Verge deconfirmed Dante. And honestly I just never saw Phoenix as a possible candidate for the fighters pass. There are even other Capcom characters higher up the priority list than him, let alone characters from other companies.
You really undervalue Ace Attorney then.
Phoenix was in a fighting game,
has over 7 games that were only on one actual console before recently, and that was Nintendo.
he’s a very popular request,
capcom seem very open to more reps and aren’t an issue with what we’ve gotten from them,
and Ace Attorney is literally bigger then their other games outside of resident evil and then maybe monster hunter. That’s in current times as Mega Man is big to but you could argue that his series hasn’t had as much investment in recent years as AA.
If you don’t think he could have a legitimate chance and isn’t one of the top capcom contenders then your honestly lying to yourself