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Social Social Thread - Talk About Anything (You Are Allowed to Talk About)!


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2011
voting =/= deciding what to do

voting == deciding which guy will decide what to do

petition == making it very difficult for the guy not to do what you want

Point is, people make more of a political impact through activism than voting, because at election time no politician wants an activist group against him saying how bad he was while in office. They will do what they can to please such groups. Complaining is a form of activism, and adds valuable support to movements. It is just as much a persons "duty" to complain as it is to vote.

About half of the voting age population doesn't vote in presidential elections. Imagine all those people never spoke up when problems arose in their lives. We wouldn't know the problems we are facing as a country, or at least we wouldn't know the true extent of them. No one is isolated, those problems would spread. Economic issues, for example, would spread and have effects on the whole country. Better to know about the issues earlier than later.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
hey ballin and bcow you seem to be prime players for DGames we have a newbie that needs to fill it's like debating only in a democratic fashion and you get to yell at people :)


Banned via Warnings
Feb 16, 2009
Katy, Texas
Battlecow isn't bad at arguing, he's just bad at politics :)

I played KniteJOHNS last night, and he camped on hyrule, boo hoo.


Smash Lord
Mar 31, 2009
Training Mode
Which lift?
Flat Barbell Bench-press. Nothing CRAZY.

my mom apparently did some BCAAs before her karate workout today. looks like my mom has a better preworkout stack than I do.
lol. Hey some people swear their life on BCAAs. You gotta step up your game man. You can't let your Momma make you look bad!
Yo that Harry Potter park in Universal was pretty cool. Actually the food and the butter beer might have been my favorite part lol.



Play to Win
May 19, 2009

No dude I get your point. I just don't think you read my most recent substantive post carefully.

I said that the difference lies in the fact that I lobby AGAINST hyrule's legality, while they lobby FOR their subsidies.

i.e. I'm trying to STOP having to camp, while they want to KEEP having to accept subsidies. I get that as long as the system exists, they have to accept. But they're the only thing actively keeping said system going while I'm trying my best to bring the hyrule thing to an end.

You didn't address this in your response, you just reiterated your initial argument, hence my confusion

@knitephox I love you man but you have no idea how competitions work and you never will

@clubba the vast majority of those people who don't vote also don't go around *****ing and whining about politics because the fact that they don't vote shows that they don't care. I triple-dog guarantee you that anyone writing letters to congressmen and going to organizational meetings for their cause is going to vote barring some serious thing stopping them (i.e. dead mother or whatever). What I'm really talking about here is complaining on a personal, day-to-day level, not taking some sort of political action.

And you can vote on issues, not just on leaders. Gay marriage and weed and stuff. Just saying.


Smash Champion
Nov 12, 2009
I like how the hyrulefanboys are allways the one mocking the antihyrules, when the antihyrules bring the subject up.

Scared to discuss it maybe???!!!


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2011
I'm saying that just complaining on a day to day basis to regular people is something that can help get peoples opinions out there. Its like voting. Sure one instance won't make any difference, but if every person who has a problem with the current laws on marijuana is complaining talks about it daily, it will raise awareness of the issue and force politicians to take a stance. Yes, potheads with nothing to talk about but how weed should be legal DO make a difference! (i love you tosh). My point is voting, complaining, petitioning etc. are all ways to give our opinions a voice, which is an important aspect of democracy. Telling someone they shouldn't complain if they don't vote is like saying "you didn't voice your opinion that one time? Then I don't want to hear it ever again, even though that's how democracy works."

And yea you can vote on issues, but even then.... Say someones pro gay marriage, but don't vote when it goes to general election because they're just lazy. Should that person stop talking about how gay marriage should be legal now? No, that would be against his cause. Its sort of like a sunk cost, forget their past and think about what would be best for the future.

^lol Olikus, what a fool


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
I'm saying that just complaining on a day to day basis to regular people is something that can help get peoples opinions out there. Its like voting. Sure one instance won't make any difference, but if every person who has a problem with the current laws on marijuana is complaining talks about it daily, it will raise awareness of the issue and force politicians to take a stance. Yes, potheads with nothing to talk about but how weed should be legal DO make a difference! (i love you tosh). My point is voting, complaining, petitioning etc. are all ways to give our opinions a voice, which is an important aspect of democracy. Telling someone they shouldn't complain if they don't vote is like saying "you didn't voice your opinion that one time? Then I don't want to hear it ever again, even though that's how democracy works."

