- Already accounted for, 64 + Sunshine +Galaxy. I'll say that this kinda messes up the later Mario characters...

-DK Collection: Donkey Kong 64 + Donkey Kong Jungle Beat + Donkey Kong Barrel Blast. K.Rool gets the classic trilogy because those are the only ones he's in, so it's between DK and Diddy for the remaining games. Diddy Kong has a weak connection to these games, so DK gets them. Yay for the weird games nobody really talks about!?

- Breath of the Wild collection: BoTW, Age of Calamity, BoTW 2. I say "no Switch games" but then I add three, two of which aren't even out yet. I need to divide up 18 zelda games, cut me some slack

- 2D Metroid collection: Zero Mission + Samus Returns + Super Metroid. This is the first one without anything to really mention.

- Metroid Prime Trilogy: Metroid Prime 1 + 2 3. Same here.

- Yoshi Collection: Yoshi's Story + Yoshi's Island DS + Yoshi's New Island. The SNES one is on Switch online, so I went with the "lesser" games.

- Kirby's Dream Collection 2: Return to Dream Land + Triple Deluxe + Robobot. Again, pretty acceptable.

- Star Fox collection. Star Fox 64 3D + Star Fox Assault + Star Fox Adventures. No comment

- the Pikachu collection: Pokemon Yellow + Pokepark + Pokepark 2. I went with a few spinoffs so we don't burn through the main games quickly.

- Year of Luigi: Encore. Luigi's Mansion + Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon + Mario & Luigi: Dream Team. The two Mansion games were obvious, but the third was trickier. I went with Dream Team, because year of Luigi.

- the APE collection: Mother 1 + Earthbound + Mario's Super Picross. Once again, two obvious ones and one tricky one. Mario's Super Picross was an Ape developed game, so it's in

- F-Zero collection: F-Zero + F-Zero X + F-Zero GX. Is an explaination needed?

- Pokemon spinoff Collection: Colloseum + XD + Snap. Kanto in particular is really clogged up, so I needed to give Jigglypuff some spinoffs.