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Smashboards Creates: SSB If It Was Created During the Switch Era


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2020
By the way Pupp135 Pupp135 , how many characters are getting added per Job? I know we usually do two, but like… if say Kirby or Samus are off by one point, are we really going to go through the process of nominating them again and just delaying the inevitable?

I’m wondering if we should just pick off the Top 4 characters in this first cycle or something since the vote is looking to be quite close anyway. Although I suppose it’s understandable if you have a mind to pace it a little more sparsely so we can focus on the individual series incrementally. Still I just feel like we’d be retreading ground having to vote for a few of these characters again.
I was planning on doing four additions to help reduce the redundancy given that most or all of these fighters will probably be added at some point.


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2020
Our roster will have 22 unique fighters, and we’ll go with Louie G’s proposal.

Here are the votes
Samus 15
Isabelle 14
Inkling 17
Kirby 16
Byleth 1
Shulk 3
Pikachu 5
Olimar 1

I’ll add four fighters, so Samus, Kirby, Isabelle, and Inkling all join.

Princess Peach’s Castle 21
Mushroom Kingdom 13
Mario Maker 13
New Donk City 12
Rainbow Road 7

Princess Peach’s Castle becomes the first Super Mario stage.

Hyrule Castle 17
Great Plateau Tower 26
Koholint Island 14
Skyloft 9

Great Plateau Tower is the first Legend of Zelda stage.

Here are the stage and clone nominations


Pupp135 Pupp135 / KneeOfJustice99 KneeOfJustice99 25
BritishGuy54 BritishGuy54 / Louie G. Louie G. 32
TheGipper TheGipper 30
Northsouthmap Northsouthmap 29

Vote for your three most wanted, where yours is not first.

1. 29
2. 30
3. 25


Pupp135 Pupp135 3
BritishGuy54 BritishGuy54 / Northsouthmap Northsouthmap 6
KneeOfJustice99 KneeOfJustice99 5
Louie G. Louie G. 4

Vote for your three most wanted, where yours is not first.

1. 4
2. 3
3. 5

Both of these votes that I’m doing are pretty much to introduce variety without being excessive for a first entry.

Job 9: How should we approach items, and how many should be allowed.
I’m fine with how the series currently handles items, and I think 45 is a good number.

Job 10: Submit an Arcade Mode (i.e. Classic Mode) Proposal.
I’m open to keeping the unique routes per fighter like in Ultimate.
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Masked Borb

Smash Cadet
Jul 28, 2024
Cookie Country
Switch FC
1. 30
2. 29
3. 25

1. 4
2. 5
3. 6

Job #9 - Items:
I...don't know how to answer the first part, to be honest. For item quantity though, assuming items are being handled the same as I think they're handled in the series, I'll say about... 50, around the amount Brawl had, might be fine.

Job #10 - Arcade Mode:
I enjoyed the interesting pathways specific to each character's Classic Mode route in Ultimate, and I'd like to keep it as is. The most I'd add would be some light stories and character interactions sprinkled in each route. Like... Mario's chasing Bowser through the Nintendo Worlds, occasionally partnering up with other heroes to fight bad guys, or fighting against said heroes. And Bowser (if he's playable), he could be trying to prove he's the best bad guy around, and fight every other boss (if we get to them) in the game, like Sephiroth's route. All with cute visual-novel-like scenes and original artwork before and after each round.


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2020
Here are the votes:

Stage Count

25 (4)
32 (9)
30 (13)
29 (10)

Our final stage count will be 30.

Clone Count

3 (3)
6 (9)
5 (12)
4 (12)
Here is a poll to decide whether we should have four or five clones.

In terms of items, we‘ll have them operate like in the mainline games, and here are the nominated item counts.
Pupp135 Pupp135 45
Masked Borb Masked Borb 50
BritishGuy54 BritishGuy54 40
Northsouthmap Northsouthmap 43

Vote for your preferred item counts, where yours is not first.

1. 50
2. 45
3. 43

This is really just a case of the more the merrier as items are less complex. Once we finalize the number of items used, one item is allowed for open submission per user for each new job posting until we hit the limit.

In terms of Arcade Mode, the consensus is to have Ultimate’s Classic Mode format, and I’ll set up a poll if we’d like to add Masked Borb’s proposal below.

I enjoyed the interesting pathways specific to each character's Classic Mode route in Ultimate, and I'd like to keep it as is. The most I'd add would be some light stories and character interactions sprinkled in each route. Like... Mario's chasing Bowser through the Nintendo Worlds, occasionally partnering up with other heroes to fight bad guys, or fighting against said heroes. And Bowser (if he's playable), he could be trying to prove he's the best bad guy around, and fight every other boss (if we get to them) in the game, like Sephiroth's route. All with cute visual-novel-like scenes and original artwork before and after each round.

Job 11: Submit a Splatoon and Kirby stage. Please note that Splatoon 3 and Kirby and the Forgotten Land are Ineligible.
Arowana Mall
I’ll nominate Arowana Mall for the Splatoon stage.

SSBU-Dream Land.png
For the Kirby stage, I think that Dream Land is a good starting location for Kirby games, and this stage provides a simple layout.
Job 12: Submit a Moveset for Mario and Link.

Also, I’ll start setting up a formal job board with the OP, so users can anticipate what’s next.
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Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2020
1. 50
2. 45
3. 43

Job 11:
Moray Towers (Splatoon)


Halberd (Kirby Super Star)

Job 12:
Mario will play how he does in Ultimate for the most part, with a few changes.

Down Special: Ground Pound
Side Special: Star Spin
Final Smash: Fire Mario (either Mario Finale, or controlling Mario with unlimited fireballs)

For Final Smashes, should we set up a job as to if we should decide on if we should use quick, cutscene FSs, transformation FSs, or a mixture of both?
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Masked Borb

Smash Cadet
Jul 28, 2024
Cookie Country
Switch FC
Oh boy-

1. 45
2. 43
3. 50

Job #11:
No new Splatoon stage ideas from me, Moray Towers is fine-

For Kirby, methinks Dedede Arena/Castle Dedede could be cool, working near-identically it does in Kirby Fighters 2.

If Dedede becomes a fighter down the line though, just have Bandana Dee toss the hazards instead or something-

Job #12:

Mario -
I'm mostly content with how Mario is in Ultimate and wouldn't mind him staying the same. I do have some ideas for some new or altered moves, but I won't cry if Mario stays the same. Aside from the following, Mario keeps everything else.
New F-Smash: He pulls out a Hammer and slams it down on the opponent, basically like :ultkingdedede:'s. :smash: Even ignoring the recent Mario RPGs, Mario has had Switch titles that have him using one.
Altered F-air: Same as Ultimate's, just wrapped in flames. No Switch game influence, I just think it looks cool-
New Side Special: Mario performs a Long Jump like he does in the 3D games, then curls into a ball for a two-hit attack. He could also Super Jump Punch out of it to act as a combo of sorts.
New Down Special: This is where I want the old Side Special to go, to make it act like all those other counters/reflectors. I'd replace the Cape with a Tanooki Tail, though I'd have it work just about the same way. The Super Leaf has more appearances than the Cape Feather anyway, even on the Switch-
New Final Smash (Depending on if these are still here): Mario uses a Giga Bell to grow into a giant super sayain cat, almost as big as Giga Bowser or Jigglypuff's Final Smash. He'd jump three times, his body hitting anyone above him, and his feet hitting anyone below him. After the third jump, Giga Cat Mario performs a Ground Pound for one last, strong attack, this one producing a shockwave that would travel near the borders of the screen that'd hit anyone who took to the skies to dodge.

Link - Just like Mario, I don't mind if Link stays the same as he is in Ultimate. Especially since he has the BOTW design and the remote bombs. I've only got one idea. Other than this, Link keeps everything else.

