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Smashboards Creates: SSB If It Was Created During the Switch Era


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2020
I’ll leave everything up until Sunday for those who want to contribute to one of the jobs below.

Job 37: Submit a Pokemon and Xenoblade Stage (please note that Gen 9 and Xenoblade Chronicles 3 are not allowed)

Job 38: Submit Movesets for Olimar and Dr. Coyle

Feel free to submit two Donkey Kong and Fire Emblem history cards

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
I do want to toss around some moveset ideas or something, but I’ve been especially busy to be doing big writeups. Sorry for my relative lack of engagement in some of the roster games this week for that reason.

Masked Borb

Smash Cadet
Jul 28, 2024
Cookie Country
Switch FC
Job 37: Pokemon Stage

S.S. Anne (Pokemon)

Since we don't have any water stages/stages with water in them yet, I'd like to suggest this here cruise ship. You'd fight on the front deck, most likely. There would be several Pokemon & Trainers just enjoying themselves in the background, and either bouncy umbrella platforms or a second front deck. And of course, water to swim in if you get knocked off of the boat.

I'll leave Xenoblade stages up to those who've played the game- (not me)

Job 38: Movesets
...I don't play Olimar. Like... at all. I'm also not a competitive player or tier wh*re, so I don't watch people play Olimar either. I've also never touched a Pikmin game, all qualities that make me the worst individual to talk about his moveset.

But someone has to suggest it. Olimar.... could keep his Ultimate moveset in tact, however it plays like.

Now, to make up for the lack of a moveset for Olimar, I've went and made one for our next original fighter: Dr. Coyle! I'm taking heavy inspiration from Min Min here, for better or for worse depending on who you ask. Let me know how I did!

Neutral Attack, Forward Tilt, Forward Aerial, Backward Aerial Neutral Special & Side Special: PUNCH. Can be angled up and down slightly. The "A" button uses the left ARM, the "B" button using the Right one.
Up Tilt: She performs two kicks upward, similar to Capt. Falcon or Sonic's.
Down Tilt: She performs a slide kick that propels her a small distance, akin to Kirby.
Dash Attack: Coyle runs and uses her ARMS to propel her forward, putting her feet in front of her for a flying kick.

Forward Smash: PUNCH... again, but charged up! Pressing B can make her use her other ARM, which can also be launched the opposite direction as well.
Up Smash: Similar to the dash attack, she uses her arm to propel her upwards as she performs a spinning scissor kick, akin to Wolf's Up Smash.
Down Smash: She'd slam her ARMs down onto the ground to attack the opponent, like Bowser Jr's wrecking balls. This move could outright bury opponents, depending on the type of ARM used.

Neutral Aerial: She swings an arm around her in a circle, like Min Min in Ult.
Up Aerial: She performs a midair bicycle kick, also like Min Min in Ult.
Down Aerial: PUNCH... but it's directed diagonally downwards.

Grab: ...she grabs you with her ARMS. What else do I say?
Pummel: She strikes you with a third ARM that comes out of one of her shoulder pads, repeatedly.
Forward Throw: She kicks the opponent away.
Back Throw: She slides the opponent onto the ground before tossing them away.
Up Throw: She tosses the opponent up with a punch from her third ARM.
Down Throw: She slams the opponent into the ground. Depending on the type of ARMS, this can bury them.

And because I can't ignore this- Double Jump: Her second jump can lead into a float, akin to Peach. Just sliiiiiightly longer than her, and she falls slightly faster than her.

Up Special: Cloak Warp. Dr. Coyle teleports in any direction for a small moment and reappears afterwards somewhere else. Most similar to Mewtwo & Palutena. If I had a nickel for everytime I made a moveset for a female character debuting in a game on the Nintendo Switch that JUST SO HAPPENED to be able to teleport, I'd have two nickels. It isn't a lot, but it's strange that I saw it twice.
Down Special: Cellspawn. Dr. Coyle spawns a single Cell enemy in front of her to do her bidding, acting like the Toads in my Peach moveset from earlier. They all use special Dr. Coyle-branded Bubb arms, and do half of the damage of a standard Punch from Dr. Coyle's default ARMS. Speaking of which...

SHEILD Special: Yes. Just like Inkling, Dr. Coyle gets a gimmick tied to her shielding. I wanted to make room for the Down Special idea I had. By shielding and pressing the A or B buttons, Dr. Coyle gets to rotate between three sets of ARMS! Each one having slightly different properties.

