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Smashturbation 2010 Results (feat. Unknown522, Raynex, KirbyKaze & I.B)


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2008
London, Ontario
VIDEO THREAD - http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?p=10497172#post10497172

1. Raynex + Unknown
2. KirbyKaze + weon-x
3. I.B + Afro Chris
4. Idea + sauc3
5. Europhoria + C3
5. Omni + Sleaf (?)

1. Unknown522
2. KirbyKaze
3. Raynex
4. I.B
5. Idea
5. sauc3
7. weon-x
7. Europhoria
9. Afro Chris
9. Ministry
9. Mad-J
9. Sleaf (?)
13. Batman
13. EWC
13. Omni
13. Keatsa
17. Acidile
17. puu
17. Asian Kenny
17. Ron
17. The Mighty Kiwi
17. Aexington
17. C 3
17. blowtoes
25. Jagg
25. Windrose
25. Marik
25. GWen


Deleted member

Thanks a lot for the tourney KK, it was awesome.

Edit: Was sad to see you didn't win. Your tech chases were too good.


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2008
London, Ontario

1. Unknown522 - awesome job taking taking first coming from losers, you earned it, playing like a champ with that falco, can't wait to play you at the next tourney, maybe I'll say it :p
2. KirbyKaze - thanks a lot for hosting and putting up with me for 3 days, I really appreciate it and I hope we weren't too much much of an inconvenience. Still you played awesome, and thanks alot for the advice. I'll be sure to practice this "grabbing shield" thing you speak of.
3. Raynex - shine waveland nair on the windmill ALL DAI, too good, your tech skills are rediculous, thanks for all the support, always a very enthusiastic individual at tourneys, which really makes em fun, had a great time playing you, I'll keep practicing ma fawks.
4. I.B - 4th again AHHHH, break the funk! your such a sexy player, ya know?, one of these days you'll win, i believe!. You gave every one of the top 3 a serious run for their money. sooooo cloooose! also, had a great time of FD hope we can do it again sometime haha.
5. Idea - had a great time teaming with you, your awesome to play with, and **** soo much **** with that rest. Sorry about the second set with ib and afro, i wasn't playing my best for those and we really needed it. Super chills guy though, and I'd be down to team anytime in the future. Nice job takin kk to last game last stock. Really impressive
5. sauc3 - you're the (5th) best! AROUND! nothin's gunna ever keep ya down!
7. weon-x - we still havn't played in tourney yet, one of these days... Incredible player, i'm not even sure we played this tourney? outside of random friendlies, we didn't have a single srs match. next time then. and there will be a next time!
7. Europhoria - solid marth, your set vs unknown was insane, great combos. fear the rest in dubz, you said it best,
9. Afro Chris - nice seeing ya again, thanks a lot for the ride to kfbell. close *** set, man, that combo you had where you spiked me on stage scared me ****-less, great games, lookin forward to no ceilings 2.
9. Ministry - great shiek, i was rooting you against europhoria, you were doing so well against him, those **** nerves i guess. We'll get together and play sometime soon, i need shiek practice :)
9. Mad-J - fox dittos all dai son, back throw to ... wait for it, ... can you do anything? ... nope, SHINE mUTHA ****A! haha, had a great time playin friendlies, super chills guy, I'd be more than willing to bus it to oakville for some friendlies sometime.
9. Sleaf (?)
13. Batman
13. EWC
13. Omni
13. Keatsa
17. Acidile - dude your shiek has gotten so much better, you've definitely stepped your punish game up, keep practicing, i'll come down to oakville and we'll play. Great seeing you again, hope you're still down for some tourneys in london come september.
17. puu
17. Asian Kenny
17. Ron
17. The Mighty Kiwi
17. Aexington
17. C 3
17. blowtoes
25. Jagg
25. Windrose - another hamiltonian, let me know if you're ever down to friendly
25. Marik - project melee sux, just sayin ... :p
25. GWen


Some guy
Aug 17, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
Short shoutouts:

