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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Thanks. I guess I shouldn't force myself to do this, so I'll just put it on hold for now. I feel like I've been forcing myself to play the games too much, sinply because I want to fit in, and I should probably stop doing that now. After all, I became a DQ fan by just playing it naturally, and that worked well. It's late now, so I should be off to sleep now. Thanks again, and goodnight!
Have a good rest frendo, I felt that with MGSV and Hollow Knight and a policy of mine is that if I'm clearly not enjoying the game for a certain length of time, I can drop it


Smash Master
Aug 17, 2018

Pretty sure even though Nuts and Bolts is considered the bad one, most people accept that Tooie's "Neat ideas, horrible execution"
Probably most, but not me. I love Tooie, and while the first is better, one way I prefer Tooie over Kazooie is I don't have the game memorized so I get lost in the worlds, in a good way. It's all about how you approach it--if all you care about is finishing the game as fast as possible, it's a terrible game. If you're fine taking your time and taking it all in, it's a glorious game.

While I haven't played much of Nuts and Bolts, and what I played was utter trash, there are many people who like the game--seems like it's common that those who didn't like Banjo-Kazooie as platformers really like Nuts and Bolts (e.g., Giant Bomb), and likewise, those who liked Banjo-Kazooie didn't like Nuts and Bolts (there are many exceptions, though). And part of me is glad that the change-up brought the characters to a new audience--they just shouldn't have made it a sequel to the platform games, they should have made it a spin off. If Nintendo had Mario Kart be the sequel to Mario World, instead of Mario 64, it doesn't matter how great the game is, it's a terrible idea and would sour people's perception of the game. Perception matters a lot when it comes to quality, even if it's the same game, presented a different way, can change people's response to it.

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
Wouldn't it be :ult_terry:?

As in, without the underscore?

Watch it somehow be :ultkyo:.
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Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014

Pretty sure even though Nuts and Bolts is considered the bad one, most people accept that Tooie's "Neat ideas, horrible execution"
I think Tooie's a good game and worth playing. If I was introducing someone to the series, I'd tell them to play both. But the older I get the less patience I have for it making the player do task after task for a single Jiggy, not to mention all the backtracking and task juggling. But it has some really strong points that I think are worth getting through for at least one playthrough.

Having an in-game map would help, at least.


Smash Master
Aug 17, 2018
If Terry's tomorrow, one step closer to speculation being over.

I hope you enjoy Terry as the next fighter. However, unfortunately, we had to delay fighter #5 to 2021. We don't have much of a budget for this.

Deleted member

Dunno, about the N64 Rare platformers I find DK64 the most memorable one. Never felt the tedium of using 5 Kongs and if there was something I disliked about the game were the crappy minigames that you need to learn tricks to win (pretty dumb ones if I add) but that was a trademark of Rare with all their platformers.
Probably most, but not me. I love Tooie, and while the first is better, one way I prefer Tooie over Kazooie is I don't have the game memorized so I get lost in the worlds, in a good way. It's all about how you approach it--if all you care about is finishing the game as fast as possible, it's a terrible game. If you're fine taking your time and taking it all in, it's a glorious game.

While I haven't played much of Nuts and Bolts, and what I played was utter trash, there are many people who like the game--seems like it's common that those who didn't like Banjo-Kazooie as platformers really like Nuts and Bolts (e.g., Giant Bomb), and likewise, those who liked Banjo-Kazooie didn't like Nuts and Bolts (there are many exceptions, though). And part of me is glad that the change-up brought the characters to a new audience--they just shouldn't have made it a sequel to the platform games, they should have made it a spin off. If Nintendo had Mario Kart be the sequel to Mario World, instead of Mario 64, it doesn't matter how great the game is, it's a terrible idea and would sour people's perception of the game. Perception matters a lot when it comes to quality, even if it's the same game, presented a different way, can change people's response to it.
Dunno.I feel the three games (Kazooie, Tooie and N&B) have strong points and bad points but overall I wouldn't call any of them trash.


Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
“Dudes, there’s only, like, three ninja characters. Your just blowing this out of proportion.”
Let's see...

:ultsheik: - Basically a ninja.
:ultgreninja: - Literally in its name.
:ultjoker: - Is Japanese, wears black and sneaks into classes. Totally a ninja.
:ultlink: - Can equip and wield Sheika armor and weapons.
:ultcorrin::ultcorrinf: - Can reclass to ninja.
:ultrobin::ultrobinf: - Can reclass to assassin, which is basically a ninja.
:ultpit::ultdarkpit: - Can equip the Ninja Palm.
:ultpiranha: - Hides in smoke clouds, like a ninja.
:ultsnake::ultzss: - Are stealthy, like ninjas.
:ultmetaknight: - Is mysterious, like a ninja.
:ultwario: - Is friends with ninjas.
:ultryu::ultike::ultroy: - All wear headbands, are therefore ninjas.
:ultsquirtle: - Has a ninja alt in Project M. Yes, that counts.

