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Smash Obsessed
Jul 30, 2015
Where the weather changes as much as my avatar

For anyone who wants to know a bit more about Terry's Potential moves.

Also at 16:18, There's a great Bogard Moment.
I picture his specials will be:
N: Power Wave
S: Burn Knuckle
U: Rising Tackle
D: Crack Shot

And if they add something like a meter that might turn them into more powerful moves, stuff like Power Wave becomes Power Geyser.


Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
Sorry to interrupt all this leak talk but I have a quick question, I'm kind of a nut for Video Game history and I like hearing a lot about it so I decided to play through Nintendo's library of games but I don't think I could play all of them as that would be impossible so my question is this:

What do you think are the top 10 most important Video Games in terms of Nintendo's History?
Ice Climber is definitely one of them.

cries in no Ice Climber: Uprising.

Deleted member

Sorry to interrupt all this leak talk but I have a quick question, I'm kind of a nut for Video Game history and I like hearing a lot about it so I decided to play through Nintendo's library of games but I don't think I could play all of them as that would be impossible so my question is this:

What do you think are the top 10 most important Video Games in terms of Nintendo's History?
Hard to say honestly, I don't think you could set a top 10 given that a few contribute to the story of the company.

IMO, the most important ones would be arguably Donkey Kong for the Arcade, then you would have Super Mario Bros, TLOZ, SMB3, arguably Dragon Warrior/Quest as it demonstrated the scale that could be achieved and that RPGs could happen in the console, Tetris for the GB, Pokemon, possibly the first Metroid, maybe Duck Hunt due to the Zapper peripheral. You could also throw Sonic the Hedgehog for really starting the console race in the 90s and giving Nintendo a rival. R.O.B. is also a landmark given that it helped market the NES in the west. And I really feel I'm missing or underplaying a lot of other games like Mario Kart or DKC.

You could add Super Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time, but I would argue that those two are some of the most important not only for Nintendo but rather to gaming in general.
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V Has Come To
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Feb 12, 2014
Mother Base
I do hope there is a second fighters Pass. Not just because of the fact that I still have a lot of characters I'd like to see in but also because Smash doesn't happen that often and I'd like to keep talking about a game I love with people I enjoy for a lot longer.

Even if I didn't get a single character I wanted in a second one. At least I'd get to talk about Smash more.


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2017
Oh please, the C&D, if she even has one, means nothing

Because she has an alt Twitter account where she just blabs anyway.

I'm pretty damn sure that if Nintendo REALLY wanted to, they'd be able to trace back the alt to her.
Sabi’s Nintendo source is a Nintendo Brand Ambassador, is male, and seems to have a schedule of when he’ll be able to give information. I’m pretty sure if she does have a C&D, Nintendo could easily narrow down who her source would be and fired him by now. It’s pretty obvious that after she constantly kept nagging people and trying to get their attention on her Nintendo information, she realized her source couldn’t give her the info and had to bail out last minute by faking a C&D.

Speaking of Sabi, man, I feel like we made her too cocky or something. Before she was just a chill dude that hanged out in the Geno thread and sometimes shared some info and was to the point. But now, she sees herself as this undeniable leaker gospel (if her twitter bio is anything) and tries to get as much attention by saying that she may have something and that she may tell us want it is soon... only for her to not say anything or for it to be pretty obvious what she will say, and her Terry “leak” isn’t the first time she’s done it.

Based on recent events like the fake Verge dm, I have a feeling she may do something that’ll really give her a bad rap. In general, her Nintendo/Smash leaks are hit or miss with a majority of them being stuff other insiders or people have said before, and it doesn’t help that this recent one only started after people found out about the SNK copyright.
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Yoshi is Thicc in S P I R I T
May 13, 2018
All around you, awaiting to consume your soul
Switch FC
Sorry to interrupt all this leak talk but I have a quick question, I'm kind of a nut for Video Game history and I like hearing a lot about it so I decided to play through Nintendo's library of games but I don't think I could play all of them as that would be impossible so my question is this:

What do you think are the top 10 most important Video Games in terms of Nintendo's History?
Can I put Yoshi's Island in that? :yoshi:

Deleted member

Can I put Yoshi's Island in that? :yoshi:
As long as the game is important to the history of Nintendo as a company and helped them in a huge way then sure.

