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Play to Win
May 19, 2009
Lame. Steroids may just help you "recover from weight training," but they do so to such an extent that it's possible for a 34 year old man to put on 15 pounds of pure muscle in 100 days. You're being disingenuous. And lol @ "I can reasonably compare steroids to protein shakes." Just lol. Have I not been saying, this entire time, that although they have similar effects, it's a matter of degree? I have. You seemed to understand this earlier, but you no longer do. How sad. The difference isn't just that one is banned and one isn't, the difference (one of them) is that steroids can, as I've said, allow a 34 year old man to put on 15 pounds of muscle in 100 days. Get it? Degree. As in, steroids (not gonna go into the health effects) were, like protein shakes, unavailable to past players, but they are also much more effective. Capisce?

I should have done more research on what he got convicted of, my bad. I don't really care about what they get him on, because saying he didn't knowingly take steroids, or that the trial was convincing proof of his innocence, is like saying that OJ didn't kill his wife.

I just read that the jurors deadlocked 11-1 in favor of one of the perjury things. Hey, you know what else got deadlocked 11-1? The trial of the governor of my own great state, Rod Blagojevich. Dunno how closely y'all followed that in Cali, but pretty much everyone agrees that he was guilty as sin and deserved to die in jail. Eleven out of the twelve jurors thought Bonds was lying, yo. Not good enough for a conviction, but good enough for me.

Why get into the minutiae? Are you really delusional enough to think he didn't do it, purposefully and repeatedly? If he's as big a **** as everyone says, he certainly would. Even if he didn't mean to do it, it happened, and it was the source of his home run records. It doesn't matter for the purposes of this discussion how "good" he was before; all that matters if we're arguing HR records is how many home runs he hit. He wasn't on track to break Hank's record. Not even close.

Basically, if you need a court conviction to make a personal judgement on a dude, you also need psychiatric help.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2008
disproving determinism
Lame. Steroids may just help you "recover from weight training," but they do so to such an extent that it's possible for a 34 year old man to put on 15 pounds of pure muscle in 100 days.
What? Cite?

Also, any thoughts on Hank Aaron hitting the most homers of his career at age 37?

You're being disingenuous. And lol @ "I can reasonably compare steroids to protein shakes." Just lol. Have I not been saying, this entire time, that although they have similar effects, it's a matter of degree? I have. You seemed to understand this earlier, but you no longer do. How sad. The difference isn't just that one is banned and one isn't, the difference (one of them) is that steroids can, as I've said, allow a 34 year old man to put on 15 pounds of muscle in 100 days. Get it? Degree. As in, steroids (not gonna go into the health effects) were, like protein shakes, unavailable to past players, but they are also much more effective. Capisce?
If it's a matter of degree, WHERE IS THE LINE?

And WHY should something be automatically wrong just because it is helpful? What if I want to draw the line at protein shakes (which are extremely helpful)?

I should have done more research on what he got convicted of, my bad. I don't really care about what they get him on, because saying he didn't knowingly take steroids, or that the trial was convincing proof of his innocence, is like saying that OJ didn't kill his wife.
Because I'm sure you neutrally examined all the evidence in the trial ... like Bonds' doctor (a witness called by the government) testifying that the anti-inflammatories he prescribed Bonds could cause acne, mood swings, and weight gain.

Also, are anti-inflammatories cheating? I'm sure they didn't have good ones back in the day. They also have severe health side effects, yet professional sports (especially the NFL, for obvious reasons) practically run on them.

What about amphetamines?

I just read that the jurors deadlocked 11-1 in favor of one of the perjury things. Hey, you know what else got deadlocked 11-1? The trial of the governor of my own great state, Rod Blagojevich. Dunno how closely y'all followed that in Cali, but pretty much everyone agrees that he was guilty as sin and deserved to die in jail. Eleven out of the twelve jurors thought Bonds was lying, yo. Not good enough for a conviction, but good enough for me.
Deadlocked 11-1 on the count of whether anyone besides Bonds' doctor ever injected him with something. If you read the actual statement too, it's:

Q: Did Greg ever give you anything that required a syringe to inject yourself with?

A: I’ve only had one doctor touch me. And that’s my only personal doctor.

