left the stream like day 1 because I wasn't feeling it, and I'm usually a stream monster when in comes to melee. I probably sensed the bs before it even happened.


Smash Ace
Aug 17, 2009
World Traveler
In addition to the money split, there was a dispute in Winner's Semis about ModifiedDSR and StandardDSR.

I can't remember exactly, but for game 5 M2K took Unknown to FD. M2K had already won on FD, but his last win came on FoD, so according to ModifiedDSR it was legal. The tournament rules, however, used StandardDSR, making FD illegal. Unknown agreed to the stage. M2K won, and then it was discovered that the stage pick was illegal.

The TO, alukard, made them replay the match. It went to Yoshi's Story and Unknown won.

All three are at fault imo, and if I had to take a shot in the dark, I would say that the above incident was the impetus for the split. It really killed all the hype, and it turned the rest of the tournament into a joke. All the players seemed really annoyed, and I believe M2K and Unknown almost forfeit. It was a disaster.


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
nah, m2k always wants to split because he's a *****. If unknown had lost he wouldn't have been any less likely to split. That incident didn't cause the split, it was just additional m2k-related cluster****ery


Smash Ace
Aug 17, 2009
World Traveler
I don't know man, when something gets ****ed up in a tournament it can really ruin the rest of it.

I've played in a good amount of poker tournaments (not making a comparison, just an example) where a card gets flipped over, or some guy string bets, etc., and it always ends up with the guys saying, "Let's just split and 'play' it out." But all the heart and hype leaves. No one cares anymore.

If you don't see the controversy in Winner's Semis and the split being related, I think you're being a little naive.

I don't give a crap so much about splitting, because it can't really be enforced (you can't control what players will do outside of the venue). Correct me if I'm wrong, but would that have been KK and Unknown's first national? And M2k hasn't won one in awhile. Split the money, fine, but play for pride. It's tough to crack into the top tiers of players of Melee. Winning a national does that.


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
IDK if you can call it a national when none of the top 3 players in the nation (and really, not that many good players just in general) bothered to attend, but that's beside the point.

I don't see the connection. You really think that because he WON winner's semis, unknown wanted to split? Or do you think that m2k wouldn't have split if he had won?


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2011
Why would we even speculate about the motives of 2 people without asking them? I think there was actually a 4th party involved (most likely a Martian) who actually blackmailed them with the threat of inappropriate experiments if they did not split the pot. This of course was in effort to start this whole discussion, which is actually a psychological experiment conducted by the aliens.


Smash Champion
Nov 12, 2009
The TO ****ed up, and then he went all drama queen in The thread. Very entertaining actually. Great fun^^



Play to Win
May 19, 2009
The TO made one very understandable mistake while running a legendary tournament series and then a bunch of people went super cutthroat on him while ignoring the fact that the players were being total *******s.


Smash Ace
Aug 17, 2009
World Traveler
IDK if you can call it a national when none of the top 3 players in the nation (and really, not that many good players just in general) bothered to attend, but that's beside the point.

I don't see the connection. You really think that because he WON winner's semis, unknown wanted to split? Or do you think that m2k wouldn't have split if he had won?
I'm saying that if the whole controversy hadn't happened, we would've seen a regular, hype finish.

I can't really speak to whether or not they would've split hypothetically because I don't know any of those guys personally. I shouldn't have made that assumption.

Basically, I feel like the stage controversy killed the mood. You have M2k who's gotta be pissed because he won, told he had to replay, then lost. Then you have Unknown, who agreed to play when he shouldn't have, got a replay, and then won. He probably feels bad on some level.

I think you can split and still have a good finish. Them using secondaries and acting like the world was about to end was the really annoying part for me. Have a gentlemanly talk, figure it out, shake hands, and play some smash.
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