New Up Special: Link pulls out his trusty Paraglider, as he's sent upwards by a gust of wind. It eventually stops, letting Link glide back down to the stage safely. Link can cancel the float down and use other attacks during his decent.
New Down Smash: Here's where I'd stash Link's old Up special, Hero Spin, which works basically the same as it does on the ground. No helicopter Link this time, unfortunately...
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Smash Champion
Oct 14, 2016
Octo Canyon (Splatoon 2)

Will ride platform on rails back & forth stopping at certain areas based on the campaign overworld which will have some gimmicks from series such as sponges that grow when hit.

Dont have a Kirby stage to submit but do think a Star Allies stage would make sense although havent played game to know any good choices.
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Smash Champion
Apr 11, 2022
1. 45
2. 43
5. 40

Fountain of Dreams
A classic in the online community.

Urchin Underpass
Acts like the Persona stage from the real game.

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
1. 45
2. 50
3. 43

Job 11:
:ultkirby: - Cookie Country (Kirby’s Return to Dream Land)

Ignore that this image is from the remake, which wouldn’t have been out yet. Surprisingly kinda tricky to find a good reference image.

I’m sorry that this is kind of a boring answer, but I’m thinking of it this way. This will be Kirby’s first stage in Smash Bros, ever. Kirby’s “home” stage should absolutely be some variant of Green Greens. But I also wanted Kirby to lean into his contemporary brand, so my compromise was the first area of RTDL. A grassy area with makeshift wooden platforms, a fairly simple arrangement but perhaps a slightly larger stage than we’ve seen thus far. Lor Starcutter would fly around in the background. We could slap Whispy Woods on here as per tradition if we want, you still fight him in this area.

My instinct was to do a Star Allies stage, but nothing really leapt out at me as the go-to. Admittedly, many of the areas in that game are not as memorable and I think I’d rather shoot for the more striking RTDL iconography than Star Allies. With one classic and one modern stage already, I feel like it wouldn’t hurt to have one sorta in the middle anyway.

:ultinkling: - Blackbelly Skatepark (Splatoon)

One of the OG Splatoon maps, this one always stood out to me and nicely embodied the street aesthetic of the series. Not much to say beyond that, any of the Splatoon stages can be reasonably tailored into pretty palatable stage layouts. In this case maybe we're dealing with some curved surfaces and likely a good amount of solid, walled platforms which are scattered amongst a variety of Splatoon maps.

Job 12: :ultmario:
Mario maintains his role as an all rounder, many of his attacks likely remain the same. But his power ups / gadgets of choice are swapped out for more evergreen abilities and elements that represent his core design better.

Fireball and Super Jump Punch remain, and his Down B finally becomes Ground Pound. For Side B he uses Cappy. It can be used as a bit of a small damage stage control tool, but it is mostly a vessel for Mario to experiment with his movement and use him as a platform. If Cappy is already out, Mario’s Side B becomes a forward leap. Although Cappy has only appeared in one game, I think he represents the philosophy of the character very well. Mario always wears his cap, so its a pretty natural extension of his design, and plus it kind of makes sense for the platformer guy to kinda be able to throw out a makeshift platform. Perhaps pretty emblematic of the lead character of a platform fighter too, right?

Mario’s character essence here remains strong and imo it’s hard for this to feel outdated. So here he’s kind of the shmovement guy, easy character to pick up with a high skill ceiling. He’s a rewarding character for anyone to play.

His Dair is a stomp not unlike Dr. Mario’s in Ultimate, with a slight added bounce effect if landed akin to Greninja. And just for fun, now a footstool from Mario will do slight damage to your opponent too. I think giving Mario a few more threats from above makes sense… his main tactic is to stomp on you, anyway. And his Nair is a spin as her performs in many games, most similar in function to Galaxy but it will make the SMW sound when he uses it. I thought about giving Mario his hammer but decided to avoid giving him too many props. Besides, I’m sure it will still be an item.
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Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2020
For clones, we’ll have four, and Arcade Mode will have story elements based on Masked Borb’s proposal.

Here are the votes for item counts
45 (13)
50 (9)
40 (1)
43 (7)

There will be 45 items.

Here are the nominations:

Splatoon Stage:
Pupp135 Pupp135 Arowana Mall
BritishGuy54 BritishGuy54 Moray Towers
nirvanafan nirvanafan Octo Canyon
Northsouthmap Northsouthmap Urchin Underpass
Louie G. Louie G. Blackbelly Skatepark

Kirby Stage:
Pupp135 Pupp135 Dream Land
BritishGuy54 BritishGuy54 Halberd
Masked Borb Masked Borb Castle Dedede
Northsouthmap Northsouthmap Fountain of Dreams
Louie G. Louie G. Cookie Country

Vote for your three most wanted for each, where yours is not first.

1. Urchin Underpass
2. Blackbelly Skatepark
3. Arowana Mall

Urchin Underpass was something in Mario Kart 8 DX, so it is treated as a prominent location, and I think Blackbekly Skatepark could be cool to see.

1. Cookie Country
2. Dream Land
3. Fountain of Dreams

I agree with Louie G.’s points on Cookie Country, and for Fountain of Dreams, I just find it really pretty.

Here are Mario moveset proposals,

BritishGuy54 BritishGuy54
Mario will play how he does in Ultimate for the most part, with a few changes.

Down Special: Ground Pound
Side Special: Star Spin
Final Smash: Fire Mario (either Mario Finale, or controlling Mario with unlimited fireballs)
Masked Borb Masked Borb
Mario - I'm mostly content with how Mario is in Ultimate and wouldn't mind him staying the same. I do have some ideas for some new or altered moves, but I won't cry if Mario stays the same. Aside from the following, Mario keeps everything else.
New F-Smash: He pulls out a Hammer and slams it down on the opponent, basically like :ultkingdedede:'s. :smash: Even ignoring the recent Mario RPGs, Mario has had Switch titles that have him using one.
Altered F-air: Same as Ultimate's, just wrapped in flames. No Switch game influence, I just think it looks cool-
New Side Special: Mario performs a Long Jump like he does in the 3D games, then curls into a ball for a two-hit attack. He could also Super Jump Punch out of it to act as a combo of sorts.
New Down Special: This is where I want the old Side Special to go, to make it act like all those other counters/reflectors. I'd replace the Cape with a Tanooki Tail, though I'd have it work just about the same way. The Super Leaf has more appearances than the Cape Feather anyway, even on the Switch-
New Final Smash (Depending on if these are still here): Mario uses a Giga Bell to grow into a giant super sayain cat, almost as big as Giga Bowser or Jigglypuff's Final Smash. He'd jump three times, his body hitting anyone above him, and his feet hitting anyone below him. After the third jump, Giga Cat Mario performs a Ground Pound for one last, strong attack, this one producing a shockwave that would travel near the borders of the screen that'd hit anyone who took to the skies to dodge.
Louie G. Louie G.
Mario maintains his role as an all rounder, many of his attacks likely remain the same. But his power ups / gadgets of choice are swapped out for more evergreen abilities and elements that represent his core design better.

Fireball and Super Jump Punch remain, and his Down B finally becomes Ground Pound. For Side B he uses Cappy. It can be used as a bit of a small damage stage control tool, but it is mostly a vessel for Mario to experiment with his movement and use him as a platform. If Cappy is already out, Mario’s Side B becomes a forward leap. Although Cappy has only appeared in one game, I think he represents the philosophy of the character very well. Mario always wears his cap, so its a pretty natural extension of his design, and plus it kind of makes sense for the platformer guy to kinda be able to throw out a makeshift platform. Perhaps pretty emblematic of the lead character of a platform fighter too, right?