The government did have a witness on that count say that she saw Anderson inject Bonds with an unknown substance. However, the witness was also the sister of Bonds' ex-business partner (who gave testimony that was impeached by Bonds' doctor). So it's not unreasonable to think that she lied, as her brother likely did (he claimed to have had over 50 conversations with Bonds's doctor about steroids, while Bonds's doctor denied ever talking to him about steroids ... I'm sure that perjury trial will be coming up soon).

I don't claim to have the facts on that one. But you're putting your entire case on one witness who has a grudge against Bonds ...

More importantly though, the other counts, which actually had to do with steroids and HGH were 8-4 and 9-3 in Bonds's favor, and one other count having to do with THG ("the clear") was THROWN OUT by the judge.

So let's paint an honest picture here. A count that did not mention steroids/HGH was 11-1, and the counts mentioning steroids/HGH were, 8-4, 9-3 and thrown out.


Why get into the minutiae? Are you really delusional enough to think he didn't do it, purposefully and repeatedly?
I don't know the answer to this question, but it's at least plausible that he took something without knowing what it was.

If he's as big a **** as everyone says, he certainly would.
As who says? The sports media? They've disliked Bonds for his entire career. Maybe he is a **** to them, but that's not the same as being a **** in general.

Even if he didn't mean to do it, it happened, and it was the source of his home run records. It doesn't matter for the purposes of this discussion how "good" he was before; all that matters if we're arguing HR records is how many home runs he hit. He wasn't on track to break Hank's record. Not even close.
lol at it was the source of his home run records. I think you're looking for "being really really good at baseball for that one".

Bonds hit more home runs than anyone in MLB history, and he didn't violate any MLB rules.

Basically, if you need a court conviction to make a personal judgement on a dude, you also need psychiatric help.
What do you say about someone who makes a personal judgement of someone based entirely on what the media says?

You're missing out, scrub. That **** will make your day and rock you all night.
So I gather.


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
So smashboards keeps logging me out in the middle of super long posts, so when I press post it says I don't have permission to do so. Just lost a post in the melee section I spent like half an hour on.

I've already told you where I draw the line. Repeatedly. It's somewhere between protein shakes and steroids. There's a big difference, bro. You need me to be more specific? If lettuce is a one and HGH is a 10, I draw the line at like a 6.23. Protein shakes are like a 4 or something. Don't say that "where do you draw the line" thing again; it makes an otherwise hilariously thought-out argument for a lost cause sound silly. It's not automatically wrong because it's helpful, of course. I feel like we're going in circles. I've explained this like three times; remember the robot eye?

And once again, he was really good at baseball, but he wasn't good enough in the HR department to break any home run records until he started taking steroids. This should explain that; he's hitting low forties/high thirties every season, with one forty-six, then BAM! mid forties every time. He's old, but suddenly matching his career high every year and shattering it in 2001. And he was taking steroids when it happened. You have to acknowledge that it's not coincidence. So yeah, he was good at baseball, but sans steroids he ain't coming close to Hank's record.

As for the perjury thing, if he was injecting himself with ****, it's pretty clear he knew it wasn't for alzheimer's. Which means he knowingly took steroids. Even if he didn't (and he did, it's obvious) he still doesn't deserve the record. It shouldn't be based on whether he was a prick or not, it should be based on whether he cheated or not. Agreed?

"By spring training, his weight had increased from around 210 to 225, and almost all of the gain was rock-hard muscle" is where I got that 15 pounds in a hundred days thing. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2006/magazine/03/06/growth0313/3.html if you want the link yo. You have to admit, that's pretty staggering.

and the media I've read about it has all been very impartial, yo. I get information and use it to come to conclusions.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2008
disproving determinism
So smashboards keeps logging me out in the middle of super long posts, so when I press post it says I don't have permission to do so. Just lost a post in the melee section I spent like half an hour on.
Did you try hitting back on your browser? Saves posts sometimes for me.

