I'd like to expand a little bit on an earlier post of mine, about cuts and character overhauls. You can disagree with me, it's fine, I completely understand the other view, but this is how I feel. I'll be honest; when I saw that first trailer, with "Everyone is here!" I was somewhat disappointed. I view character cuts as a natural part of the process, the cycle of maybe being disappointed, then getting hyped again. I just think having a reasonable roster size helps a ton with the developers working on other things, especially balance, mechanics, and overhauling characters, which was something I mentioned. I'm aware it may split the old guard and the new guard, but I honestly think the excitement of having a completely new Mario or something would be amazing, as I feel some of the older characters, especially the original 12. regardless of their viability, feel a bit.... archaic compared to the newer characters, though that may me a strong word. I absolutely still like playing as them, but I'd love to see character overhauls, and more new stuff. That would really excite me.
I used to use this forum all the time, but towards the end of 4's life, i stopped using it, and I really haven't played ultimate much, only around 20 hours. It's not that I don't think it's good; it's most certainly a great game, and it's definitely better than 4, but I just haven't really cared about it much; honestly, I've been going back to brawl most, in my recent months. I honestly would've never seen myself fallout out with the series like this, considering how much I played brawl and 4. I modded every smash game, I got involved with a big mod project for 4 when i was 13, and I used smashboards almost every day. I kind of want to reconnect with the community; I miss it in a way. That's why I'm back.