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Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2005
Orlando, FL
Cuz its straight up fvcking ******** how other people actually learn there characters, spend time learning the ins and outs of there character. Then you lose to someone that literally pressed 3 buttons (Up B, B, DSmash).

Its not the fact whether there are "ways around it", your looking at it the wrong way. The problem is that its a viable strategy. And while there are "ways around it", what you have to do to stop it greatly outweighs what the meta knight has to do to start the move.

Not to mention if you dont play one of the few characters that has a way to stop it, you lose. Without a doubt, you are getting a loss.

Ways around it or not, its just fvcking stupid that a strategy like this exists in a fighting game like brawl. A game that everyone wanted to come out for so long, a game that SHOULD have been beta tested to ****in hell, but uhhhh either someone wanted meta knight to be broken or someone missed it. Either possiblity is just sad.

If anything, i expected this game should be hella balanced, whether it was made as a party game or not. Its like the complete opposite of balance.

I completely agree with afro on this one
I would have said it but im really bad at writing.

showtime again
you cant do **** the only reason your friends can is because you dont gay them out.

I found the secret to beating gay metaknight
at l east 1 on 1 if your in teams your ****ed
i guess pick meta too for teams.


Smash Ace
Aug 22, 2006
I completely agree with afro on this one
I would have said it but im really bad at writing.

showtime again
you cant do **** the only reason your friends can is because you dont gay them out.

I found the secret to beating gay metaknight
at l east 1 on 1 if your in teams your ****ed
i guess pick meta too for teams.
I tried it and spamming B doesn't quite work out......first of all the cooldown of that attack is forever.....2nd of all it does weaker and weaker damage the more I do it.....it was like committing suicide to keep spamming that garbage.....

Either you guys are really not looking at the weakness of it....or just trying to boast a character's strengths.....

Toon Link's boomerang also breaks through the tornado.....I honestly don't understand "HOW" you have trouble with that tornado spam.....it just doesn't get put into my head...

Like I said you guys are just finding a way to bring excuses to your losses and automatically assume that the move is cheap just cause a player uses it many times.....well if you are the better player and more confident how about LEARNING ways around it. Sitting here complaining every day and day out about how the "B" is broken and overpowered won't do you any good. And if worse comes to worse either switch characters or just quit Brawl and go to Melee. Cause thats where most of the complainers of this game go to. This game has been out for 2 months and right away you guys are assuming a character is cheap due to one move that can be easily spammed, (NOT EVEN THAT EFFECTIVE). It's not like Toon Link can spam his projectiles all day. Not like D3 can spam chain grab all day. Not like Wolf can spam B and forward A's all day. Not like Pikachu spamming B's / Down Smash / Down Bs all day. Not like Ike can spam AAA all day. Not like Snake can spam FTilt all day....

You see where im getting at.....ANY CHARACTER CAN SPAM! Learn ways around it....please....there is always a way around things, you guys are getting beyond frustrated at the situation and just give up and assume the game is rigged.

But w/e I'll even try to help you guys figure ways around this so called "RIGGED MK SPAM" if needed to, but flaming me and telling me that MK is rigged and im a noob cause I use him is beyond stupid and childish.

I played Melee as Yoshi and now that my eye caught on to MK since he was my all time favorite character, I get flamed for using a favorite character?

So yea.....w/e....if you guys wanna whine and whine then continue to do so.....im honestly done with the whiners and will ignore their immature comments, but of course if you want to know why you are having trouble with this feel free to ask for my help....I won't mind.


Smash Lord
Dec 3, 2007
Tallahassee, FL
Every time I play against my roommate's Pit I want to kill myself. i completely own him at melee but all he does is camp the **** out of me and abuse brawl's gay no lag rolls and I have such a god **** hard time beating him. I ****ing hate this game.


Smash Lord
Aug 28, 2006
long @$$-post
Obviously tornado spam isn't as easy to get through as you make it seem if people are having trouble with it. My guess is that Rx- is just better at spamming it than you are against your friend, which is entirely possible. He's been training for a while, so he knows his ****. And no one has flamed you for using metaknight, quit your
b!tching, they've only been flaming the tornado-spam tactic.


