DKC looks a little light on enemies so I'll fix that
With Item Barrels being a thing I think having this enemy would provide some surprises, Klobbers themselves dont damage fighters but they can knock players into hazards like pits and other enemies, they are also fast and somewhat durable, there is a yellow variant that can knock off stat boosts and a black varient that will explode when defeated
Tiki Goon
These enemeis are quite simple, they walk back and forth biting any fighter they encouter, however if you light them on fire of infinite another elemental attack they will be alight with that specific element and become faster and stronger, they come in groups of 3-8
Tiki Tank
Tiki Tanks act the same as Tiki Goons but they have more hp, they also cant be destroyed with normal attacks at first, instead you need to use a smash attack to flip there heads revealing there weak points
A standard wall crawling enemy, they are quite fast and there wheels can only be destroyed by a projectile or item.
Edit I also noticed that this mode doesn't have any support or bonus enemies so I'll add some ideas
Snurps (Miitopia)
A type of enemy consisting of tasty, rare, and gold varieties, they hop around the halls of smash run minding there own buisness until they encounter a player, then they will rapidly jump away until they encounter a dead end, then they will teleport away and never be seen again. Snurps focus on dropping in order potent healing items, large stat boosts, and a large coin horde.
Coincoffers on the other hand are more focused on you hunting them, they are invisible and you need to track there footsteps, when you hear the peak of these footsteps you use a smash attack to make them visible again and smack the coins and stat boosts out of them.
Finally Life Spellpunks (Skylanders) are healers, they will use there life magic energy to heal any enemy near them, they can also heal themselves as well and are capable of flight and teleportation, if alone of with other Life Spellpunks they will lob halls of green life energy at you as a attack