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Smashboards Creates: SSB If It Was Created During the Switch Era

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
Alright sorry for the double post, but these things get long and I got carried away tonight. So I'll just keep it separate.

Job 32: Fox McCloud (Star Fox)

Maybe a bit of a dubious choice with the series' future in question, but let's make something clear. Out of the more "dated" members of the Original 12 - the likes of Falcon or Ness - Fox is the one most likely to still make a Smash debut. Star Fox is still a valued IP. Fox himself shows up alongside Nintendo's most iconic faces in official company presentations and documents. He's got plushies, he's got figures. Star Fox remains one of Miyamoto's beloved children, I sincerely wouldn't be surprised to see it get a theatrical film within the next decade. And the games remain some of the most heavily referenced throughout other Nintendo properties, such as Mario Kart or Animal Crossing.

Fox also helps provide a much needed rushdown archetype among a roster of all-rounders, zoners and heavies. Presumably Fox wouldn't need to be changed much from how we know him to be. He's designed ingeniously to represent the abilities of the Arwing in a fighter package, although I can think of a change I might make to his Up Special. Nevertheless, Fox is Fox and Smash is a better game for having him. And I sincerely do believe there's a strong case to be made for him even amidst a rocky moment for his series... there are other weirder picks I could have went with her (I'm pondering a defacto "retro" pick and tossing between Little Mac or Excitebiker) but I think someone needs to take the initiative for everyone's favorite furry lil dude. He's also a nice vessel to represent the Super Famicom and N64 eras of the company history.

A point I want to make now in respect to this nomination and the general sentiment of the roster - we are making a roster during the Switch era, but that doesn't mean it needs to be exclusive to the Switch era. Smash is and always will be a celebration of Nintendo's history on the whole. I think we've done a great job keeping it in line with Nintendo's current priorities, but there is certainly room for some legacy picks as well. And I'd say Star Fox is on the top of the food chain when that is factored into the equation.

Job 33:
Assist Trophy - Captain Falcon

From Nintendo's classic racing series F-Zero comes Captain Falcon! Since he spends most of his time behind the wheel, this guy doesn't have a whole lot of potential to become a playable character. But he's pretty cool, don't you think? And Nintendo likes to reference this series, F-Zero had a Nintendo Land attraction and MK8 has those F-Zero courses, so I feel like he'd be on the radar for a loving nod. He spawns onto the stage, gives us a little salute and hops into his signature racing mobile, the Blue Falcon. He rockets off in a straight line, leaving a trail of flames in his wake. Shortly after he will return showing no signs of stopping, rocketing forward from the opposite side of the stage, completing a lap and trucking forward into the next one. This will happen three or four times before he screeches to a halt and disappears. I really like him, and I want to get us moving on perhaps some Assist Trophies that don't represent playable series, so here's one option.

...What? Falcon Punch, what the hell is that? No, if this character was playable in a fighting game before, I think I would have known about that. What would he even do, anyway?

Alright alright, jokes aside, I’m making a bold move here just to inspire some constructive thinking. I really don’t think Captain Falcon as we know him today would have existed without those specific circumstances back in 1999. As much as I will miss him, for the sake of this prompt we have to pretend that never existed. Maybe hypocritical of me to say after nominating Fox, but we do get to play out of the ship in multiple Star Fox games and multiplayer modes. So this is me being a little stinker and stirring the pot.

History Cards
:ultisabelle: - KK Slider, The Able Sisters, Dodo Airlines (Orville and Wilbur)
:ultinkling: - DJ Octavio, Enemy Octoling, Off the Hook
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Smash Champion
Oct 14, 2016
1 Tropical Wilds
2 Garden of Hope
3 Twilight River

1 Name Redacted
2 DNA Lab
3 Spring Stadium

Fighter - Bayonetta

Not sure if allowed with her weird 3rd party situation. Know 3 is still a couple years away but was already announced & 1st 2 games had their switch re-release recently.

Assist - Bandana Dee

Some people may not like the implication of him being deconfirmed but the odds of 4 kirby characters making it in are slim & id say Dedede & Meta Knight should get in 1st. Will throw his spear around as an assist.

History Cards
:ultisabelle: - Blathers, Jack, Resetti
:ultinkling: - Judd & Lil Judd, Sheldon, Capn Cuttlefish


Smash Champion
Jul 1, 2023

Tried to avoid too many Mario or Mario universe characters so soon but I think he is pretty much his own thing at this point, even more so than Yoshi or Donkey Kong, since his own cast pretty much never crosses over with the main Mario universe. He has multiple WarioWare games on the switch.

He would still use his Biker outfit as his main look and mainly take from the WarioWare series but we could perhaps work some more Mario Land stuff into his moveset.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2015
Olimar's Stage:
1. Onion Formation: A very odd idea for a Pikmin stage, but one I like a lot! I think that the varying layout can be quite interesting, can keep things fresh and that elemental hazards based on the Pikmin are fun. Considering that up to Pikmin 3 there are five main onion types (Red, Yellow, Blue, Winged, and Rock), I think the parallelism with Norfair is perfect!
2. Tropical Wilds: Another interesting pick, I like myself a calmer stage sometimes and Pikmin is a series that could lend itself to such a choice. Also, being the first area of Pikmin 3, it somewhat relevant and iconic. Overall a nice choice.
3. Twilight River: My personal favorite area from Pikmin 3, as I already went over.