Mario’s character essence here remains strong and imo it’s hard for this to feel outdated. So here he’s kind of the shmovement guy, easy character to pick up with a high skill ceiling. He’s a rewarding character for anyone to play.

His Dair is a stomp not unlike Dr. Mario’s in Ultimate, with a slight added bounce effect if landed akin to Greninja. And just for fun, now a footstool from Mario will do slight damage to your opponent too. I think giving Mario a few more threats from above makes sense… his main tactic is to stomp on you, anyway. And his Nair is a spin as her performs in many games, most similar in function to Galaxy but it will make the SMW sound when he uses it. I thought about giving Mario his hammer but decided to avoid giving him too many props. Besides, I’m sure it will still be an item.
Vote for your two most wanted, where yours is not first.

Job 13: Submit a Metroid and Animal Crossing Stage


I’ll nominate Area 7 from Samus Returns as that was the most recent entry when development starts, and it would be similar to SSF2’s version (it’s called Phase 8 in that game).

For Animal Crossing, I’ll nominate New Island, which would have something like a Small Battlefield layout and water that fighters can swim on both sides.
Job 14: Submit a Maximum Number of Fighters per Match (e.g. 8 player Smash should be available)

As items are now on the table, feel free to submit one item.

I’ll submit Green Shell, which works like in the real games.

For Final Smashes, should we set up a job as to if we should decide on if we should use quick, cutscene FSs, transformation FSs, or a mixture of both?
I wasn’t planning on setting up a job for this, and users would proposed them with movesets.
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Masked Borb

Smash Cadet
Jul 28, 2024
Cookie Country
Switch FC
Splatoon -
1. Urchin Underpass
2. Moray Towers
3. Octo Canyon

Kirby -
1. Cookie Country
2. Castle Dedede
3. Dream Land

Mario's Moves -
1. Louie G.'s
2. My own

Job #13 -
For Metroid, I'd like to suggest Smash 4's Pyrosphere. It's one of the few stages that has minor enemies swoop in to shake things up. Depending on if Ridley's a playable character or not, he could show up here like he did back then.

For Animal Crossing, I think I'd really like Tortimer Island. New Horizons takes place on an island, and while Tortimer Island isn't from that game, it's at least got a similar enough vibe that I don't think anyone would mind. I'd also like to keep the multiple layouts it has.

Job #14 -
8 Players are a good maximum, if that's what you mean.

Item -
This one would show up eventually.


Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2020
I wasn’t planning on setting up a job for this, and users would proposed them with movesets.
If that’s the case, I’ll go with Fire Mario as the Final Smash. There would also be background music (like Galaxy’s Fire Flower) to signal how much time you have.


Smash Champion
Oct 14, 2016
1 Blackbelly Skatepark
2 Octo Canyon
3 Arowana Mall

1 Castle Dedede
2 Cookie Country
3 Dream Land

Happy Home Academy (Animal Crossing)

Stage would take place in a model room from the group. Rather than 40 cameos there would be about 5 & 30+ furniture items from the series that will be randomly placed in an open area. Would included different beds, sofas, tvs, tables, lamps, etc from different popular themes such as Modern, Lovely, & Ranch. Would represent a big part of the series that even got its own spinoff.

Frigate Orpheon (Metroid Prime)

Not really into series overall but thought id nominate Smash's Prime stage as is. New series games are still a bit away but Prime 4 is announced & Prime Remastered is already rumored so a stage from the original makes some sense.

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
1. Arowana Mall
2. Blackbelly Skatepark
3. Urchin Underpass

Urchin Underpass probably makes the most sense, but I'm inclined to endorse some other options over it since MK8 has already used it. Obviously these are two completely different kinds of games, but it just makes me wonder if we should create our own path. I like Arowana Mall because trendy fashion is a significant part of the Splatoon brand, and we could even have some Inklings wandering around the background shopping. I already made my case for Blackbelly Skatepark, to reflect more of Splatoon's street culture. I'm down for Octo Canyon... as a second stage. Our main Splatoon stage should absolutely be one of the multiplayer maps.

1. Fountain of Dreams
2. Cookie Country
3. Halberd

I like all the options here, and was actually going to vote Castle Dedede as my top pick but chickened out for a couple reasons. I'm not sure if it's the ideal stage to kick off Kirby representation with, and I kinda want to leave the option open for a Punch-Out stage later. Kind of conditional, but eh. If it's clear that we're not adding Little Mac later I'd be down to revisit this idea. Guess we'll see what Dedede's fate is as well.

1. Masked Borb
2. Me

Job 13:
:ultsamus: - E.M.M.I. Zone
(Metroid Dread)

We're cutting it a bit close here, because Dread only came out a couple months prior, but I guess we ought to suspend our disbelief here just a tad and assume the devs were given a heads up on what this game may entail. This stage would be a claustrophobic area, largely walled off and consisting of solid platforms that cannot be jumped through. Our stages have been fairly straightforward up to this point, and I think we could use one with a little more of the gimmicky flair that Smash doesn't hesitate to give us.

Naturally, EMMI would occasionally appear and opponents attempt to keep their distance - if they are spotted, EMMI rushes toward them and attempts to corner and KO them. Creating a high stakes scenario within this enclosed space feels like a fun way to play with the general sense of urgency and isolation that Metroid is all about. It's that reason that I decided to take a chance on this stage anyway - I keep thinking about whether we should go for something more standardized, like a Brinstar type stage, but I think as long as the stage is correctly representing the essence of the series that it will be an acceptable home stage. Unfortunately for Samus, her home stage never quite feels like home.

:ultisabelle: - Dodo Airlines (Animal Crossing: New Horizons)

Personally, I think a New Horizons stage is top priority. I feel like this is a pretty easy stage to visualize, you get the more resort-y feel that New Horizons aims to achieve and the plane can work as a platform that occasionally rises, hovers around for a bit, leaves the area and then returns to place. Think of the UFO from Fourside, or the little boat on Pirate Ship, but a bit sturdier and a bit bigger... there's probably an even better example of this that I'm not remembering, but you get the jist. And then naturally on the sides you'd have the ocean segments where you can paddle around and drown. I think this is the best bet for a New Horizons location and I think it's true enough to the spirit of the series where it doesn't feel off making it Isabelle's home stage either. Although I think we should consider a traditional Smashville type stage a bit later on.

Job 14: 4 Players
I believe that 8P Smash was only really able to happen because of the years prior where Smash's identity was firmly established. Four players is a perfectly good amount, and assuming a world without Smash didn't spawn a bunch of Smash clones it's still a somewhat novel concept to do a 4P fighting game. 8 Players right out the gate is almost a bit daunting and puts a bit too much emphasis on the party game aspect, IMO.

Item: Ultra Hand

A classic Nintendo toy that I'm surprised hasn't made an appearance in our own universe's Smash yet. It would stretch out a far distance to bring opponents closer and assist with recovery. When an opponent is drawn in they can be carried around briefly and eventually thrust forward in release.
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Smash Champion
Apr 11, 2022
1. Moray Towers
2. Urchin Underpass
3. Octo Canyon

1. Dream Land
2. Fountain of Dreams
3. Halberd

1. Louie G
2. Masked Bomb



Assist Trophy


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2020
Here are the votes

Arowama Mall 5
Moray Towers 8
Octo Canyon 4
Urchin Underpass 11
Blackbelly Skatepark 8

Urchin Underpass is the first Splatoon stage.

Dream Land 10
Halberd 2
Castle Dedede 5
Fountain of Dreams 8
Cookie Country 11

Cookie Country is the first Kirby stage.

Mario Moveset

Masked Borb 5
Louie G. 7

Louie G.’s Mario moveset will be used.