1. Unknown522
2. KirbyKaze - good work. 2nd again.
3. Raynex - sucks that you were playing bad. Next time.
4. I.B - Getting better. You may be able to 0 - death your way to second place soon.
5. Idea - good work on 5th. GGs in pools. I dunno if the matches are going to go up or not.
5. sauc3 - good work on the livestream. GGs in teams.
7. weon-x - my son. Not too bad. 5th was in your hands though.
7. Europhoria
9. Afro Chris - thanks for the ride. GGs on the livestream.
9. Ministry - thanks for the bread pudding. GGs in bowser v yoshi.
9. Mad-J - lol. got some mad J.
9. Sleaf (?) - I barely saw you today. GGs in teams.
13. Batman - I didn't see you at all. Glad to see you took the batman name.
13. EWC - GGs in pools. It's funny that I found out that you were from waterloo by your playstyle.
13. Omni - GGs with friendlies and teams. Good to see you again.
13. Keatsa - You're not bad with that falco. GGs.
17. Acidile - I honestly thought you would place higher. We didn't play at all though.
17. puu - GGs for pools. I didn't get to use that pichu though.
17. Asian Kenny - GGs in pools and nice to meet you.
17. Ron - Where'd you go?
17. The Mighty Kiwi - I didn't even know you were here.
17. Aexington - Are you the other Ryan?
17. C 3 - Yo, next time you got 7th!! You got this!
17. blowtoes - GGs in pools. Practice that pichu matchup. I didn't get my JV because I did 1 damage.
25. Jagg - You quit, didn't you? Oh well, it's fun chilling with you.
25. Windrose - We didn't talk at all.
25. Marik - HAHA! Watching the livestream for the tourney that you're at.
25. GWen - Never talked to you.


Smash Hero
Jun 26, 2007
Mos Eisley
yo i just wanna give a shoutout to Imadh watching him play is hilarious.

Down to the bitter end, he's still going for ballin s**t like reverse b-up tech reads vs KK's sheik at like 120. such a pimp!!


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2007
Menswear section
Shoutouts :D

Unknown522 - Sucks I had to leave early, I was looking forward to more friendlies. GGs in pools :D

KirbyKaze - Thanks for hosting this <3

IB - <3333333333333 make me better

Idea - *Charge beam battlefield spike* GG in pools lol

Batman - Mad cute friendlies, good ****

Omni - Awesome matches man, We need to do double samus next time lol

puu - good stuff in doubles lol. You did pretty decent for your first tourney, keep it up.

Asian Kenny - Impressive for your first tourney man, nice CGs with Marth lol

Marik - Oh you <33 Come to my house more


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
shoutouts later. my computer decided to crash while typing my reply. what is so hard about handling text, toshiba?!

just a few before i forget:

david - play really off more often please :laugh: good set, anyhow. so i'm wondering, are you seriously considering going peach against me in tourney? cause you've mentioned it before. i'm really not sure which matchup i'd prefer to play.

paul - nice to see you again. thanks for the sweater :laugh:

bernard - why was there a crocodile?

Shoutouts :D

Idea - *Charge beam battlefield spike* GG in pools lol
LOL oh yeah, that was great. even worse, it almost happened twice.


5. Idea - had a great time teaming with you, your awesome to play with, and **** soo much **** with that rest. Sorry about the second set with ib and afro, i wasn't playing my best for those and we really needed it. Super chills guy though, and I'd be down to team anytime in the future. Nice job takin kk to last game last stock. Really impressive
thanks =) and again, don't worry about it, i definitely could have been playing better too. not enough ping sound. let's team if i do end up hosting the next one of these.


