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Smashboards Creates: Super Smash Bros. Reboot

Which Echo should we add?

  • Funky over DK

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  • Shadow over Sonic

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  • Poll closed .


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2020
Newcomer: Toad
Toad MP10.png
It’s another Mario character, but he is one of the most important Nintendo characters missing. (Maybe Tom Nook, Ganon, or Eevee/Meowth makes more sense for this).

Veteran: Shulk

Veteran: Shulk (Xenoblade)
Shulk Artwork XBC1.png
Xenoblade is a growing series, and Shulk is the original protagonist and appears in Xenoblade 2 as DLC.
For Samus, I’d change her neutral special into Ice Beam, which freezes players after they have a specific amount of damage. Also, I’ll change Samus’s final smash into the one that Zero Suit has.
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Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020
Represented Newcomer: Cinderace
View attachment 343795
I know it's kind of a meme, but we don't have any Pokemon reps outside of Pikachu yet. Moveset wise, they could play like a soccer player, juggling a ball of fire around the battlefield while also using it as a ranged projectile.

Unrepresented Veteran: Banjo and Kazooie
View attachment 343796
The newcomer no one thought would happen, yet still hoped for. It'd be a shame to discard that after one game. With their big history with Nintendo, and the good relationship with Microsoft, Banjo and Kazooie are ready to battle once more!
Unfortunately this job is for First Parties only

There will be jobs for third parties very soon.


Smash Champion
Oct 14, 2016
Unrepresented Veteran: Miis

Costumes turned into a cool gimmick that should return. Imagine a bit of an overhaul with moveset though.

Represented Newcomer: Sylux

Bit of speculation but he may play a big role in Prime 4 plus this would give us a new villain & rep for an iconic franchise that seems to be heading in the right direction.


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2020
Job 12:

I’d just replace Skull Bash with Thunder Wave, which stuns opponents who are hit.

Job 13:

I'll submit Baby Bowser's Castle. This submission is based on the Yoshi stage from another SmashBoards Creates thread.
It's a recreation of the final battle of the first Yoshi's Island game, taking place on the ruins of the destroyed castle. Baby Bowser lurks in the background and occasionally shoots fireballs. Giant rocks will sometimes fall and briefly wipe out platforms.
Aug 14, 2021
Bloodsauce Dungeon, Pizza Tower, ???
Job 12:
I keep his moveset, but his Final Smash gets changed and he evolves Raichu, making it Transforming final smash.

Job 13:
Yoshi's Island:

I nominate the Yoshi's island from Brawl. The layout is same, but stage became longer in length.
Hold on, there are some changes like in Background, you can see Yoshi's House (Picture down below)

(It's based on SMW Incarnation)
And more enemies are appearing in Background, which is also cool.


Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020
Tankman's Pikachu changes and Baby Bowser Castle will be added

Job 14

Submit a company for the first third party character to be added

You are just submitting the company but for this make sure the company has a long or fruitful history with nintendo.


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2020
I think Sega should get the first third party fighter with Sonic, but I’ll nominate Capcom since they have franchises that have a presence on Nintendo consoles (Street Fighter, Monster Hunter, Ace Attorney…) or also have franchises associated with retro Nintendo (Mega Man).
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Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020
SEGA will be the first Third Party added to the reboot

Sonic will be added immediately!

Job 15

Submit a brand new SEGA character that has not appeared in smash yet.

Job 16

Submit a new moveset for Kirby
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Aug 14, 2021
Bloodsauce Dungeon, Pizza Tower, ???
Job 15:
AiAi (Super Monkey Ball)

AiAi is main character of his platforming series Super Monkey Ball. He is a young monkey, who rolls inside he ball and travels through random courses in his games.
AiAi has a connection with nintendo, so he could fit in as 3rd Party character

Her moveset could revolve around stuff from Monkey Ball games like he could fight inside his ball for example. It would break if he gets too much damage, leaving him vurnerable to all attacks. One of his attacks could make him regenerate his ball from atoms to roll again on the battlefield.

I nominate him as Sega Rep, because he appeared on Nintendo consoles and he would fit in Nintendo crossover game. Nuff said.
(Sorry for being a little bit lazy, but I'm really busy and according to my timezone, it's really late)

Job 16:
Neutral Special: Same
Side Special: Flame Dash - Kirby uses his Flame copy ability and dashes forward with flame effect. (Meanwhile, Kirby's new dash attack is now his rolling animation from Kirby and Rainbow Curse)
Up Special: It's same, no changes.
Down Special: Same.
Final Smash: Hypernova - Kirby eats the Hypernova ability and inhales everyone to his mouth if he tries to and he spits them out along with his mouth beam. The Final Smash could KO opponents.


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Smash Champion
Oct 14, 2016
Matoi (Phantasy Star)

Not super familiar with franchise or character but remember her coming up during Fighter Pass speculation & I kind of like the idea. Phantasy Star is a long running franchise that SEGA has done a decent of supporting with the latest entry (which Matoi is from) seemingly having a decent push & success considering the game has been being update since 2012. Additionally the series made decent contributions to Online gaming in general being one of the first on home consoles back on the Dreamcast.
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Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020
Aug 14, 2021
Bloodsauce Dungeon, Pizza Tower, ???
Job 17:
Kirby Stage:
Green Greens

It has the same layout, but the background is little bit Altered to resemble modern Popstar incarnations, like it has some resemblance to Kirby Star Allies.
You could see Castle Dedede and Halberd in sky background (If they weren't stages).

DK Stage:
Jungle Hijinx


I keeps it's classic layout, but the background stage gimmick is removed, meaning that you can't go into background anymore.
Plus, the barrels now shoot you at any direction you wish.
The cameos are cast from DK that they won't be playable like Cranky Kong, Chunky Kong and etc.

Job 18:
Resubmitting Nintendog and Muddy Mole:
Job 18:
New Assist:

Muddy Mole (Mole mania)

Muddy Mole is main Protagonist of Gameboy Title called Mole Mania, which is the Puzzle game and Muddy needs to save his Family before Farmer Jinbe will keep them in his house forever.

When summoned, Muddy would act like Knuckles, where he digs underground and he throws Metal balls at Opponents, dealing heavy damage. He could even push the ball to roll it on the ground.
He also moves opponents by pushing them or he also does a uppercut-like move when it burrows under the opponent.

Returning Assist
Nintendog (Nintendogs)

It acts same, but it uses Shiba Inu design.


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2020
For the Kirby Stage, I’ll nominate Dream Land as is.
For the Donkey Kong Stage, I’ll go with Jungle Japes

The old assist that I’ll nominate will be Ghirahim.
For my second assist, I’ll go with Rambi, who works like how he does in Super Smash Flash 2
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