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Smash Ace
Feb 5, 2006
As depressing as it was, I was so tired I could only lmao when it happened. i'm just hoping people find a way around it, which i'm sure they will.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 28, 2006
Northridge, CA
as a MK player.. you are ********.

clearly you just can't handle simple strats.

pick up snake or other 5-5 matchups and not suck.



Smash Journeyman
Jan 8, 2002
Kalamazoo, MI
metaknight should be banned for broken moves beyond tornado.. either that or the next tournament will be half metaknight and half people not giving up on their character to switch to metaknight or snake

these tournaments will easily be 2-3 characters very soon unless the community comes to some agreement on this.. and i still have more respect for snake players cause it actually takes some skill to slide around all crazy.. but i wont dare shake a metaknight player's hand unless its someone i know


Smash Journeyman
Feb 28, 2006
Northridge, CA
ok heres a tip for everyone. snake, DK, zero suit, wolf are all great characters vs. MK.

pick stages with ledges. and don't suck. keep your mains and get good with one of those characters.



Smash Ace
Dec 19, 2007
Jacksonville, FL (UNF) Location: Tavares, FL
metaknight should be banned for broken moves beyond tornado.. either that or the next tournament will be half metaknight and half people not giving up on their character to switch to metaknight or snake

these tournaments will easily be 2-3 characters very soon unless the community comes to some agreement on this.. and i still have more respect for snake players cause it actually takes some skill to slide around all crazy.. but i wont dare shake a metaknight player's hand unless its someone i know
No johns. Meta Knight is not that broken. He's definitely a great character, but still very beatable. Just from our set I saw some reasons for you losing. Mainly just predictable moves that I punished you for, your lack of air dodging against Meta Knight's upB (which is very easy to see coming) and you just being stupid off the edge. Good games, though. Your G-dub is good.

And, yeah, people are always going to lean towards playing "top tier" characters regardless. The same **** happens in all fighting games including Smash.

By the way, I don't even main Meta Knight. It's all about that Wario, son!


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2006
Weston, Florida
FL is sooooo behind in this ****ing game its rediculous. the amount of **** you guys dont know compared to areas like ny, md/va is crazy.
MK can be beat, you all just suck.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 8, 2002
Kalamazoo, MI
No johns. Meta Knight is not that broken. He's definitely a great character, but still very beatable. Just from our set I saw some reasons for you losing. Mainly just predictable moves that I punished you for, your lack of air dodging against Meta Knight's upB (which is very easy to see coming) and you just being stupid off the edge. Good games, though. Your G-dub is good.

By the way, I don't even main Meta Knight. It's all about that Wario, son!

"oh, i cant beat this guy.. with wario so im just gonna spam upB and downsmash with metaknight" you just admitted it takes no skill to do that.. and i know it doesnt because i was able to do it in about 10 seconds
my beating metaknight against rx and otru 2-0 relied completely on luck..

i didnt air dodge because i found out dair matches or beats upB
unfortuntately ALL of g&w's moves are punishable unlike metaknight


Apr 21, 2004
Fort Myers, FL (Orlando/UCF for college)
Ummmm I play Rx a lot, and I beat him like 98% of the time!!!

I've had to deal with the annoying tornado, and up b all the time and I deal with it!!!

It's not impossible/as broken as everyone tries to claim!!!



Smash Apprentice
Jul 12, 2007
kissimmee, FL
find a character that can beat it...I think I have a few...but I like to keep those characters to my self >_>. Also, I MIGHT add Meta to my own little character group...but right now, I am doing my "Character beat this character" Researh, and sadly is not complete...however! so far I found 50% of what beat who...but is all about how the person play...either way, is still research <3.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 8, 2008
so... I think everyone should quit *****!n...

and just RelaX... the game is still very new. Everything will be fine. Trust me. :)


Smash Hero
Sep 11, 2005
Kissimmee, Florida playing melee! (f*** brawl, th
ok regardless of any flame i'll get, i'll still say it. MK is gay. up+b and tornado are too good.

to loto: yeah sure, kirby could suck him or hammer him? but its not easy to do and its not like oh he's tornado'ing, let me just do this. no, its not like that, it comes out fast, and both the sucking and hammer, come out slower. once you mess uop and get slightly nipped your sucked in for the whole thing. oh, and thats two thing which are situational, not a "ton of things"

to queen: ok, you've delt with it. but your character choice and the fact that hes a teammate could have factored in. your teammate is not going to sit there and spam tornado all day. he's just not going to do that to his friend. also, your matchup does help. likey you said, just grendae.(i dont know how effective that is, just copying what you said). try getting away from spammed up+b plus tornado with kirby.

im sorry, but no matter how you put it, that spamming b and up b is kinda gay. for how easy it is to do, its too good. and you dont suck if you get caught in it. its a crazy move. sheild punish? nope. i was trying but i really couldnt punish that ish.

go ahead, start flaming me now. especially all the new players who have been in the scene for like a month and have no idea who they are talking with or talking about.. start flaming and talking your ish about how i should just " get over it, get better, dont suck, pick a handful of characters that do well against MK, stop johning." im not going to hold back how i feel. at this rate, its going to turn into a small ring of 3-5 playable characters. so gay.