Here are the nominations:

Metroid Stage
Pupp135 Pupp135 Area 7
Masked Borb Masked Borb Pyrosphere
nirvanafan nirvanafan Frigate Orpheon
Louie G. Louie G. E.M.M.I Zone
Northsouthmap Northsouthmap Brinstar

Animal Crossing Stage
Pupp135 Pupp135 New Island
Masked Borb Masked Borb Tortimer Island
nirvanafan nirvanafan Happy Home Academy
Louie G. Louie G. Dodo Airlines
Northsouthmap Northsouthmap Smashville

Vote for your three most wanted, where yours is not first.

1. Brinstar
2. E.M.M.I. Zone
3. Area 7

For the Metroid stage, I’m thinking that a classic area or an area from the most recent titles are probably the best approach.

1. Dodo Airlines
2. New Island
3. Tortimer Island

In this case, I’d like to pick something from or similar to New Horizons.

For the maximum number of players per match, please use this poll to choose whether matches can support up to 4 or 8 players.

Job 15: Submit a Fighter from a Represented Franchise
Super Mario
Legend of Zelda
Animal Crossing


While Yoshi technically has his own games, I feel like he can be classified as a Mario character in this timeline, and he is a major sidekick in the Mario series.

Job 16: Submit a Kirby and Inkling Moveset

Feel free to submit an item.
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Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2020
1. E.M.M.I. Zone
2. Brinstar
3. Frigate Orpheon

1. New Island
2. Tortimer Island
3. Dodo Airlines

Job 15: Bowser (Super Mario)

What else can I say? It’s Bowser. Granted, he should probably be more like his canon self, so no generic voice here. Perhaps he could take influence from his previous appearances in the NSMB games, and his playable section from Odyssey.

Fire Flower - Functions more like canon Mario this time around. Shoots Fireballs for a short period of time by pressing the A button.
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Masked Borb

Smash Cadet
Jul 28, 2024
Cookie Country
Switch FC
1. Brinstar (Oops)
2. Pyrosphere
3. Frigate Orpheon

Animal Crossing:
1. Dodo Airlines
2. Tortimer Island
3. New Island

Job #15: Luigi (Super Mario)

It's-a Luigi! What more could I say?

Job #16: Kirby Moveset
Like Mario, Kirby is one of those "easy-to-use" characters, and like my Mario proposal, not many of his moves would change either. Only 6 in total are completely new.

For his Specials, Kirby's Inhale stays the same as always, and I opted to keep his Down B, Stone. Though... wouldn't it be funny if it could spike..? Moving on to his changed moves, his Side B is the Cutter Ability. Similar to Link's Boomerang, Kirby tosses a curved, yellow blade in front of him a small distance, and then it returns back to him. The trajectory can be controlled by holding up or down on the joystick while it moves in the thrown direction, sending it over Kirby, or under the stage a considerable distance. It gives the slow, light Kirby a projectile to help him get in close to his opponent. Finally, his Up B becomes the Friend Bounce, from Kirby Star Allies' Spider ability. This moves works the most like Pac-Man's Pac-Jump, in that Kirby summons a Spider Web that bounces him upwards. It stays out for a small moment, so Kirby or his enemies/allies could use it to recover. Kirby could easily get rid of it, or use it to coax recovering enemies into a well-placed Stone attack. Kirby's Final Smash could be Festival Dance, from Kirby Star Allies' new Festival Ability. Kirby would toss a huge Friend Heart across the stage, hoping to hit anyone with it. If successful, Kirby dons the Festival Hat, and begins to do a good-ol' Kirby Dance, with the friended Fighters dancing with him until the end, where confetti and fireworks and such explode around them, sending them all flying when the cinematic ends.

Just to be funny, I'm changing Kirby's Dash Attack to a Rolling Ball attack, where he curls his limbs around his body and starts rolling for a little, not unlike the Canvas/Rainbow Curse duology, where Kirby becomes a ball. I'm also giving him a new Back Throw, the Air Corkscrew from Kirby Fighter 2's Wrestler Ability. When Kirby starts the throw, he jumps up a small bit with the grabbed opponent, spins them around, and tosses them backwards at a diagonal angle that sends them bouncing off of the ground and flying. If there is no ground behind Kirby when the throw starts...

EDITED: Also changing his Down-Tilt to his Slide Kick. Missed over it before, this is also a must. Thanks, Louie G.

All Kirby's other moves would remain the same as in Ultimate. Smash Attacks, Aerials, Tilts, etc. I didn't wanna force any other abilities into his more basic moves other than the ones in the Fighter/Suplex/BackDrop/Throw/Wrestler family of moves. This IS a fighting game, Kirby's fighting moves should be here, right? KSA is the most recent "main" entry in the series at this point in time, and KF2 is the most recent game in the series, and one that has its own unique Copy Ability added to the Fighter family of abilities. I wanted to pull the Copy Abilities that were in these two games in particular because of that. As for that new Dash Attack... I just like it, teehee.

.... Oh right, Inkling. Uhh.... their Ultimate moveset's fine to me-

My next item is Food. Yep. Food. Its Food.
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Smash Champion
Oct 14, 2016

Thought id throw someone outside of Mario into the mix. Is series namesake & could use a mix of magic & runes that link does not have (think our concept still has him only using remote bombs)


Smash Champion
Apr 11, 2022
1. Norfair
2. Pyrosphere
3. Frigate Orpheon

Animal Crossing:
1. Dodo Airlines
2. Tortimer Island
3. New Island

Job #15: Luigi (Super Mario)

It's-a Luigi! What more could I say?

Job #16: Kirby Moveset
Like Mario, Kirby is one of those "easy-to-use" characters, and like my Mario proposal, not many of his moves would change either. Only 5 in total are completely new.

For his Specials, Kirby's Inhale stays the same as always, and I opted to keep his Down B, Stone. Though... wouldn't it be funny if it could spike..? Moving on to his changed moves, his Side B is the Cutter Ability. Similar to Link's Boomerang, Kirby tosses a curved, yellow blade in front of him a small distance, and then it returns back to him. The trajectory can be controlled by holding up or down on the joystick while it moves in the thrown direction, sending it over Kirby, or under the stage a considerable distance. It gives the slow, light Kirby a projectile to help him get in close to his opponent. Finally, his Up B becomes the Friend Bounce, from Kirby Star Allies' Spider ability. This moves works the most like Pac-Man's Pac-Jump, in that Kirby summons a Spider Web that bounces him upwards. It stays out for a small moment, so Kirby or his enemies/allies could use it to recover. Kirby could easily get rid of it, or use it to coax recovering enemies into a well-placed Stone attack. Kirby's Final Smash could be Festival Dance, from Kirby Star Allies' new Festival Ability. Kirby would toss a huge Friend Heart across the stage, hoping to hit anyone with it. If successful, Kirby dons the Festival Hat, and begins to do a good-ol' Kirby Dance, with the friended Fighters dancing with him until the end, where confetti and fireworks and such explode around them, sending them all flying when the cinematic ends.

Just to be funny, I'm changing Kirby's Dash Attack to a Rolling Ball attack, where he curls his limbs around his body and starts rolling for a little, not unlike the Canvas/Rainbow Curse duology, where Kirby becomes a ball. I'm also giving him a new Back Throw, the Air Corkscrew from Kirby Fighter 2's Wrestler Ability. When Kirby starts the throw, he jumps up a small bit with the grabbed opponent, spins them around, and tosses them backwards at a diagonal angle that sends them bouncing off of the ground and flying. If there is no ground behind Kirby when the throw starts...

