Looking through the past years of the major general directs to see if I can find some sort of arbitrary pattern for what days of the week they take place, so I can cling onto something and hope it’s still this week.
I did find something kind of interesting, to be honest. While there is no set day of the week between all years, there have usually been two major direct, with one in the winter/early spring and one in September, (not counting E3 which is always Tuesday’s afaik) and those two each year take place on the same day of the week.
Putting the month just for the sake of it. The next direct is like 90% to be this month.
2019: Wednesday (February 13th and September 4th)
2018: Thursday (March 8th and September 13th)
2017: Wednesday (April 12th and September 13th)
Pre-Switch was all over the place with 2016 having one direct on a Friday and 2015 having like 3 or 4 all over the place.
The only tangible thing we could maybe pull from this is that, they like Wednesdays and Thursday specifically for some reason, and that for some other reason they like having both of their directs on the same day of the week.
You COULD pull that even number years are Thursdays and odds are Wednesdays, but there’s no good sample size yet so it’d be crazy to just assume that. That would be a huge stretch until this year is all Thursdays and next is all Wednesdays, at the least.
However, given that this Wednesday is already done since it would’ve been announced today, I’m praying for an announcement of a Thursday direct tomorrow at 10AM, which I believe is when they usually do it.
Desperately rambling and grasping at straws over.