Smash Cadet
Oct 15, 2007
Great tourny David, had a sexy time

1. Unknown522 - didn't get to play u that much lol. Maybe next time.. and hopefully i won't get wrecked next time in doubles
2. KirbyKaze - Didn't play you that much either but i doubt that i'd have a good time even if i did :*(
3. Raynex - Ahhh i thought i'd get better than you seeing how you were on break for a while. ya proved me wrong
4. I.B - good pool matches! some were pretty intense to handle but i learned alot even with the 2-0 you gave me
5. Idea - Didn't play you.. so sad :(
5. sauc3 - you too :(
7. weon-x - haha almost 4 stock comeback!! We should play more Cammy. Cpt Falcon was totally unexpected. Btw do you know who this is?? 0_o
7. Europhoria- some awesome marth recoveries you made during our matches. I think i learned at the very last minute on what to do against them.
9. Afro Chris - ahh you pulled a darkrain combo on me. I feel special :)
9. Ministry - I think i played you in doubles with Steve. close matches.. the DK stage was mad intense
9. Mad-J - Hi Steve, I defeated you in doubles :) We need to play more
9. Sleaf (?)
13. Batman - had fun in pools matches, but i don't think you were trying..
13. EWC - didn't play you
13. Omni - we did pretty well in doubles together surprisingly. You saved my *** so many times. Srry i left without saying anything. It completely slipped my mind
13. Keatsa - your jiggs was fun. Sorry i lasered you when you were hanging by the ledge. I didn't wanna get gimped. I wonder what would have happened if you took off the jacket during our match..
17. Acidile - Stop teching behind me! it gets wayy too obvious later on. We had pretty close matches even with the SD's you had. Brinstar was a bad counterpick.. Lava hates you
17. puu - Didn't play you sir
17. Asian Kenny - didn't play you either
17. Ron - you too
17. The Mighty Kiwi - and you
17. Aexington -you as well
17. C 3 - close matches Charles, but i think you would have had the upperhand without the SDs. We should definitely play more
17. blowtoes - You're a samus player right? Sorry i don't wanna play you. I have enough trouble dealing with one samus already
25. Jagg - Marco, let's watch Fantastic Children together!! I heard from Josh it's really serious.
25. Windrose - I should have taken that chinese dish from you. It actually looked really tasty now that i look back on it.
25. Marik - Sheik to Samus, Totally random. But that last match we had was pretty fun. Watch Smash WITH US, not alone on the computer!!
25. GWen - Didn't play you, are you George? Anyway we should pway!


Smash Cadet
Jun 13, 2010
Greater Toronto Area

Unknown522 - officially my 2nd favorite fox behind m2k. but yo, its a very close 2nd lol. that **** was ****
KirbyKaze - thx to you and your dad for lending us your venue, very nice house
Raynex - i picked you to win this. you'll get it next time
I.B - i love watching marth more than any other character, and yours was just sex
Idea - playing you gave me an "Idea": i hate jiggz lol </3
Europhoria - another great marth. even tho i lost to you, set was fun
Afro Chris - thx for knocking me out of singles <3
EWC - you were that really good fox player in my pool, if im not mistaken. anyways, i actually learned something from those littles tips u gave me
puu - it was the first tourney for both of us and i think we both did ok. had fun in all our friendlies.
AsianKenny - get better?
The Mighty Kiwi - hey we did some friendlies, even tho it was only a few. ggs
Aexington - same as above
blowtoes - i only lost to u cuz ur samus wavedashing all over the platforms made me dizzy. lol jk, u were too good. ggs in friendlies too
Marik - same as what unknown said to you ^^^

anyone else i did friendlies with, sorry i cant remember, but ggs

weon - X

Smash Ace
Mar 9, 2009
1. Unknown522: congrats papa bear, thanks for fixing my controller. i'll wear chalupas next time
2. KirbyKaze: we (you) did pretty good in teams, not bad for our first time hehe we'll get on team specific strats next time we play doubles
3. Raynex: all i gotta say is too bad for you son hehe thats what u get
4. I.B: u destroyed me god **** it, i'll be more prepared next time
5. Idea: same as i.b practically
5. sauc3: thanks for bringing live stream equipment, its a shame u live so far away :( we'd smash all day. if u want we can have a MM next time if your up to it.
7. weon-x: sex
7. Europhoria: didn't play u at all
9. Afro Chris: we both got beaten by kyle :(, btw nice pool match against wayne, sick comeback.
9. Ministry:
9. Mad-J: D: so techinical, doing like 10 multyshines between stocks D: nice friendlies man and good to see you again as allways :D, we'll money match next time
9. Sleaf (?): hehehe i knew you were alan xd i got you with that trick question hahaha, one of the funniest things that happened to me at this tourny. you adapt pretty well, allmost 4 stock comeback D: if u played seriously i think you could be friggin good. luv ya you friggin mindgamist :(
13. Batman: i only asked you if we played at nightmares, i'd like to play you more though D: if u live in toronto you should come to our fests D:
13. Omni: i really liked and enjoyed playim your samus, pretty hard to pressure but i think im not supposed to do that lolz xd, we should play again sometime
13. Keatsa: blunted object? xd
17. Acidile: we look the same from behind no homo lolz thanks for the worms :p delicious, your sheik adapted pretty nicely at our mast friendly matches, good stuff
17. C 3: all i gotta say is DAIR and good games :p **ck yo ganon
25. Jagg: marrrrrrrcoooooo :p
25. Marik: all i gotta say is come downstairs XDDDD