All Kirby's other moves would remain the same as in Ultimate. Smash Attacks, Aerials, Tilts, etc. I didn't wanna force any other abilities into his more basic moves other than the ones in the Fighter/Suplex/BackDrop/Throw/Wrestler family of moves. This IS a fighting game, Kirby's fighting moves should be here, right? KSA is the most recent "main" entry in the series at this point in time, and KF2 is the most recent game in the series, and one that has its own unique Copy Ability added to the Fighter family of abilities. I wanted to pull the Copy Abilities that were in these two games in particular because of that. As for that new Dash Attack... I just like it, teehee.

.... Oh right, Inkling. Uhh.... their Ultimate moveset's fine to me-

My next item is Food. Yep. Food. Its Food.
1. Pyrosphere
2. Norfair
3. Area 7

1. Tortimer Island
2. Dodo Lines
3. Happy Home Academy

Job 15: King Dedede (Kirby)

it's for Kirby not just a only character from his series,and for obvious,it's Dedede
Norfair isn't an option

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
1. Brinstar
2. EMMI Zone
3. Area 7

1. Smashville
2. Dodo Airlines
3. New Island

Job 15: Tom Nook (Animal Crossing)

I feel like I end up shilling this guy a lot, but it's really because I think we tend to underestimate how important he is. Tom Nook is a huge character and, especially after New Horizons, has reasserted himself as the series co-mascot. His body type, personality and role in the games differentiates him substantially from Isabelle and certainly justifies his presence on its own. Swinging around Bell Bags, summoning the Nooklings to do his bidding, dropping furniture around the stage and spinning his tail at you. While Isabelle is concerned with the day to day activities of Animal Crossing, Nook is about business - and is less afraid to get physical. I think this balance kind of tackles everything we need to represent about the games.

I don't know if he should be added right this moment, obviously some of the Mario characters might feel a bit more enticing right now, but I just want to toss out some viable options for expanding on series that haven't got that privilege in Smash yet. Animal Crossing and Splatoon newcomers seem like something we should pay some mind to, in order to keep it in line with Nintendo's current priorities and simply allow ourselves to do more stuff outside the bounds of what we already have in Smash. Better to plant the seeds now and get people thinking.

All Kirby's other moves would remain the same as in Ultimate. Smash Attacks, Aerials, Tilts, etc. I didn't wanna force any other abilities into his more basic moves other than the ones in the Fighter/Suplex/BackDrop/Throw/Wrestler family of moves.
God bless, I was going to have to write out my own pitch if someone wasn’t of a similar mind about this LOL. Big agree that Kirby being mostly Suplex and Fighter based is just fine. I'm iffy on him having a projectile... but I got nothin' else. I would just add Kirby's signature Slide kick, if you don't mind. It feels so odd to me that they've neglected it for this long, and Kirby's combo game is already fairly horizontal. It's a perfect fit.

I'm also fine with Inkling remaining the same. Maybe we should just have a vote on whether or not we want to implement the limited ink mechanic. I don't really care either way, to be honest - it's not all that obtrusive or complicated, but I wonder how it would have gone down without all the growth that led us to Ultimate and its design philosophy. It's an interesting conversation albeit probably not one we need to overthink.
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Smash Champion
Jul 1, 2023

Squid Sisters
The idols are a big part of the Splatoon franchise. You could really make a case for any of them it I think the originals are still the best pick for this. They would work kinda like Pyra \ Mythra, swapping out between them. They would have a mix of music based attacks and Splatoon weapons.


Smash Champion
Apr 11, 2022

The antagonist of the next Zelda game, he would use magic and swordplay.

Item: Heart Container


Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2015
I might throw my hat into the ring, since I have just designed some movesets for Kirby and Inkling for my own leisure:
Kirby's moveset
Tilt attacks
  • Jab: Kirby throws a flurry of quick, weak punches forward, ending the attack with a stronger fist which exudes some aura. Based on the Vulcan Jab and Smash Punch moves, part of the Fighter copy ability's moveset
  • Side: Kirby spins one foot while kicking with the other one. Effectively a copy of OG Kirby's forward tilt, it is very loosely based on the Leg Sweep move, part of the Fighter copy ability's moveset
  • Up: Kirby performs a quick somersault kick. Based on the Moon Somersault Kick move, part of the Fighter copy ability's moveset
  • Down: Kirby slides along the ground, hitting with his foot. If the attack connects, Kirby jumps backwards. Obviously based on the slide technique, recurring in plenty of Kirby titles.
  • Dash attack: Kirby curls into a wheel and rolls forward. Based on the Wheel copy ability.
Smash attacks
  • Side: Kirby swings a hefty and mighty hammer forward, in an upward motion. Based on the Hammer Flip move, part of the Hammer copy ability's moveset. Kirby's strongest KO tool.
  • Up: Kirby releases a barrage of spines upwards from his back and his head. Based on the Needle copy ability.
  • Down: Kirby creates a force field of electricity around himself. Based on the Spark copy ability, but unlike the original Spark ability, this version of the move does not create a perfectly spherical force field, rather a more oval one, hitting mostly sideways.
Aerial attacks
  • Neutral: Kirby spins in midair, covering himself in wind. Loosely based on the Tornado copy ability
  • Forward: Kirby swings a magical rod forward, releasing a beam of electricity that covers a wide arc. Based on the Beam copy ability
  • Back: Kirby spins backwards vertically, sticking a sword out. Loosely based on the Sword Spin attack, part of the Sword copy ability's moveset.
  • Up: Kirby slashes upwards with a stubby blade. The blade is the same seen in the Blade copy ability, but its usage is completely different.
  • Down: Kirby sticks a bomb below himself. The bomb explodes immediately, dealing damage to the opponents but not Kirby (miraculously). Loosely based on the Drop a Bomb move, part of the Bomb's copy ability moveset. This move is NOT a spike, sending opponents mostly horizontally.
Grab and throws
As an added challenge, take a shot every time you read "suplex" in this section.
  • Grab: Kirby reaches out to the opponent with both hands. The dashing grab animation in particular references the Dash Grab move, part of the Suplex copy ability's moveset. Uniquely, Kirby lifts and holds the opponent above his head.
  • Pummel: Kirby violently shakes the opponent, dealing damage
  • Forward: Kirby hurls the opponent forward with one hand. Based on the Throw copy ability.
  • Back: stays the same. Based on the Big Suplex move, part of the Suplex copy ability's moveset
  • Up: stays the same. Based on the Air Drop move, part of the Ninja copy ability's moveset.
  • Down: stays the same. Based on the Fury Stomp move, part of the Suplex copy ability's moveset
Special moves
  • Neutral -- Inhale: It is relatively unchanged from its actual Smash incarnation, including the copy abilities and hats Kirby gains.
  • Side -- Burning: Kirby encroaches in fire and dashes forward. A relatively quick gap-closer, helps Kirby out due to his slow speed. Based on the Burning copy ability, as well as the Burn move, part of the Fire copy ability's moveset.
  • Up -- Hi-Jump: Kirby jumps high in the air, covering himself in a force field. Based on the Hi-Jump copy ability. It's Kirby's main vertical recovery tool. And it's honestly quite mind blowing that in Smash Kirby doesn't have a Hi-Jump reference, it would be a perfect recovery tool.
  • Down -- Stone: the move is relatively unchanged, but it has a couple of new features:
    • For one, the move actually spikes
    • Then, reverting back to the normal, puffball form now has a hitbox that damages nearby enemies
  • Shield: Kirby discards his copy ability. That's right, I mapped it to Shield Special.
Final Smash -- Mike Kirby: Kirby screams into a microphone, creating a hugely powerful soundwave that travels forward, dealing massive damage and knockback to the opponents the move connects with. I thought that referencing Mike Kirby was a good idea, since it technically predates any other copy ability, being introduced as early as Kirby's Dream Land

Inkling's moveset
Now, since the game would be released near the end of 2021, Splatoon 2 would be fair game. However, even with such a limited roster, I believe that Octoling might find her way in and I'd rather have her representing Splatoon 2, having made her playable debut in that game. That is why, for Inkling, I decided to have her using only paraphernalia from the original Splatoon.

