The Greater Leon
Smash Hero
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLWhile bored on a run, i thought of a star wars analogy for the top 8 (the prequels suck btw)
Johnny/Vader (Analkin) - Turned to the dark side of the force because he was consumed by his anger/hatred, and now uses that to crush his foes
Mango/Yoda - the wise master who you wouldn't guess is a wise master due to his appearance and way of speech
Joey/Obi Wan - Old expert who ***** johnny/vader (Analkin) in the past but gets killed by him in A New Hope (which is analogous to how their sets go nowadays)
C3PO/Fly - Very smart but doesn't exactly have the most personality. More concerned with duty (winning) than style.
Luke/Lovage - Started as your average farm boy, but through dedication and practice, became a powerful jedi knight capable of defeating the sith
HugS/The Emperor - Honestly, hugo doesn't fit that well into this analogy but the emperor is old and the mastermind of everything, and hugo seems like someone who could scheme well and be the mastermind behind a big plan (plus he's old)
Han Solo/Zhu - very practical guy and good with a blaster, is also a ladies man
MacD/Princess Leia - Though she's a princess, she is very forceful and sometimes un-ladylike. romantically involved with Han Solo/Zhu
DUDE thats got some pretty hilarious explanations
also i would like to inject that jeremy is a very personable guy
ahahahahah dude aside is hilarioUS(aside)
he's right
because baka got ***** today we will update soon
here i come *****esas a panelist i fully support brendan over baka4moe on the pr