I'm starting to realize it's really hard to narrow it down to 10.
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Sep 26, 2013
Sabi’s Nintendo source is a Nintendo Brand Ambassador and seems to have a schedule of when he’ll be able to give information. I’m pretty sure if she does have a C&D, Nintendo could easily narrow down who her source would be and fired him by now. It’s pretty obvious that after she constantly kept nagging people and trying to get their attention on her Nintendo information, she realized her source couldn’t give her the info and had to bail out last minute by faking a C&D.

Speaking of Sabi, man, I feel like we made her too cocky or something. Before she was just a chill dude that hanged out in the Geno thread and sometimes shared some info and was to the point. But now, she sees herself as this undeniable leaker gospel (if her twitter bio is anything) and tries to get as much attention by saying that she may have something and that she may tell us want it is soon... only for her to not say anything or for it to be pretty obvious what she will say.

Based on recent events like the fake Verge dm, I have a feeling she may do something that’ll really give her a bad rap. In general, her Nintendo/Smash leaks are hit or miss with a majority of them being stuff other insiders or people have said before.
I'm just glad Verg punched the wind out of her sails and ended that dumb ass game of hers.

No one was having fun and no one enjoys being strung along for far too long.


Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
Sabi’s Nintendo source is a Nintendo Brand Ambassador, is male, and seems to have a schedule of when he’ll be able to give information. I’m pretty sure if she does have a C&D, Nintendo could easily narrow down who her source would be and fired him by now. It’s pretty obvious that after she constantly kept nagging people and trying to get their attention on her Nintendo information, she realized her source couldn’t give her the info and had to bail out last minute by faking a C&D.

Speaking of Sabi, man, I feel like we made her too cocky or something. Before she was just a chill dude that hanged out in the Geno thread and sometimes shared some info and was to the point. But now, she sees herself as this undeniable leaker gospel (if her twitter bio is anything) and tries to get as much attention by saying that she may have something and that she may tell us want it is soon... only for her to not say anything or for it to be pretty obvious what she will say.

Based on recent events like the fake Verge dm, I have a feeling she may do something that’ll really give her a bad rap. In general, her Nintendo/Smash leaks are hit or miss with a majority of them being stuff other insiders or people have said before.
This is why I was hesitant on distrusting Sabi before.

I remember her being cool and stuff, even after she started putting leaks on twitter.

But now she just rubs me the wrong way, like it’s all gone to her head and now she has a huge ego.


Luminary Uppercut!
Mar 8, 2014
I have spent the past 2 1/2 hours playing Ninja Gaiden on the NES Online service. True to its reputation, it kicked my ass, and I was just as angry as the Angry Video Game Nerd. Minus Ninja Gaiden being a ****ty game that sucks ass. But I beat it. I now want Ryu Hayabusa in Smash for the sole purpose of kicking his ass. Those ****ing birds. They are the stuff of nightmares.


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
Sorry to interrupt all this leak talk but I have a quick question, I'm kind of a nut for Video Game history and I like hearing a lot about it so I decided to play through Nintendo's library of games but I don't think I could play all of them as that would be impossible so my question is this:

What do you think are the top 10 most important Video Games in terms of Nintendo's History?
I’m thinkin

And this is gonna sound crazy, but hear me out.

I’m thinkin

Super Mario Bros

Deleted member

I’m thinkin

And this is gonna sound crazy, but hear me out.

I’m thinkin

Super Mario Bros
No way. Absolutely no way that's absurd. Why would you think that? Just, No way.