Also, overall, Inkling keeps the same Ink gimmick she has in Smash, behaving just about the same, but now the amount of ink needed to fully cover an opponent increases with their weight.

Ground attacks
  • Jab: Inkling fires a stream of ink from the Splattershot. It is kind of similar to Mega Man's jab, as it is a projectile and Inkling can move around while performing it (she can't jump though). It consumes ink.
  • Side: same as Jab.
  • Up: Inkling performs a backflip kick.
  • Down: Inkling performs a breakdance kick.
  • Dash attack: In her squid form, Inkling jumps forward, spinning in a drilling motion. A multi-hit dash attack, it is very loosely based on the Kraken super weapon from Splatoon.
Smash attacks
  • Side: Inkling fires an ink ball forward with the Blaster. The ball travels a rather short distance before exploding, dealing huge damage. The ball itself doesn't deal a lot of damage though and it does NOT automatically explode if it connects, instead it keeps traveling until it spontaneously explodes, so distancing is a bit tricky. It consumes ink.
  • Up: Inkling takes the Hydra Splatling and fires a barrage of ink shots at around 60˚ from the ground. It is a rather unique Up Smash due to its weird angle, but Inkling creates a hitbox around her that launch opponents into the main ink barrage. Charging the attack increases its range, power, and amount of ink shot. It consumes ink.
  • Down: same as Ultimate. I think it works just fine.
Aerial attacks
  • Neutral: Inkling turns into her squid form and spins in a drilling motion. Again, loosely based on the Kraken super weapon from Splatoon.
  • Forward: Inkling grabs the Aerospray and sprays some ink forward. It consumes ink.
  • Back: Inkling grabs the Inkbrush and swings it backwards. It consumes ink.
  • Up: A quick backflip kick.
  • Down: Inkling takes the Slosher and slams it below her. A powerful spike, the move covers more range than expected because the Slosher releases some ink too, which doesn't spike but extends the reach of the attack nonetheless.
Grab and throws
They can all stay the same as they currently are in Smash, I suppose.

Special moves
  • Neutral - Splat Charger: Inkling takes the Splat Charger and (well) charges a powerful ink blast. Releasing the Special button results in a large, powerful, long-reaching, and piercing ink shot to be released. It consumes a sizeable amount of ink.
  • Side - Splat Roller: stays relatively unchanged from Ultimate, but it now knocks opponents away instead of burying them. Ink left on the ground doesn't slow opponents down either.
  • Up - Super Jump: stays unchanged from Ultimate.
  • Down - Splat Bomb: stays unchanged from Ultimate.
Final Smash - Inkstrike: Inkling fires a missile up in the air. After a few moments, the missile lands on the ground, exploding in a huge tornado of ink. The tornado deals high damage and, upon expiring, knockback. Inkling can slightly adjust where the missile will fall, kind of like Olimar's Final Smash, but less so.
As for Inkling's Final Smash is was this close to submit the Rainmaker, but I wanted a super weapon to be represented somehow. Speaking of...

The item I submit is the Rainmaker itself. The Rainmaker acts as a bazooka-like item: when a character grabs it, they will rest it on their shoulder and can charge a powerful ink blast and then release it. Charging the blast is similar to the Super Scope. Once the Rainmaker runs out of ink, it expires. As a side note, the Rainmaker covers the opponent in the same ink that Inkling uses (the ink color matches the player's port).

Finally, for the character...

I submit Octoling! I have already mentioned that I believe they can narrowly win a character slot even in a more contested environment like this one. I think that they could easily represent Splatoon 2, having debuted in that game as playable characters.

Also guys I swear I don't even like Splatoon that much it's just that I think it is a very big deal and I was very close to adding the Rainmaker as Inkling's Final Smash so I had that idea in mind for an item as well and I don't think we should add Octoling just yet we should double down on another Mario character first


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2020
Here are the votes:

Area 7 3
Pyrosphere 5
Frigate Orpheon 2
E.M.M.I. Zone 7
Brinstar 11

Brinstar is the first Metroid stage.

New Island 7
Tortimer Island 8
Happy Home Academy 1
Dodo Airlines 11
Smashville 3

Dodo Airlines is the first Animal Crossing stage.

The player limit is four per match.

Here are the fighter nominations:

Pupp135 Pupp135 Yoshi
BritishGuy54 BritishGuy54 Bowser
Masked Borb Masked Borb Luigi
nirvanafan nirvanafan Zelda
Mushroomguy12 Mushroomguy12 Peach
DragonRobotKing26 DragonRobotKing26 King Dedede
Louie G. Louie G. Tom Nook
D darkvortex Squid Sisters
Northsouthmap Northsouthmap Ganondorf
LoZ00 LoZ00 Octoling

Vote for your three most wanted, where yours is not first.

1. Princess Peach
2. Bowser
3. Princess Zelda

I feel like adding to the Super Mario franchise would probably be my first priority, and I think Peach would be a higher priority than Bowser in the context of 2024. Zelda would be my first choice for supplemental character not from Super Mario given her prominence to one of Nintendo’s most popular series.

For Kirby and Inkling movesets, here are the nominations.

Masked Borb Masked Borb / Louie G. Louie G.
For his Specials, Kirby's Inhale stays the same as always, and I opted to keep his Down B, Stone. Though... wouldn't it be funny if it could spike..? Moving on to his changed moves, his Side B is the Cutter Ability. Similar to Link's Boomerang, Kirby tosses a curved, yellow blade in front of him a small distance, and then it returns back to him. The trajectory can be controlled by holding up or down on the joystick while it moves in the thrown direction, sending it over Kirby, or under the stage a considerable distance. It gives the slow, light Kirby a projectile to help him get in close to his opponent. Finally, his Up B becomes the Friend Bounce, from Kirby Star Allies' Spider ability. This moves works the most like Pac-Man's Pac-Jump, in that Kirby summons a Spider Web that bounces him upwards. It stays out for a small moment, so Kirby or his enemies/allies could use it to recover. Kirby could easily get rid of it, or use it to coax recovering enemies into a well-placed Stone attack. Kirby's Final Smash could be Festival Dance, from Kirby Star Allies' new Festival Ability. Kirby would toss a huge Friend Heart across the stage, hoping to hit anyone with it. If successful, Kirby dons the Festival Hat, and begins to do a good-ol' Kirby Dance, with the friended Fighters dancing with him until the end, where confetti and fireworks and such explode around them, sending them all flying when the cinematic ends.

Just to be funny, I'm changing Kirby's Dash Attack to a Rolling Ball attack, where he curls his limbs around his body and starts rolling for a little, not unlike the Canvas/Rainbow Curse duology, where Kirby becomes a ball. I'm also giving him a new Back Throw, the Air Corkscrew from Kirby Fighter 2's Wrestler Ability. When Kirby starts the throw, he jumps up a small bit with the grabbed opponent, spins them around, and tosses them backwards at a diagonal angle that sends them bouncing off of the ground and flying. If there is no ground behind Kirby when the throw starts...

EDITED: Also changing his Down-Tilt to his Slide Kick. Missed over it before, this is also a must. Thanks, Louie G.