ARMS Stage
1. [NAME REDACTED]: Dr. Coyle's home stage and a cool overall pick, there is genuinely nothing wrong about it. Great pick!
2. Sky Arena: A more general area in ARMS, I think we could use a more ring-like arena, but there is another series where we could pull that kind of stage from... (foreshadowing?)
3. Spring Stadium: The most iconic stage from ARMS, I think it has a fun gimmick! I could see it coming back in this version of Smash as well.

DK's Moveset
1. Borb
2. Mine
Gotta be honest here, I think that DK's special moves could use a more extended rework and getting rid of the Hand Slap, literally the only special move which comes from source material, is something I don't really appreciate, but in retrospect I think that some of my moveset changes were a bit too... ambitious, let' say (something I might be doing way too much, I have fallen into this rabbit hole...). However, I am sorry, but I don't like the coconut gun at all as part of DK's moveset, as it would make him more of a zoner, which is something I think we should stray away from.

Edelgard's Moveset
1. Northsouthmap
2. Mine
I think that mixing up Edelgard's axe and magic is a good call here, as not only does she have a budding talent in Reason, but Adrestia is known for their many sorcerers (though Edelgard's canon classes, quite disappointingly, don't have access to magic). I also like that Raging Storm here is a multi-hit attack, as it is one good way to interpret the Combat Art. Warp, while something I didn't envision to be in Edelgard's moveset, is a nice reference, since she uses it at least a couple of times during the main campaign.

Now, for the next jobs...

Job #32: Little Mac

Ok, so, the whole deal here, at least for me, is that Little Mac and Punch-Out!! stuff in general make a lot of sense to be added to a Nintendo fighting game crossover, considering how Little Mac literally is a bruiser. In terms of playstyle, I guess he'd be somewhat similar to his canon Smash self, just way less polarized: his ground game and speed would be toned down a bit, while his aerials would all be much stronger, making for a rushdown, ground-based fighter.
I don't know it's just I want Little Mac in this game, especially now that we have ARMS stuff: let Dr. Coyle have a rival (admittedly, a Spring Man-Little Mac rivalry would have worked better, but still)!

Job #33: Ducks

A few ducks would fly on stage, damaging opponents they come in contact with. Ducks can be hit and eventually defeated. Around 3/4 ducks would appear. A rather weak assist trophy, I think it is fun to reference some old style stuff. Plus, Ducks were the first Assist Trophy ever pitched by Sakurai as soon as Melee, IIRC.

Side Order: History Cards
Animal Crossing

K.K. Slider
Timmy and Tommy

Inkling (Squid Form)
Mr. Grizz

Side Order: Mario recolors
1. Default: Needs no explanation
2. White: Color scheme based on Fire Mario
3. Light Blue: Color scheme based on Ice Mario
4. Green: Color scheme based on Luigi
5. Yellow: Color scheme based on Wario
6. Star-Spangled Mario: Based on the PATRIOTIC attire from NES Open Golf Tournament

I might go over Link's recolors later on, but I wanted to address my boy Mario


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2021
1. Garden of Hope
2. Twilight Rivers
3. Tropical Wilds

2. DNA Lab
3. Spring Stadium
Job 21: Pikachu (Pokémon)

View attachment 393394

Pikachu is a Pokémon, he is a yellow rat with electric powers, Pikachu is the mascot from Pokémon series,and the most iconic character
i'll resubmit Pikachu for playalbe character
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Masked Borb

Smash Cadet
Jul 28, 2024
Cookie Country
Switch FC
Pikmin Stage-
1. Twilight River
2. Garden Of Hope
3. Tropical Wilds

Not much else to say other than screw Distant Planet, I guess.

ARMS Stage-
1. DNA Lab
3. Sky Arena

The first two stages just feel... right for Coyle. I just think Sky Arena is neat.

DK Moveset-
1. Northsouthmap

I'm gonna be a contrarian here and give North's a few points. I love Loz's concept too, kudos for kreating kool stuff for the Kong! And I'll admit, both do have some interesting gimmick moves tacked onto them. But I ultimately liked North's sliiiiiiiiiiiiightly more.

Edelgard Moveset-
1. Loz

I prefer Loz's to North's this time, despite both movesets along with my own had some similar moves. It all comes down to the Final Smash of North's, which to me, feels like a bit of a spoiler for those who didn't pick up Three Houses. Corrin gets away with transforming into a monster for their Final Smash due to it being something revealed much earlier in the game, to where it's more like common knowledge than a spoiler. This is coming from someone who was spoiled this exact thing before even playing the game. But maybe North means something different, I'm not really sure. Or maybe I'm not going anywhere with this and I should move on to the next thing-

Job 32 - Fighter From An Unrepped Series:
So... I like Pokemon. And of course I like Pikachu, and it is probably a no-brainer pick to be here.

....Buuuuuut, I also love the idea of Pokemon Trainer, and I personally think it's the best way to represent what a "Pokemon Character" would play like.

So... hear me out on this one. Why not both?

Introducing: Pokemon Trainer! (Let's Go! Variant) You probably have some questions about this group of characters, so let me try and answer the ones I think you may have.

