Probably most, but not me. I love Tooie, and while the first is better, one way I prefer Tooie over Kazooie is I don't have the game memorized so I get lost in the worlds, in a good way. It's all about how you approach it--if all you care about is finishing the game as fast as possible, it's a terrible game. If you're fine taking your time and taking it all in, it's a glorious game.
While I haven't played much of Nuts and Bolts, and what I played was utter trash, there are many people who like the game--seems like it's common that those who didn't like Banjo-Kazooie as platformers really like Nuts and Bolts (e.g., Giant Bomb), and likewise, those who liked Banjo-Kazooie didn't like Nuts and Bolts (there are many exceptions, though). And part of me is glad that the change-up brought the characters to a new audience--they just shouldn't have made it a sequel to the platform games, they should have made it a spin off. If Nintendo had Mario Kart be the sequel to Mario World, instead of Mario 64, it doesn't matter how great the game is, it's a terrible idea and would sour people's perception of the game. Perception matters a lot when it comes to quality, even if it's the same game, presented a different way, can change people's response to it.