Smash Ace
Jun 1, 2005
gainesville, fl
dude, meleeprodigy(?)....seriously. brawl might deteriorate into 3-5 playable characters. but not because of metaknights up-b/b spam. although those moves will probably always be powerful tactics, youve got to realize brawl is still in its infancy, and for a while--until the metagame gets settled--the people winning tournaments are going to be the people who just came up with the latest "unbeatable" tactic.

and, eventually, there might end up being some unbeatable character/tactic. brawl's extreme lack of a punishment system makes that possible, but the fact Q already has an answer to MK spam would seem to suggest that this ain't that tactic

and also rx congrats. youve always been a good sport even if you dont think i like you or some ridiculous notion (ps i'm just cranky)


Smash Rookie
Sep 11, 2006
Delray Beach, FL
Man, I'm utterly astounded at all the talk about "banning Metaknight" or whatever that's arisen since Gigabits yesterday. Actually, since this game's inception, I think I've heard discussion on banning Dedede and IC's as well due to their chain grabs.

While you're all at it, would you like your ***es wiped for you every time you take a **** as well? It'd probably be more productive to, uh, you know...try and think of ways to beat a character rather than whining about two moves they have that are "gay". Sorry, characters shouldn't be banned just because a select few are incapable of finding ways to beat them, that's not how it works in these games (unless you're a masochist and playing MvC2 or some **** like that).


Smash Lord
Oct 28, 2007
Holla at me if you need to hire a teams partner. I
hiroshi you been in the scene for years and you still dont know what your talking about. so much for the top 15 in fl. your the first person ill say i can completely destroy in brawl without even trying and im horrendous in this game im not even mentioned for PR and i can own u.

lolol at noobs thinking mk should be banned I love how ******* like to hide behind the word honor instead of being a man and get out of their little box and learn the game and match up. man up brothe man up. lol zorak thats fuked how you said you wont shake a mk's player hand after a tourney set ima do that to you just for being lil ***** about it man up son man up


Smash Lord
Dec 3, 2007
Tallahassee, FL
ok regardless of any flame i'll get, i'll still say it. MK is gay. up+b and tornado are too good.

to loto: yeah sure, kirby could suck him or hammer him? but its not easy to do and its not like oh he's tornado'ing, let me just do this. no, its not like that, it comes out fast, and both the sucking and hammer, come out slower. once you mess uop and get slightly nipped your sucked in for the whole thing. oh, and thats two thing which are situational, not a "ton of things"

to queen: ok, you've delt with it. but your character choice and the fact that hes a teammate could have factored in. your teammate is not going to sit there and spam tornado all day. he's just not going to do that to his friend. also, your matchup does help. likey you said, just grendae.(i dont know how effective that is, just copying what you said). try getting away from spammed up+b plus tornado with kirby.

im sorry, but no matter how you put it, that spamming b and up b is kinda gay. for how easy it is to do, its too good. and you dont suck if you get caught in it. its a crazy move. sheild punish? nope. i was trying but i really couldnt punish that ish.

go ahead, start flaming me now. especially all the new players who have been in the scene for like a month and have no idea who they are talking with or talking about.. start flaming and talking your ish about how i should just " get over it, get better, dont suck, pick a handful of characters that do well against MK, stop johning." im not going to hold back how i feel. at this rate, its going to turn into a small ring of 3-5 playable characters. so gay.

Knowing you played shiek in melee makes this hilarious.


Smash Hero
Sep 11, 2005
Kissimmee, Florida playing melee! (f*** brawl, th
dude, meleeprodigy(?)....seriously. brawl might deteriorate into 3-5 playable characters. but not because of metaknights up-b/b spam. although those moves will probably always be powerful tactics, youve got to realize brawl is still in its infancy, and for a while--until the metagame gets settled--the people winning tournaments are going to be the people who just came up with the latest "unbeatable" tactic.

and, eventually, there might end up being some unbeatable character/tactic. brawl's extreme lack of a punishment system makes that possible, but the fact Q already has an answer to MK spam would seem to suggest that this ain't that tactic

and also rx congrats. youve always been a good sport even if you dont think i like you or some ridiculous notion (ps i'm just cranky)
lol, you remember my old username, those were funny times. and i know it wont be because of MK's two gay moves directly, but it can in some way, force certain chatracters to be played.

