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Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
No one is going to talk about the new picture... seems pretty interesting. :troll:

Just kidding. It is just one of Pit's moves. It still looks good though. Not really.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 8, 2013
Detroit, Michigan
No, it's not one of the better pictures, in my opinion. Not a huge Kid Icarus fan, so I'm not even sure what that move is or will do.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
No, it's not one of the better pictures, in my opinion. Not a huge Kid Icarus fan, so I'm not even sure what that move is or will do.
Yeah. I am not a big Kid Icarus fan either. It appears to be an item you get in Uprising though. It is called Back/Front Shield. I think he has both for the sake of the move. Maybe it replaced his reflector shield? Like I said... I don't really know much about Kid Icarus either. That was actually why I was hoping people would talk about it (because I have no idea what it is). :p


Smash Ace
Dec 17, 2007
I think today's picture shows Pit's new Down-B Special "Guardian Orbitars".

Pretty much reflect projectiles methinks.

IMO, an upgraded version of his Down-B Special in Brawl... in that there are TWO shields on each side of him.


Smash Hero
Oct 28, 2008
picture just shows something already shown in the video where all of pits specials were shown anyway


Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2007
The featured stage picture looks like a mix of Melee's Mushroom Kingdom, Yoshi's Island, and Princess Peach's Castle. Approved.

On 2nd look... is that a stage, or something from what could be SSB4's Adventure Mode...? The little arrow at the bottom-left is pretty curious.


Smash Ace
Jun 1, 2013
Free Country, USA
The featured stage picture looks like a mix of Melee's Mushroom Kingdom, Yoshi's Island, and Princess Peach's Castle. Approved.

On 2nd look... is that a stage, or something from what could be SSB4's Adventure Mode...? The little arrow at the bottom-left is pretty curious.
It's the Mario 3D Land Stage, looks like it'll be like a mix between Mushroomy Kingdom and Delfino Plaza, gimmick-wise, making it unlikely for tourney play, but the stages you mentioned appearance-wise.

O'kaz A1

Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2013
The pic of the day July 9th confuses me, cuz I'm not sure if it's showing a stagnant stage or a flowing stage with some crossover...

O'kaz A1

Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2013
Has anyone noticed there is something empty in the character roster on the main page of the Smash Bros website? Something says me a new character will be confirmed soon...:)


You're a vegetable
Mar 24, 2012
Do I see a "New Mushroomy Kingdom" stage here? If it's not a moving stage I hope there's a warp pipe on the opposite side that you can go back and fourth in. I miss that Smash 64 SMB stage.


Smash Ace
Jun 27, 2008
Closer to you than you realize
This looks to be from Super Mario 3D Land. I recognize the design of the falling platforms and even the design of the castle! This is most likely a moving stage shared with the clip we saw in the trailer where that spiked log thing shot up through a platform and KO'd Bowser.


Smash Hero
Oct 28, 2008
thats definitely a moving stage, all of those orange blocks are falling platforms so it would kind of suck if it stays in that spot


Smash Journeyman
Jun 7, 2013
This stage looks really nice better than Mushroom Kingdom from brawl (I like the bright colorful stages)


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
This stage looks really nice better than Mushroom Kingdom from brawl (I like the bright colorful stages)
I agree. Mushroomy Kingdom was a stage that probably sounded good on paper but didn't translate well to being an actual stage imo. Especially since they made one of the most iconic levels in gaming history so boring and drab looking. I don't care for moving stages (which I assume this one is) in general, but at least this one is full of colour and not as clustered as Mushroomy Kingdom (from what we've seen so far ofc).


Smash Cadet
Apr 12, 2009
The Great Land of Ohio
My first reaction was that it was a screenshot of a possible adventure mode level. However, seeing as how the camera isn't centered on one of the characters, it makes more sense as a moving stage.


Smash Hero
Oct 28, 2008
Has anyone noticed there is something empty in the character roster on the main page of the Smash Bros website? Something says me a new character will be confirmed soon...:)
every few days they have been rearranging the layout of the pictures, i dont think it means anything, just the newcomers are twice as big so it leaves a gap


Smash Hero
Oct 28, 2008
as much as id like to be hopeful, sakurai did say a different approach will be taken this time.

i think they will focus more on nintendo directs to reveal characters, even though im sure they have enough content to reveal a character every couple of weeks until release

for the hardcore fans, dojo is better, but i think for bringing hype for outsiders to notice the game, making bigger video releases every few months will make more sense

i do wish 90% of the pictures werent just boring stuff from the trailer, even if its nothing new, the stuff like kirby headed yellow devil was pretty funny, as are all of the wii fit girl posing similarly to other characters


