For Byleth, I don’t even feel negative at all, considering I wasn’t expecting much to begin with as people were hoping for characters I’m not excatly nostalgic or interesting in (Ayumi and Elise would be great though).
It’s alright to be disappointed but the anger the reveal has gotten is even more unjustified than Corrin’s since..
1. His game was better recieved overall than Fates and has the most attention the series has gotten.
2. Has some mechanically different stuff for being a utility knife of the FE cast
3. Is revealed alongside FP2 which has 6 more characters to be revealed.
To say that Byleths inclusion is not worth it is just wrong, as I personally feel that most characters would be fine in Smash in my opinion (Except for non video game ones, but even then I find Popeye the exception).