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Dutch Raikuna

Life's a sweet bitter beauty song.......
Dec 7, 2019
My Generation
The duality of man, I've spent half the day laughing my ass off at WW3 memes while my mom is sitting terrified in her room.
Without getting in too deep the US assassinating an Iranian commander isn't grounds for the unwanted threequel.
China invading Taiwan or an accident between NATO and Russia in the Baltics like the Cuban Missile Crisis? Then yes, the world should worry to hell.
People tend to forget that there are too many connections that prevent this from happening.

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
I was a bit panicked at first, I’ll admit it. My mind processes things differently. But at the end of the day, it’s like my dad says, social media can be downright evil when it comes to that sort of stuff sometimes. It’s all a bunch of hot air when you get down to it.
Its twitter. You saw how they reacted to NKs empty as hell threat theat NK always does? People on twitter will say the world is ending just from watching a hawk catching a wild rabbit.

While they are worrying about something that has ret to happen, im vibin on Babymetal
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sometimes here, sometimes there
Nov 4, 2019
up and down and all around
So I played AI Dungeon today.

It was...An experience. For those who don't know, it's a text-based adventure game generator powered by AI learning. If anyone would be curious for a transcript of the adventure, I could post it here.


Drifting Soul
Sep 4, 2018
Made some decent progress in my Blue Lions playthrough of Three Houses.

How are y'all doin?


Smash Master
Apr 29, 2018
The island of Svölbard
Made some decent progress in my Blue Lions playthrough of Three Houses.

How are y'all doin?
I've been considering posting the drawings I've made for my top 10 games of 2019. It includes games from previous years, but I've played them all for the first time this year, so I'm still counting them. That being said, I don't want to turn the thread into my own personal art blog, so I'm still thinking about weather or not I should do so. Besides, I'm still kind of rusty.

Aside from that, I'm doing fine, thanks for asking.
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Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place
Well, I caught a few Magikarps. I'm sure getting a lot of Nuggest out of this.

It's too bad this event is ending soon otherwise I'd be one rich *****.

Deleted member

I...haven't actually played Zero Mission besides a few minutes of it on an emulator, believe it or not. Super Metroid, Fusion, and the Prime Trilogy have been my main points of experience with the franchise for years (I also own Metroid 2 and its remake on 3DS, though).

Since I've been planning to revisit the series and am particularly picking about physically owning certain games, I might see if I can find a used cartridge for fairly cheap.
I'll say it makes a great introduction to the series and what it's about, but is probably easy for veterans.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 30, 2019
Switch FC
So I've more and more been thinking about maining Ridley and if I do that, I think I'll want a good counter pick secondary for his counters. You guys know which character would fit for the job?


Drifting Soul
Sep 4, 2018
I've been considering posting the drawings I've made for my top 10 games of 2019. It includes games from previous years, but I've played them all for the first time this year, so I'm still counting them. That being said, I don't want to turn the thread into my own personal art blog, so I'm still thinking about weather or not I should do so. Besides, I'm still kind of rusty.

Aside from that, I'm doing fine, thanks for asking.
I don't see the problem in sharing your art here since plenty of other people do it.

If it's the quality of your art that you're still concerned about, I'm fairly certain that nobody would grill you for it too badly since we all have room to grow. Besides, a little meaningful critique can help better yourself as an artist.


Smash Master
Apr 29, 2018
The island of Svölbard
I don't see the problem in sharing your art here since plenty of other people do it.

If it's the quality of your art that you're still concerned about, I'm fairly certain that nobody would grill you for it too badly since we all have room to grow. Besides, a little meaningful critique can help better yourself as an artist.
You're right. It might take a bit of time, but I'll start working on my list now. Thanks!


Drifting Soul
Sep 4, 2018
I'll say it makes a great introduction to the series and what it's about, but is probably easy for veterans.
To be fair, most Metroidvania games are fairly easy after a certain point.

Glad to hear that you're enjoying it so far, though. I've been meaning to play it for the longest time but money was an issue back when my interest was at its peak, and then I just kinda forgot about it.


Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place
Tfw you're timed to accomplish something but you run into a situation where you have to break off to go do something else you have to do.
I just want a Shiny Magikarp god damn it.


Smash Master
Jun 13, 2018
Switch FC
I am now relaxing after a robust afternoon of playing Smash; nearly 3 hours.

What's been going on with you all?
Just working on my sculpture. I just finished the basic sculpt so i'm gonna start on details soon.
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Smash Obsessed
Jul 30, 2015
Where the weather changes as much as my avatar
Since I don’t have much to talk about, thought I’d share a question I asked on Discord earlier that I thought would make interesting discussion. If you were capable of doing casting for any existing characters you like (could be voice or live action) for something like a movie, tv show, video game, etc., who would you cast for whom? Some of my examples:

-For a live-action Plastic Man movie, I’d like to see John Mulaney in that role
-For a new Pac-Man game or animated series, I’d like to see Sam Riegel as Pac-Man


Totally humorous voice over and YouTube guy.
Jun 9, 2018
A van down by the river
Switch FC
Taylor was porting a FNAF themed model, and while I know little to nothing about renders, I do know how to ruin everything he makes.

