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Smashturbation 2010 - June 26 - Second Iteration - Scarborough


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
Haven't double-checked most of this yet =P

Saturday, June 26. Doors open at 12:00, Pools registration starts at 1:00.

Meal Time:
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
You have an hour to get your food. It is advised you do not waste it. Plan efficiently. You can eat food in the basement and in the Dining Room here, if you are initially indecisive. If your pool finishes early, you do not have to stay, moreover, so efficiently working through pools means you get more time to eat (or play friendlies during Meal Time if you're not hungry).

^important! almost every tournament i've been to so far, someone has gone somewhere and held things up for everyone else. this is irritating. please don't make me DQ you. (that is the correct response after all, right Josh :laugh:)


__________:drmario::mario2::luigi2::bowser2: GTA :peach::yoshi2::dk2::falcon::ganondorf:
:falco::fox::ness2::popo::kirby2: MELEE :samus2::zelda::shiek::link2::younglinkmelee:
______:pichu::pikachu2::jigglypuff::mewtwo: LOCALS :gw::marth::roymelee:

Melee tournament to be held on:

June 26, 2010

Date is subject to change - If weekday (Thursday, Friday - Wednesday, Tuesday, and Monday cannot work) or Sunday is more convenient for the bulk of people, I have no qualms with switching it if notified in advance and it is also doable for me.

The location:

58 Bertha Avenue
Scarborough, ON
M1L 3M2
We have a (partial) basement.

Contact Information

PM my Smashboards account if further details are needed. I am also reachable by [my Smashboards account]. lawl. Don't worry, I check it often.

On request, I can provide a home phone number.


Doors open at 12:00 am (pm? the lunch one) for setup. Tournament registration begins at 1:00 PM.

No cap at the moment, but we'll see. I mean, the only real constraint is the size of my house. On second thought, tentative cap at 30 people.

Entry fee is $5 and covers both singles event and doubles event. You may choose to not enter singles or doubles respectively but the cost does not change and remains at $5. Tournaments will be done in Double Elimination bracket style, with pools if population can support it. (In other words YOU MIGHT AS WELL ENTER BOTH BECAUSE IT'S MORE MATCHES FOR FREE. Also, while tournament matches are being played, TVs are not free for friendlies, so it's not like you can go bug someone for matches while everyone else is playing out their sets.

Because of the cap, if you do not intend to enter the tournament, I would encourage you to not come. We host an extremely large amount of casual events as it is and it is more than likely you could host one or put one together with ease. The fee ($5 for one event or $2.50 for each event if you enter both) is very inexpensive. [Yes Marik, you can still come, haha]

Similarly, if you say "Maybe", I will not list you in the attendants list. I don't want "Maybe" people clogging the list when I have such limited space (physically, and in terms of possible attendants).

Pot splits will accommodate whether you entered singles and doubles or simply one of them. If you enter singles only your money will only be used in the singles pot.

Tournament Rules:

- Tournament matches take priority over MMs, friendlies, and anything else you can think of. If you are requested to vacate a setup for an official tournament match and are not in an official tournament match, you are obligated to do so immediately.

- Stocks set to 4, Time Limit set to 7:00, Friendly Fire "On" in teams, No items, Life Steal is permitted in teams, Pause "Off" in teams.

- All tournament matches will be called out. It is then your duty to go to the assigned setup and play your match (setups will be labeled). 5 minutes will be given for the opponent to also arrive at the setup. After this 5 minute period, if your opponent fails to arrive at the station he or she will forfeit the set.

- No excessive stalling. Use of the Infinite Wall Bomber to stall (more 30 seconds), Rising Pound offstage to stall (more than 30 seconds), Wobbling beyond 200%, Infinite Wall Kick below Battlefield (more than 30 seconds), constitutes this and will earn you a warning. A second warning will earn you the loss of the set.

- Wobbling is legal, but capped at 200% or it constitutes excessive stalling. [TAKE NOTE, LEGIONS OF TORONTO ICS PLAYERS]

- Pausing is illegal. Accidental pausing will not be tolerated and held against you as if it was intentional. Once will earn you a warning and your opponent may request you drop a stock. A second warning will earn you the loss of the set. Pause can be turned off and is awkwardly in the center of the controller. There is no excuse for accidental pause.

- Pound 4 Rules: Double blind character select and stage strike stage game 1. The winner then bans a stage for the set (this only occurs per each player once). Loser then either calls random or a stage, winner picks his or her character, then the loser selects character. (The latter 2 do not apply in the case of a random match call).

- Sets are Bo3 for all rounds until Winner's Semis, Loser's Semis, which are Bo5. Winner's, Loser's and Grand Finals are also Bo5. [So yes, Semi's are still Best of 5]

- Pools will be done if requested and if there are 16 or more people. Otherwise there will only be a double elimination bracket with only the top 4 - 8 players seeded by power. Regional seeding will be applied regardless.

- Pools may not eliminate players depending on request, and time constraints. A 24 man bracket may be produced. Similarly, a 16 man bracket may also be produced.