Smash Apprentice
Jun 17, 2013
I agree. Mushroomy Kingdom was a stage that probably sounded good on paper but didn't translate well to being an actual stage imo. Especially since they made one of the most iconic levels in gaming history so boring and drab looking. I don't care for moving stages (which I assume this one is) in general, but at least this one is full of colour and not as clustered as Mushroomy Kingdom (from what we've seen so far ofc).
i do wish 90% of the pictures werent just boring stuff from the trailer, even if its nothing new, the stuff like kirby headed yellow devil was pretty funny, as are all of the wii fit girl posing similarly to other characters

The reason that Mushroomy Kingdom was brown and dark toned is because Brawl focused on dark colors, while this new stage is so bright because SSB4 focuses on bright primary colors. You can especially see it when comparing Mario's Brawl jeans or Link's Brawl tunic to their SSB4 versions. On a side note, it might have been cool for them to call the games Smash Bros. 4 Wii U/3DS (instead of "for Wii U/3DS), but I'm not a game developer. haha

And the only reason I quoted your post Tesh is because I wanted to state my theory on Yellow Devil and you were the last person to bring him up. I think Yellow Devil might be Mega Man's Final Smash, because the surroundings seem sort of dark whenever he's pictured which is one of the visual affects for every Final Smash in Brawl and the Wii Fit Trainer's and Samus' from what we've seen from SSB4.


Smash Hero
Oct 28, 2008
I think that stage is just dark, its the outside of Wily's Fortress. Megaman was never able to summon bosses in the game, just take their powers. I'm expecting something like Megaman 9's gravity hole or just a samus charge beam clone for his FS.

I'm 90% sure he is a boss and 10% on a stage hazard.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
The reason that Mushroomy Kingdom was brown and dark toned is because Brawl focused on dark colors, while this new stage is so bright because SSB4 focuses on bright primary colors. You can especially see it when comparing Mario's Brawl jeans or Link's Brawl tunic to their SSB4 versions. On a side note, it might have been cool for them to call the games Smash Bros. 4 Wii U/3DS (instead of "for Wii U/3DS), but I'm not a game developer. haha
That's true, but they purposely made it look dreary and abandoned, when it really just came out looking boring and dull (at least to me). Even though they focused on a darker style and realism they still could've made it brighter and cheerier if they wanted to (look at Delfino Plaza or Rumble Falls or something), it was mostly a stylistic and aesthetic choice (that they might've thought complimented the overall theme of the game) that I'm glad they're staying away from this time. Well... at least to my knowledge so far.


Smash Hero
Oct 28, 2008
The 3DS stages will lean more towards that because the graphics aren't HD and the games usually compensate with brighter, simpler colors.

I'm sure the Wii U version will be brighter than Brawl, but 3DS is bright or nothing.


Smash Cadet
Jul 9, 2013
Before I begin, I'd like to apologize for anything that may upset anyone. Also for the length of this message. But I've been reading this thread and there are some things I'd like to say.

First off, has anyone read the interview with Sakurai on ign? Here's a link: http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/07/03/creating-super-smash-bros-for-wii-u-and-3ds?page=1. It really says a lot for the games; I think. Ign is actually a good source for any news on the games. I check it daily for anything new; as I do with the official site.

Next is a couple questions. What time(s) would you think that any updates, besides the pictures, would take place? I am in the Mountain Standard Time zone. Next, would you think Sakurai is in Japan working on the project? Or at Nintendo Headquarters in Washington? Also, going along with the first, would you think any different updates would be put up along with or separate from the daily pictures? Lastly, are Nintendo Directs released in the middle of the month? And I'm assuming there is no way of telling when they will show, is there?

As far as development goes, I read an article stating that the 3DS version of the game is actually further developed than it's Wii U counterpart. I'm assuming that it means further developed in terms of options, modes, extras, stages, etc. As you may have noticed, you don't see many 3DS images on any characters, or in general. And with the newcomers, only Megaman has any pictures on the 3DS version. So obviously, Sakurai has developed enough of the characters and stages to show what it'd be like. But on the Wii U, development has been focused on characters and stages to show, in better quality, the new things to the game. This is mostly my own opinion. This is not fact. Just as a disclaimer.

Honestly, I don't really know much at all about Little Mac. Many have been saying that he ought to be featured in the game. But I don't really know anything about him or his games. So I'd be interested to see him. But I'm not sure if that is likely. Many have also mentioned Pac-Man and Mii. I think both would be great additions. And there is a window of possibility as far as them being included. Many characters that people have talked of are unlikely, but possible; some more than others. I'm really excited to learn of all the new characters.