Personally. I think the animatronics would be a lot scarier if they had guns.


Smash Master
Apr 29, 2018
The island of Svölbard
Like I said, I drew my top 10 games of 2019, and now I've decided to share. I've got some room for improvement, but I'm ultimately happy with how it all came out.

I'm a big fan of creation in video games. I'm also a big fan of just goofing off. This game combines them together beautifully and (more often than not) hilariously, whether you're just screwing around or actually focused on advancing through the game. The impressive breadth of stuff you can write down can lead to amazing situations such as a dude giving his girl... well, anything, really. If you wanna be either good by being creatively evil, then this game should deliver.

I'm also a sucker for platformers, and this series is one I've been intent on getting into for a few years now. I enjoyed just how weird the whole game is: it's not every day you play a game that sees you catching monkeys around the world, especially when most of the time they're minding their own business. The control scheme took some getting used to, but ultimately, I found myself going bananas with the whole thing. I'd love to try the other two main titles one of these days.
You know how some video game sequels are essentially just the first game, just made infinitely superior by doubling or tripling the amount of content the first game had? Mario Maker 2 is a shining example of that thanks to... well, everything that was added. From the new enemies to the 3D World theme to the slopes, it takes everything that made the first game so good and essentially pumps it full of sheer joy and extra creativity.

The first game on the list in my backlog, and probably the oldest as well. I watched my brothers play it little by little when I was younger, but it was only until recently I tried it for myself. While I enjoyed 2 and 3 more, this was still a really strong start for Pikmin as a franchise, with a lot of creative ways to use the Pikmin to repair your ship.

This was the first point-and-click adventure I've played, and it was definitely a delight. Aside from being simple to understand and not riddled with the morality system that Telltale became known for, it's one of the funniest games I've played this year (just listen to pretty much anything Max says).

Who knew such a silly concept should be so much fun? This game has a simple enough premise: you are a goose, and your goal is to cause as much of an uproar as possible against a village. With the sheer amount of stuff you can do to screw with the people, it's easily on of the funniest games of the year.

Another game stuck in my backlog, this year was the first I played my own way through instead of just screwing around on my brothers' profile. It might be one of the darkest Zelda games, but it's still one of the greats, with how much fun a lot of the mechanics are (Wolf Link, Ball & Chain, Clawshots, the list goes on).

This may just be my favorite Luigi's Mansion yet, which is a sentiment most likely shared among other fans of Mario's little bro. Aside from beautifully combining the open exploration of the first game with the creative theming of the second, the controls are easy to grasp and the puzzles are ridiculously creative, especially those concerning Gooigi.

I've said this earlier; I've played this game so dang much that I've completely forgotten how to play Mario Kart properly anymore. Honestly, I doubt anybody's to blame: this is a genuinely fun, fast-paced kart racer with tons of content that continues to trickle in (some questionable business practices aside). It's a great reminder that Crash is back, and hopefully here to stay!
Oh yes I did. I gave this game a shot, and I don't regret it. Beyond all the fanservice, It's a genuinely fun game with simple controls, satisfying attacks, and a story that actually managed to tug at my heart with great characters. It all combines to make Senran Kagura the best game I've played this year.
And there you have it. Everything is still pretty messy, but I'm still happy with how they all came out. I'm sure there might be a bit of flak from some of my choices, but they're my opinions alone, and I respect yours. Just don't be a giant jerk about it.
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Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
Well, I caught a few Magikarps. I'm sure getting a lot of Nuggest out of this.

It's too bad this event is ending soon otherwise I'd be one rich *****.
Between the event, and me gathering the rarer fossils from the rarer digging duo, I’ve been sitting at 4million in game right now lol


Totally humorous voice over and YouTube guy.
Jun 9, 2018
A van down by the river
Switch FC
Since I don’t have much to talk about, thought I’d share a question I asked on Discord earlier that I thought would make interesting discussion. If you were capable of doing casting for any existing characters you like (could be voice or live action) for something like a movie, tv show, video game, etc., who would you cast for whom? Some of my examples:

-For a live-action Plastic Man movie, I’d like to see John Mulaney in that role
-For a new Pac-Man game or animated series, I’d like to see Sam Riegel as Pac-Man
We're makin' a Mario live action movie and Danny Devito will be Mario. That's how it's gonna be. I refuse to have it any other way. Jokes aside, I do think it could work if done well.
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