There's way more then three ninjas in this game.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Probably most, but not me. I love Tooie, and while the first is better, one way I prefer Tooie over Kazooie is I don't have the game memorized so I get lost in the worlds, in a good way. It's all about how you approach it--if all you care about is finishing the game as fast as possible, it's a terrible game. If you're fine taking your time and taking it all in, it's a glorious game.

While I haven't played much of Nuts and Bolts, and what I played was utter trash, there are many people who like the game--seems like it's common that those who didn't like Banjo-Kazooie as platformers really like Nuts and Bolts (e.g., Giant Bomb), and likewise, those who liked Banjo-Kazooie didn't like Nuts and Bolts (there are many exceptions, though). And part of me is glad that the change-up brought the characters to a new audience--they just shouldn't have made it a sequel to the platform games, they should have made it a spin off. If Nintendo had Mario Kart be the sequel to Mario World, instead of Mario 64, it doesn't matter how great the game is, it's a terrible idea and would sour people's perception of the game. Perception matters a lot when it comes to quality, even if it's the same game, presented a different way, can change people's response to it.
Thing is, at some point things just drag and you get annoyed. I was enjoying over 10 hours of Hollow Knight but then I started thinking "How long is this going to go on?" Which frustrated me as the game is so goddamn big that I didn't really get to tell how far I was. There were other things I didn't like but at one point, I found a dead end and had explored every place I could find but then I found out I wasn't even halfway through. At that point I realized "I do not have time for this, I'll just stop". Tooie seems to be a similar deal


Smash Master
Aug 17, 2018
Dunno, about the N64 Rare platformers I find DK64 the most memorable one. Never felt the tedium of using 5 Kongs and if there was something I disliked about the game were the crappy minigames that you need to learn tricks to win (pretty dumb ones if I add) but that was a trademark of Rare with all their platformers.

Dunno.I feel the three games (Kazooie, Tooie and N&B) have strong points and bad points but overall I wouldn't call any of them trash.
It's why I specifically pointed out the part I played felt like trash to me--I only played a small portion of the demo, and so I couldn't say how I felt about the game as a whole. The design of the characters looked ugly, it was weird to move around, the menu system was confusing and I couldn't even figure out how to build something that worked. There was literally no redeeming qualities of the portion of the game I played.
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Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014
15 hours to go.

For some reason there's a sense of tension even though we're pretty sure who the character is gonna be.


Sep 26, 2013
15 hours to go.

For some reason there's a sense of tension even though we're pretty sure who the character is gonna be.
I feel it too.

It's not unwarranted, because there's just soo many paths this could take.

It could be Terry, which is the likely but not confirmed situation

It could NOT be Terry and speculation goes completely AWOL

It could be just Banjo news and Character 4 is MIA....somehow
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Smash Hero
Jun 15, 2013
Heaven, as of december 7th
Switch FC
SW 0383 4539 4118
I'm just happy we're getting another fighting game represented in Smash.

It'd be silly not to include characters from fighting games just because they are already playable in their own fighting games. Always seemed like a weak argument against 'em.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014
My elite four of Ultimate hype shall shield me from all potential disappointment.

Go forth, my children!

(I don't know why I'm posting this.)


Smash Master
Aug 17, 2018
I'm just happy we're getting another fighting game represented in Smash.

It'd be silly not to include characters from fighting games just because they are already playable in their own fighting games. Always seemed like a weak argument against 'em.
It's less of an argument, and more about personal preference (speaking of me and others I've heard who are less enthusiastic--not claiming there aren't those out there making weak arguments). Since Smash is the only fighting game I play, I'm less interested in fighting game characters, and it's just nice seeing those who are not fighting game characters be translated into the format. I think those who say SNK doesn't deserve a character, or that being a fighting game character should disqualify them, are going too far. And choosing a series that closely relates to the origins of Smash is certainly a plus to those not into fighting games generally. But it's how I felt about Heihachi, and even Phoenix Wright (as those who argued for him would point to his fighting game appearances as justification that he could work)--doesn't have as much novelty as characters from other genres or who have not been in a fighting game previously coming in.