I've already told you where I draw the line. Repeatedly. It's somewhere between protein shakes and steroids. There's a big difference, bro. You need me to be more specific? If lettuce is a one and HGH is a 10, I draw the line at like a 6.23. Protein shakes are like a 4 or something. Don't say that "where do you draw the line" thing again; it makes an otherwise hilariously thought-out argument for a lost cause sound silly. It's not automatically wrong because it's helpful, of course. I feel like we're going in circles. I've explained this like three times; remember the robot eye?
C'mon now. I asked for a specific definition of what is cheating and what isn't. It's good to know that protein shakes are close to the line though I guess? I'm not the one sounding silly when I ask for a specific definition and you respond with "if lettuce is a one and HGH is a 10, I draw the line at like a 6.23".

Why are some substances OK and other ones not?

Also right now I can say that all home run records are illegitimate, since after all Ruth only played white people, Aaron/Mays used amphetamines, A-Rod is an admitted steroid user, Sosa corked his bat, etc.

And once again, he was really good at baseball, but he wasn't good enough in the HR department to break any home run records until he started taking steroids. This should explain that; he's hitting low forties/high thirties every season, with one forty-six, then BAM! mid forties every time. He's old, but suddenly matching his career high every year and shattering it in 2001. And he was taking steroids when it happened. You have to acknowledge that it's not coincidence. So yeah, he was good at baseball, but sans steroids he ain't coming close to Hank's record.
Yeah, Bonds got better. If he took steroids, then steroids may have contributed. If he took protein powder, then protein powder may have contributed. If he ate lettuce, then lettuce may have contributed.

Steroids don't magically make you an incredible baseball player. As I've said, they just help you with weightlifting.

Where are all those home runs that Alex Sanchez, Neifi Perez, and Marvin Benard hit?

As for the perjury thing, if he was injecting himself with ****, it's pretty clear he knew it wasn't for alzheimer's. Which means he knowingly took steroids.
Because all injections are clearly steroids right? Not to mention that he DIDN'T get convicted on that count anyway, and the ONLY witness related to that count had a reason to hold a grudge against Bonds.

Even if he didn't (and he did, it's obvious) he still doesn't deserve the record. It shouldn't be based on whether he was a prick or not, it should be based on whether he cheated or not. Agreed?
Sure. And Bonds didn't violate the MLB steroid policy.

"By spring training, his weight had increased from around 210 to 225, and almost all of the gain was rock-hard muscle" is where I got that 15 pounds in a hundred days thing. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2006/magazine/03/06/growth0313/3.html if you want the link yo. You have to admit, that's pretty staggering.
Like I trust an SI article by the freaking writers of Game of Shadows ... really?

and the media I've read about it has all been very impartial, yo. I get information and use it to come to conclusions.
lol really? I could dig up a ton of stuff about how EVERY media member refers to Bonds as the ultimate evil while other athletes get a free pass, or a "let's see what happens" or "well it doesn't really taint his career".


Jan 28, 2008
Northern VA, USA
He wasn't banned for any one thing. It was mostly because he was a troll.

He also sent death threats to multiple SWF members outside of SWF. Generally, stuff that happens outside of SWF doesn't affect how a member is treated inside of SWF, but, given how serious death threats are, it was put into consideration.


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
C'mon now. I asked for a specific definition of what is cheating and what isn't. It's good to know that protein shakes are close to the line though I guess? I'm not the one sounding silly when I ask for a specific definition and you respond with "if lettuce is a one and HGH is a 10, I draw the line at like a 6.23".
The point is that I can't give you a more specific line than "Between protein shakes and steroids." What do you want? I can't give you an actual number or anything, lol.

Why are some substances OK and other ones not?
As I've said oh-so-many times now, some substances are a lot more helpful than others, and some substances are illegal (inb4 he replies only to the illegal part).

Also right now I can say that all home run records are illegitimate, since after all Ruth only played white people, Aaron/Mays used amphetamines, A-Rod is an admitted steroid user, Sosa corked his bat, etc.

