Good job to lain and SG.
SG beat some really good players (Gnes in pools, Co18/Shadow in bracket etc) but then lost to inui twice, as well as losing to jerm :/. A lot of IC players seem to be inconsistent like this.
Good stuff though, get better against MK SG

and TL. Jerm has a lot of IC's experience from me and smoom but the last few times I've played Jerm in tournament and money matches I've won. I don't know if I would have beaten shadow though and I def can't beat Gnes so good stuff

It seems like the americans enjoy putting me on the live projector despite me not wanting to. The first time vs inui I couldn't handle the pressure because a huge crowd formed randomly and even did the USA chant. I have no idea how ally does it, so from now on I am going to wear headphones. When I asked if I could not play my matches on the projector, DM told me no, I asked him why, he said because "its hilarious" to see me play vs inui.
I dunnow I feel like theres 3 factors that really didn't help me at this tourney. 1, my playstyle being slightly too inconsistent with the walking desynchs, I relied on dash animation too much which meant I could never catch the tlink due to Z-Air. Since I had a lot of pressure I also messed up some stuff and got greedy afterwards and went into "grab mode", but thats my own fault. I know raidos beat jash before too, so I am guessing il just have to get technically consistent.
2, the crowd, I have no idea why the hell alex strife even bothers mentionning "no personal attacks" when realistically its all you guys do.
While playing, I kept hearing "You got this, swordgard sucks!"
"Go back to canada scrub"
"Wheres your skill now?"
"Hes going to **** up his chaingrab because he sucks"
Thats without all the yelling, I couldn't hear the game anymore at all at some point especially during USA chant. Now I understand why lain gets high before tourneys and wears headphones... The pressure is just too much with the crowd.
Also as for "get better vs MK", well just to point it out, its not like I am losing to bad MKs here. Holy 2-0ed lain in a MM right after the tourney. Problem is I played holy too much and got used to his playstyle so others were kind of awkward to me. Holy play's infinitely more defensive than any of your MKs.
Either way, fun tournament, will write more later, I am braindead.