No way. Super Mario bros? Nah. Nope. Nada.


Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
Sabi’s Nintendo source is a Nintendo Brand Ambassador, is male, and seems to have a schedule of when he’ll be able to give information. I’m pretty sure if she does have a C&D, Nintendo could easily narrow down who her source would be and fired him by now. It’s pretty obvious that after she constantly kept nagging people and trying to get their attention on her Nintendo information, she realized her source couldn’t give her the info and had to bail out last minute by faking a C&D.

Speaking of Sabi, man, I feel like we made her too cocky or something. Before she was just a chill dude that hanged out in the Geno thread and sometimes shared some info and was to the point. But now, she sees herself as this undeniable leaker gospel (if her twitter bio is anything) and tries to get as much attention by saying that she may have something and that she may tell us want it is soon... only for her to not say anything or for it to be pretty obvious what she will say, and her Terry “leak” isn’t the first time she’s done it.

Based on recent events like the fake Verge dm, I have a feeling she may do something that’ll really give her a bad rap. In general, her Nintendo/Smash leaks are hit or miss with a majority of them being stuff other insiders or people have said before, and it doesn’t help that this recent one only started after people found out about the SNK copyright.
Tbh I'm starting to kind of get some Loz18 vibes from her.

Like if Loz still had a source by the time he started teasing his fans.
No one was having fun and no one enjoys being strung along for far too long.
...Well, I'd be lying if I said I didn't find it a little entertaining.


Sep 26, 2013
Tbh I'm starting to kind of get some Loz18 vibes from her.

Like if Loz still had a source by the time he started teasing his fans.

...Well, I'd be lying if I said I didn't find it a little entertaining.
Is it entertaining?

As someone who basically sat on the sidelines and watched the chaos unfold, absolutely.

But eventually, the same joke gets stale after being told enough times.

"I'm gonna leak a bit of info, but it's soo vague!"

"That wasn't a leak!"

"Okay here's a leak!"

*Deletes post*


Smash Master
Aug 17, 2018
I do hope there is a second fighters Pass. Not just because of the fact that I still have a lot of characters I'd like to see in but also because Smash doesn't happen that often and I'd like to keep talking about a game I love with people I enjoy for a lot longer.

Even if I didn't get a single character I wanted in a second one. At least I'd get to talk about Smash more.
I really can't imagine why they would accomplish something so difficult (i.e., bringing everyone back) and not try their hardest to use it as an opportunity to expand it as much as possible. I can understand ending it when balancing becomes virtually impossible, and Sakurai has mentioned we're getting close to that point. But I see no reason from a game philosophy perspective to move on to the next game and risk having cuts again. You have the nearly perfect* base, now all that is needed is to expand upon that base.

Of course, I can understand the financial reasons--Sakurai says continuing DLC will be less profitable in the long run. But, I would hope they would try everything they can to make it financially viable so that you can maintain something like Ultimate as long as possible. For me, I can't see myself getting a sequel, unless all of the characters I consider to be important return (many of which are third party, and is more difficult). Regardless if they do move on to a sequel, I'll still have Ultimate.

*Nearly perfect, because for me I need a better single player mode before saying perfect


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014
Is it bad that I don't really want a second pass because I'm sick of Smash speculation?

I'm not against it but I'm not actively hoping for it either.

Like, I know I'm just speculating of my own free will, but it's like quicksand, you can't get out of it once you're in it.


Sep 26, 2013
Is it bad that I don't really want a second pass because I'm sick of Smash speculation?

I'm not against it but I'm not actively hoping for it either.

Like, I know I'm just speculating of my own free will, but it's like quicksand, you can't get out of it once you're in it.
Of course it's not, I feel the exact way.

Free me from this hell.


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
When speculation gets fun (like yesterday, for example) it can be really hilarious.

But in between the few hilarious moments are long stretches of absolutely nothing happening.

If there’s another fighters pass after this then great, new characters! But I will not be mad if speculation ends with #5.