Mad J

Smash Cadet
Mar 19, 2010
Such a good tournament

First I'ld like to tthank KirbyKaze for hosting the tournament. Thank soo much!!! It was good playin friendlies with you. Some sick combos in winners and grand finals. Too good
sauc3 man.... Shine... what do you do?!?!?!??! lol Man ur shine gimping was soo good!!! Im tellin you im learning that technique and next time we play (which should hopefully be soon :)) i will be throwing in the shines too, you just wait haha. Sick brackets match and great friendlies.
Unknown... like come on we all know i have madJ lol.
weon-x, yes we must do a MM next time we play. Sick pools match, remember the time when you pretty much did all combos with grabs till about 100% .. it was fun. lol i should learn to di eh haha no johns :)
Sleaf - i dont remember if i played any singles friendlies with you :confused:. Our doubles match was mad close!! But agreed, we should play more lol.
Ministry- ur sheik sucks!!!! lol just kidding i play you all the time and u usually beat me or go even. Good match against Europhoria.. close
Raynex and I.B, I missed your brackets match. pissed that i missed it. I watched it yesterday though, man ur guy's matches are so close and so good to watch!!!
Idea i never played you, Next time though. Good job gettin 5th!!!
Europhoria i never played you :(. good bracket matches though. Mad close against Sauc3. GOod **** though!!
Omni im glad i was able to play u again at the tournament. Your samus is too good dude lol.
Acidile- Sorry i keep on running away from you when you wanted to play friendlies. lol we'll play soon!!!
Aexington i ain't never going on a cruise with you again!
Afro Chris didn't play that much with you :(, next time though!
EWC, good bracket match and sick friendlies. More fox ditto's next time!!!


is a social misfit
Sep 2, 2008
Marik - project melee sux, just sayin ... :p

Such nonsense talk. Keep in mind Project M is in a closed alpha stage at the moment.

25. Marik - HAHA! Watching the livestream for the tourney that you're at.
I'm eccentric like that.

Marik - Oh you <33 Come to my house more
Why do you live in such an isolated place? <3

25. Marik - Sheik to Samus, Totally random. But that last match we had was pretty fun. Watch Smash WITH US, not alone on the computer!!
My Shiek played absolutely terrible at this tournament, somehow I switched to Samus and played a lot better. Completely strange since I haven't touched her in forever.

25. Marik: all i gotta say is come downstairs XDDDD
I liked it better in a quiet, dark room without 50 people blocking the television. :D

Also the fact I'm a social recluse and liked trolling the chat. Somewhat.

I really need to play Melee more. Project M friendlies with Bernard, Marco, Kyle, C3, and Camilo were so much fun.

Sorry Bernard for getting frustrated, I wasn't feeling too great and was cranky because of it.

I still got your Ike back though. :yoshi:

Wish Afro could've stayed, his Falcon is the epitome of manliness. Besides Darkrain's.

Great tournament, my hangover was a lot worse than I expected. No johns, I need to get better.

By the way, Reese Puffs are amazing.


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
guys, there's another one of these this weekend, the 26th, at my house. where you at?


and while i'm at it...

1. Unknown522 - mostly fox, also falco
2. KirbyKaze - sheik
3. Raynex - fox, marth once
4. I.B - marth
5. Idea - jigglypuff
5. sauc3 - fox, jiggs once in teams
7. weon-x - falco
7. Europhoria - marth

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