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2005
Orlando, FL
I tried it and spamming B doesn't quite work out......first of all the cooldown of that attack is forever.....2nd of all it does weaker and weaker damage the more I do it.....it was like committing suicide to keep spamming that garbage.....

Either you guys are really not looking at the weakness of it....or just trying to boast a character's strengths.....

Toon Link's boomerang also breaks through the tornado.....I honestly don't understand "HOW" you have trouble with that tornado spam.....it just doesn't get put into my head...

Like I said you guys are just finding a way to bring excuses to your losses and automatically assume that the move is cheap just cause a player uses it many times.....well if you are the better player and more confident how about LEARNING ways around it. Sitting here complaining every day and day out about how the "B" is broken and overpowered won't do you any good. And if worse comes to worse either switch characters or just quit Brawl and go to Melee. Cause thats where most of the complainers of this game go to. This game has been out for 2 months and right away you guys are assuming a character is cheap due to one move that can be easily spammed, (NOT EVEN THAT EFFECTIVE). It's not like Toon Link can spam his projectiles all day. Not like D3 can spam chain grab all day. Not like Wolf can spam B and forward A's all day. Not like Pikachu spamming B's / Down Smash / Down Bs all day. Not like Ike can spam AAA all day. Not like Snake can spam FTilt all day....

You see where im getting at.....ANY CHARACTER CAN SPAM! Learn ways around it....please....there is always a way around things, you guys are getting beyond frustrated at the situation and just give up and assume the game is rigged.

But w/e I'll even try to help you guys figure ways around this so called "RIGGED MK SPAM" if needed to, but flaming me and telling me that MK is rigged and im a noob cause I use him is beyond stupid and childish.

I played Melee as Yoshi and now that my eye caught on to MK since he was my all time favorite character, I get flamed for using a favorite character?

So yea.....w/e....if you guys wanna whine and whine then continue to do so.....im honestly done with the whiners and will ignore their immature comments, but of course if you want to know why you are having trouble with this feel free to ask for my help....I won't mind.


Smash Lord
Feb 12, 2006
Boca Raton
i dont have a problem with tornado cuz it doesnt do that much damage
i do have a problem with up+b to glide attack to dsmash/repeat ad nauseam. which is how I lost to Rx-.

What can Wario do against such ***gotry? Spam fsmash until it no longer does damage ? :/


Smash Apprentice
Feb 8, 2006
Sighrax just roll through it, don't try and out prioritize it or shield grab it!!!

I dunno. The only way I ever got through it yesterday was with ftilts, and that's only if he messed up his spacing. I got the fsmash superarmor to work a few times, but it's tricky. You can just roll away, but I like to be able to attack people. :ohwell:


Smash Master
Jun 1, 2006
eff el oh are eye dee aye

If you guys are really pissed off about this Meta Knight Up B thing, than none of you ever played Falco, Shiek, Fox, Marth, Peach, ICs, or Tipman's Ganon in Melee.

Get over it you cry babies.

Rx won 600 dollars.

Money makes the world go round people.

Or else you wouldn't have paid the money to enter Gigs and lose to Rx's lame strat.

Also, I've been saying this from the begining, you're gonna have to play multiple characters in the early stages of any fighting game.

Gay strats were thought of in so many fighting games.

In Cod4 people go outside of the map and snipe people.

Do I go on CallofDuty4boards.com and cry about it all day?

Hell no, I go outside the map and m16 those f@gs.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 8, 2006
Sometimes things really are broken. Ever played Battlefield 2?

That said, Metaknight's not close to broken. He's tough to get around right now, but not broken. Plus, Rx- is good without b and up-b spamming, so I don't see why anyone would complain about him winning just because of that.


Smash Ace
Sep 16, 2007
orlando, near Kissime. Vistas
Brawl just sucks overall but that's why a lot of people like it. It is much much much easier to win in brawl than it is in melee. You really never know who's going to win tourneys in brawl and everyone thinks they have a chance which they do since the game is so shallow. I like melee better but it won't stop me from going to a brawl tourney since tourneys were originally set up to get money.

Brawl sucks
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