Yay, I'm sure Nintendo Power would convince Nintendo to make sure they have online play in Brawl, which we still don't know anything about and could very well (and probably is) already in the game! Magazines have so much clout when it comes to the games developers overseas and we are sure to see some action from Sakurai!!
The game is pretty much done, a deadline has been set, and the game is in the final stages of developement. If they will have online, it will, but this won't do anything about it. If you started this up a year ago, then *maybe* it would have made a difference, but Nintendo would be confused that you sent them letters about something they were adament about having at the time :-P.
I really doubt Nintendo would make the mistake to not have online play. They might have hit some snags, and they might not have wanted to talk about it at E3, but they aren't dumb. For all those still worrying, go to this thread:
Oh yeah, almost forgot about something. Negative press?? NEGATIVE PRESS?? I don't think that a magazine who is funded by the company making the game will release a letter from one of your ragtag group about something that you are "ASSUMING." Nintendo Power knows a lot more about this than you do more than likely, and if they responded it would simply be paragraph about why you shouldn't assume too much seeing how there is NO proof that Nintendo has even thought about dropping online play.
In fact, I doubt they will answer this nonsense at all, because unlike most people, they aren't trying to hardcore analyze Nintendo's EVERY MOVE when it comes to Brawl. Most people don't suspect that there is anything wrong, nor should they think this, and to post something from people who do would place a little bit of doubt in the Nintendo Power readers in regards to Brawl's online play.