Hmmm, Hydde, Ito didn't work on Secret of Mana... that's Hiroki Kikuta, and unfortunately, he isn't in the team...
I love the SoM soundtrack as well. It had some true gems, especially the Flammie songs.. ESPECIALLY the one that plays when that island thing has been resurrected... hehe, been a while since I played.
Seiken Densetsu 3 is even more beautiful...
If you like the normal battle song... download this:
Read the description and be amazed.
( Note: It's chip-tune-ish for the most part. But seriously, it's AMAZING. )
So, Chidosengan, I suggest that you replace the song for Kenji Ito with one of the songs GenG ( I think? ) gave, especially Pantheon - Four Kings Battle and Prelude of Fight, since the one you originally gave doesn't correspond to his general style and does nowhere near as well demonstrate his awesomeness.
EDIT: Oh, and while I'm at it, the Bomberman song is AWESOME!
I made my girlfriend very happy with it, too. She set it on repeat for, like, half an hour.