Sep 26, 2013
When speculation gets fun (like yesterday, for example) it can be really hilarious.

But in between the few hilarious moments are long stretches of absolutely nothing happening.

If there’s another fighters pass after this then great, new characters! But I will not be mad if speculation ends with #5.
And even in the fun time there's a THIRTY SIX HOUR LONG GAME OF CAT AND MOUSE

No I'm not upset you're upset

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Is it bad that I don't really want a second pass because I'm sick of Smash speculation?

I'm not against it but I'm not actively hoping for it either.

Like, I know I'm just speculating of my own free will, but it's like quicksand, you can't get out of it once you're in it.
Yeah, we literally have 80 characters already and we already have every remotely popular character this site has asked for outside of maybe Geno and Isaac. At some point, people have or are going to realize "I already have what I want, I don't really care about what's next"


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014
So far this Fighters Pass is just a weird beast for me. It's very hot and cold.

Persona 5 and Banjo-Kazooie are my #2 and #4 favorite games so Joker and Banjo definitely bring the hype.

I'm mostly indifferent to Dragon Quest and SNK but I completely respect their legacies (although I am slowly getting into DQ).

With my luck, either #5 will be from a game I absolutely love like the other odd numbered characters (pretty unlikely since just about every game/series I love is already in Smash), or it will split the difference and just be a game that I really like, not love.
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Sep 26, 2013
All I'm gonna say is:

If it is Terry and the trailer ISN'T a sequel to Kencineroar, this fanbase is gonna freak trying to figure out what comes last.

Captain Fun

Smash Lord
Apr 10, 2014
All I'm gonna say is:

If it is Terry and the trailer ISN'T a sequel to Kencineroar, this fanbase is gonna freak trying to figure out what comes last.
I honestly think that the trailer is going to have Ken, regardless of the leak.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014
Yeah, we literally have 80 characters already and we already have every remotely popular character this site has asked for outside of maybe Geno and Isaac. At some point, people have or are going to realize "I already have what I want, I don't really care about what's next"
The last characters I would want to see that I've wanted for a really long time (like, since pre-Smash 4) are Dixie and Bomberman. It's too bad because I really feel like Bomberman could have been a contender on this Fighters Pass, but it wasn't meant to be.

Even my desire for them isn't really strong enough to stay invested in speculation.
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Eight Leaves One Kame Style
Feb 7, 2008
Newport, Oregon
I'm back for a short bit I guess. Figured i'd drop this by and say hi.

KoF has several mechanics that in hindsight seem like they inspired smash stuff somewhat, KOF has very aggressive short hops (hyper hops too), dodge rolls and such.

Also I figured i'd just record a little KoF 98 as Terry to show some basic stuff with him, no Buster Wolf here because this game was before he had it haha.

Deleted member

And what do I think of season passes after this one? Well, Do I really need to explain? As long as it brings me Geno I am happy. Give me Geno and I am satisfied but besides that I would love for the Speculation to continue! This saga of my life this hype cycle has brought me the best experiences I've ever had and some friends I wouldn't have otherwise. Bring on more characters!

I would love for more passes to break more rules break the Spirits Deconfirm and give me Geno, Break the Mii Costumes deconfirm and give both me and the people Rex and Pyra hell if you want to get really crazy break the Assists deconfirm and give us Isaac and Waluigi! More characters the better as far as I'm concerned so it's a win-win for me.

I'd love for us to get those WoL slots filled out with two more DLC seasons. Bring on more characters! Chorus Kids, Mach Rider, Dixie, Skull Kid, Rex/Pyra, Bandanna Dee, Geno, Isaac, Waluigi, Shantae, Phoenix Wright, RE rep, Takamaru, Sukapon, Zero, Chun-Li, Amaterasu, Shovel Knight, Sans and many more! There's so many characters they could choose from!


Sep 26, 2013
I think the only character I really 'want' is Crash, and that's moreso just the 90's kid inside of me.

