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SoCal Power Rankings (October 28, 2007)- Will the update ever happen?

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Smash Champion
Aug 20, 2002
Irvine, CA (SoCal)
JTB beat Pbody twice now? Hugo beat dsf for the 2nd time? Mike y always beats knives? FAbian is the only one who is going to FC, he's gonna get insane training! The rankings need a complete overhaul!

I have a lot of downtime at work.


Smash Lord
Jan 23, 2006
Sherman Oaks, CA (Palmdale 4 lyfe)
0. Neal Pro/Creepy Fingers/ Jizzanator
1. Ken
2. Hugs
3. DSF
4. Edrees
5. BoA
6. Mango these 3 could be mixed up anyway. but BoA has more wins over both
7. Romeo

9. Knives
10. DC
11. Wolf
12. Arash
13. Manacloud
14. Mike Y
15. Champ
16. Evilnemesis
17. Ultra Luigi
18. Aesis
19. Straight
20. Mr. Pbody
21. Teba
22. Azn Lep
23. Azeem
24. Danimals
25. Lucky

Emerican has beaten gabe, Ultra, Mike Y, split pools with HugS, and he always takes edrees to 3rd, 5th game. i know hes good enough to make it. and i know sooner or later he will. but even with all that said i dont think hes had good enough breakout tournament to make it. and i dont know where i would put him. Lee Puff and Teba are also 10x better that they have ever been. but i dont see them going to many tournaments in the future so that doesnt really matter. just want to warn you all if you ever have to play these dudes.

What went in to this.
1. Personal opinion
2. accomplishments
3. Activity.
4. some Cheeze-its

after FC, OC3, we will have some better ideas for other people tho.

We are about to ring in the power rankings 100th page

Ultra Luigi

Smash Ace
Jul 30, 2004
Murrieta, CA
Let’s bump it up to 100 then. :)

I think I’m calling it off after Super Champ Combo. I haven’t been to a tourney in a few months, since Nexus I think.


Smash Lord
Jan 23, 2006
Sherman Oaks, CA (Palmdale 4 lyfe)
oh yeah and i dont really know anything about the new san diego people.

i know st patrick is good but i think emerican beat him and thats all i have to work with. so i didnt put him on.

and bone beat Boa....but i think that was a fluke....lol but i do think bone is good enough to be ranked. i just have no idea how he matches up with everyone else so i didnt put him on.

and my list doesnt really mean anything so nobody should really be hurt by it anyway. :p


Smash Ace
Aug 20, 2006
San Diego
oh yeah and i dont really know anything about the new san diego people.

but i do think bone is good enough to be ranked. i just have no idea how he matches up with everyone else so i didnt put him on.
Yeeeah. No offense but, i had a harder time with your falco than i did against BoA's marth. LOL, yeah i know crazy, right? Talk about match ups... This is in no offense to anyone who takes the rankings serious (???nobody im hoping); i'll be making a request to not be put on the rankings, regardless of my performance. so dont bother voting for me. spare me the drama. thanks! :D if you lose to me in a friendly or in tournament... you dont have to whine anymore. peace biznatches.


Smash Ace
Aug 4, 2005
The rankings are hard to judge as always. It seems like its more dependent on character matchups than anything else, and who has experience against such a character and their styles.

lets say that in the case of deepsocal, edrees is top 4 but has trouble against omar's sheik.
Me, playing fox, the matchup is easier so i can win against omar more consistently. At the same time, edrees' peach will do better against Hugs' samus, since hugs knows how to effectively fight fox and fast fallers( watch him against pc chris and kdj if you dont believe it) , from avoiding their shines to edgeguarding and their spacing. Romeo's falcon will lose to my fox but does better on samuses and other various characters like luigi probably. all the while, luigi can combo **** fox and it just goes on and on.

originally posted by nublet06:
"Emerican has beaten gabe, Ultra, Mike Y, split pools with HugS, and he always takes edrees to 3rd, 5th game. i know hes good enough to make it. Lee Puff and Teba are also 10x better that they have ever been."