(Default) Lokjaw ARM: Most similar in size and power as Min Min's Megawatt. When used in a Smash attack, it'll explode once it makes contact with a fighter. Her third ARM is stuck as a Lokjaw, no matter the rotation. These ARMS are the ones that bury the opponent.
(After rotating once) Parabola ARM: A parasol/umbrella that can poke & push the opponent away. It does the least damage normally, but it can bounce opponents away better than the others. Used in a Smash attack, it bursts into electric sparks that shock the opponent away.
(After rotating twice) Brrchuck ARM: These Nunchuck-weilding ARMs do less damage than the Lokjaw ARMs, but more than the Parabola ARMs. The nunchucks aren't used normally, but saved for the Forward Smash, in which they are sent at the opponent like a whip and are sent flying. There's a possibility that the Smash attack can freeze the opponent, however.

Final Smash: Hedlok Rush. Dr. Coyle summons her masterpiece, the Hedlok mask. It summons a pair of two more ARMS, varying depending on the pair of ARMs Coyle has out herself. All 7 of them are used to pummel the opponent with many rapid strikes, before performing one last hit with a Lokjaw ARM exploding the opponent away!

History Cards:
Funky Kong (Donkey Kong)
Rambi, Expresso, Squawks, Enguarde, & Winky - "Animal Friends" (Donkey Kong)

Seteth & Flayn (Fire Emblem)
Sothis (Fire Emblem)
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Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
Since we don't have any water stages/stages with water in them yet, I'd like to suggest this here cruise ship.
We actually have Dodo Airlines, the Animal Crossing stage! But a cruise ship would offer a different flavor, anyway.

Job 37: Pallet Town (Pokemon: Let's Go!)

I understand the desire to represent a bit more of a diverse spread of Pokemon content, but after all... the character we chose is centered around Kanto. So I'm going to throw my nomination toward Pallet Town, a medium large stage where you can fight on top of the buildings or make your way down to the shrubbery. In the background a variety of Pokemon emerge from the bushes for cute cameo appearances. We don't have a traditional "town" stage yet, so I think it'd be a fitting choice and could take some light inspiration from our own Smash's Saffron City rooftop layout.

Job 38: Looks like Masked Borb did a nice job with Dr. Coyle, so I'm not gonna contest that one. Maybe a bit more complex than I'd have suggested but I don't have much else to contribute. I do however strongly believe Olimar should not play the same as he does in Smash Ultimate.

:ultolimar: - I'm not going to lay out a full on moveset, but in my opinion Olimar is not a great design in Smash. You are not punished enough for losing Pikmin, and the gameplay often feels a bit airheaded as a result. So my pitch is to make Olimar more definitively a resource management character.

Just under Brawl level, I believe Olimar should possess five Pikmin - allowing you to start with one of each default type. Their functions and strengths remain pretty similar to how it is in Smash, but elevated a tad because we want each Pikmin to feel like a more valuable resource. Mind you, they are not quite as damning to lose as Luma or Nana. You can still pluck more once you've lost one. But plucking a Pikmin will be more of a commitment, and put Olimar in a vulnerable state as he strains himself to tug it out of the ground Perhaps in the process you can select which Pikmin you want to pluck as well, via a graphic not unlike Shulk's Monado Arts above his head by holding down the action button.

Throwing Pikmin will grant you more range of action. Like in the actual games, there is a reticle that maps out your throw trajectory and you can continue to aim by holding down side special input. Upon release Olimar will toss the Pikmin, and this plays out about the same as it usually does. Down Special is still Olimar's whistle. And outside of more dynamic, clear animations his normals don't have that much reason to change. For Up Special I'm almost inclined to bring back Pikmin Chain. It's an odd, unreliable recovery but maybe it can have a bit more of a magnetic ledge grab quality here. I think it feels more suited to his gameplay with more Pikmin in tow, incentivizing you to keep a full team on hand and not get too ballsy offstage if you don't have backup. I want to incorporate Winged and Rock Pikmin, but for this purpose it may be better to simply stick with the basics. I don't want to get too ambitious beyond the level of a Brawl moveset... already pushing things with that Neutral B menu.

In a game that I personally feel should value more simplicity, I believe Olimar justifies being one of the weirdo characters. Making him a high execution resource character just feels right... I suppose this is already what he is, but I feel as if Smash dumbs him down a bit more than necessary.

