Smash Lord
Think about it. Why is Taunt Gliscor/Gyaradosy/Skarm/Whatever called a stall breaker? Because they prevent healing, Phazing, Paralyzing, entry hazard set-up, and similar things that Stall relies on. Take this situation for example: Taunt/Swords Dance/Rock Polish/Baton Pass switches in on your Skarmory. Skarmory is Taunted and fails to do anything or does pitiful damage with Drill Peck/Brave Bird. If this is a full stall team you are screwed. You can't phaze it out and you can't do enough damage to it to prevent it from getting a lot of boosts. It passes to Metagross or something that proceeds to sweep your team. Next scenario, same thing happens. Gliscor switches into skarm and taunts while you do nothing. You switch in CAP1 as Gliscor Rock Polishes. Now lets look at Gliscor's four options:If he can't learn stat up moves, then why is he trying to avoid taunt in the first place? For toxic? For burn? For paralyzing? For reflect? That doesn't seem like a very apt way to take down Bulky Offense.
1) Rock Polish
2) Swords Dance
3) Taunt
4) Baton Pass
If he just rock polishes or swords dances Roar/WW will easily force him out get rid of his boosts and rack up entry hazard damage in the process. If he Taunts it has not effect and you Roar him out getting rid of his boost and racking up entry hazard damage. If he decides to Baton Pass out his Rock Polish the incoming poke takes entry hazard damage and then is roared out racking up some more entry hazard damage. Pretty much the same thing could happen with any Taunt/Boosting move or Sub user.
New scenario. TormentTran is out against your Blissey. Let's say this pokemon has Taunt/Torment like Writer's TormentTran does. Now your Blissey is of the Flamethrower/Toxic variety which is completely walled by Heatran. Heatran sets up a Sub as you switch to your Tentacruel. Heatran Torments and you break his sub with Surf. Next Heatran Taunts as you Wish making your Wish Fail. Heatran proceeds to Protect every other turn to not get hit by Surf and then Subs when you have to Struggle since you only have on attacking move. None of your pokemon can really do anything about him and so you lose a lot of damage from entry hazards/struggle until he runs out of PP.
Let's say you have CAP1 though. Heatran comes in on your Blissey and sets up a sub as you switch to CAP1. You come in and Roar him out unless he protects in which case you Roar him out the next turn.
A third and final scenario. Your opponent has a Latias who you know to be scarfed. Last time you switched your Blissey into him and he used a special attack which did very little damage. This time however you are pretty sure he is going to Trick hoping to catch your Blissey. What do you do? None of your pokemon will appreciate a Scarf especially not Blissey. If you are running a regular stall team then Latias just crippled one of your pokes. However, if you have CAP1 on your team, then you just switch him in and he gets the Scarf which doesn't limit his moves whatsoever. It does unfortunately take away his lefties recovery but many pokemon can function in stall without leftovers (Shed Shell Skarm). Furthermore, Latias can't trick anything onto anyone now since it has leftovers so it can be walled freely by Blissey.
Since this is my goal for CAP I am going to suggest the typing Water/Grass. It resists Water (Gyara Waterfall) and Ground (Gyara/Gliscor/Aero Earthquake and Heatran Earth Power) and Steel (Bullet Punch). It is only weak to Flying (lol), Poison (lmao), and Bug (U-turn I guess).
This makes it beat all common Taunters if it gets good defenses and it at leas checks common trickers/tormentran.