The problem I see around here the most is people really trying to bring the world Melee and Brawl into the debate when, really, those have nothing to do with this. As I´ve said countless of times here and on other threads, it is not about turning this game into a melee-clone or wannabe. We already have P:M for that for crying out loud.
This is a legitimate debate with its legitimate pros and cons. Calling it "fans want to play melee" is just as biased and baseless as trying to make this a tourney norm without any kind of data except one own´s 2-hour-of-testing opinion. This needs testing, this needs LOADS AND LOADS of testing, however, it also deserves the consideration of testing it.
What I mostly see here are opinions... "I dont think we should", "I feel it will be", "I hated it", "I loved it", yet no factual data. Heck, at best we have around 300 hours of opinions here. These things are not decided on these grounds... we need serious tests, side-tournies data collected trough a long span of time. Once we do, we will be able to confidently tell if the game balance is totally broken, if some charaters trully benefit more than others (sucks to be u Lil'mac, of all, you are the one who trully, and without the need of testing, gains nothing from this), if the game is indeed, more enjoyable or not to watch and play.
So, really... people taking on absolutes saying that this will never be a thing, or that this is sm4sh future... please get real, please get data and, please, dont just disregard things (or simply accept them).
I do not advocate for this (smooth lander and maybe heavy gravity too) to become a tourney standard... yet. However, I could see it (and would love to see it) becoming a more solid and studied meta in the future... a couple of years with proper testings, standarised equipments and numbers, rulesets and stuff, worth of having its own format and tournaments.
What I do wonder right now is, what is the opinion of the pro's on these things? I'll find it hard to believe that they are not aware of the existence of smooth-lander.