Hyabusa would be dope as hell since, I had the unfortunate experience of owning Ninja Gaiden as a kid and got MAD AS HELL playing it lol

Deleted member

Also here have some absolutely wholesome content:
This is adorable and I love this. Segata Sanshiro is such a cool character and while it's not going to happen and never will happen I would love for him to get into Smash.


Sep 26, 2013
....Does it feel like the calm before the storm for anyone else?


Haha, who am I kidding. There's no way I'll wake up and the Direct will be announced.


Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
I do hope there is a second fighters Pass. Not just because of the fact that I still have a lot of characters I'd like to see in but also because Smash doesn't happen that often and I'd like to keep talking about a game I love with people I enjoy for a lot longer.

Even if I didn't get a single character I wanted in a second one. At least I'd get to talk about Smash more.
It'll be hard to imagine no more Smash speculation for another six years or so.

At the very least, I'd like to see Sakurai add maybe one or two characters from some of the Switch games, just for the sake of including a few characters from this generation. I feel like there's a lot of characters who had bad timing, so this could very well be the last chance for Rex, Edelgard, or a Gen VIII Pokemon.


Smash Master
Aug 17, 2018
Sorry to interrupt all this leak talk but I have a quick question, I'm kind of a nut for Video Game history and I like hearing a lot about it so I decided to play through Nintendo's library of games but I don't think I could play all of them as that would be impossible so my question is this:

What do you think are the top 10 most important Video Games in terms of Nintendo's History?
I'll give it a shot.

1. Super Mario - Goes without saying, but is the mascot for Nintendo, is the highest selling video game franchise and revolutionized gaming, period.
2. Pokemon - Went beyond video games to become the highest grossing media franchise.
3. The Legend of Zelda - Often has entries included as the #1 video game of all time and was highly influential to those in the gaming industry, especially its combination of gameplay and story, as well as it's innovations in 3D gaming.
4. Game & Watch - Appearing a year before Donkey Kong, was a massively popular and influential handheld game system, preceding the Game Boy by 9 years.
5. Donkey Kong - The original game to feature Mario, as well as being transformed by Rare into its own series of games using innovative pre-rendered 3D graphics, with DKC becoming a huge financial success for the aging SNES and setting the record for the fastest selling video game of all time.
6. Wii Fit - While a joke character in Smash to some extent, Wii Fit, along with the general Wii line, was massively popular to a wider, casual audience, and in a generation of mild iterations was revolutionary by comparison, becoming the largest Nintendo console launch until the Switch, and still the best selling home console for Nintendo.
7. Dragon Quest - Was the first console RPG and one of the most influential RPGs, becoming a cultural phenomenon in Japan.
8. Metroid - Often included in some of the best video games of all time, Samus Aran is noted as one of the first playable female video game protagonists and was unique for pioneering atmospheric and eerie setting and music.
9. Star Fox - Another Nintendo All-Star, often included in the best video games of all time, and pioneered 3D graphics before the 3D revolution of gaming.
10. Banjo-Kazooie - Represents the N64 generation, and while the system itself was not the best in sales, was a part of the 3D revolution of gaming, improving on the foundation Super Mario 64 built and becoming a de facto mascot of Rare, one of Nintendo's most prominent second party developers.

Obviously this is all subjective, regardless of how much I try to be objective. I tried to hit all of the major high points across the various systems in Nintendo's history (if given more to list, I would have included Pikmin for Gamecube). I was unsure what to do with series like Pac-Man and Final Fantasy where their major successes were on other systems (despite the latter having many important NES titles), as I wanted to include franchises that are as close to Nintendo's history as possible. And I'm not a video game historian myself, so while I made sure to double check some important facts, it's all based on what I have previously known (notice and emphasis on 3D gaming, and a whole of knowledge in previous eras), and I'm certain I'm missing a lot. All for fun. :)