Matter of degree again, bro. Sosa's corking? That illegitimizes his **** (although I'm less convinced that he was doing it a lot than I am of Bonds' steroid use). A-Rod's roiding? Him too. Sucks that great players feel the need to cheat to keep up. Ruth? Ridiculous. That was the way the major leagues were, sadly, and comparing it to the steroid use is dumb because you don't take the pitching they were up against into account with HR records; if you did you'd have to make arguments about how good pitching was in various eras of baseball. Dumb. As for Aaron, amphetamines don't change your physique and they weren't banned implicitly or otherwise, and they didn't do near as much for you as roids. Unlike your argument for bonds ("he got his steroid use in between when they were declared cheating but the players union didn't technically agree and when they were actually straight-up banned") Aaron's "cheating," while regrettable (do you have a source for it, btw? I can't find anything that says he used them after a cursory google) was on a whole different level than Bonds' cheating. Matter of degree.

Yeah, Bonds got better. If he took steroids, then steroids may have contributed. If he took protein powder, then protein powder may have contributed. If he ate lettuce, then lettuce may have contributed.

Wow, you really haven't listened to a word I've said. There's a three word phrase that I've already uttered about twenty times in this argument that answers this.

Steroids don't magically make you an incredible baseball player. As I've said, they just help you with weightlifting.

I answered this last time. They help you with weightlifting, and in doing so, make you an incredible ballplayer. You are being disingenuous. What they allow you to do is weightlift without fatigue or pain until you put on truly ridiculous, unobtainable amounts of muscle.

Where are all those home runs that Alex Sanchez, Neifi Perez, and Marvin Benard hit?

None of those guys broke records, so no records are invalidated.

Because all injections are clearly steroids right? Not to mention that he DIDN'T get convicted on that count anyway, and the ONLY witness related to that count had a reason to hold a grudge against Bonds.

>______>. Really? What was he getting shot up his *** by Anderson, then? OF COURSE it was steroids. You don't lie about getting injected with a flu vaccine or whatever. 11 of 12 jurors were convinced that he was proven guilty.

Sure. And Bonds didn't violate the MLB steroid policy.

What you mean is that no ironclad proof could be presented. There was a policy, set forth in '91, that banned the steroids he used. Maybe it wasn't technically law or whatever, but he knew it was bad enough that he had to do his shooting up while keeping it hidden

Like I trust an SI article by the freaking writers of Game of Shadows ... really?

OK, questionable source. It's not like a controversial fact though. Go ahead and check any listed measures of his weights; he's like 228 pounds when he hits that 73, and he's like 185 pounds in 1991. The dude gains ungodly amounts of muscle mass due to his steroid use.

lol really? I could dig up a ton of stuff about how EVERY media member refers to Bonds as the ultimate evil while other athletes get a free pass, or a "let's see what happens" or "well it doesn't really taint his career".
do so. It better be a ton of stuff, and it better include EVERY media member. You sound like Richard Nixon.
So yeah. There it is.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2008
disproving determinism
LOL at it being impossible to gain 40 pounds over the course of 10 years.

You can't draw a clear line about what is "cheating" and what isn't, so you just arbitrarily decide that steroids are bad but protein powder and amphetamines are A-OK (by the way just google Hank Aaron amphetamines ... there's a million results).

The point with Marvin Benard et all is that if steroids automatically make you hit home runs and become "an incredible ballplayer", then those guys would have been hitting more than 20 dingers in a season (Alex Sanchez in particular was hitting like 1-2 per season lol). And those are guys who are admitted steroid users.

For injections, I already mentioned anti-inflammatories once, but iirc they are often injected (cortisone injection). Anti-inflammatories probably help you more than steroids, since they allow you to play through injuries, and they are probably also more harmful for this reason.

Any final thoughts on "the clear" not being considered a steroid until 2005?

Also, which do you think is worse, the "steroid" era or the "no black people" era?

Rick Reilly on Lance Armstrong said:
So let Novitzky come. Let him dig. Let him interview and deal and raid, maybe even with subpoenas. And if he can find proof that Armstrong doped -- proof, not stories -- then Armstrong would become the nail, not the hammer. Hang him off the Eiffel Tower.

Until then, doesn't Armstrong deserve the benefit of the doubt?

Rick Reilly on Barry Bonds said:
These are happy days.

For one thing, I get to type the phrase "Barry Bonds, convicted felon" the rest of my life.

Stay classy Rick.

Jayson Stark on Mark McGwire said:
Well, Mark McGwire didn't steal all the savings in anybody's 401K.