All Kirby's other moves would remain the same as in Ultimate. Smash Attacks, Aerials, Tilts, etc. I didn't wanna force any other abilities into his more basic moves other than the ones in the Fighter/Suplex/BackDrop/Throw/Wrestler family of moves. This IS a fighting game, Kirby's fighting moves should be here, right? KSA is the most recent "main" entry in the series at this point in time, and KF2 is the most recent game in the series, and one that has its own unique Copy Ability added to the Fighter family of abilities. I wanted to pull the Copy Abilities that were in these two games in particular because of that. As for that new Dash Attack... I just like it, teehee.
LoZ00 LoZ00
Tilt attacks
  • Jab: Kirby throws a flurry of quick, weak punches forward, ending the attack with a stronger fist which exudes some aura. Based on the Vulcan Jab and Smash Punch moves, part of the Fighter copy ability's moveset
  • Side: Kirby spins one foot while kicking with the other one. Effectively a copy of OG Kirby's forward tilt, it is very loosely based on the Leg Sweep move, part of the Fighter copy ability's moveset
  • Up: Kirby performs a quick somersault kick. Based on the Moon Somersault Kick move, part of the Fighter copy ability's moveset
  • Down: Kirby slides along the ground, hitting with his foot. If the attack connects, Kirby jumps backwards. Obviously based on the slide technique, recurring in plenty of Kirby titles.
  • Dash attack: Kirby curls into a wheel and rolls forward. Based on the Wheel copy ability.
Smash attacks
  • Side: Kirby swings a hefty and mighty hammer forward, in an upward motion. Based on the Hammer Flip move, part of the Hammer copy ability's moveset. Kirby's strongest KO tool.
  • Up: Kirby releases a barrage of spines upwards from his back and his head. Based on the Needle copy ability.
  • Down: Kirby creates a force field of electricity around himself. Based on the Spark copy ability, but unlike the original Spark ability, this version of the move does not create a perfectly spherical force field, rather a more oval one, hitting mostly sideways.
Aerial attacks
  • Neutral: Kirby spins in midair, covering himself in wind. Loosely based on the Tornado copy ability
  • Forward: Kirby swings a magical rod forward, releasing a beam of electricity that covers a wide arc. Based on the Beam copy ability
  • Back: Kirby spins backwards vertically, sticking a sword out. Loosely based on the Sword Spin attack, part of the Sword copy ability's moveset.
  • Up: Kirby slashes upwards with a stubby blade. The blade is the same seen in the Blade copy ability, but its usage is completely different.
  • Down: Kirby sticks a bomb below himself. The bomb explodes immediately, dealing damage to the opponents but not Kirby (miraculously). Loosely based on the Drop a Bomb move, part of the Bomb's copy ability moveset. This move is NOT a spike, sending opponents mostly horizontally.
Grab and throws
As an added challenge, take a shot every time you read "suplex" in this section.
  • Grab: Kirby reaches out to the opponent with both hands. The dashing grab animation in particular references the Dash Grab move, part of the Suplex copy ability's moveset. Uniquely, Kirby lifts and holds the opponent above his head.
  • Pummel: Kirby violently shakes the opponent, dealing damage
  • Forward: Kirby hurls the opponent forward with one hand. Based on the Throw copy ability.
  • Back: stays the same. Based on the Big Suplex move, part of the Suplex copy ability's moveset
  • Up: stays the same. Based on the Air Drop move, part of the Ninja copy ability's moveset.
  • Down: stays the same. Based on the Fury Stomp move, part of the Suplex copy ability's moveset
Special moves
  • Neutral -- Inhale: It is relatively unchanged from its actual Smash incarnation, including the copy abilities and hats Kirby gains.
  • Side -- Burning: Kirby encroaches in fire and dashes forward. A relatively quick gap-closer, helps Kirby out due to his slow speed. Based on the Burning copy ability, as well as the Burn move, part of the Fire copy ability's moveset.
  • Up -- Hi-Jump: Kirby jumps high in the air, covering himself in a force field. Based on the Hi-Jump copy ability. It's Kirby's main vertical recovery tool. And it's honestly quite mind blowing that in Smash Kirby doesn't have a Hi-Jump reference, it would be a perfect recovery tool.
  • Down -- Stone: the move is relatively unchanged, but it has a couple of new features:
    • For one, the move actually spikes
    • Then, reverting back to the normal, puffball form now has a hitbox that damages nearby enemies
  • Shield: Kirby discards his copy ability. That's right, I mapped it to Shield Special.
Final Smash -- Mike Kirby: Kirby screams into a microphone, creating a hugely powerful soundwave that travels forward, dealing massive damage and knockback to the opponents the move connects with. I thought that referencing Mike Kirby was a good idea, since it technically predates any other copy ability, being introduced as early as Kirby's Dream Land
Here is a poll to vote on which moveset you’d prefer.

Masked Borb Masked Borb / Louie G. Louie G.
Oh right, Inkling. Uhh.... their Ultimate moveset's fine to me-
LoZ00 LoZ00

Now, since the game would be released near the end of 2021, Splatoon 2 would be fair game. However, even with such a limited roster, I believe that Octoling might find her way in and I'd rather have her representing Splatoon 2, having made her playable debut in that game. That is why, for Inkling, I decided to have her using only paraphernalia from the original Splatoon.

Also, overall, Inkling keeps the same Ink gimmick she has in Smash, behaving just about the same, but now the amount of ink needed to fully cover an opponent increases with their weight.

Ground attacks
  • Jab: Inkling fires a stream of ink from the Splattershot. It is kind of similar to Mega Man's jab, as it is a projectile and Inkling can move around while performing it (she can't jump though). It consumes ink.
  • Side: same as Jab.
  • Up: Inkling performs a backflip kick.
  • Down: Inkling performs a breakdance kick.
  • Dash attack: In her squid form, Inkling jumps forward, spinning in a drilling motion. A multi-hit dash attack, it is very loosely based on the Kraken super weapon from Splatoon.
Smash attacks
  • Side: Inkling fires an ink ball forward with the Blaster. The ball travels a rather short distance before exploding, dealing huge damage. The ball itself doesn't deal a lot of damage though and it does NOT automatically explode if it connects, instead it keeps traveling until it spontaneously explodes, so distancing is a bit tricky. It consumes ink.
  • Up: Inkling takes the Hydra Splatling and fires a barrage of ink shots at around 60˚ from the ground. It is a rather unique Up Smash due to its weird angle, but Inkling creates a hitbox around her that launch opponents into the main ink barrage. Charging the attack increases its range, power, and amount of ink shot. It consumes ink.
  • Down: same as Ultimate. I think it works just fine.
Aerial attacks
  • Neutral: Inkling turns into her squid form and spins in a drilling motion. Again, loosely based on the Kraken super weapon from Splatoon.
  • Forward: Inkling grabs the Aerospray and sprays some ink forward. It consumes ink.
  • Back: Inkling grabs the Inkbrush and swings it backwards. It consumes ink.
  • Up: A quick backflip kick.
  • Down: Inkling takes the Slosher and slams it below her. A powerful spike, the move covers more range than expected because the Slosher releases some ink too, which doesn't spike but extends the reach of the attack nonetheless.
Grab and throws
They can all stay the same as they currently are in Smash, I suppose.

Special moves
  • Neutral - Splat Charger: Inkling takes the Splat Charger and (well) charges a powerful ink blast. Releasing the Special button results in a large, powerful, long-reaching, and piercing ink shot to be released. It consumes a sizeable amount of ink.
  • Side - Splat Roller: stays relatively unchanged from Ultimate, but it now knocks opponents away instead of burying them. Ink left on the ground doesn't slow opponents down either.
  • Up - Super Jump: stays unchanged from Ultimate.
  • Down - Splat Bomb: stays unchanged from Ultimate.
Final Smash - Inkstrike: Inkling fires a missile up in the air. After a few moments, the missile lands on the ground, exploding in a huge tornado of ink. The tornado deals high damage and, upon expiring, knockback. Inkling can slightly adjust where the missile will fall, kind of like Olimar's Final Smash, but less so.
Here is poll for the Inkling moveset.