I'm assuming almost everyone here has seen the developers direct and all the newcomer videos. Masahiro Sakurai explains a lot in that direct. Including the new weapons he has. Guardian Orbitars and the Upperdash Arm are the names of those weapons. Both are from Kid Icarus: Uprising. The orbitars are shields that can be used as a weapon. The arm is just a weapon used. But back to the subject of the videos. All can be revealing in some way. In the direct especially. He goes into specific detail with all the newcomers. So the direct is a good video to watch; if you haven't seen it already.

Another thing. I honestly like the daily pictures. Many can show new things. Others are just funny. But all are great. I don't mind them too much. But I do sure wish for more.

There is a lot said here on this thread. Much of which I would like to mention, comment, or say something about. But alas; I will not. For the sake of the fact that it'll take some time and there is too much. But I appreciate all that has been said. I check this daily for new comments and speculation. Thank you for your input. I hope you could get something for this. And please let me know what you think. Sorry again for the length and anything upsetting or demeaning. Thanks for reading. :)

P.S. Here is a link to something else I said before. In case you were interested. http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/632937-super-smash-bros-for-nintendo-3ds/66564805


Smash Lord
Feb 4, 2012
Confirming for you :

From Sakurai, in Miiverse:

"Pic of the day.
This shows a traveling stage in the moment just after Bowser got blasted from below in the first trailer."

These Sakurai introduction to the images seems to be so important as the image.

O'kaz A1

Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2013
Before I begin, I'd like to apologize for anything that may upset anyone. Also for the length of this message. But I've been reading this thread and there are some things I'd like to say.

First off, has anyone read the interview with Sakurai on ign? Here's a link: http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/07/03/creating-super-smash-bros-for-wii-u-and-3ds?page=1. It really says a lot for the games; I think. Ign is actually a good source for any news on the games. I check it daily for anything new; as I do with the official site.

Next is a couple questions. What time(s) would you think that any updates, besides the pictures, would take place? I am in the Mountain Standard Time zone. Next, would you think Sakurai is in Japan working on the project? Or at Nintendo Headquarters in Washington? Also, going along with the first, would you think any different updates would be put up along with or separate from the daily pictures? Lastly, are Nintendo Directs released in the middle of the month? And I'm assuming there is no way of telling when they will show, is there?

As far as development goes, I read an article stating that the 3DS version of the game is actually further developed than it's Wii U counterpart. I'm assuming that it means further developed in terms of options, modes, extras, stages, etc. As you may have noticed, you don't see many 3DS images on any characters, or in general. And with the newcomers, only Megaman has any pictures on the 3DS version. So obviously, Sakurai has developed enough of the characters and stages to show what it'd be like. But on the Wii U, development has been focused on characters and stages to show, in better quality, the new things to the game. This is mostly my own opinion. This is not fact. Just as a disclaimer.

Honestly, I don't really know much at all about Little Mac. Many have been saying that he ought to be featured in the game. But I don't really know anything about him or his games. So I'd be interested to see him. But I'm not sure if that is likely. Many have also mentioned Pac-Man and Mii. I think both would be great additions. And there is a window of possibility as far as them being included. Many characters that people have talked of are unlikely, but possible; some more than others. I'm really excited to learn of all the new characters.

I'm assuming almost everyone here has seen the developers direct and all the newcomer videos. Masahiro Sakurai explains a lot in that direct. Including the new weapons he has. Guardian Orbitars and the Upperdash Arm are the names of those weapons. Both are from Kid Icarus: Uprising. The orbitars are shields that can be used as a weapon. The arm is just a weapon used. But back to the subject of the videos. All can be revealing in some way. In the direct especially. He goes into specific detail with all the newcomers. So the direct is a good video to watch; if you haven't seen it already.

Another thing. I honestly like the daily pictures. Many can show new things. Others are just funny. But all are great. I don't mind them too much. But I do sure wish for more.

There is a lot said here on this thread. Much of which I would like to mention, comment, or say something about. But alas; I will not. For the sake of the fact that it'll take some time and there is too much. But I appreciate all that has been said. I check this daily for new comments and speculation. Thank you for your input. I hope you could get something for this. And please let me know what you think. Sorry again for the length and anything upsetting or demeaning. Thanks for reading. :)

P.S. Here is a link to something else I said before. In case you were interested. http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/632937-super-smash-bros-for-nintendo-3ds/66564805

About the updates. I think it will take place c.a. every 2 or 3 months and not any sooner. Beside I rather think Sakurai works in Japan on the project and some different update(s) would be put up along with the daily pictures. Lastly, some Nintendo Directs are released from the beginning of a month, some in the middle of a month and others in the end of a month, but besides it's vary when some Nintendo Directs will be released.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 30, 2013
Seems like Sakurai messed the daily pic up today. This old pic is not even the Wii U Version.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 17, 2013
Seems like Sakurai messed the daily pic up today. This old pic is not even the Wii U Version.
If your referring to the Wii Fit Trainer's picture it is a WiiU shot, but there's a glitch on the site that some people have been getting showing it with the wrong frame, happens to me all the time. Hope that clears it up.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 17, 2013
Before I begin, I'd like to apologize for anything that may upset anyone. Also for the length of this message. But I've been reading this thread and there are some things I'd like to say.