And yea you can vote on issues, but even then.... Say someones pro gay marriage, but don't vote when it goes to general election because they're just lazy. Should that person stop talking about how gay marriage should be legal now? No, that would be against his cause. Its sort of like a sunk cost, forget their past and think about what would be best for the future.
The person you're talking about is a total ***-hat for not voting on that ****. His friends are really supposed to take him seriously? Come on now. "Dude, if you care about that **** enough to proselytize at me for half an hour, why didn't you ****ing vote?"

I mean obviously if you undergo a change of heart one day and decide to start spreading the word even though you didn't vote, good on you. But you better vote next time. So the whole "sunk cost" thing doesn't really do it for me.


Smash Ace
Aug 17, 2009
World Traveler
Yo that Harry Potter park in Universal was pretty cool. Actually the food and the butter beer might have been my favorite part lol.

Dude, the butter beer was crazy good. I was not expecting that. What food did you eat there? I'm probably going back sometime soon.

Hyrule is stupid because of the tornados, regardless of whether it's too campy or not.

About ballin's "take it to the extreme test". It's totally bogus. Well not totally, like if we're discussing philosophy or something else that can use logic procedures it's okay. But in discussions that are practical and based in you know, real life, it ignores degree and generally recognized common sense(like bcow said). His hot dog example was pretty legit.


Smash Lord
Oct 17, 2005
Chicago, IL
@knitephox I love you man but you have no idea how competitions work and you never will
lol @ assumptions, believing anyone doesn't know something w/o effective proof...also lol @ absolutes(ALWAYS/NEVER) regarding something that is obviously not

i know how competitions work, i just do not favor waiting to play vs straight up playing(the game ssb64 > tournaments). i'm of the opinion that people still play this game more so to play than to win.


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
Obviously it's ok to play casually

but you seem to have a problem with playing to win in tournaments. Which is silly, because tournaments are the places where we compete, and if we don't compete in tournaments they should just be friendlies.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 23, 2011
Naperville, Illinois
Dude, the butter beer was crazy good. I was not expecting that. What food did you eat there? I'm probably going back sometime soon.
It's all about the pumpkin juice. I bought 50 dollars worth the first time I went to the park.

Also, aa, I have a recipe that tastes exactly the same as the butterbeer at the theme park,
but idk if you'd want the magic to be ruined or not :bee:


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2008
disproving determinism
hey ballin and bcow you seem to be prime players for DGames we have a newbie that needs to fill it's like debating only in a democratic fashion and you get to yell at people :)
that's just what i need - to spend more time on smashboards


No dude I get your point. I just don't think you read my most recent substantive post carefully.

I said that the difference lies in the fact that I lobby AGAINST hyrule's legality, while they lobby FOR their subsidies.

i.e. I'm trying to STOP having to camp, while they want to KEEP having to accept subsidies. I get that as long as the system exists, they have to accept. But they're the only thing actively keeping said system going while I'm trying my best to bring the hyrule thing to an end.

You didn't address this in your response, you just reiterated your initial argument, hence my confusion
Let's examine your original post that sparked this tangent:

"Not allowed to complain" in the same sense that you're not allowed to criticize big government and then receive kajillion dollar subsidies. People CAN do it, they just suck and we hate them.
Here you are talking about people who "criticize big government" (which would presumably include subsidies) yet receive subsidies. Yet in your later posts you begin talking about farmers who lobby for subsidies. I assume that you are taking those farmers as an example of people who criticize big government and are generally against subsidies. If that is not the case then you switched to some completely different point criticizing people who lobby for subsidies - which is fine, but that's not what I've been talking about.

So presumably these farmers criticize big government, exactly like how you lobby against Hyrule. However, GIVEN that big government and legal Hyrule exist, both you and the farmers take advantage by lobbying for subsidies and camping. Is this confusing at all? Criticizing big government is like criticizing Hyrule's legality. And lobbying for subsidies is like camping - it's taking advantage of the system that's in place. That's the analogy I'm drawing. I don't know how to make it clearer.

Them lobbying for subsidies for themselves is them playing the system, not making the rules. If they were to stop lobbying for subsidies, then subsidies in general would not stop. Just like if you were to stop camping then camping in general would not stop.