History Cards:
- Lanky Kong, Kong's Banana Hoard
:Edelgard: - Anna, Ike
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Smash Champion
Oct 14, 2016
Lental Region (Pokemon)

From New Pokemon Snap. Might be too new being released early the same year but will give it a shot anyway. Will be similar to spirit train with you traveling on platforms around the Neo-One. Occasionally a Pokemon in the background may interactive the stage & cause a mild transformation or status effect to anyone caught in an area near them.

Cloudsea of Alrest

Thought about a couple other ideas (Uraya in particular) but this as is is probably the best choice.

History Cards
Fire Emblem - Lyn & Yuri
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Smash Champion
Jul 1, 2023
Olimar Moveset
Works pretty similar to his previous moveset, but he can now have up to 5 Pikmin out a time. His specials are now slightly switched. Neutral B is Pikmin Order. Down B is Pikmin pluck. He can now also pluck Ice Pikmin, which freeze opponents, and very rarely Rock Pikmin, which act as a rare spike. Side Special is still toss. Up special is Winged Pikmin. Final smash is the same but features varied enemy types and updated animation.

DK Trophies
Cranky Kong (Donkey Kong)
Tiki Tong (Donkey Kong)

Marth (Fire Emblem)
Dorothea (Fire Emblem)
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Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2015
Pokémon Stage: Indigo Plateau

This stage follows the caveats of most classic "Pokemon Stadium-esque" stages in the Smash series, in that it starts off quite simple, with the two platform layout we all know and ove, but then quickly devolves into a bit of a more difficult stage, thanks to the four forms it can change into. Each form is meant to represent one of the Elite Four of Kanto and they will appear in the background, along with some Pokemon.
  • Ice -- Lorelei: The Ice-type transformation is probably the most straightforward one in terms of concept: the battlefield is covered in ice and it gets very slippery. The general layout of the stage doesn't change much, but the two platforms are now a bit longer and in a slope, making them slippery even when standing still. Lorelei appears in the background, along with Lapras, Froslass, Cubchoo, and Zen Form Galarian Darmanitan
  • Fighting -- Bruno: The Fighting-type transformation becomes a flat, dojo-like stage with two mannequins which spin if hit. These mannequins will hit anybody nearby if they spin, dealing high damage and knockback (akin to the checkpoints in Green Hill Zone). Bruno appears in the background, along with Machamp, Riolu, Falinks, and Mienshao
  • Ghost -- Agatha: The Ghost-type transformation has the screen suddenly becoming very dark. It is not as dark as when Nightmare appears as an Assist Trophy, as a reference, but it is still quite hard to see the game. However, some spectral candles appear, casting an eerie, yet bright, light nearby. The layout gets a bit more complex, with a couple more platforms appearing and all four platforms float around, moving in a broadly predictable pattern (though there is some variance). To make things more spicy, only two of these moving platforms have candles attached to them, making it even harder to track down the remaining two (which are occasionally seen if they float close enough to some candles). Agatha appears in the background along with Gengar, Dusknoir, Dragapult, and Misdreavus
  • Dragon -- Lance: The Dragon-type transformation looks like a temple with a more intricate layout in terms of platforms, adding several of them. This variation doesn't have any hazard, as it is meant to be the more "fair and square" type of battlefield, reflecting Lance's hero-like status in the games. Lance himself appears in the background along with Dragonite, Charizard (had to throw it somewhere), Kingdra, and Axew.

