my previous post, why i deleted it was cuz i was guna update it then i messed up badly by clicking back on browser
1. mango
2.lucky- very close with zhu, pretty much interchangable. MANGO JR
4.hugs- could get 2nd easily once rust is gone, until then he might continue to lose to scrubs like me, wes, and oscar inconsistent but when hes on he ALWAYS *****. this period he had much more **** compared to not ****. If he keeps ****** and hugs keeps getting ***** might get #4 oscar belongs here but since he is doing "bad" he's at #8 even though he annihilates me whenever he faces me. macD and my accomplishments are similar but i beat him last three sets i played with him so i barely edge him out. Me vs MacD pretty much comes down to who is playing better imo
8. Oscar-
Next period, assuming Wes doesn't go on a crazy **** should be 6. oscar 7. me 8. macd
9. Westballz- Talented falco on the rise, if Oscar gets back to ****** spots 7-9 will be a competition between me, wes, and mccain. needs to stop whining during sets
10. Connor- he could **** but seems like he isn't too into smash atm. not even in his prime yet imo. if he doesn't make moves then probably dropping again (also depends on how Alex19, Larry, Kira do)
11. Eddy-really cool, friendly guy and whenever he shows up he does amazing, beating connor, lucky, etc. Great, smart old school style. Probably going to retain this spot unless something drastic happens or he shows up to more tourneys
12. Alex19- hasn't shown up lately due to work. He's the WORST of the norwalk 3 but he's very dangerous and gay. If he plays more he can easily go up
13. Larry- extremely rusty but still has that unique falco style. He's back into going to tourneys again so once he gets the rust off he should do well again. The rest of Socal though has gotten much better during his Brawl days however..
14. Fiction- Probably shoulda been 13, Fictions on the rise but imo his mentality holds him back a little. Good enough to pull upsets. He definitely has the heart but needs to play without making a list of johns in his head as he is getting smacked up. How he composes himself mentally will determine if he goes up or retains his spot, or drops. if anything Kira is his only real threat to losing this spot
15. Sherigami- not bad, impressive for how little he plays/cares about the game
16. Bizzarro Flame-Used to be pure absolute jank but now he has a lot of substance to his game. jasons good
17. 24- pretty decent but plays absolutely homoe as fk. He will absolutely never approach and shield grabs in every single borderline situation. i have more fun playing hungrybox's puff
18. Stab- campy falco, like 24 despite his flaws his campyness allows him to beat people worse than him with consistency
19. HugQ- he's a homie and he's got the heart to continue to get better at the game
20. Hyprid- fancy sexy marth but worse than me at edgeguarding
close (no order):
Baka4moe (good peach)
PELIGRO( good peach)
Sung (good falco)
J666 (best socal link)
not as close:
would be on if played more:
Kira- Dave will definitely be top 15 or better next period since he's playing again. he still got it and seems much less rusty than larry
Emerican (f*#king ****)
ROFL (really impressed me, old school palmdale luigi who is amazing at getting grabs)
Sergio (909 ? peach player, talented)
and bunch of other inactives/old school players
future prospect:
TipZ- 805's secret fox..
other notes:
as the rankings go towards the bottom it's easily changeable so top 16-20~ is still up for grabs. i predict sung and baka4moe to get up there next period, kira will be top 15+ and hyprid, hugq and stab have a good chance of dropping unless they secure their wins vs talented newcomers