NeighborhoodP said:
You're a grown *** man who likes to pride himself on his intelligence and logic and feels like he's on a level above other people. I'm not saying that judgmentally, I'm saying that matter-of-factly.
So I don't know you at all but you know me?
Every time we have one of these little debates it strikes me just how little you know me, but how well you think you do. The thing is is that I don't pretend like I know you really well, but you always pretend like you know me really well.
I just do it because it's entertaining and I'm too spiteful for my own good.
If you say so. You can say it's in good fun all you want but I fully stand by my statements, there's no half-***** not caring **** anywhere in my posts.
So it's like, so what? Yeah, SDR is getting better... And? I can guarantee you he'll never get legitimately good until he changes his mindset.
Apparently they need to adopt your mindset before they'll ever get better.
Connor has a ****load of talent that you fail to see by the way but that doesn't have much to do with this so it doesn't matter.
The people with that talent all have the mental part down. Do you ever see Lucky when he's playing? Calm as a cucumber, doesn't give a **** about nothing, is never rattled. Do you see that in Connor? In SDR? In Kouryuu? It's not an accident.
I don't see that in Zhu but I recall you saying he was talented.
I have a lot of patience.
enough patience to make you break your controller twice against me? enough patience to quit out of matches 2 stocks early? enough patience to john all day about losing to Fly after picking FD against him? I believe you.
More than anything else, what makes you the authority on these things? You speak as if you know "skill" and "talent" basing off of what seems to be your opinion on how good people are. You can't just judge skill when we've never played other regions, and the few times we have we didn't do so bad, like Tofu beating a ****load of people last time we went to Norcal. There are times Socal looks strong just the same as when we look like a joke. Isn't Romeo unranked? He beat Falcomist but lost to me when I was really bad (and unranked). There are a ot of examples.
If someone who has a lot of recent OoS experience says we're nowhere near, say, Southeast's region I'll rethink, but you for one can't speak with the authority that you do. Again, just because you say things doesn't make it so. Your argument hasn't convinced me otherwise.