Olimar's Moveset
So for Olimar's moveset I decided to do something a bit weird. I know there is nothing inherently wrong in his moves and indeed I'd keep most of the normals, aerial, and Smash attacks untouched. However, I'd greatly change his gimmick: Now for Olimar's Neutral Special, he pulls up a wheel with Red, Yellow, and Blue Pikmin. He can choose which type of Pikmin he wants out at once, but he can only have one type only. Each type of Pikmin has 5 Pikmin to begin with and it cannot be raised above this threshold. Pikmins now are much more resilient, but once they are gone Olimar takes much more time to pluck a new Pikmin (using Shield + Special this time), making this act a very committal one. With that being said, Pikmin do grow stronger the more they stay out, represented by their antenna having a leaf, a bud, or a flower. Current Pikmin in Smash are roughly equivalent to Bud Pikmin. The three Pikmin types have slightly different stats:
  • Red Pikmin are the strongest, but they have also the lowest health and fly the shortest while tossed. Uniquely, they are immune to fire-based attacks.
  • Yellow Pikmin deal the lowest damage, but they can be flung the farthest and have overall the longest reach out of all the Pikmin in Olimar's kit (even if it is by a small amount).
  • Blue Pikmin are balanced in terms of damage they deal, but have the highest HP pool and are the most effective when it comes to grabbing and throwing enemies. They don't die in water too!
Also, for fun, let's allow Pikmin to carry items back to Olimar (I don't know if they can do that in Smash already).
Now the focus on the game shifts from mindlessly using Pikmin and disposables to strategically choose which Pikmin type you want out, especially because they grow stronger. I took some creative liberty and I limited myself to Red/Yellow/Blue Pikmin because I think that Pikmin 2's Purple and White Pikmin might no longer be relevant and I can see Alph being one of the four clones we have, so I wanted to stray away from Winged and Rock Pikmin.

Oh, crap, speaking of Winged Pikmin... Yeah, Olimar's Up Special now is his Jetpack Flight from Hey! Pikmin. It behaves similarly to R.O.B.'s Up Special and Pikmin cling onto Olimar without weighing him down (would go completely against the philosophy of Olimar)

Dr. Coyle's Moveset
Well, Dr. Coyle is arguably the most complex ARMS character in that game, being able to float and to grow an additional ARM. I don't intend to fully make use of those abilities, since it would make fighting against her a hell, but I simply intend to reference them in her moveset, one way or the other.
For starters, Dr. Coyle is a heavyweight with floaty movement in midair, having very high jumps but possibly the lowest falling speed in the game and rather low air speed to boot. Along with that, she is quite slow while moving on the ground, despite floating for both her walk and dash.
Much like Min Min, Dr. Coyle can have two different ARMS for her left and right hands. Her left ARM is always Lockjaw, while her right ARM can change between Lockjaw, Parabola, and Brrchuk.
  • Jab: Unlike Min Min, Dr. Coyle only has the "light" jab, if you will. Her "heavy" jab is moved to Side Tilt. Anyway, Dr. Coyle's jab consists in her quickly pulling out the third ARM (which always appears on top of her left shoulder and as a Lockjaw ARM). Lockjaw will open its mouth and bite several times before exploding one point blank blast of energy.
  • Side tilt: Dr. Coyle punches straight using her left ARM. It can be curved up or down slightly and since it always uses Lockjaw, holding it down causes a small blast to appear, slightly increasing its range.
  • Up tilt: Dr. Coyle grows the additional ARM which hits above her in an arc.
  • Down tilt: Dr. Coyle pokes forward with her leg, hitting with an electric heel.
  • Dash attack: Dr. Coyle covers herself in electricity while lunging forward. A multi-hit dash attack that launches foes away on the last hit.
  • Side: I think you know where this is going. Similarly to her Side Tilt, Dr. Coyle heavily punches forward with her left ARM. Again, being Lockjaw, it can release a blast of energy.
  • Up: Dr. Coyle spins her left ARM above her head, kind of like Byleth's Up Smash.
  • Down: Dr. Coyle slams both ARMS on the ground, kind of like Bowser Jr.'s Down Smash. Despite making use of both her left and right ARM, this move won't change its effect based on the right ARM in play.
  • Neutral: Similarly to Mewtwo, Dr. Coyle hits around herself with electricity coming out of her body.
  • Forward/Back: Same as Min Min's respective aerials, just executed with Dr. Coyle's left ARM and using Lockjaw. Keep the property of being usable as aerial Smash attacks.
  • Up: An aerial bicycle kick. Dr. Coyle has surprisingly long legs, I have to say.
  • Down: Dr. Coyle grows Lockjaw out of her shoulder and punches straight down. A powerful spike, but a very slow move with limited range. Also, it cannot release a blast out of Lockjaw.
  • Grab: Pretty straightforward, Dr. Coyle extends her ARMS to grab the opponent.
  • Pummel: Dr. Coyle grows the extra ARM which hits the opponent by biting them.
  • Forward: Dr. Coyle traps the opponent into an explosive sphere before punching them diagonally up and forward.
  • Back: Dr. Coyle flings the opponent back with both ARMS.
  • Up: Dr. Coyle uppercuts the opponent twice.
  • Down: Dr. Coyle jumps high in midair while holding the opponent, slamming them onto the ground.
As a side note, all these throws are inspired by a throw performed by an actual ARMS character, in order: Dr. Coyle (duh), Ribbon Girl, Spring Man, and Master Mummy.