"Who are these random kids? Shouldn't Red & Leaf/Green be used instead?"
They are Chase & Elaine, the playable avatar characters of Pokemon: Let's Go Pikachu!/Eevee! And while it is a stretch to use them over the other protags, I would use them solely because of the special proporties of their Pokemon.

"Why rep the Let's Go games in particular? Why not rep Sword & Shield?"
Because Kanto. Plus, these games introduce the special Partner Pikachu & Eevee, which have interesting new special moves exclusive to them that are really hecking charming, and I can get away with making super cute move names. Zippy Zap, Glitzy Glow, SPARKLY SWIRL & SPLISHY SPLASH, I CAN'T-

"Who invited Jigglypuff to the team? There is no Let's Go Jigglypuff."
I did. Yes, there is no "Let's Go Jigglypuff!" But if you suggest a character who needed 3 Pokemon, and two of the slots are used by Pikachu & Eevee, who else would you slot in? Clefairy? A now-Fairy Type who wasn't too noteable character in the anime? Meowth? Arguably more iconic than Jiggs, but it clashes with Eevee, who's already a Normal Type. Charizard? Might as well suggest regular old Pokemon Trainer.

Job 33 - Assist Trophy:
Introducing.... Chilly! He's from the Kirby series, btw. He'll skate(?) around the stage, spinning in the air occasionally while shooting out frost breath, or creating ice shards to fall from the sky, or making a icy field that insta-freezes the summoner's opponents.

1. Default: Becuase why not?
2. White With Red Overalls: Fire Mario
3. Light Blue With Red Overalls: Ice Mario
4. Green with Darker Blue Overalls: Luigi, but it's slightly more accurate
5. Yellow with Purple Overalls: WAAAAAAAAAAARIO
6. Purple With Even Darker Blue/Black Overalls: WAAAAAAAAAAALUIGI
As for the costumes:
7. Builder Mario: Man I love Mario Maker
8. Tanooki Mario: Man I love Super Mario 3D Land

1. Default Champ's Tunic: Because why wot?
2. Red Champ's Tunic: There's
3. Green Champ's Tunic: Four
4. Purple Champ's Tunic: Swords
5. White Champ's Tunic: No real reference or anything-
6. Pink Champ's Tunic: I like pink
And for the costumes:
7. Tunic Of The Wild: A much more familiar look for Link, since BOTW took it off of Link for once.

oh boy


Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2020
Mario Alts:
  1. Standard
  2. Fire Mario
  3. Ice Mario
  4. Wario Colours
  5. Flying Mario (from Galaxy)
  6. Star-Spangled Mario
  7. Builder Mario
  8. Wedding Mario


Smash Champion
Apr 11, 2022
1. Garden of Hope
2. Distant Planet
3. Twilight River

1. Name Redacted
2. Sky Arena
3. DNA Lab

There's a version of his game one Switch, so that helps.

Kracko (Kirby)
Flies around the stage and shoots lightning.


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2020
Here are the votes
Tropical Wilds 9
Garden of Hope 13
Twilight River 14
Distant Planet 3
Onion Formation 3

Twilight River is the Pikmin stage.

Sparring Ring
DNA Lab 12
Sky Arena 6
Spring Stadium 4

NAME REDACTED is the ARMS stage.

Masked Borb Masked Borb 7
LoZ00 LoZ00 2
Northsouthmap Northsouthmap 3

Masked Borb’s Donkey Kong moveset will be used.

Masked Borb Masked Borb 3
LoZ00 LoZ00 7
Northsouthmap Northsouthmap 2

LoZ00’s moveset will be used.

Here are the nominations

Pupp135 Pupp135 Mythra & Pyra (Aegis)
Louie G. Louie G. Fox McCloud
nirvanafan nirvanafan Bayonetta
D darkvortex Wario
LoZ00 LoZ00 Little Mac
DragonRobotKing26 DragonRobotKing26 Pikachu
Masked Borb Masked Borb Pokemon Trainer (Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Eevee)
Northsouthmap Northsouthmap Shulk

Vote for your three most wanted, where yours is not first.

1. Pokemon Trainer
2. Aegis
3. Fox

We have a strong selection of fighters, and I’ll go over my choices. I liked how Pokemon Trainer was executed in the mainline games, and this seems like an interesting trio compared to what we received. Fox does seem like a dormant character that would be nice to see.

Pupp135 Pupp135 R.O.B.
Louie G. Louie G. Captain Falcon
nirvanafan nirvanafan Bandana Waddle Dee
LoZ00 LoZ00 Ducks
Masked Borb Masked Borb Chilly
Northsouthmap Northsouthmap Kracko

Vote for your three most wanted, where yours is not first.

1. Captain Falcon
2. R.O.B.
3. Chilly

I like a lot of these ideas, and I just went with what interested me the most. Honorable mention to the Ducks.

Mario Alts
1. Default: Needs no explanation
2. White: Color scheme based on Fire Mario
3. Light Blue: Color scheme based on Ice Mario
4. Green: Color scheme based on Luigi
5. Yellow: Color scheme based on Wario
6. Star-Spangled Mario: Based on the PATRIOTIC attire from NES Open Golf Tournament
1. Default: Becuase why not?
2. White With Red Overalls: Fire Mario
3. Light Blue With Red Overalls: Ice Mario
4. Green with Darker Blue Overalls: Luigi, but it's slightly more accurate
5. Yellow with Purple Overalls: WAAAAAAAAAAARIO
6. Purple With Even Darker Blue/Black Overalls: WAAAAAAAAAAALUIGI
  1. Standard
  2. Fire Mario
  3. Ice Mario
  4. Wario Colours
  5. Flying Mario (from Galaxy)
  6. Star-Spangled Mario
Vote for your two most wanted, where yours is not first.
Mario Recolors.

