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SoCal Power Rankings (October 28, 2007)- Will the update ever happen?

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Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
It's just not worth it to be aggressive in this game unless you're playing against Snake and you don't have a projectile and snake is the most fun character in this game Gimpy is completely right but i said it first but i forgot which thread so i guess gimpy wins plus he can just delete that post if he finds it
When you make posts like this, I'm just at a loss of words. You are one weird dude.


Smash Master
Nov 1, 2005
San Bernardino/pomona
claire how are we jelous of not inventing moves? i invented a sheik technique im happy =]
although us complaining isn't going to change anything, why are you upset with it? play brawl we're not stopping you. most of the brawl people have moved onto allisbrawl leave us smashboards to talk about melee.

hugo said it best
melee was a great fighting games based on a rock paper scissors system
brawl is a downgrade only using rock and scissors


Smash Apprentice
Feb 10, 2008
SoCal (909)
I think Nez is mad because basically 95% of swf is now a pissing contest about how crappy/uncompetitive brawl is, how the pro-brawl posters are noobs OR how much more fun brawl is than melee, and how all the pro-melee posters are embittered curmudgeons of the gaming community. Sorry you don't like the game, they get it. Most of the anti-brawl complaints are 100% legit. Tripping is bs. Not as many techs is bs. However SOMEONE has to win the tournaments. So far they've been won by melee pros and generally people who are starting to master it to a point of winning EVERY time. It's time to suck it up and either not play the game or learn to if you want to still be in the competitive scene. Otherwise money match people in melee and play house based tourneys for the rest of your life.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
I think Nez is mad because basically 95% of swf is now a pissing contest about how crappy/uncompetitive brawl is, how the pro-brawl posters are noobs OR how much more fun brawl is than melee, and how all the pro-melee posters are embittered curmudgeons of the gaming community. Sorry you don't like the game, they get it. Most of the anti-brawl complaints are 100% legit. Tripping is bs. Not as many techs is bs. However SOMEONE has to win the tournaments. So far they've been won by melee pros and generally people who are starting to master it to a point of winning EVERY time. It's time to suck it up and either not play the game or learn to if you want to still be in the competitive scene. Otherwise money match people in melee and play house based tourneys for the rest of your life.
I liked your post until the second to last sentence. When you say that, it reminds me how much I hate people that start trashing those players who are mad that their community is being taken away from them for some bull**** game.

House based tournaments? Yeah right. People are already clamoring for Melee tournaments and its been only a week since Brawl came out. In time, more and more people will realize how simple of a game Brawl is and go back to Melee, a game that takes alot more skill than Brawl will ever require.


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
well it's not like people randomly yell how bad brawl is. but considering it's all everyone wants to talk about, we're going to voice our opinions about it. even my smasher friends IM me about brawl and i'm like, just save your breath, i really don't care about the game, so talking to me about is just going to disappoint you.

melee 4 lyfe!11111oneoneonewunwunwun


Smash Apprentice
Feb 10, 2008
SoCal (909)
I liked your post until the second to last sentence. When you say that, it reminds me how much I hate people that start trashing those players who are mad that their community is being taken away from them for some bull**** game.

House based tournaments? Yeah right. People are already clamoring for Melee tournaments and its been only a week since Brawl came out. In time, more and more people will realize how simple of a game Brawl is and go back to Melee, a game that takes alot more skill than Brawl will ever require.
Dude, that's great. If melee makes a comeback; awesome, play it. Do your best to keep the community going. You've got my support.

I'm just stating the facts. Major money tournaments are picking up Brawl. It seems to me that pro players are either embracing it and having fun/actually winning, or *****ing about it here and doing nothing else. Is that productive?

well it's not like people randomly yell how bad brawl is. but considering it's all everyone wants to talk about, we're going to voice our opinions about it. even my smasher friends IM me about brawl and i'm like, just save your breath, i really don't care about the game, so talking to me about is just going to disappoint you.

melee 4 lyfe!11111oneoneonewunwunwun
Uh actually it pretty much is the equivalent of randomly yelling how bad brawl is. I can find few competition related threads without multiple posts about the how terrible the game is. I look for pro players' thoughts on new techs and strategies and all I see is complaining. With the exception of a handful like m2k that have accepted what's going on, no one is doing anything POSITIVE to advance the situation.

If you think it's that catastrophic, OK - let's see what we can do to make it better.

killer tofu

Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2007
I don't think people are saying brawl is bad. It's just not as good as melee.
And who are you to tell me what to do... this be teh interwebz.

EDIT: Play me in tournament Festizzio.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 2, 2006
Melee is cool and all. I hope Melee retains is competitive scene, which it will. I hope Brawl manages to squeeze into that scene too so everyone can be happy. I'll stick with the Brawl side because I f***ing suck at Melee. I always have and that won't really change. I've hit my potentially low ceiling in that game. Nothing wrong with either game in my opinion. Except for that **** tripping in Brawl. ****


Smash Apprentice
Feb 10, 2008
SoCal (909)
I don't think people are saying brawl is bad. It's just not as good as melee.
And who are you to tell me what to do... this be teh interwebz.

EDIT: Play me in tournament Festizzio.
I'm not telling you what to do. Everyone has two options. Play it or don't play it. You can't do neither :D


Smash Champion
Aug 20, 2002
Irvine, CA (SoCal)
I'm just at a loss of words.
NeighborhoodP has nothing to say and he used less-than-perfect grammar?


lulz the only people complaining about brawl are the ones that are bad at it.
Lol the only people who like brawl are the ones who got better at smash because it's now easier.

I believe a "play me in tournament" is in order.
Lol. I would not risk using my falco against festizzio in tournament. I saw him play a friendly for 30 seconds and I don't remember who he was playing but it was complete **** and I'm pretty sure it was someone good.


Smash Hero
Mar 13, 2006
Bay Area, CA
Is there any strategy in Pong? Yes, but...

How big/small is the apparent skill gap between someone who is mediocre at pong, and someone who is ridiculously good? That's the point that people are trying to make >_>


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
because less skillful people can't combo in melee to begin with. so if it's harder to combo in general, this helps the lesser players since they're not gonna be pulling off combos anyway
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