  • Neutral/Side -- Punch: I think this is pretty straightforward. It is Dr. Coyle's forward tilt/Smash/aerial but with her right ARM. And this ARM can use multiple weapons:
    • Lockjaw: Similarly to her default left ARM, Lockjaw can release a blast at point blank at the maximum distance.
    • Parabola: It goes unfazed through weaker projectiles. Other ARMS simply collide with them and stop traveling.
    • Brrchuk: It has wider range than the other two arms and the outer hitbox can freeze opponents if their damage is high enough.
  • Up -- ARMS Jump: Both on the ground and in midair it is similar to the grounded version of Min Min's Up Special.
  • Down -- ARMS Switch: Changes Dr. Coyle's right ARM. The order is Parabola -> Brrchuk -> Lockjaw.
  • Final Smash -- ARMS Rush: Similar to the super move from ARMS, Dr. Coyle throws a flurry of fists forward which only connects if the first hit connected. To add a bit of flavor, Headlock appears on Dr. Coyle's head to boost her damage. Yeah, I know it is exactly the same as Masked Borb's Final Smash, but it worked very well and it was an idea I already had, so...

Side Order: DK History Cards
DK Barrel
Dixie Kong

Side Order: Fire Emblem History Cards
Units' Classes 1 (Mercenary, Mage, Fighter, Knight, Cavalier, Archer, Pegasus Knight)
Units' Classes 2 (Myrmidon, Hunter, Priest, Dark Mage, Soldier, Brigand, Dragon Knight)
These history cards would essentially be like the Kirby Copy Ability trophy series from Melee, briefly outlining a handful of Fire Emblem classes.


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2020
Smash Adventure is our next gamemode.

Here are the boss votes
Giga Bowser 9
Bahamut/Drakhon 15
Dragaux 6
Calamity Ganon 14
Giganitimax Charizard 3
Ridley/Meta Ridley 1

Bahamut/Drakhon and Calmity Ganon are the first bosses.

Here are the nominations

Pupp135 Pupp135 Pokemon Tower
BritishGuy54 BritishGuy54 Galar Stadium
Northsouthmap Northsouthmap Wild Area
Masked Borb Masked Borb S. S. Anne
Louie G. Louie G. Pallet Town
nirvanafan nirvanafan Lental Region
LoZ00 LoZ00 Indigo Plateau

Vote for your three most wanted, where yours is not first.

Pupp135 Pupp135 Fonsett Island
BritishGuy54 BritishGuy54 World Tree
Northsouthmap Northsouthmap / nirvanafan nirvanafan Cloud Sea

Vote for your two most wanted, where yours is not first.

1. Galar Stadium
2. Pallet Town
3. Pokemon Tower

1. World Tree
2. Fonsett Island

Job 38: Movesets
...I don't play Olimar. Like... at all. I'm also not a competitive player or tier wh*re, so I don't watch people play Olimar either. I've also never touched a Pikmin game, all qualities that make me the worst individual to talk about his moveset.

But someone has to suggest it. Olimar.... could keep his Ultimate moveset in tact, however it plays like.

Job 38: Looks like Masked Borb did a nice job with Dr. Coyle, so I'm not gonna contest that one. Maybe a bit more complex than I'd have suggested but I don't have much else to contribute. I do however strongly believe Olimar should not play the same as he does in Smash Ultimate.

:ultolimar: - I'm not going to lay out a full on moveset, but in my opinion Olimar is not a great design in Smash. You are not punished enough for losing Pikmin, and the gameplay often feels a bit airheaded as a result. So my pitch is to make Olimar more definitively a resource management character.

Just under Brawl level, I believe Olimar should possess five Pikmin - allowing you to start with one of each default type. Their functions and strengths remain pretty similar to how it is in Smash, but elevated a tad because we want each Pikmin to feel like a more valuable resource. Mind you, they are not quite as damning to lose as Luma or Nana. You can still pluck more once you've lost one. But plucking a Pikmin will be more of a commitment, and put Olimar in a vulnerable state as he strains himself to tug it out of the ground Perhaps in the process you can select which Pikmin you want to pluck as well, via a graphic not unlike Shulk's Monado Arts above his head by holding down the action button.