Job 17: Submit a Collectible
Job 18: Submit a Single Player Minigame

I’ll nominate Crystal Smash, which would work like how it does in Smash Run.
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Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
Some really good choices this time around. Since I believe all of these characters will be part of the conversation moving forward, I'm going to give my thoughts on each one and then make my decision. I kinda just want to get all these thoughts out there so that it's clear which characters I think ought to be a priority moving forward, since there are several picks here I would like to have in the game but won't be supporting yet.

Also want to mention - Ganondorf and Peach's submissions reference games that were not out at the time of development. Neither TOTK nor Princess Peach Showtime would have any influence on their design or moveset this time around.

Yoshi - A fairly safe pick, but not one I want to prioritize yet. To be honest, with such a small roster I'm uncertain if I feel compelled to add him at all. We'll get there when we get there but DK and honestly Wario are more important to me outside of the obvious big four.

Bowser - Yeah, he's a must. And we haven't had the opportunity to add DK yet, but one way or another having a big heavyweight fighter is pretty important to the roster dynamic. We don't have that, and Bowser is as good a choice as any to ring that in. Significant from both a general branding standpoint and a gameplay essence standpoint. He's a perfect addition.

Luigi - He's a must have, but I may end up prioritizing the other 2/4 of the Mario collective first simply because... in a worst case scenario, Luigi can still be a clone of Mario. I don't think he has to be, I think I'd prefer if he wasn't, but Cappy withstanding you can pretty much slot him in later. Again though, I'd like to add him sooner than later. I'm just trying to prioritize the ones that don't have an outlet otherwise.

Zelda - I think we probably should add Zelda, but I'm mostly wondering how we should add Zelda. The submission has her in her BOTW outfit, but I think I'd still advocate for a general Zelda that can more easily adopt a mage kit comparable to Smash (which is also an archetype we could stand to have). But that's getting into the weeds of an otherwise obvious addition. Not sure if she'll squeeze in for my vote this round but it just makes sense.

Peach - IMO the most important addition of this batch. Gender balance is going to be a priority of mine when crafting this roster, and bringing in Nintendo's leading lady is obvious. I presume she would still possess her float gimmick and a more aerial centric lightweight kit, and as such would be bringing a fresh new playstyle into the fold. I guess I don't really have to justify this any further.

King Dedede - He's my favorite Nintendo character, so I'd love to bring him in. We're just going to have to see how this goes. The number of fighters we're allotted is quite small, and stacked up against some of the other series in this conversation I dunno if Kirby is the top priority to get a second. I will obviously rally for this if it comes up again later, but I think I need to prioritize some of the bare essentials first.

Tom Nook - This was my nomination. I won't get into too many details again, but just know Animal Crossing is one of Nintendo's strongest selling and most marketable series and Nook serves the role of its co-mascot alongside Isabelle. I think he's a valuable addition and have spoken on his potential.

Squid Sisters - Okay, I was thinking about this one too. And yeah, they would probably serve as our duo / stance change character.... although another part of me wonders what Xenoblade's representation will look like. If we add Pyra and Mythra perhaps they will serve this niche like they do in our universe. But I'm really excited by this idea and I was of a similar mind about it. Personally I prefer Off the Hook, but in 2021 maybe it would have felt safer to go with the recurring idols. That said, OTH's designs feel like they better emphasize the concept and furthermore just stand out better against Inkling. Bottom line is let's keep this one in mind... Splatoon could use a supplementary character and the concept of playable idols is a very appealing one.

Ganondorf - Unsure for now. TOTK isn't out yet so Ganondorf has been on ice for a little bit. I guess for now I'd rather just focus on the characters who are appearing in Switch games, and then once we lay in the foundation we can expand further into the past, whichever design we want to go with. Obviously I think Ganon is important enough but I can see a scenario where we don't make him a priority yet.

Octoling - We should add Octoling, but with four clone slots granted to us I believe Octoling is kind of just a perfect candidate. They are functionally identical to Inkling in-game and the new proposed Inkling moveset will do a better job representing both games anyway. So I think a clone role works just fine, and I may feel like we wasted a perfectly good character slot otherwise. They could certainly have their own unique weapon loadout but I think I'd be more excited to explore that through one of the idol teams.

1. Princess Peach
2. Bowser
3. Squid Sisters

Peach and Bowser are must haves. Simple as that. Immeasurably important characters that will also provide valuable new archetypes to the roster.

Squid Sisters will be my temporary pet pick. I think Splatoon lends itself well to multiple fighters, being a game so seeped in competition and combat - and the idols are somewhat unorthodox fighters, but they can in fact use weapons just like the normal Inklings. While part of me wanted to throw Tom Nook in here, or just go with the obvious Zelda or Luigi, I felt it was more valuable to make this case for them and I believe they might offer the most striking fighter mechanic. I don't think they will be added in this round but I'd like to keep the idea present in the conversation.

Job 17: Trophies
Let's keep Smash's toybox theme in play here and go back to its roots. Perhaps we can be pretty conservative with the trophy count, but I think this was a good way to introduce collectibles to the series and it's always so enjoyable to scroll through the gallery.

Job 18: Break the Targets
Has been a part of the series since the beginning. I'm advocating for the basics here but I like to think they're here for a reason. With a roster this size, we can once again go back to giving each character their own challenge.
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Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2020
1. Princess Peach
2. Bowser
3. Princess Zelda

I’m okay holding off on Luigi for a little while. We could always submit him as a clone, or if we submit him early, we can submit Daisy as the clone instead.


Smash Champion
Oct 14, 2016
1 Yoshi (Crafted World released the same year is why i prioritized him over other Mario reps)
2 Zelda
3 Dedede

Minigame - Mob Smash
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Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2015
As Louie G. Louie G. said, all the characters submitted for this prompt might and probably will be added to the game in one form or the other, no matter how small the roster is. However, not all characters in this prompt have equal priority to me and that is the one thing that mostly guided me. Without any further ado, let's-a-go!
  1. Princess Peach: I think that she is the highest priority character in this batch and arguably the second highest priority character in general after DK. She adds a much needed female character, which so far doesn't seem to be a huge concern, as Samus, Isabelle, and arguably Inkling are all females, but it will become more problematic as time goes on. Other than that... yeah, a moveset that mostly takes advantage of her floating prowesses and her "princessy" shenanigans might be easy to create and interesting to market.
  2. Bowser: The only character in this batch I could make an argument for having a higher priority than Peach. Eventually, Peach, Bowser, and Luigi will all get their slot in the roster, so I'm not too worried about either of them.
  3. Yoshi: For our first "double-dipping" character, I'd argue that the only series that really makes sense is Super Mario Bros. and between him and Luigi I'd say that Yoshi has an ever-so-slightly higher priority simply because Luigi might be added later down the line as a clone. Yoshi, on the other hand, doesn't have this privilege. Although I can see a Smash game without him as a playable fighter, but I'll go into more details about it perhaps in a future prompt...
Collectible - History Cards: With the Internet being part of our everyday life, more and more people are familiar with the origin of Nintendo being one of a card-selling company that later on turned to toys and eventually to video games. Well, I think it would be interesting to reference their past as card-makers by adding History Cards as a collectible. History Cards are, in a way, a mix between Spirits (in that they are flat images and not 3D models, perhaps the images could be custom made for Smash though) and Trophies (in that they come with a short description of the character, object, place, or whatever the heck is portrayed on them). Functionally, they would work more similarly to Trophies though, as I don't think that Spirit Matches or any equivalent would translate well to a game with a limited roster.

As for a bonus mode... I don't know, probably a sort of Multi-Man Smash with enemies instead. I don't know how it would be called, since Mob Smash is already taken and it was the perfect name, so I'd go with... Hoard Smash! Those enemies appear similarly to their counterparts in Smash Run or Subspace Emissary and might be used in other modes too!
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