1. LoZ00
2. BritishGuy54

I’ll set up a poll to choose between Masked Borb Masked Borb Mario Alts (Builder and Tanooki) and BritishGuy54 BritishGuy54 (Builder and Wedding)

We’ll use the Masked Borb Link recolors and alts.
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Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2015
New Fighter
1. Pikachu: I think it is about time we get some Pokemon in here. Whilst I like Pokemon Trainer, I think that introducing Pikachu on its own is probably a better call here. It is the mascot of Pokemon, packing it with Eevee and Jigglypuff would be kind of weird.
2. Aegis: I have never played Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (in fact, I picked Xeno 1 and after 15 minutes I threw it away because I felt bored), but I have to acknowledge the importance the game and the series has played for Nintendo during the Switch era. Personally, I would have probably gone for Rex, but I think that Pyra and Mythra introduce the dual character mechanic is a very gentle way, to the point where I think it makes sense having them in the roster probably much more than Rex himself.
3. Bayonetta: I DON'T CARE IF SHE SEEMS TO BE UNPOPULAR if you let me choose between character X and Bayonetta chances are I'll choose Bayonetta. I adore that series, Bayonetta 2 is easily one of my favorite games of all time and I think that her design is so over the top, so completely different from what we have in Smash (and in Nintendo's library, really) that somehow she fits right at home along with Mario, Kirby, Inkling, and Isabelle. She has the moves, the fighting style, the style in general... Man I love Bayonetta and now I want her to be in. Realistically speaking she won't be chosen in this round but at least let me dream

Wario is an honorable mention. I am not fully convinced over the fact that we should have him over Yoshi, but I am getting more and more convinced by the Wario argument. With that being said, Aegis and Pikachu are just more important and Bayonetta... well, personal bias is a thing.

Assist Trophy
1. Captain Falcon: Having Assists who don't represent any series with playable characters is something I really like and I think that Douglas is a natural fit in here. His implementation would be very straightforward, but nonetheless quite fitting.
2. Kracko: A super iconic boss in the Kirby series, Kracko is someone I can easily see in the game as an Assist. It is kind of surprising that we didn't get him in an actual Smash game, come to think of it...
3. Chilly: WHAT CAN I SAY the Kirby fanbase cooked for this job. It might also be because I am part of the fanbase, but still... Chilly is such a cutie and, again, another character I can see as an assist. His role in Kirby Star Allies just makes him even more appealing.

Mario recolors
1. BritishGuy54
2. Mine
Believe it or not, I was very close from scrapping the Luigi alt in favor of a Flying Mario in my list, so I guess that British got me covered there. Other than that, the Star-Spangled Mario alt is one which is very dear to me, so I wanted it to be represented somehow, so this is why I voted for both British and my recolor choices. Gotta say that Borb's selection is perhaps a bit more balanced, having Waluigi thrown in to complete the quartet Mario-Luigi-Wario-Waluigi, but in the end U.S.A. U.S.A.
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Smash Champion
Jul 1, 2023
Wario is an honorable mention. I am not fully convinced over the fact that we should have him over Yoshi, but I am getting more and more convinced by the Wario argument. With that being said, Aegis and Pikachu are just more important and Bayonetta... well, personal bias is a thing.
wasn't implying he should be in over Yoshi. I do think we should have both.

1. Shulk
2. Fox
3. Pikachu

1. Falcon
2. Chilly
3. Ducks


Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2020
1. Aegis
2. Wario
3. Pikachu

In all honesty, with the time frame of the game, I think Aegis can make it in over Shulk. The long time of seniority doesn’t have much effect on this first Smash game. It’s kind of like a Ness situation, where it just made more sense to represent the second game, which was more popular than the first.

I’m open to Shulk for DLC, or as a last resort, but I’d rather have Aegis. Their play style would just better suit a first Smash game.

If we don’t need to include Captain Falcon on this roster, I don’t think we need to include the JRPG poster boys either (yet).

Wario is fine. I don’t think he needs to be on the roster yet. Pikachu is okay too. It’ll make it on the roster eventually, as Pikachu is by definition evergreen, much more so than even other Gen 1 compatriots

Pokémon Trainer is neat, but I think the way to go is to start off with a simpler, more accessible stance change character, which is why I prefer Aegis.

1. Captain Falcon
2. Ducks
3. R.O.B.

1. MaskedBorb
2. Myself
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Masked Borb

Smash Cadet
Jul 28, 2024
Cookie Country
Switch FC
1. Aegis - I'd say due to timing, Pyra & Mythra just barely edges out the Monado Boy for who should be the potential sole rep of the series to me.
2. Pokemon Trainer - I'm still gunning for my take on the character, but if push comes to shove...
3. Pikachu - ...I'm also fine with just Pikachu. Just wanted to suggest something that sounded fun.