Throwing Pikmin will grant you more range of action. Like in the actual games, there is a reticle that maps out your throw trajectory and you can continue to aim by holding down side special input. Upon release Olimar will toss the Pikmin, and this plays out about the same as it usually does. Down Special is still Olimar's whistle. And outside of more dynamic, clear animations his normals don't have that much reason to change. For Up Special I'm almost inclined to bring back Pikmin Chain. It's an odd, unreliable recovery but maybe it can have a bit more of a magnetic ledge grab quality here. I think it feels more suited to his gameplay with more Pikmin in tow, incentivizing you to keep a full team on hand and not get too ballsy offstage if you don't have backup. I want to incorporate Winged and Rock Pikmin, but for this purpose it may be better to simply stick with the basics. I don't want to get too ambitious beyond the level of a Brawl moveset... already pushing things with that Neutral B menu.

In a game that I personally feel should value more simplicity, I believe Olimar justifies being one of the weirdo characters. Making him a high execution resource character just feels right... I suppose this is already what he is, but I feel as if Smash dumbs him down a bit more than necessary.
Works pretty similar to his previous moveset, but he can now have up to 5 Pikmin out a time. His specials are now slightly switched. Neutral B is Pikmin Order. Down B is Pikmin pluck. He can now also pluck Ice Pikmin, which freeze opponents, and very rarely Rock Pikmin, which act as a rare spike. Side Special is still toss. Up special is Winged Pikmin. Final smash is the same but features varied enemy types and updated animation.
Spoiler: Olimar's moveset So for Olimar's moveset I decided to do something a bit weird. I know there is nothing inherently wrong in his moves and indeed I'd keep most of the normals, aerial, and Smash attacks untouched. However, I'd greatly change his gimmick: Now for Olimar's Neutral Special, he pulls up a wheel with Red, Yellow, and Blue Pikmin. He can choose which type of Pikmin he wants out at once, but he can only have one type only. Each type of Pikmin has 5 Pikmin to begin with and it cannot be raised above this threshold. Pikmins now are much more resilient, but once they are gone Olimar takes much more time to pluck a new Pikmin (using Shield + Special this time), making this act a very committal one. With that being said, Pikmin do grow stronger the more they stay out, represented by their antenna having a leaf, a bud, or a flower. Current Pikmin in Smash are roughly equivalent to Bud Pikmin. The three Pikmin types have slightly different stats:
  • Red Pikmin are the strongest, but they have also the lowest health and fly the shortest while tossed. Uniquely, they are immune to fire-based attacks.
  • Yellow Pikmin deal the lowest damage, but they can be flung the farthest and have overall the longest reach out of all the Pikmin in Olimar's kit (even if it is by a small amount).
  • Blue Pikmin are balanced in terms of damage they deal, but have the highest HP pool and are the most effective when it comes to grabbing and throwing enemies. They don't die in water too!
Also, for fun, let's allow Pikmin to carry items back to Olimar (I don't know if they can do that in Smash already).
Now the focus on the game shifts from mindlessly using Pikmin and disposables to strategically choose which Pikmin type you want out, especially because they grow stronger. I took some creative liberty and I limited myself to Red/Yellow/Blue Pikmin because I think that Pikmin 2's Purple and White Pikmin might no longer be relevant and I can see Alph being one of the four clones we have, so I wanted to stray away from Winged and Rock Pikmin.

Oh, crap, speaking of Winged Pikmin... Yeah, Olimar's Up Special now is his Jetpack Flight from Hey! Pikmin. It behaves similarly to R.O.B.'s Up Special and Pikmin cling onto Olimar without weighing him down (would go completely against the philosophy of Olimar)
Vote for your three most wanted, where yours is not first.
1. Louie G.
2. LoZ00
3. Darkvortex

Dr. Coyle
Now, to make up for the lack of a moveset for Olimar, I've went and made one for our next original fighter: Dr. Coyle! I'm taking heavy inspiration from Min Min here, for better or for worse depending on who you ask. Let me know how I did!

Neutral Attack, Forward Tilt, Forward Aerial, Backward Aerial Neutral Special & Side Special: PUNCH. Can be angled up and down slightly. The "A" button uses the left ARM, the "B" button using the Right one.
Up Tilt: She performs two kicks upward, similar to Capt. Falcon or Sonic's.
Down Tilt: She performs a slide kick that propels her a small distance, akin to Kirby.
Dash Attack: Coyle runs and uses her ARMS to propel her forward, putting her feet in front of her for a flying kick.