Obviously, you're pushing for palmdale to get moved up, and its understandable to be biased. Yet why point out people's achievements, when we all have them. People will take notice in time, as a player keeps progressing and getting better. I dont have to point out what edrees, me, or evilnemesis have done recently for it to get acknowledged.

originally posted by nublet06:

"and bone beat Boa....but i think that was a fluke....lol"

its also a common thing to want to affliate your friend's victories and your own as part of one's personal abilities and skills. Yet, when it comes to other people beating you or one's friends, its easier to just blame it on external cues and other johns. Maybe it was a fluke, or maybe bones had more marth practice than boa had peach practice. Different styles also account for wins/losses.

I mean, even in my own match against boa, i was leading in the third game b4 he pulled a ken combo at the end. Is it as black and white to say that boa won because he's better, and had i won it woulda been a fluke? Was my bad DI with the ken combo the real fluke? It's all very situational. The same can be applied to other matches like the omar vs mango fight, in which mango missed his last rest and allowed omar to win.

its just psychology in the way we choose to see players's achievements.

it all boils down to: "I won because of my skill"
or.."i lost because of my controller, wasnt playing well that day, didnt get enough sleep, didnt care, was tired, it was a fluke....john john"


Smash Ace
Aug 20, 2006
San Diego
its also a common thing to want to affliate your friend's victories and your own as part of one's personal abilities and skills. Yet, when it comes to other people beating you or one's friends, its easier to just blame it on external cues and other johns. Maybe it was a fluke, or maybe bones had more marth practice than boa had peach practice. Different styles also account for wins/losses.
yeah. i agree with you. last time i checked, FALCO wasn't MARTH as to ROFL isn't BOA. just a theory i have. :rolleyes: BIASED.:rolleyes:

*runs and hides behind knives*


Smash Lord
Jan 23, 2006
Sherman Oaks, CA (Palmdale 4 lyfe)
i said Emerican has not done enough to be put on the rankings yet. i put that for more of a motivational speech to get brett pumped up and have his breakout tournament. whatever i say isnt really gonna get him on the rankings if he doesnt beat good people. So im kind of confused why you have a problem with that. if i was REALLY pushing for him to be on the rankings...maybe i would of put him on my own list?

I also said Bone should be ranked. and when i said it was a fluke i said that special "lol" to keep things friendly. ill be the first one to tell you that BoA and Teba are a coin toss on what they do. sometimes they ****...a lotta times they dont. Bone is a great player and i already said i dont know anything about him. except i played a money match....and he beat one of my best friends who i know is a great player. so im nothing but impressed.

lol my list is a big phat opinion. and if you cant handle it thats pretty sad. also my ideas based on what a fluke is also my opinion. and when BoA ken combo'd you.....in my opinion thats ****.

thanks for your opinion tho.


Smash Ace
Nov 24, 2005
Palmdale, CA
im not biased...BoA is random anyways.. he just gets lucky ken combos and random tippers all day long... his mindgames are not even that good... i mean, making you feel stupid just holding a controller is pretty random and flukish too. 3 stocking bone the first round, so what.. its just luck.


Smash Ace
Aug 4, 2005
haha wow, you guys are so defensive over your own crew.

I didnt even make a mention of the list other than the fact that placings are random and dependent alot on character matchups. I used boa as an example for something that is universal about people, just like i used edrees, omar, hugs, romeo, and mango in my examples...yet you only want to talk about boa....

Even the best players believe they win because of skill and that they lose because of whatever said reasons.

its so funny how i make one post mentioning one palmdale player and here comes all the sarcasm and agggression.

well i mean no disrespect towards boa, and i think hes a great player. Just trying to make a point come across but i feel this argument or whatever you wanna call it is not gonna head anywhere so long as you guys remain biased over yourselves.

originally posted by emerican:
3 stocking bone the first round, so what.. and beating every other peach worth mentioning in socal is just luck

what makes you think that boa 3 stocking bone wasnt the fluke? I mean, bone did win the other 2 games, didnt he?

oh and emerican, get your facts straight at least if you're gonna try to make a point.
Boa has never beaten edrees, and i'm sure hes worth a mention.


Smash Ace
Nov 24, 2005
Palmdale, CA
yeh my bad on that... i took it off cause i realized he didnt beat edrees... and again, my post was entirely poking fun. calm down dude


Smash Ace
Aug 4, 2005
but i am pretty calm dude haha.

I felt like you got pissed off with all the sarcasm in your post.

