GOTM- I think there will be if there are a TON of teams, but, I kinda doubt it.
SwiftBass- I think GNT4 is SO much better than the PS2. I beat the PS2 in my sleep, it requires about as much skill as Budokai, and THAT game is BOOTY easy, lol. I dunno, I prefer the Gamecube one. You have to work harder for your victory. The best part is making those awesome comebacks. I haven't played it since Otakon of '06. I learned the game and took right to it. I was ****** in teams the second day. That, however, was because of my teacher. He was STUPIDLY good, lol. I wanna play again.
Eggm/Inui- Just settle it, lol. Don't talk so much smack, xD. We both know you're good, just do it and see the results.
Chibo- GNT4, is known in Amerca as the "Clash of Ninja" Naruto game series. That's what they are talking about. It's tons of fun, ^_^