My opinion on the others vary. I personally don't think Fox would be playable here, personally, solely because of his dormancy. I'd let DK slide due to his impact, plus he at least had a switch port of a recent game, and constant Mario spin-off appearences. Fox didn't even have the former to back him up. He's not even a fun "haha, so retro" character anymore. But I dunno. Maybe he'll get in anyway. Little Mac is kinda in the same boat.

I don't know if Bayonetta should be here either, but I haven't really researched all the legal spaghetti the series has been born into, so who knows. Go her.

WAAAAAAAARIO is cool, I'll probably pick him down the line. Buuuuuut after him or Yoshi, I personally think we should probably stop with the unique Mario & Mario-adjacent characters for now. We still gotta figure out what to do with Luigi, the potential 6th playable Mario/Mario-adjacent character on a roster of 22 unique characters & 4 clones from all these other franchises that also "have to be here."

Assist Trophies:
1. Kracko - Fun choice, also I'm biased.
2. Chilly - I thought it would be cool to have him.
3. R.O.B - Fun nod to the module that saved gaming. Unfortunately, their story of being the last of its kind is nonexistent in this reality. F

The others are fine.

Mario Alts:
1. LoZ - I like Flying Mario and all, but a Luigi alt is the easiest sell. 'MERICA Mario is cool I guess-
2. Mine - It's got a WAAAAAAAAALUIGI alt guys c'mon who doesn't like WAAAAAAAAAA-
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Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
1. Little Mac - Biased vote but I just want to voice my support and try to get this in motion for later. I hope this roster doesn’t get tunnel vision in fixating on only the most current and active series. This has never been the way the series exclusively operates, and generally we have about 40 years of history to concisely represent. At the very least I think we should have one sort of throwback, retro character and Mac is a rock solid candidate who also provides a welcome rushdown boxer archetype.

2. Fox - He’s being underestimated right now. I do think Star Fox is under consideration for a roster made today, I stand by this. But sincerely this series is an anomaly in the love it is granted by Nintendo and Miyamoto simply whenever they feel like it. Also I’m really trying to think this out gameplay wise - Fox is an invaluable part of Smash’s archetypical balance. We really need more pure rushdown right now. Mythra will help a little bit but she’s part of a collective unit.

3. Wario - Not a top priority right now since we still need to add Luigi, and Wario may or may not be able to share some space with Yoshi, but Warioware is one of the more active series not currently represented. Get It Together comes out the same year as release, marking it as a Switch relevant IP. In fairness, so is Yoshi. The case is strong enough for them both and as much as I personally prefer Wario I’d get it if we skipped him (DLC maybe?).

I was leaning Shulk with Xenoblade but everyone seems unified with Aegis. I wanted to maybe explore a different stance change character this time but the masses have spoken. I do think they’re the best execution of the concept we’ve had so far and are fairly straightforward, so they’re not a bad choice. And frankly, I love this Pokemon Trainer idea but if we’re doing Pythra maybe we can ease off another swap character. Props for the concept, I like it a lot.

Not really interested in Bayonetta until DLC (?) but it’s an interesting conversation. I figure she should be disqualified because she isn’t a Nintendo character. But I get why she was nominated anyway.

Assist Trophy:
1. Kracko
2. Captain Falcon
3. ROB

I like having Kracko around, because this is realistically the most prominent role he’ll get and he is a very frequenrly recurring Kirby character. Second most iconic boss to Whispy Woods. So unless we are doing boss battles, this is a good way to get him in. BWD is not a bad idea but maybe we should leave that door open for now. Chilly is a cute idea and having a helper AT is smart.

I was the one who pitched Falcon, and Pupp’s idea for ROB is great. I do want to incorporate more of these nods to characters and series who would go unrepresented in a game like this nowadays. I almost voted Ducks, and I’d still like to see them added later.
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Smash Cadet
Feb 11, 2024
1. Aegis
2. Pikachu
3. Wario

Assist Trophies
1. Ducks
2. R.O.B
3. Captain Falcon
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Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
I have to be honest, looking at these results, I'm a bit concerned... or maybe concerned isn't the right word, but it rubs me the wrong way a bit. It seems likely that both Pyra / Mythra and Pokemon Trainer will win. Which means we are technically adding five new characters. I don't know how to feel about adding two stance / swap characters at once, and have some concerns that this bloats the roster a bit or teeters on cheating our agreed system.

Should we consider allowing less characters moving forward? For the record, I would say no - just because it would hurt our capacity to discuss certain characters further and add in some more experimental or weirdo picks later. But this feels like an oversight. Maybe if anything Mythra might be able to fill one of our designated clone slots?

I quite like this idea for Pokemon Trainer, I think it's a really fun way to implement the series into this game and helps bridge the gap for classic and modern representation. But I didn't anticipate that we'd be adding a double character and a triple character in one fell swoop. Probably doesn't mean anything, and this is just a game anyway so we ought to not overthink it too much, but yeah. I gotta say too, out of all the Original 12 that may have gotten snubbed, I didn't expect Jigglypuff to somehow survive here LOL. I may suggest we take a bit more consideration into who the third leg of this team may be, but if voting for this concept locks in exactly what was nominated then so be it.
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Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2015
I have to mostly agree with Louie G. Louie G. here and, for similar reasons why he did when switching t Dr. Coyle in the last round, I decided to swap my 1st vote for Bayonetta to one for Pikachu (and I put Bayonetta as my third vote). In the end, I feel that part of the charm of this challenge is to come up with a limited, yet compelling, roster for a Smash game and bloating it with three Pokémon kind of feels against the spirit of this game.
At the same time, I don’t want to give up any roster slot, including the clone ones, because it means discussing more options. At any rate, this is just a silly little pastime, so I would be ok with having all those characters in the rosters, but still…


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2020
Here are the votes:

Aegis 22
Fox McCloud 6
Bayonetta 4
Wario 4
Little Mac 3
Pikachu 11
Pokemon Trainer 13
Shulk 3

Aegis and Pokemon Trainer are the next fighters.