I dont like "bullying" unless its me doing it, and if i'm doing it, its usually related to gaysies and/or MIKE Y SUCKS comments.

i suggest we all make fun of champ and move on.


Smash Master
Nov 1, 2005
San Bernardino/pomona
she has too big of teeth, they just distract from her overall beauty.
wait, wtf are we already discussing a new list??
the last update was may 31, and there were NO tournaments in june
and 2 small ones this past weekend with the only mentionables were
hugo beating alex twice
mango and luigi splitting inwhich luigi replied "falco on jiggs is hard: rest frenzy"
and oscar loseing to jtb AGAIN lol


Smash Ace
Mar 13, 2004
Chino, CA
Wow Knives!! I totally agree with everything you just said.

I love how people's johns sound like this: "I was 4-stocking this Peach when suddently she pulled out a bob-omb and it missed me but then it exploded and took 3 stocks of me and then I came back but my controller wasn't working and I missed my attack and then got hit by 3 stitch-faces in a row and then I suicided twice. But I was tired anyway and didn't feel like playing."

Bejamin Franklin once said "People who are good at making excuses aren't good at anything else."


Smash Lord
Jul 26, 2005
San Bernardino/Riverside, California
Im too good at making excuses but I'm also good at 3 stocking Knivez fox, even though a certain show is better than another show. And JTB is starting to say "What it do" just a lil too much if you ask me. Someone should have a long talk with that guy. I hope I become 23 on the next list, but then again Ive only been to 1 tourney since I was added to the list. Maybe I'll be 25 or get removed completely :o Im bored, someone come play with me. Riiiiiiiight Now.
I dont have any friends, except knivez of course. He's my one true friend that I can count on for practically everything. =)


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
****, I should take Mike Y's spot. I gots respect for Luigi, and I would buy him a big breakfast.


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
**** bro its called a jk, and im pretty sure JTB doesnt need u talking FOR him.
Plain basic text with no remote hint of a "jk" is a pretty ****ty "joke."

I respond to an idiotic statement when I see it, irregardless of who it was aimed at, so me "talking for him" is incidental and irrelevant. It was a comment made on a public forum, so it's open for anyone to respond to.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 29, 2006
Pomona, CA
Plain basic text with no remote hint of a "jk" is a pretty ****ty "joke."

I respond to an idiotic statement when I see it, irregardless of who it was aimed at, so me "talking for him" is incidental and irrelevant. It was a comment made on a public forum, so it's open for anyone to respond to.
P P P, "irregardless" is not a word. no matter how well it seems to fit. lol man, the fact that you used that has made my day so much that i felt the need to actually post about it. For the record the word is and forever will be REGARDLESS, that is all....back to the shadows.


Smash Master
Nov 1, 2005
San Bernardino/pomona
someone come play with me. Riiiiiiiight Now.
I dont have any friends, except knivez of course. He's my one true friend that I can count on for practically everything. =)
I'm shocked. I leave the state for not even a week and you not only miss me, but your throwing away our friendship for your gay relationship with knives

I think mike y azeem and I should start our own crew. #1 2 and 3 worst smashers in socal ^_^
pbody we'll also be accepting your application
you'd be # 0


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
P P P, "irregardless" is not a word. no matter how well it seems to fit. lol man, the fact that you used that has made my day so much that i felt the need to actually post about it. For the record the word is and forever will be REGARDLESS, that is all....back to the shadows.
sage Note: Irregardless is a word that many mistakenly believe to be correct usage in formal style, when in fact it is used chiefly in nonstandard speech or casual writing.

shame for you to waste one of your rare posts on an incorrect correction of my typing ^^


Smash Ace
Aug 4, 2005
wow ok so i skipped the racial and grammar discussion to address one comment on there.

to Evil Luigi Gaymesis-

Naruto is better than bleach.

furthermore, stop trying to make yourself feel better by posting on the boards on how you "3 stocked me", when u lose to my marth and my fox and my falco.

Even furthermore, i 2nd what mike said- shut the f*ck up, no one likes you. The only time you'll be captain is when you go join the Rancho Kids Crew.

P.S- bleach character development sucks balls. Do we care about anyone, or anything for that matter honestly?

what is ichigo training for? to save the world? who cares, he's as boring as a pine cone.
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