Stage Rules:

~~~ Random / Game 1 Stages ~~~

Fountain of Dreams (singles exclusively)
Pokemon Stadium (teams exclusively)

Yoshi's Story
Dreamland 64
Final Destination

~~~ Counterpick Exclusive Stages ~~~

Pokemon Stadium (singles exclusively)
Kongo Jungle 64
Rainbow Cruise

This tournament will employ the use of Stage Striking.

Dave's Modified Stupid Rule is implemented: You can use stages you've lost on as counterpick but not the stage you last won on.

After characters are selected, players will Rock Paper Scissors (bo1) for whether they pick first, with the winner choosing to be the First Striker or the Second Striker. Order of striking will go as follows:

First Striker - 1
Second Striker - 2, 3
First Striker - 4

Stage ban is done by the player that previously won, after the win, and before counterpicks occur. Stage bans occur once per set. You may counterpick to the stage you have banned, but not the one your opponent(s) have banned.

In Grand Finals, bans and counterpicks reset if it extends to a second set. A completely new set is played.

~~~ Example of Stage Rules ~~~

NOTE: On a gentleman's agreement, other stages not listed here may be played or used in the tournament.

Etiquette Rules:

- Bring Your Own Controller. You will not be supplied one and others are not obligated to donate one to you. You are responsible for your ability to participate. We are a fairly friendly as a community, but many of us are very protective of our controllers as we require them to perform. Please respect this.

- Please respect the venue. Small things like [throwing stuff out] are very appreciated. Please keep the house clean. Property damage will additionally not be tolerated.

- Drugs and alcohol inside the venue will not be tolerated.

- Show respect to your fellow players. We're all here for the same reason.

Pot Split

60 / 30 / 10

60 / 30 / 10

The pot split, like most things here, are subject to change.

Food Options:

~ McDonald's, 10 minute or less walk - Intersection: Victoria Park and St. Clair
~ Grocery store by the McDonald's
~ Subway Sandwiches by the McDonald's
~ Noname burger place - Pharmacy and St. Clair
~ Domino's Pizza, absurdly close to my house
~ Weird Caribbean or some such place, in the same plaza as the Domino's
~ Convenience stores nearby all of the above places

Tentative Schedule:

Doors open:

12:00 am (pm?)
Enter the venue, warm up, play friendlies.

1:00 pm - 1:30 pm...ish
Just don't be late, okay? If you are significantly late and entering you in the tournament would mess up the pools, it becomes questionable whether or not you can still get in. Furthermore, what a waste--you could have spent those hours playing smash bros with us.
note to self: stop being so late to things <_<

Singles Pools:
12:45 pm - 4:00 pm
Three hours is more than enough time to get pools done on the conditions that:
1) we refrain from mass Jigglypuff-dittoing every game on Dreamland complete with Planking
2) people do not dawdle and play their matches

I honestly expect this to be done in two and a half if time is not wasted. Do not waste my time or the time of your peers. The faster pools finishes, the sooner we can eat, and the sooner the tournament is over. Which, in turn, means the sooner we can actually play friendlies.

IMPORTANT TO NOTE: If we have a shortage of set-ups (less than 6) we will not do pools and do a double elimination bracket immediately. Please bring setups if possible. 6 is necessary to finish pools efficiently whether we do 4 pools of 8 or vice versa. Assuming maximum capacity, 6 setups is necessary. Please do your part.

Meal Time:
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
You have an hour to get your food. It is advised you do not waste it. Plan efficiently. You can eat food in the basement and in the Dining Room here, if you are initially indecisive. If your pool finishes early, you do not have to stay, moreover, so efficiently working through pools means you get more time to eat (or play friendlies during Meal Time if you're not hungry).

Doubles Event:
5:00 - 8:00 pm
Pools (if requested) and brackets for teams are done in this time. This is more than enough time, especially because we have, at maximum, 12 teams entering doubles. There is no reason teams should take this long.

Singles Bracket:
8:00 - Finish
Singles players have been seeded at this point, and the bracket has been corrected, and produced. Singles finishes when it finishes.

IMPORTANT TO NOTE: Following singles I'm going to request 5 minutes of everyone's time (yes, two whole Fox dittos on Pokemon Stadium) to help clean up the house. There will be garbage everywhere (from experience) and I will provide bags to dispose of it. I only want the necessary amount of volunteers to help me bring the bags out to the garbage dump, which is a 2 minute walk (at most). It may very well turn out only I have to go after the bag has gone around and people have deposited their trash in it. However, this is very important to me, and my ability to host more of these hinges on your cooperation in this endeavor.

NOTE: I am 100% okay with altering this schedule and doing singles prior to doubles if that is what the majority wants, or doing the entire doubles event so that people can eat and then go to singles pools. Changes are perfectly acceptable. However, this is not an excuse for spending gratuitous time playing friendlies or going off for a lengthy lunch break when tournament matches need to be played. I am reluctant to add extra time for food when the tournament could be finishing. As far as I am concerned, most of the allocations are generous given the 24 man cap.