I have to be honest, looking at these results, I'm a bit concerned... or maybe concerned isn't the right word, but it rubs me the wrong way a bit. It seems likely that both Pyra / Mythra and Pokemon Trainer will win. Which means we are technically adding five new characters. I don't know how to feel about adding two stance / swap characters at once, and have some concerns that this bloats the roster a bit or teeters on cheating our agreed system.

Should we consider allowing less characters moving forward? For the record, I would say no - just because it would hurt our capacity to discuss certain characters further and add in some more experimental or weirdo picks later. But this feels like an oversight. Maybe if anything Mythra might be able to fill one of our designated clone slots?

I quite like this idea for Pokemon Trainer, I think it's a really fun way to implement the series into this game and helps bridge the gap for classic and modern representation. But I didn't anticipate that we'd be adding a double character and a triple character in one fell swoop. Probably doesn't mean anything, and this is just a game anyway so we ought to not overthink it too much, but yeah. I gotta say too, out of all the Original 12 that may have gotten snubbed, I didn't expect Jigglypuff to somehow survive here LOL. I may suggest we take a bit more consideration into who the third leg of this team may be, but if voting for this concept locks in exactly what was nominated then so be it.
Although we voted in on two transformation characters (I was shocked to see this too even if I think that both Aegis and Pokemon Trainer are clever additions who handle transformations well), I’m going to treat this as slots and not number of characters, so our total is going to be treated as 14 instead of 17 like in the Community Based SSB6 Thread, and this allows us to consider some interesting characters who may have missed the cut otherwise. Regarding Jigglypuff, it would seem unfair to Masked Borb if we decide to do another poll on replacing this pokemon as it was apart of Masked Borb’s initial nomination, and this the version of Pokemon Trainer that we voted for.

R.O.B. 10
Captain Falcon 15
Bandana Waddle Dee
Ducks 15
Chilly 8
Kracko 12

Captain Falcon, Ducks, and Kracko are the next assist trophies.

LoZ00 LoZ00 7
Masked Borb Masked Borb 3
BritishGuy54 BritishGuy54 5

Loz00’s Mario recolors will be used, and BritishGuy54’s alts will be used.

Job 34: Submit a Game Mode

I’ll nominate Smash Run here. It would work mostly like the one on SSBFor3DS, but one of the extra endgame modes is a Boss Fight.

Job 35: Submit an Arcade Mode Boss
Giga Bowser SSBU.png
I’ll nominate Giga Bowser as I think it would be a nice idea to have a version of the flagship villain as a boss fight.

Job 36: Submit Isabelle and Inkling Recolors and Alts

I decided to make this a formal job after seeing multiple submissions of complete sets by users.

For history cards, feel free to submit two from Kirby and Metroid.
Meta Knight
Lololo & Lalala

Anthony Higgs
Metroid Prime

Side Order: History Cards
Animal Crossing

K.K. Slider
Timmy and Tommy
K.K. Slider was submitted by someone else earlier, so feel free to submit a different Animal Crossing history card.
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Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2015
Job #34: Smash Adventure
Smash Adventure would be kind of like The Great Cave Offensive (the mode in Kirby Super Star, not the stage), where the player(s) has to run across various rooms finding goodies and fighting against enemies in one, giant, connected map. Enemies would come from Nintendo's vast library (much like Smash Run), as would at least some of the areas within this large map. Like, we can have a somewhat generic overall map with some more specific subareas, kind of like World of Light. The goal of this mode would be to collect memorabilia from Nintendo's history and gather more gold/points.

Job #35: Gala Bahamut/Drakhon/Generic Dragon Enemy (we can come up with a name I suck at this)

I'm going to throw an oddball and I'm going to submit this dragon over here. The one shown in the image is Gala Bahamut from Dragalia Lost and I guess one could technically pitch it into the game, but I wouldn't mind (actually, I'd prefer it) if we simply used this design as a proxy for a generic dark dragon. I feel that the arcade mode should have at least one original boss, representing the big baddie of the game and a dark dragon is an unoriginal, but somewhat cool, idea. As for its name, I went with Drakhon simply because it sounded cool, but I am very horrible at naming stuff.

Side Order: Kirby history cards
Animal Friends

Side Order: Metroid history cards
Chozo Statue

K.K. Slider was submitted by someone else earlier, so feel free to submit a different Animal Crossing history card.
Crap, let me nominate Tortimer then, sorry

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
Regarding Jigglypuff, it would seem unfair to Masked Borb if we decide to do another poll on replacing this pokemon as it was apart of Masked Borb’s initial nomination, and this the version of Pokemon Trainer that we voted for.
Fair enough. I suppose Jigglypuff is a pretty strong choice to balance out the other two's capabilities, providing a character who can efficiently recover where Pikachu and Eevee may struggle. And then Pikachu is the zoner while Eevee is the bruiser. It works.