First off, has anyone read the interview with Sakurai on ign? Here's a link: http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/07/03/creating-super-smash-bros-for-wii-u-and-3ds?page=1. It really says a lot for the games; I think. Ign is actually a good source for any news on the games. I check it daily for anything new; as I do with the official site.

Next is a couple questions. What time(s) would you think that any updates, besides the pictures, would take place? I am in the Mountain Standard Time zone. Next, would you think Sakurai is in Japan working on the project? Or at Nintendo Headquarters in Washington? Also, going along with the first, would you think any different updates would be put up along with or separate from the daily pictures? Lastly, are Nintendo Directs released in the middle of the month? And I'm assuming there is no way of telling when they will show, is there?

As far as development goes, I read an article stating that the 3DS version of the game is actually further developed than it's Wii U counterpart. I'm assuming that it means further developed in terms of options, modes, extras, stages, etc. As you may have noticed, you don't see many 3DS images on any characters, or in general. And with the newcomers, only Megaman has any pictures on the 3DS version. So obviously, Sakurai has developed enough of the characters and stages to show what it'd be like. But on the Wii U, development has been focused on characters and stages to show, in better quality, the new things to the game. This is mostly my own opinion. This is not fact. Just as a disclaimer.

Honestly, I don't really know much at all about Little Mac. Many have been saying that he ought to be featured in the game. But I don't really know anything about him or his games. So I'd be interested to see him. But I'm not sure if that is likely. Many have also mentioned Pac-Man and Mii. I think both would be great additions. And there is a window of possibility as far as them being included. Many characters that people have talked of are unlikely, but possible; some more than others. I'm really excited to learn of all the new characters.

I'm assuming almost everyone here has seen the developers direct and all the newcomer videos. Masahiro Sakurai explains a lot in that direct. Including the new weapons he has. Guardian Orbitars and the Upperdash Arm are the names of those weapons. Both are from Kid Icarus: Uprising. The orbitars are shields that can be used as a weapon. The arm is just a weapon used. But back to the subject of the videos. All can be revealing in some way. In the direct especially. He goes into specific detail with all the newcomers. So the direct is a good video to watch; if you haven't seen it already.

Another thing. I honestly like the daily pictures. Many can show new things. Others are just funny. But all are great. I don't mind them too much. But I do sure wish for more.

There is a lot said here on this thread. Much of which I would like to mention, comment, or say something about. But alas; I will not. For the sake of the fact that it'll take some time and there is too much. But I appreciate all that has been said. I check this daily for new comments and speculation. Thank you for your input. I hope you could get something for this. And please let me know what you think. Sorry again for the length and anything upsetting or demeaning. Thanks for reading. :)

P.S. Here is a link to something else I said before. In case you were interested. http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/632937-super-smash-bros-for-nintendo-3ds/66564805
The daily updates are at 5 to 5:30pm every day Tokyo time, which is where Sakurai's company, HAL Lab Inc., is located. That is about the time he gets off work, I would imagine, so he's in Japan.


Smash Lord
Feb 4, 2012
I can't see the new image :O
Maybe... finally ... something new about the Wii U version?


Dynamic Duo
Nov 15, 2007
Gee, I wonder what that is.

Ness confirmed. Shocker.


Dynamic Duo
Nov 15, 2007
Well, if it *isn't* PK Flash, (It looked green to me before, oh well.) If this is indeed a fancy way of doing Sun Salutation, then I absolutely applaud Sakurai for designing such a unique character.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
It seems like a cool move. I have no idea what it would do though. I am imagining something like Ganon/Falcon's vertical kick. This is cool though, I am planning on putting a lot of time into Wii Fit Trainer. So if she had some more unique moves (maybe one where she bends over :awesome:) like Sun Saturation it would definitely be a good thing.


Smash Lord
Feb 4, 2012
Nice pictures yesterday and today...
I hope we continue with good stuff in this site update.

Anyway, someone know when is the next NDirect ?Even if is a "Pikmin Direct" maybe some more smash veterans and one newcomer...
In NDirect I trust.
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