That being said, Sakurai was able to instantly win me over with Hero's trailer, so I'm looking forward to be pleasantly surprised by how the character looks and works in Smash.

My elite four of Ultimate hype shall shield me from all potential disappointment.

Go forth, my children!

(I don't know why I'm posting this.)
While I don't have many characters in Ultimate I was super hyped for, other than my dream pick, I have pretty much my dream team.

Dream Team.png

(Crash would probably make it perfectly complete, but I have to assume he's not in and I'm fine either way--so I added K Rool as my favorite Ultimate base pick)
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Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014
One of the things I love about Smash is playing as the side characters and villains that are rarely (if ever) playable in Nintendo games.

Third parties are great but the fact that I can play as the fat crocodile boss from the DKC games and pit him against a veritable museum of video game history is sheer bliss.


Sep 26, 2013
One of the things I love about Smash is playing as the side characters and villains that are rarely (if ever) playable in Nintendo games.

Third parties are great but the fact that I can play as the fat crocodile boss from the DKC games and pit him against a veritable museum of video game history is sheer bliss.
Doesn't hurt that now that he's in arguably the most ambitious video game crossover of all time that hopefully Nintendo stops ignoring his fans.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014
God, I'm so happy with Ultimate. I know I keep saying it, but just thinking about the fact that we're getting a character tomorrow, it's probably someone I have no attachment to, but I no longer care is so... freeing.

I truly, honestly, never thought I would be here after I was so disappointed with how the Smash DLC cycle ended.

I assumed Ridley would never get in, K. Rool would get in once I hit my 30s, and Banjo was about as likely as Goku. Snake was dead in the water.

What a turnaround. I literally shed real ****ing tears at the K. Rool and Banjo trailers. Not just because they were in Smash, but seeing them after a decade.

I just want to gush positivity because a lot of the negativity about Terry Time has made me reflect on how fortunate I've been. It's just a stupid video game but over these last 20 years, Smash has meant something, you know? And Ultimate is like the grand series finale that ties everything up perfectly.

Maybe it's just 1 AM and I'm a sentimental ****. You guys are alright. Come in for the group hug.

Not you.

Deleted member

Probably most, but not me. I love Tooie, and while the first is better, one way I prefer Tooie over Kazooie is I don't have the game memorized so I get lost in the worlds, in a good way. It's all about how you approach it--if all you care about is finishing the game as fast as possible, it's a terrible game. If you're fine taking your time and taking it all in, it's a glorious game.

While I haven't played much of Nuts and Bolts, and what I played was utter trash, there are many people who like the game--seems like it's common that those who didn't like Banjo-Kazooie as platformers really like Nuts and Bolts (e.g., Giant Bomb), and likewise, those who liked Banjo-Kazooie didn't like Nuts and Bolts (there are many exceptions, though). And part of me is glad that the change-up brought the characters to a new audience--they just shouldn't have made it a sequel to the platform games, they should have made it a spin off. If Nintendo had Mario Kart be the sequel to Mario World, instead of Mario 64, it doesn't matter how great the game is, it's a terrible idea and would sour people's perception of the game. Perception matters a lot when it comes to quality, even if it's the same game, presented a different way, can change people's response to it.
I completely disagree. Learning the layout of the world and seeing you’re completing the game faster each time you play it is part of the appeal. Coming back to a game over and over again shows how much you enjoy it, and can allow you to see things you didn’t the first time. In the case of certain genres (Racing, Metroidvania) this is a major part of the appeal.

The fact that you’re getting lost in Banjo-Tooie is just bad game design, I’m on my second playthrough and I still don’t know what’s where in Glitter Gulch Mine and Terrydactyland. The worlds are so big and there’s no defining features to them. Banjo-Kazooie doesn’t have this problem, the worlds are small and are based around a major set piece, while areas are visually distinct and small enough to be memorable. WitchyWorld in Tooie does this well, while Gobie’s Valley in Kazooie doesn’t, but these are the exceptions, not the rule. WitchyWorld shares the problems of other world in Tooie as it is far too big, and the Jiggies are tedious and annoying as they send you on a wild goose chase across the world, and sometimes out to other worlds.


Sep 26, 2013
Honestly though

I'm kinda having a hard time imagining Terry's trailer NOT being a continuation of Ken and Incin's.

Like, Terry's a brawler with explosive punches.... Seems like it would be weird as hell to NOT include those.


Smash Master
May 25, 2014
Kingston, Ontario
One of the things I love about Smash is playing as the side characters and villains that are rarely (if ever) playable in Nintendo games.