Smash Master
May 25, 2014
Kingston, Ontario
Sorry to interrupt all this leak talk but I have a quick question, I'm kind of a nut for Video Game history and I like hearing a lot about it so I decided to play through Nintendo's library of games but I don't think I could play all of them as that would be impossible so my question is this:

What do you think are the top 10 most important Video Games in terms of Nintendo's History?
I don't think 10 is enough to accurately get a feeling for the history of Nintendo, so I'm going to increase the number a bit.
1. Donkey Kong
2. Super Mario Bros.
3. The Legend of Zelda
4. Super Mario Bros. 3
5. Tetris (Gameboy)
6. Kirby's Dream Land
7. Super Mario World
8. Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
9. Donkey Kong Country
10. Pokemon Red/Blue
11. Pokemon Gold/Silver
12. Super Mario 64
13. Mario Kart 64 (might be controversial to have it over the original)
14. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
15. Banjo-Kazooie
16. Goldeneye
17. Game & Watch Gallery 4 (might seem like a weird choice but it has a good variety of G&W games and has a lot of interesting history info in the Museum section)
18. Luigi's Mansion
19. Animal Crossing
20. Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (this game made a splash. It took the wind out of some people's sails when it was announced because it was so far from what people expected after Ocarina of Time and Majoras's Mask, but I would say it's up there as one of the greatest games of all time.
21. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (This is the only third party game on my list partially because I felt there needed to be a DS game on the list and it is probably the standout on the system in my opinion)
22. Fire Emblem: Awakening (controversial, but it is undoubtedly important considering it literally saved the franchise from death and led to it becoming an insanely popular part of Nintendo's line-up)
23. Wii Sports
24. Super Mario Maker 1 or 2 (kind of cheating, but they're obviously very similar. The first one is technically more of an important release, but the second one is a better game.
25. Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Honourable Mentions:
Balloon Fight
Dr. Mario
Duck Hunt
Super Metroid
Super Mario Kart
Kirby Super Star
Starfox 64
Paper Mario
Pokemon Snap
Sonic Adventure DX/Sonic Adventure 2: Battle
Resident Evil 4
New Super Mario Bros.
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games
Super Smash Bros. series (obviously these are important, but I can't pick just one to be on the list and it wouldn't seem fair for it to take up 5 spots or have all of them lumped into 1. But I feel like it's safe to assume that you've at least played one of them if you're on Smashboards.


Smash Master
Mar 21, 2019
I just woke up from sleep and apparently Verge confirmed Terry, Ryu's status is still unconfirmed though.
Terrybusa isn't a bad thing to end the pass on, if anything I like both characters and they kind of would make my purchase worthwhile. With that said Terrybusa has so much similarities to Kencineroar that it's kinda funny.
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
It'll be hard to imagine no more Smash speculation for another six years or so.

At the very least, I'd like to see Sakurai add maybe one or two characters from some of the Switch games, just for the sake of including a few characters from this generation. I feel like there's a lot of characters who had bad timing, so this could very well be the last chance for Rex, Edelgard, or a Gen VIII Pokemon.
I mean, aren't Joker and technically Luminary from this generation? Joker's going to appear on the Switch anyway with P5 Scramble


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
I have spent the past 2 1/2 hours playing Ninja Gaiden on the NES Online service. True to its reputation, it kicked my ***, and I was just as angry as the Angry Video Game Nerd. Minus Ninja Gaiden being a ****ty game that sucks ***. But I beat it. I now want Ryu Hayabusa in Smash for the sole purpose of kicking his ***. Those ****ing birds. They are the stuff of nightmares.
Now try out the original arcade game on the eShop.

Considering how awkward the Switch controller is with 2D games, call me impressed. Did you beat the final bosses for real or did you cheese them with the Spin Attack? I can get to them without save states, but good lord I do not want to try the Turbografx or SNES port which removed that trick/glitch but kept the "lose a single life, go back 3 full stages." lol
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