Job 34: [TBD]

Job 35: Dragaux
(Ring Fit Adventure)

Adding yet another dragon to the pile, it's Dragaux from Ring Fit. We haven't represented this game on the roster yet, and I suppose it's still up in the air whether we will or not. But I think we should contemplate ways to maybe represent some of these series by other means, and I think a goofy boss battle with this swole fitness junkie dragon would do the trick. Try to catch him off guard and attack when he is getting some stretches in.

Job 36:

1. Summer Outfit (New Leaf)
2. Winter Outfit (New Leaf)
3. Pink Summer Outfit
4. Teal Winter Outfit
5. Summer Outfit (New Horizons)
6. Winter Outfit (New Horizons)
7. New Years
8. Spring Dress

I'll leave Inkling up to someone else.

History Cards
:ultkirby: -
King Dedede, Waddle Dee

:ultsamus: - Ridley, EMMI

I want to incorporate some obvious characters like Dedede and Ridley in here so we don't just forget to do it. Obviously if we make them playable, or ATs or bosses or whatever later on then I assume these positions are flexible and we can just plug in a different character in their place.
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Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2020
History Cards
:ultkirby: -
King Dedede, Waddle Dee

:ultsamus: - Ridley, EMMI

I want to incorporate some obvious characters like Dedede and Ridley in here so we don't just forget to do it. Obviously if we make them playable, or ATs or bosses or whatever later on then I assume these positions are flexible and we can just plug in a different character in their place.
If a character with a history does become a fighter, assist, or a boss. I’ll promote notify the user to provide a new history card.

Masked Borb

Smash Cadet
Jul 28, 2024
Cookie Country
Switch FC
Job 34: Game Mode
Do we have a Stage Builder yet? Would this Nintendo/HAL/whoever else even do one for a first game? I dunno, but if there's nothing against it, that's what I'm suggesting.

Job 35: Arcade Mode Boss
Gonna throw a small bone to Gen 8 Pokemon and Gen 1 at the same time and use Galar Champion Leon and his Charizard, which can Gigantimax mid fight to grow to GIGA proportions!

Job 36: Inkling's Alts
Since Isabelle was combed through, I'll create some alts for Inkling!

1. Orange Inkling Girl - Splatoon 1 Mascot
2. Blue Inkling Boy - Other Splatoon 1 Mascot
3. Yellow Inkling Girl - Agent 3/Same as Ultimate
4. Cyan Inkling Boy - SPECKS FROM THE MANGA Another promo character/Same as Ultimate
5. Purple Inkling Girl - Uhhh.... this one but she's ourple and has darker skin -> File:WiiU Splatoon char 04.png - Inkipedia, the Splatoon wiki
6. Indigo Inkling Boy - Same as Ultimate's but with darker skin.
7. Pink Inkling Girl - Splatoon 2 Mascot -> File:pink Inkling Girl Splatoon 2.png - Inkipedia, the Splatoon wiki
8. Green Inkling Boy - Other Splatoon 2 Mascot -> File:Splatoon 2 promo boy.png - Inkipedia, the Splatoon wiki

History Cards:
Taranza & Sectonia (Kirby)
Gooey (Kirby)

Sylux (Metroid)
Mother Brain (Metroid)
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Smash Champion
Jul 1, 2023


Ridley \ Meta Ridley (Metroid)
Let's keep our dragon theme going.
I really liked his inclusion in Ultimate and would like to include him here but we only have so many spots and don't see us doing multiple Metroid characters in the first game. He would work like a more modern version of his Brawl fight, flying through eh air, dropping down, swooping across the stage and blasting fireballs onto the stage. Beating him will cause him to come back as Meta Ridley.

Raven Beak (Metroid)
Dark Samus (Metroid)

Adeleine & Ribbin (Kirby)
Marx (Kirby)
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Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2020
From the game modes that were submitted, I‘d like to check which approach is preferred: setting up a traditional vote where the top 2 or 3 get added, or setting up a poll to vote between Smash Run and Smash Adventure, but adding Training Mode and Stage Builder. Please let me know if a different approach is preferred.

Here are the boss nomonimations:

Pupp135 Pupp135 Giga Bowser
LoZ00 LoZ00 Gala Bahamut/Drakhon
Louie G. Louie G. Dragaux
Northsouthmap Northsouthmap Calmity Ganon
Masked Borb Masked Borb Gigantimax Charizard
D darkvortex Ridley/Meta Ridley

Vote for your three most wanted, where yours is not first.

1. Drakhon
2. Calamity Ganon
3. Giantimax Charizard

I’ll leave alt submissions up until Thursday.

I won’t set up a new job until either Thursday/Friday (i.e. Pokemon and Xenoblade stages + Olimar and Dr. Coyle Movesets)
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Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2015
I'd say that Training Mode and eventually Stage Builder can be added by default. Smash Run and Smash Adventure should have their own poll, perhaps with Stage Builder too (doesn't feel as integral as Training Mode). Anyway, in terms of bosses:
1. Calamity Ganon: It makes a lot of sense for Calamity Ganon to be thrown into the mix as a boss, since he will most likely miss the boat as a playable fighter. I generally don't see any major Nintendo villain (other than Bowser, but he's playable) taking the role of the main bad guy in a Smash-like game, but I could make an exception for Calamity Ganon.
2. Drakhon: I'm voting this mostly original villain exactly for the same reason why I cannot see any Nintendo villain taking the main stage in this case. Plus, a wholly original villain allows us to create a moveset which fits the Smash genre better than Calamity Ganon or...
3. Dragaux: An ingenious idea which I would like to explore later down the line, Dragaux is only held back by the fact that I'd feel weird if it were the poster child of boss battles. However, I would really adore having him in the game.