Jayson Stark on Bonds said:
Somewhere in there, we think he was trying to make a point about how alcohol and tobacco are the real scandals in this country, because they're documented "killers" -- so how come we have to waste everyone's time with this steroid garbage.

He's making the EXACT same point here, yet Stark puts it in a negative light.

Bob Costas said:
"To much of the media, Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens make a perfect pair of bookends: one black, one white. One the greatest hitter in the modern game, the other the greatest pitcher."

But, as Costas cautioned, "Their careers are not the same. Bonds's numbers took off into the stratosphere after his association with BALCO. All Clemens did was maintain a career that was already on track for the Hall of Fame."

So Bonds wasn't "already on track for the Hall of Fame?

Ridiculous. And if steroids are SO helpful (and they are even more helpful for pitchers), then maybe Clemens would have fallen out of the league without them, and never gotten to 300 wins. But no, it only is an issue if you break a home run record apparently.

Also check out


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
You found a few examples (and the Jayson Stark one was reeeeeeeally stretching it) but that doesn't show that I'm biased because of the media (I hadn't read any of the stories).

http://www.google.com/search?q=Hank...s=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a is what I get when I google "hank aaron amphetamines." Speculation by random internet people. I want a source; those give me the impression that it's FAR from likely that he took amphetamines.

Asking which is worse, the no black people or the steroids, is arguing in poor faith. Segregation is worse, IMO, but that doesn't mean that Ruth's record doesn't stand, because you judge a guy on his performance, not the quality of his competition, as long as he's in the MLB.

I didn't say the 40 pounds of muscle in 10 years was impossible (although it's certainly amazing). My point is about the 15 pounds in 100 days, and I'm gonna trust Game of Shadows on that until you can find sources that contradict their estimations of Bonds' weight before and after that summer. Onus is on you.

If they were anti-inflammatories, why didn't he say so?

I never said that steroids would make anyone as good as bonds. I said that Bonds-Steroids = far fewer home runs and no records.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2008
disproving determinism
Oh, all I was trying to show was that the media was biased ... but how do you know anything about the case if not from the media?

5th result or so is from the Huffington post:


and says he talked about amphetamines in his autobiography

Interesting though that that's never been a big issue ...

I judge Bonds on his performance against his peers ...

How do you know it's 40 pounds of muscle? Eyeballing it it looks like Bonds put on plenty of fat as well, but it's not like I have any shirtless photos of the guy or anything.

You're going to trust a book that had almost NONE of its so-called evidence come up in the actual trial? Where the authors refused to talk about who their sources were, and almost got sent to jail themselves? In fact, the testimony of Bonds' doctor (Dr. Ting) directly contradicted some of the claims made in that book.

I don't know when Bonds was supposed to "say so", considering that this particular witness only came up during the trial ...

What about Clemens-Steroids = fewer wins? Or Hank Aaron-amphetamines = fewer home runs? Or Babe Ruth+Black people = no record? It's all idle speculation.


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
Yo do you have any evidence contradicting what GoS said about his weight? Seems like something that would pretty easily be shot down if untrue.

I don't trust this Biff guy, and that's not even really an article, it's like a comment or something- it sounds like he might just be assuming or something. I'm gonna need a better source before I acknowledge that Hank used amphetamines.

Pretty sure he would have had a chance to say that they were anti-inflammatories, considering he was on trial for perjury about saying no one but his doctor injected him.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2008
disproving determinism
What I'm saying about Game of Shadows is that they would have NO way to know whether weight he put on was lean muscle or not. They are a pretty dubious source, especially when some of their claims were directly contradicted by actual evidence from the trial. Bonds did try to sue them but dropped the case later.

Apparently it's in Hank's autobiography ... seems like a source that would have been called out if incorrect.
Info on amphetamines: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2005/writers/tom_verducci/01/18/steroids.amphetamines/

Bonds never took the stand in his trial, but even if he did it probably wouldn't have been a good idea to say "Oh yeah, Kathy only saw Greg Anderson inject me with cortisone" when one of the counts was whether anyone besides his doctor injected him (although looking at the transcript I would dispute that count ... it seems much more like Bonds didn't answer the question rather than saying "No one but my doctor has injected me" ... but whatever). Bonds' doctor, by the way, DID testify that he prescribed anti-inflammatories to Bonds and that they could have side effects like weight gain, mood swings and acne.