NOTE: Other events (such as draft crews, a crews tournament, regional crews) can be suggested (on the boards or on the day of), organized, and accommodated very easily into this schedule if we do not dawdle and systematically work through the regularly scheduled events. The venue officially closes at midnight but I do not mind letting people stay later if conditions allow it. However, that is not an excuse to hold up the tournament and there will be repercussions for doing so, including disqualification and possibly a suspension from future events.

Registration List:
Player____TVs____Consoles____Melee Copies

00 ~ Idea - 3 or 4 TVs - 2 cubes - 2 melee discs :)
01 ~ I.B. - ___
02 ~ Sleaf - 0 TVs - 1 cube - 1 melee disc :)
03 ~ Sauc3 - recording/streaming equipment :)
04 ~ C_3 - ___
05 ~ Stos - 0 TVs - 1 cube - 1 melee disc :)
06 ~ Sanuzi - 0 TVs - 2 cubes - 2 melee discs :)
07 ~ Unknown522 - 0 TVs - 1 wii with hacked melee :)
08 ~ RaynEX- ___
09 ~ puu - 0 TVs - 1 cube - 0 melee discs :)
10 ~ TheMightyKiwi - 1 TV - 1 wii with hacked melee :)
11 ~ Riddlebox - ___
12 ~ SummonedFist - 0 TVs - 1 cube - 1 melee disc :)
13 ~ weon-X - 0 TVs - 0 cubes - 1 melee disc :)
14 ~ Zifx - 0 TVs - 1 cube - 1 melee disc :)
15 ~ Riddlebox - 1 TV - 1 cube - 1 melee disc :)
16 ~ Tzunami - ___
17 ~ G_Wen - 0 TVs - 1 cube - 3 melee discs :)
18 ~ EWC - above stuff :)
19 ~ Kirbykaze - ___

You get a happy face if you bring things.


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
It's slightly edited throughout, but for the most part, same as last time except at my house.

Tell me if I've missed anything.


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
adding people to the confirmed list. if you're not there but you want to be, it means you didn't confirm clearly enough =P

ill be there, kyle if u want to team again, im down :)

no hurt feelings if u wanna mix it up tho
nah, i like our team. we already agreed on it before anyway. i'll try and think of a new name, though. my favourite pokemon is probably gastrodon and that's a crappy name. hmm...team duskull, on the other hand...

setups, anyone?


Smash Champion
Dec 22, 2005
sign me up svp, will probably bring two tvs and a gamecube/wii with two copies of the game. haven't really read the thread yet, are we gonna be able to use your basement?

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Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
well this takes away from my tourney (same date =/)
is yours melee and brawl? or just one or the other? (i'm not changing the date, just wondering =P these may/hopefully may be biweeklies so, yeah, 2 weeks from the last one)

sign me up svp, will probably bring two tvs and a gamecube/wii with two copies of the game. haven't really read the thread yet, are we gonna be able to use your basement?
basement can partially be used. 1 or more of the tenants might not even be here for the weekend, and i talked to them about it already anyway. so i'm planning on using the downstairs tvs for tourney matches, and then just after a certain point putting them out of commission so it's possible to sleep down there. y'know, once some people have left and everyone has moved up here to watch finals anyway.

ryan posting:

I'll be there. With bernard and charles

edit: I can bring a cube I guess. No melee disc though
k, i'll count that as bernard confirming too. and yeah, bring it.


Smash Cadet
Jun 13, 2010
Greater Toronto Area

I'm coming to this for sure. I need all the experience I can get so I can get better, and if anyone needs a partner, I wouldn't mind teaming.

Btw, I checked the address on MapQuest. How long a walk is it to the house from Victoria Park Ave?


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
from victoria park and st. bede's, the stop you would want to get off at, it's about a 5 minute walk. maybe more like 7.

Tin Man

Smash Hero
Jan 31, 2009
Belconnen, ACT, Australia
kyle, its brawl only.


I'm coming to this for sure. I need all the experience I can get so I can get better, and if anyone needs a partner, I wouldn't mind teaming.

Btw, I checked the address on MapQuest. How long a walk is it to the house from Victoria Park Ave?
u left my tourney for this, u sack of **** LMAO :p. Ur prolly better at brawl then u are melee anyways. now come back to my tourney, alvin wants to see you again =/


Smash Cadet
Jun 13, 2010
Greater Toronto Area
I prolly am better at brawl, who knows. but i hav WAY more fun playing melee. plus this tourney doesnt **** my wallet lol.

besides, i found out about this tourney after i decided not to come to yours. tell alvin i said hi :/


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2008
London, Ontario
ill be bringing my capturing stuff again, should we decide to livestream or just capture good quality,

also, 11 people? wtf, spread the word yo!

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Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2008
London, Ontario
your having another one of these already? rofl.

sauc3 you commin to this from hamilton? does you drive?
i am comin from hamilton, i usually bus but my buddy is driving down from guelph the night before, and we're drivin down, btw kyle confirm riddlebox :)
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