sheik is weird because only m2k atm plays her at very top level and, aside from there being no vids of it, he likes playing marth more even though he says his sheik, fox, and marth are all about the same.
for good active players we're in a weird spot... nobody's playing her as a main or anything. when kdj was around we had him, i guess, and drephen consistently does well but he doesn't win major stuff either

which sucks because i love drephen.
in any event... falco is probably fourth; most people seem to agree on this, or rather, most credible people (there are exceptions, of course). the top three thereafter are sort of debatable depending on what you define a tier list as and how much you weight tournament success (in which case, marth would be first). if you go by just objectively who appears to be the best character (for human capacity) it's probably sheik. if you go by total potential then it's fox.
it all depends.