Forward Smash: PUNCH... again, but charged up! Pressing B can make her use her other ARM, which can also be launched the opposite direction as well.
Up Smash: Similar to the dash attack, she uses her arm to propel her upwards as she performs a spinning scissor kick, akin to Wolf's Up Smash.
Down Smash: She'd slam her ARMs down onto the ground to attack the opponent, like Bowser Jr's wrecking balls. This move could outright bury opponents, depending on the type of ARM used.

Neutral Aerial: She swings an arm around her in a circle, like Min Min in Ult.
Up Aerial: She performs a midair bicycle kick, also like Min Min in Ult.
Down Aerial: PUNCH... but it's directed diagonally downwards.

Grab: ...she grabs you with her ARMS. What else do I say?
Pummel: She strikes you with a third ARM that comes out of one of her shoulder pads, repeatedly.
Forward Throw: She kicks the opponent away.
Back Throw: She slides the opponent onto the ground before tossing them away.
Up Throw: She tosses the opponent up with a punch from her third ARM.
Down Throw: She slams the opponent into the ground. Depending on the type of ARMS, this can bury them.

And because I can't ignore this- Double Jump: Her second jump can lead into a float, akin to Peach. Just sliiiiiightly longer than her, and she falls slightly faster than her.

Up Special: Cloak Warp. Dr. Coyle teleports in any direction for a small moment and reappears afterwards somewhere else. Most similar to Mewtwo & Palutena. If I had a nickel for everytime I made a moveset for a female character debuting in a game on the Nintendo Switch that JUST SO HAPPENED to be able to teleport, I'd have two nickels. It isn't a lot, but it's strange that I saw it twice.
Down Special: Cellspawn. Dr. Coyle spawns a single Cell enemy in front of her to do her bidding, acting like the Toads in my Peach moveset from earlier. They all use special Dr. Coyle-branded Bubb arms, and do half of the damage of a standard Punch from Dr. Coyle's default ARMS. Speaking of which...

SHEILD Special: Yes. Just like Inkling, Dr. Coyle gets a gimmick tied to her shielding. I wanted to make room for the Down Special idea I had. By shielding and pressing the A or B buttons, Dr. Coyle gets to rotate between three sets of ARMS! Each one having slightly different properties.

(Default) Lokjaw ARM: Most similar in size and power as Min Min's Megawatt. When used in a Smash attack, it'll explode once it makes contact with a fighter. Her third ARM is stuck as a Lokjaw, no matter the rotation. These ARMS are the ones that bury the opponent.
(After rotating once) Parabola ARM: A parasol/umbrella that can poke & push the opponent away. It does the least damage normally, but it can bounce opponents away better than the others. Used in a Smash attack, it bursts into electric sparks that shock the opponent away.
(After rotating twice) Brrchuck ARM: These Nunchuck-weilding ARMs do less damage than the Lokjaw ARMs, but more than the Parabola ARMs. The nunchucks aren't used normally, but saved for the Forward Smash, in which they are sent at the opponent like a whip and are sent flying. There's a possibility that the Smash attack can freeze the opponent, however.