Kind of like Fox, Falco, Shiek, Marth, Peach?

Whats even funnier is you mained 2-3 of those 5

why is it that every time you post regarding me, it has a negative conatation to it? anyways, yeah, kind of like that slynkee, kind of like how i DONT want it to be again. i would like to be atleast ten completey viable options to win with. how is that funny? i played both of those characters before i knew what a tier list was. before i knew what advanced smash was. before i knew what smashboards was. oh, and i havent ended a post with peace in like 2 months. it looks cute though, and i get the effect your looking for. so i guess it's justified.

Man, I'm utterly astounded at all the talk about "banning Metaknight" or whatever that's arisen since Gigabits yesterday. Actually, since this game's inception, I think I've heard discussion on banning Dedede and IC's as well due to their chain grabs.

While you're all at it, would you like your ***es wiped for you every time you take a **** as well? It'd probably be more productive to, uh, you know...try and think of ways to beat a character rather than whining about two moves they have that are "gay". Sorry, characters shouldn't be banned just because a select few are incapable of finding ways to beat them, that's not how it works in these games (unless you're a masochist and playing MvC2 or some **** like that).
i agree, banning MK is stupid. and banning the tactic is dumb. it will never happen. i am trying to think of ways of beating it y the way. just because you complain about something doesnt mean you arent actively trying to get around it. ive already been experimenting with a variety of different options to get around MK.

hiroshi you been in the scene for years and you still dont know what your talking about. so much for the top 15 in fl. your the first person ill say i can completely destroy in brawl without even trying and im horrendous in this game im not even mentioned for PR and i can own u.

lolol at noobs thinking mk should be banned I love how ******* like to hide behind the word honor instead of being a man and get out of their little box and learn the game and match up. man up brothe man up. lol zorak thats fuked how you said you wont shake a mk's player hand after a tourney set ima do that to you just for being lil ***** about it man up son man up
bro, lambchops, shut up. i dont know what im talking about? what MK might not be broken, but considering how easy it is to pull off those two tactics, and how much damage and interuption they can produce, still makes them too good. ofcourse we can get around them, but in general their ease of use makes them good. not unbeatbale, but nevertheless, good. so much for top 15? maybe, maybe not. i did good against all my opponents. i really didnt get ***** this tourney, and i owned in my pool. i dont have a secondary, so when i get to a bad matchup, im kinda screwed. once i get someone that can cover kirby's weaknesses, i'll be fine. not to mention i have an extremyl busy life for my age which leave me with little to no time for practicing with brawl.

Knowing you played shiek in melee makes this hilarious.
who are you? and why does it make it hilarious? like i already previously stated i played sheik before i was aware of anything remotely "advanced". and the only move that you could say sheik possibly 'spammed" like MK is her tilts. but they were a lot easier to get around. and if i miss the first initial hit, thats it. MK can miss, and just follow you. And it's extremyl hard to punish. In melee, people would just space proper aerials or space it so they could get a sheilddash grab or something.



Smash Rookie
Sep 11, 2006
Delray Beach, FL
i agree, banning MK is stupid. and banning the tactic is dumb. it will never happen. i am trying to think of ways of beating it y the way. just because you complain about something doesnt mean you arent actively trying to get around it. ive already been experimenting with a variety of different options to get around MK.
Understood, sir. My post wasn't directed exclusively towards you so much as it was the entirety of this back-alley abortion of a thread. QQBox seems to have a penchant for birthing these things upon all of us, and I guess we were overdue for the follow-up to his epic tier list and misplaced livejournal entries.

I have concerns that are probably similar to the rest of the people in this thread insofar as I don't enjoy seeing fighting games boiled down to "a small-ring of 3-5 playable characters". And what angers me about this game to no end (aside from the game in general itself, that's another topic entirely) is people preemptively ruling out any and all facets of the gameplay that could make this snoozefest a little less boring than it already is. For example, think back a few weeks ago to when people were trying to ban stages like Great Sea and Halberd because the hazards only announced themselves like 10 minutes prior to their taking effect rather than 20.

Just bear in mind, everyone, that all of this is a step in the very direction you don't want to be headed. If you ban every annoying character in this game, what do you end up with? A small ring of 3-5 playable characters. Congratulations, now your tournaments encompass 10 hours of Ness mirror-matches on Battlefield. Fantastic.

But anyway, back on the topic of beating Metaknight: have you tried using the fully-charged up B?


Smash Lord
Aug 28, 2006
Dude, just play Pikachu. You get to play the most adorable character in the game AND beat Metaknight. Downsmash and thunder are the answers to the Metaknight problem. No johns.
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