Third parties are great but the fact that I can play as the fat crocodile boss from the DKC games and pit him against a veritable museum of video game history is sheer bliss.
Yeah, it's really nice to play as characters who aren't in the spotlight and aren't usually playable.

I feel the same way about K. Rool, but also Zelda, Rosalina, Palutena, Wolf

...and Banjo.


Sep 26, 2013
Speaking of Tooie....

They reference a couple of the moves but the Tooie references in Smash so far besides that are pretty slim, huh?

We've seen Grunty, Mumbo and Bottles as NPCs, but no Jamjars or Humba Wumba.


Smash Master
Aug 17, 2018
I completely disagree. Learning the layout of the world and seeing you’re completing the game faster each time you play it is part of the appeal. Coming back to a game over and over again shows how much you enjoy it, and can allow you to see things you didn’t the first time. In the case of certain genres (Racing, Metroidvania) this is a major part of the appeal.

The fact that you’re getting lost in Banjo-Tooie is just bad game design, I’m on my second playthrough and I still don’t know what’s where in Glitter Gulch Mine and Terrydactyland. The worlds are so big and there’s no defining features to them. Banjo-Kazooie doesn’t have this problem, the worlds are small and are based around a major set piece, while areas are visually distinct and small enough to be memorable. WitchyWorld in Tooie does this well, while Gobie’s Valley in Kazooie doesn’t, but these are the exceptions, not the rule. WitchyWorld shares the problems of other world in Tooie as it is far too big, and the Jiggies are tedious and annoying as they send you on a wild goose chase across the world, and sometimes out to other worlds.
But I specifically mentioned that was one approach--it's not the only way to approach a game, and when I approached Tooie as simply exploring the worlds, it was a lot more fun than on my first playthrough. As for bad game design, that's subjective--I'd say it is, only because, as I mentioned, most people hate the large worlds and backtracking, and that's the only way to objectively quantify bad game design. But, for me personally, I prefer that approach so long as there's a lot for me to do in them, and guess what, I did. The fact most people don't doesn't change that I had a more fun experience when I had to think of what to do, rather than just going through the motions by memory.

There are certainly areas that I consider bad--the two areas in the doorways in Mayahem Temple confuse me, I mix up all the doors in Glittergulch Mine. Witchyworld is actually a good example, to me, of a big world with a lot of great themed and memorable areas. Jolly Roger's Bay always confuses me because a lot of the areas underwater look the same. But, what's great to me is even after having played the game before, playing it again feels like I'm playing it for the first time--which in other games can be frustrating, but with Tooie it worked for me.

Just because it worked for me, doesn't mean it works for everyone (it certainly doesn't for most), which is why I put those disclaimers in the first place.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014
I think part of wanting the secondary characters is wanting the legacy of your favorite Nintendo franchises validated and wanting it to feel like a crossover.

Like DK and Diddy, okay, they're the guys on the boxart of the DKC games. They're great and I love them, but it's just, the guys on the boxart in a crossover. Obvious choices.

K. Rool slamming it down with these other characters? Now it really feels like "Donkey Kong Country: The Franchise" is represented and crossing into the others, not just "the leads of Donkey Kong Country." Y'know?

Speaking of Tooie....

They reference a couple of the moves but the Tooie references in Smash so far besides that are pretty slim, huh?

We've seen Grunty, Mumbo and Bottles as NPCs, but no Jamjars or Humba Wumba.
We might get a Humba Spirit since she has art from Nuts And Bolts. Tooie music is basically guaranteed, obviously.

There just isn't much to pull from Tooie since Spiral Mountain's most iconic form is the Kazooie version (even if the Smash stage has the N&B aesthetic).
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Smash Ace
May 23, 2014
The room down the hall
Switch FC
I do wonder actually
what they could possibly have left to talk about concerning Luigi's Mansion, especially since it's "headlining" the direct alongside SW/SH
they already revealed that each floor are individual levels of their own, unique boss ghosts are back, campaign has co-op, *online 8 player raid mode*
honestly, unless they have a new amiibo to throw at us, I can't think of any other big surprises they got under their sleeves
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Sep 26, 2013
I do wonder actually
what they could possibly have left to talk about concerning Luigi's Mansion, especially since it's "headlining" the direct alongside SW/SH
they already revealed that each floor are individual levels of their own, unique boss ghosts are back, campaign has co-op, *online 8 player raid mode*
honestly, unless they have a new amiibo to throw at us, I can't think of any other big surprises they got under their sleeves
Remember the Yarn Yoshi amiibos?

Now get ready for the Gooigi Amiibo, that's actually gooey like Flubber
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