And again: what do you want them to do instead?

About ballin's "take it to the extreme test". It's totally bogus. Well not totally, like if we're discussing philosophy or something else that can use logic procedures it's okay. But in discussions that are practical and based in you know, real life, it ignores degree and generally recognized common sense(like bcow said). His hot dog example was pretty legit.
Yeah, it's not like we were discussing philosophy or anything ... oh wait


Smash Ace
Aug 17, 2009
World Traveler
Yeah, it's not like we were discussing philosophy or anything ... oh wait
I was talking about that form of logic in general, mainly to address the posts where people were all like, "You do this all the time." Sometimes it's legit, sometimes it's not.

Did I ever say if the voting discussion was philosophical or not? Notice I said the hot dog example was legit.

Battlecow camps Hyrule to show how it's broken. Farmers take subsidies to gain an advantage. If by taking subsidies farmers were showing how the system is broken and using it as a voice of change, then they would be the same. That's the way I see it, anyways.

And Battlecow is trying to get Hyrule banned by camping, not change the playstyle. Farmers are not trying to get subsidies banned by taking them.


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
Here you are talking about people who "criticize big government" (which would presumably include subsidies) yet receive subsidies. Yet in your later posts you begin talking about farmers who lobby for subsidies. I assume that you are taking those farmers as an example of people who criticize big government and are generally against subsidies. If that is not the case then you switched to some completely different point criticizing people who lobby for subsidies - which is fine, but that's not what I've been talking about.

So presumably these farmers criticize big government, exactly like how you lobby against Hyrule. However, GIVEN that big government and legal Hyrule exist, both you and the farmers take advantage by lobbying for subsidies and camping. Is this confusing at all? Criticizing big government is like criticizing Hyrule's legality. And lobbying for subsidies is like camping - it's taking advantage of the system that's in place. That's the analogy I'm drawing. I don't know how to make it clearer.

Them lobbying for subsidies for themselves is them playing the system, not making the rules. If they were to stop lobbying for subsidies, then subsidies in general would not stop. Just like if you were to stop camping then camping in general would not stop.

And again: what do you want them to do instead?
Some background on farm subsidies (my hot-button issue, sad as that is) is required, I guess. The subsidies are in place because multimillionaire farmers join together to lobby the federal government to increase farm subsidies. The analogy you're making is very clear, and I've seen what you were saying since first you said it. It is, however, flawed, because:

-The subsidies which the farmers are taking advantage of are in place because they lobby for them and make sure they stay in place.

-I take advantage of hyrule's jank, but I do it while actively trying to get hyrule banned, so that I can compete advantage-free.

Your analogy would only make sense if:

a) I was the one who had made hyrule legal and I was complaining about it while still working behind the scenes to make sure it stayed legal


b) there was a farmer who hated subsidies, did not contribute to any sort of lobbying coalition or what-have-you, and accepted them only grudgingly as a way of staying competitive in the marketplace. No doubt such a farmer does exist somewhere, and I applaud him, but he's the exception rather than the rule

Get it?

basically what kys said


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2008
disproving determinism
Ok, it sounds like you changed what you were talking about. As I said, all my posts have been based off this post:

"Not allowed to complain" in the same sense that you're not allowed to criticize big government and then receive kajillion dollar subsidies. People CAN do it, they just suck and we hate them.
Criticizing big government and receiving subsidies is analogous to criticizing Hyrule camping and then camping on Hyrule.

Essentially all my posts have been based off your option B, because again, I was going off the post I quoted above. I was assuming that we were talking about people who "criticize big government", presumably including subsidies, yet receive subsidies. I had been assuming we were talking about people who are against subsidies. I thought that we were talking about people who would prefer to eliminate all subsidies.

I guess maybe now you're talking about people who are against "big government" except for the programs that benefit them, which is kinda different. I don't see any discussion of these farmers that you cite criticizing "big government" or subsidies btw - I think you got sidetracked from the post I was responding to.

Anyway all I'm saying that it is fine to be against subsidies and Hyrule camping yet take subsidies and camp on Hyrule. Obviously it would be a bit different if you were to say "I'm against subsidies except for the ones that go to me" or "I'm against camping except when I do it".