Play to Win
May 19, 2009

Na but seriously, I've just about reached the "agree to disagree" point here, there's not much left to say. I still don't believe that Hank took amphetamines, and I'm too lazy to actually read "I had a hammer."

So on another note, just how much does Jonathan Franzen suck? I'm gonna put my two cents in the "More than Ness' recovery on Peach's Castle" bin.


Smash Master
Apr 25, 2010
Geneva, Switzerland
I heard that at the Swag District in Cali at the Institute for Aspiring Dougiers, they will teach us how to dougie. Can anyone confirm this?

The Star King

Smash Hero
Nov 6, 2007
At the Institute for Aspiring DOUGIERS, they will indeed teach you how to dougie. They will, however, not teach you how to jerk.


Smash Champion
Nov 12, 2009
Played 64 with Armada this weekend. He was pretty good. He had some clever tech/techchasing, and smart edguards.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 19, 2010
America Town, USA
I played 64 on the wii with a gamecube controller for the first time. I believe perhaps that is the best way to play it.

I also played Brawl for the first time. What a ****ing waste of a game.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Chicago, IL
No you can't, because you aren't Greg Anderson. Also, Bonds wasn't "letting Greg Anderson go to jail for him", Greg Anderson was choosing to stay in jail of his own accord.
Let's use our common sense here: why the **** would anyone go to jail THREE TIMES for not testifying against someone? I'll be you all of the money in my wallet (7 dollars and 34 cents) that Bonds is compensating Anderson in one way or another.

lol u mad?
I am mad, and every other baseball fan should be as well. Well, maybe all of them except the ones riding Bonds' nuts.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2008
disproving determinism
Let's use our common sense here: why the **** would anyone go to jail THREE TIMES for not testifying against someone? I'll be you all of the money in my wallet (7 dollars and 34 cents) that Bonds is compensating Anderson in one way or another.
lol. Bonds won't be able to get Anderson a birthday present for the rest of his life or else he'll get accused of witness tampering (a serious crime).

I am mad, and every other baseball fan should be as well. Well, maybe all of them except the ones riding Bonds' nuts.
You hope he gets the max for obstruction of justice? That's pretty spiteful, especially considering the people convicted of actual perjury in the BALCO case only got home confinement.

edit: removed trolling


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
They deserve more as well. Bonds and dip****s like him are ruining our sport, yo. Nothing's pure anymore.


Smash Prodigy
Aug 12, 2009
I think Paul Biedermann is a better swimmer than Michael Phelps. So what if he wore an Arena X-Glide bodysuit, since they were legal it's OK and he deserves the 200m freestyle World Record.


Smash Prodigy
Aug 12, 2009
Trust me when I tell you it isn't. Michael Phelps is half-fish but give some average joe the super suit and watch him break world records.

The point I'm trying to illustrate is that sport's competition should be about testing how good the individual is rather than what suit he wears or what body-enhancing drugs he takes.

Yeah, with every variable out there it's hard to draw a line between what should be allowed and what should not, but basically you want to avoid huge variables and common sense should tell you what those are.


Smash Master
Nov 19, 2007
were you playing with armada on a emulator or a console?

King Funk

Int. Croc. Alligator
Nov 1, 2008
Copenhagen, Denmark
Some swedes (Armada, Maltfox) are not that bad, but apparently they dislike playing online :troll:
Armada wants to play online. And he's not "not that bad", he's excellent lol. xD

I'll be honest and say that I actually lost most of the Falcon dittos I played with him. However it was on Virtual Console.

But oh well you had a trollface here.


Smash Champion
Nov 12, 2009
Hehe you're avoiding the question "who won".

Seriously though, will he play online? Is he interested in it at least?
Maybe i misunderstood he's question, but i thought he meant who won as in a tournament/MM or something. He only played friendlies with me and funk, so I thought it was obvious that he didnt lose every match, or won every match when I said we only played friendlies.

But if he meant who won in general, then armada won the most matches. He was very good.
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