Most of these bosses are outstanding ideas which I'd love to see explored. Ridley? Gigantamax Charizard? Consider me interested!

Masked Borb

Smash Cadet
Jul 28, 2024
Cookie Country
Switch FC
Smash Run & Adventure can have a poll of their own, since they seem to take the same role as each other. Training Mode & Stage Builder can just be included anyways. We'd probably get to the former mode anyways, and... I mean, as cursed as some custom stages can be, it's so fun to make. It's Super Mario Maker but you can ACTUALLY play as Link, Kirby, Samus, etc. An infinite stage generator, even. I think the fact it's been in the past 3 games says something.

1. Calamity Ganon - Y'know? I just realized that Ganondorf wouldn't... y'know, BE Ganondorf around this time. Unless we were to do Ultimate's way of things, and have each Zelda fighter represent different games, Ganondorf is probably a no-go for playability. So this is probably the next best thing. (Someone correct me on if Ganon & Ganondorf are just the same guy or not, because I may be making some older Zelda fans cringe.)
2. Drakhon - I like the idea, since this is a mostly* original character who could get some moments & significance in flavor text & dialogue boxes. I dunno how hard it would hit to have this guy be at the end of the arcade mode over a more familiar face, but hey, the same could be said about Tabuu, Galeem & Dharkon in our world.
3. Gigantimax Charizard - I'll be real, I had no idea who to put in third. All the other ideas are interesting in their own right. I suppose it's bias.
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Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2020
Here is a poll to choose between Smash Run and Smash Adventure. I’ll add Training Mode and Stage Builder.

Also, Louie G. Louie G. Isabelle and Masked Borb Masked Borb Inkling alts will be used.

I’ll leave voting for bosses up until Saturday.

Job 37: Submit a Pokemon and Xenoblade Stage (please note that Gen 9 and Xenoblade Chronicles 3 are not allowed)
Lavender Tower Exterior LGPE.png
Given that we’re using the Pokemon Trainers from the Let’s Go games as playable fighters, I thought that it would be cool to nominate the Pokemon Tower, which would be similar to Super Smash Land where there is one main platform and a soft platform in the center, and there are additional platforms that Haunter’s sometimes bring forth.
Fonsett Island Far View.jpg
I’ll nominate Fonsett Island
Job 38: Submit Movesets for Olimar and Dr. Coyle

Feel free to submit two Donkey Kong and Fire Emblem history cards

Donkey Kong
Diddy Kong
Dixie Kong

Fire Emblem
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Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2020
Job 37:
Galar Stadium (Pokémon Sword and Shield)


Reminiscent of Melee’s Pokémon Stadium.

The World Tree (Xenoblade Chronicles 2)

Reminiscent of Ultimate’s DQ Yggdrasil stage, with a platform circling the structure, with Titans upon the Cloud Sea in the background.

History Cards:
Lord Frederick
King K. Rool

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
1. Drakhon - It's creative, I dig it. Something different for us to play around with and the design is quite cool.

2. Dragaux - I really think this is a good idea. Ring Fit is going to need something in this game sooner than later and I'm honestly more partial to letting it be represented this way than adding Ring Fit Trainee outright if push comes to shove. But we'll see how things progress.

3. Calamity Ganon - Makes sense. Uncertain if Ganondorf will make it onto the roster otherwise so it'd be cool to at least let him play a role.

Stray thoughts on other candidates:
Giga Bowser - I kinda hope we have the restraint not to do this. I really don't see the point or the fun in recycling something so characteristic of the Smash Bros that already exists, when we're trying to pave a new path forward here. Feel pretty adamant that I do not want to add him to this game.

Gigantimax Charizard - Good idea. Unfortunate that there are so many dragon oriented bosses worth adding because I feel like we ought to diversify more than that. I quite like this idea though and again, if Charizard can't make the roster it's a way to get him acknowledged in some way or another.

Ridley - Not sure if there will be room for him, base or DLC, so I'd be okay with representing him this way once we're certain of that. Although unlike something like Calamity Ganon, making Ridley a boss doesn't really feel like it leaves that door open at all. Whereas Giga Bowser or Calamity Ganon can pretty much coexist with their source character, and Ridley would just be... well, it'd be Ridley.

I may chime in on the rest later, but for now you can just have my boss votes since these should have been submitted already anyway.
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Smash Champion
Apr 11, 2022

Wild Area
Would be a traveling stage similar to Smash Infinite.

Cloud Sea
Acts the same as the version we got in Ultimate.

Pupp135 Pupp135 do history cards deconfirm fighters?


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2020

Wild Area
Would be a traveling stage similar to Smash Infinite.

Cloud Sea
Acts the same as the version we got in Ultimate.

Pupp135 Pupp135 do history cards deconfirm fighters?
They don’t disconfirm fighters. The user would add a new history card in the place of the old one.
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