Also since I can't let it go until you answer (even though it's now kind of off topic from the original post I was responding to):
Given that a bunch of companies/industries are going to get subsidized it only makes sense for companies to try to lobby the government for those special benefits. In a perfect world there'd be no special treatment or subsidies but given that those exist I don't fault companies for trying to take advantage of them. It's not that I applaud it or anything - it's more of a "well WTF do you expect?"


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
I never changed what I was talking about, you just didn't understand for the longest time.

You assumed wrong.

I want them to accept the subsidies which they're given but not to manipulate the government into continuing or expanding subsidy programs while they're still personally so opposed to "big government." Whether I can expect them to work that way is irrelevant; they're individuals, and even businessmen should have some sense of shame, some scrap of decency. My knowing that none of these people are ever decent doesn't prevent me from despising them individually for their lack of decency.


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2011
bcow, why do you always post that way when discussing something? It always starts with "no, you're wrong on so many levels. I'm surprised you're so simple minded that you don't understand this blah blah blah." A less... self assured style would serve you better. Not just on here but in life. Everybody is wrong sometimes (not saying you are here, though I think you are), better to be humble than go down with the ship.

Also, vote or die mother ****er!


Smash Master
Aug 18, 2005
Battle Cattle humble? You realize you're asking the impossible right clubba?

Kid is arrogant even after I pwn him 20 games in a row. =E


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
bcow, why do you always post that way when discussing something? It always starts with "no, you're wrong on so many levels. I'm surprised you're so simple minded that you don't understand this blah blah blah." A less... self assured style would serve you better. Not just on here but in life. Everybody is wrong sometimes (not saying you are here, though I think you are), better to be humble than go down with the ship.

Also, vote or die mother ****er!
I can be pretty respectful sometimes

ballin' took 3 posts to pick up on the gist so he got the star-king level arrogance afterwards

I'm a fan of objectivity and some (by no means all) arguments are objectively one way or the other; that's when I pull out the really really blunt statements. Ballin's objectively wrong when he overlooks the argument I've been repeating: that the institution of the flaw by the people exploiting it makes a difference. Conversely, you're not objectively wrong about the lazy activist example, so you get a "that doesn't really do it for me" instead of a "you're wrong."

The Star King

Smash Hero
Nov 6, 2007
You are way more arrogant than me when it comes to non-smash serious discussions like this BUDDY. Although I haven't participated in something like this in a long time.

I'm arrogant in casual conversation/talking about Smash 64 stuff. Yeah.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2008
disproving determinism
I never changed what I was talking about, you just didn't understand for the longest time.

You assumed wrong.

I want them to accept the subsidies which they're given but not to manipulate the government into continuing or expanding subsidy programs while they're still personally so opposed to "big government." Whether I can expect them to work that way is irrelevant; they're individuals, and even businessmen should have some sense of shame, some scrap of decency. My knowing that none of these people are ever decent doesn't prevent me from despising them individually for their lack of decency.
Let's reexamine your original post again

"Not allowed to complain" in the same sense that you're not allowed to criticize big government and then receive kajillion dollar subsidies. People CAN do it, they just suck and we hate them.
There is no mention of lobbying for or instituting subsidies. It only mentions receiving subsidies.

And yet you say you didn't change what you're talking about?


Smash Lord
Mar 31, 2009
Training Mode
Back to what's important:

300 lbs 1RM

My gf was standing way to close with the camera >____> , but I'm probably gonna try and upload another with better form anyways (Even though I do go past 90 degrees here but it's hard to see), and I think I should be able to do two reps.

Anyways, I summitted this for the contest on TigerFitness/Marc Lobliner's YouTube page. There are some pretty good other ones submitted so far but hopefully I have a chance. There is only two bench presses above mine and I don't think those vids follow the rules of the contest though. Hopefully I get lucky. I just get a supplement xD , but I figured I could kill two birds with one stone and show you guys too.

I also have an even better idea for next week's submission 8)

Light Weight


Smash Lord
Mar 31, 2009
Training Mode
lol I was doing for y'all originally anyways, but for the contest validity, you I sort of need to mention TigerFitness in the video. So you know, people don't just upload other people's vids/old vids.

I heart my GF.
Hey, I heart my gf too! If it was anyone else, they would have been murdered for semi-messing up that camera job.
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