ive heard that from people
which is stupid
and makes me not want to play
because i hate being not THAT bad somedays and just absolutely awful on other
maybe ill just start practicing tech skill furiously in my room and play fox so im at least able to beat non-spacie noobs
f that
the first thing you need to do to learn how to "play to get better" is caaaaalm down
frustration leads honestly nowhere in this game at all, whatsoever
and the 2nd thing you need to do is open your eyes and start looking at yourself playing. The game is much, much, much more open-ended than most people make it out to be. You don't have to pigeonhole yourself into using the same 3 moves over and over, especially in situations where they don't fit anyways.
the 3rd thing you need to do is play a lot, lol
edit: kira I love you
let's play a lot this summer