Like most of you, I'm a huge Super Smash Bros fan. Melee is by far my favorite game of all time, SSB 64 is a close second and Super Smash Bros. Brawl is the reason that I chose to purchase a Wii. In fact, if Brawl were the only game coming out for Wii, I would consider my purchase money well spent. Because as hyped as I am for Prime 3 and Mario Galaxy, I know that within a month of their release they will both sit ideal on my shelf collecting dust. Super Smash Bros, on the other hand, is a game that can be played FOREVER – provided you have other human beings to play against. Which brings me to the topic at hand.
After watching Nintendo's E3 Press conference (via the interweb tubes) I couldn't help but feel bummed and a more than a little outraged. It wasn't that the Press conference covered mostly casual games, because I actually thought Wii Fit looked kinda neat. It wasn't that Brawl won't be released until Decemebr 3, since I'm just relieved that the game is on track to be released this year. I wasn't even that upset at the absence of another epic Brawl trailer. As long as Sakurai continues to blow our minds with new Dojo updates, I have no complaints. Besides, I'd much rather that the team focus on finishing the game ASAP.
No, what made me outraged was that Nintendo all but confirmed that Brawl would NOT HAVE ONLINE MULTIPLAYER. In the conference, Reggie Fils-Aime (the President of Nintendo's American devision) went to great lengths to try and demonstrate that Nintendo was serious about online. He touted third party efforts like Madden and Guitar Hero III as shining examples of Nintendo's commitment to online play and unveiled Mario Kart Wii – an all new game to showcase the Wii's online play. All that was well and good, but when it came to what is undoubtedly Nintendo's most anticipated online title, Super Smash Bros Brawl, nothing at all was mentioned. If fact, not only did Nintendo go through all of E3 without mentioning “Brawl” and “Online” in the same sentence, but the mention of online is also conspicuously absent from Sakurai's Dojo updates. You can see the entire Nintendo Press Conference here:
Obviously, Nintendo hasn't confirmed that Brawl WON'T be online, but I find it very, very odd that Nintendo is saying nil about what is widely considered to be the most anticipated feature in their most anticipated game. The conclusion drawn by many, including > is that the reason Nintendo hasn't been singing from the roof tops about Brawl's online mode is because there is no online mode to speak of. At the very least, Nintendo's silence on this matter at E3, and on Brawl in general, indicates that Nintendo is unclear whether Sakurai's team have time to include an online mode and still have the game completed this holiday season.
EDIT: Just to clear up any lingering doubts as to whether Nintendo confirmed Brawl to be online at their E3 Press Conferance: they didn't.
Here's Nintendo's official website:
Those who follow the links should note that Mario Kart, Mario Strikers and Zelda: Phantom Hourglass are clearly listed as using Nintendo's Wi-fi connection. There is no mention of wi-fi multiplayer being implemented in Super Smash Bros Brawl.
Be afraid. Be VERY afraid.
As much as I love Nintendo, I'm not going to mince words: IF BRAWL IS NOT ONLINE IT WILL BE A SLAP IN THE FACE TO NINTNENDO FANS EVERYWHERE! The very idea that DS games like Mario Hart DS, Metroid Prime Hunters, Clubhouse Games, Pokemon D/P and Tetris DS can be online while Smash Bros cannot is utterly repulsive. Hardcore Nintendo fans who stuck with Nintendo through the deepest, darkest droughts of the Gamecube era need a real online game to call our own. In the face of competition like Halo 3 on 360 and HOME on PS3, anything short of an online Smash Bros would be an embarrassment of the highest order.
There are six months until Brawl’s official release date. More than enough time for Nintendo to devote whatever resources Sakurai needs to include a basic online mode of some shape or form, or delay the game until early ’08 if absolutely necessary. The purpose of this thread IS NOT FOR WHINING AND COMPLAINING. There will be plenty of time for that when and if Nintendo confirms that the game’s online has been scrapped. No, this thread is about how we, the Smash Community, can make it clear to Nintendo that online play is very, very important to us thankyouverymuch.
Phase one of the Save Brawl’s Online Mode Campaign begins now. This phase is simple: we should write to Ninendo’s official magazine: Nintendo Power. And by “we” I mean EVERYONE ON SMASHBOARDS. Over 60,000 people are registered users of Smash Boards, so I don’t think it would be impossible to get, say, 10,000 of those to email Nintendo Power asking straight up: will Brawl be online or not? It might not to enough to sway Nintendo, but when the NP editors discover that we have flooded their inbox with several thousand e-mails I guarantee we will get a reaction. At the very least, they we might learn for certain whether Brawl is online or not.
If you really are a fan of Smash Bros, then I issue the following three step challenge.
STEP 1: Email Nintendo Power at this address >
Write how important it is to you that Brawl is online. If you don’t own a Wii, tell them that you won’t buy one unless Brawl is online (assuming you feel that way.) If you do own a Wii, tell them you would gladly wait a whole year (if necessary) for a proper Smash Bros sequel and that you’ll happily buy plenty of other Wii games in the mean time. Heck, if you can’t think of anything to say just copy this and click “send”:
“Why didn’t Nintendo announce an online mode for Super Smash Bros Brawl at E3? Isn’t the game still online? Playing Smash Bros online is REALLY important to me, and Nintendo fans everywhere, so I hope Nintendo doesn’t let us down.
Sincerely, [insert name here]”
I recommend being polite, but firm. But you can right whatever you like.
Step 2: PM a link to this thread to everyone on your Smashboards friendlist, and beg them to take up the challenge.
We must spread the word if we want to have any impact at all. I also ask that if you are a regular poster on any other videogame forums that you make your own thread issuing this same challenge, or by all means copy what I have written and repost it.
Step 3: Use this thread to brainstorm more ideas to get Nintendo’s attention.
This is the purpose for this thread’s existence. I trust Sakurai to make the best game imaginable, but I am concerned that Nintendo won’t give him all the time he needs – considering how much money Nintendo is making on super simple, super cheap games like Wii Play. Smash Bros is OUR game, and we can either wait until it is too late and live with an online-less Smash Bros for years to come – or we step up and fight for the series that we love so much.
If you have any ideas for Phase 2 of the Save Brawl’s Online Mode Campaign, PM them to me. This thread will be updated as needed and will remain up until our friends the Mods close me down, or Nintendo confirms that Brawl is in fact online.
May the Wavedash be with you.
- Ben “Wiseguy” Hicks
Edit: We have our suggestion for Phase 2! Sign this online petition if you want online multiplayer in Super Smash Bros Brawl. Once we get enough signitures, I will send it to Nintendo of America:
(For some odd reason this petition requires an email address. I'm new to this free petition site, so if you are worried about spam you might want to be wary.)
Keep the suggestions coming!