Final Smash: Hedlok Rush. Dr. Coyle summons her masterpiece, the Hedlok mask. It summons a pair of two more ARMS, varying depending on the pair of ARMs Coyle has out herself. All 7 of them are used to pummel the opponent with many rapid strikes, before performing one last hit with a Lokjaw ARM exploding the opponent away!
Spoiler: Dr. Coyle's moveset Well, Dr. Coyle is arguably the most complex ARMS character in that game, being able to float and to grow an additional ARM. I don't intend to fully make use of those abilities, since it would make fighting against her a hell, but I simply intend to reference them in her moveset, one way or the other.
For starters, Dr. Coyle is a heavyweight with floaty movement in midair, having very high jumps but possibly the lowest falling speed in the game and rather low air speed to boot. Along with that, she is quite slow while moving on the ground, despite floating for both her walk and dash.
Much like Min Min, Dr. Coyle can have two different ARMS for her left and right hands. Her left ARM is always Lockjaw, while her right ARM can change between Lockjaw, Parabola, and Brrchuk.
  • Jab: Unlike Min Min, Dr. Coyle only has the "light" jab, if you will. Her "heavy" jab is moved to Side Tilt. Anyway, Dr. Coyle's jab consists in her quickly pulling out the third ARM (which always appears on top of her left shoulder and as a Lockjaw ARM). Lockjaw will open its mouth and bite several times before exploding one point blank blast of energy.
  • Side tilt: Dr. Coyle punches straight using her left ARM. It can be curved up or down slightly and since it always uses Lockjaw, holding it down causes a small blast to appear, slightly increasing its range.
  • Up tilt: Dr. Coyle grows the additional ARM which hits above her in an arc.
  • Down tilt: Dr. Coyle pokes forward with her leg, hitting with an electric heel.
  • Dash attack: Dr. Coyle covers herself in electricity while lunging forward. A multi-hit dash attack that launches foes away on the last hit.
  • Side: I think you know where this is going. Similarly to her Side Tilt, Dr. Coyle heavily punches forward with her left ARM. Again, being Lockjaw, it can release a blast of energy.
  • Up: Dr. Coyle spins her left ARM above her head, kind of like Byleth's Up Smash.
  • Down: Dr. Coyle slams both ARMS on the ground, kind of like Bowser Jr.'s Down Smash. Despite making use of both her left and right ARM, this move won't change its effect based on the right ARM in play.
  • Neutral: Similarly to Mewtwo, Dr. Coyle hits around herself with electricity coming out of her body.
  • Forward/Back: Same as Min Min's respective aerials, just executed with Dr. Coyle's left ARM and using Lockjaw. Keep the property of being usable as aerial Smash attacks.
  • Up: An aerial bicycle kick. Dr. Coyle has surprisingly long legs, I have to say.
  • Down: Dr. Coyle grows Lockjaw out of her shoulder and punches straight down. A powerful spike, but a very slow move with limited range. Also, it cannot release a blast out of Lockjaw.
  • Grab: Pretty straightforward, Dr. Coyle extends her ARMS to grab the opponent.
  • Pummel: Dr. Coyle grows the extra ARM which hits the opponent by biting them.
  • Forward: Dr. Coyle traps the opponent into an explosive sphere before punching them diagonally up and forward.
  • Back: Dr. Coyle flings the opponent back with both ARMS.
  • Up: Dr. Coyle uppercuts the opponent twice.
  • Down: Dr. Coyle jumps high in midair while holding the opponent, slamming them onto the ground.
As a side note, all these throws are inspired by a throw performed by an actual ARMS character, in order: Dr. Coyle (duh), Ribbon Girl, Spring Man, and Master Mummy.

  • Neutral/Side -- Punch: I think this is pretty straightforward. It is Dr. Coyle's forward tilt/Smash/aerial but with her right ARM. And this ARM can use multiple weapons:
    • Lockjaw: Similarly to her default left ARM, Lockjaw can release a blast at point blank at the maximum distance.
    • Parabola: It goes unfazed through weaker projectiles. Other ARMS simply collide with them and stop traveling.
    • Brrchuk: It has wider range than the other two arms and the outer hitbox can freeze opponents if their damage is high enough.
  • Up -- ARMS Jump: Both on the ground and in midair it is similar to the grounded version of Min Min's Up Special.
  • Down -- ARMS Switch: Changes Dr. Coyle's right ARM. The order is Parabola -> Brrchuk -> Lockjaw.
  • Final Smash -- ARMS Rush: Similar to the super move from ARMS, Dr. Coyle throws a flurry of fists forward which only connects if the first hit connected. To add a bit of flavor, Headlock appears on Dr. Coyle's head to boost her damage. Yeah, I know it is exactly the same as Masked Borb's Final Smash, but it worked very well and it was an idea I already had, so...
Here is a poll to vote between the two movesets.
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Smash Champion
Oct 14, 2016
1 World Tree
2 Cloud Sea (guess i should have submitted Uraya, missed that Northsouthmap already submitted this one, oh well)

1 Pallet Town
2 Lental Region
3 Galar Stadium

Masked Borb

Smash Cadet
Jul 28, 2024
Cookie Country
Switch FC
1. Galar Stadium
2. S.S. Anne
3. Pallet Town

1. Cloud Sea
2. World Tree

Olimar's Movesets:
1. Louie G.
2. LoZ00
3. Darkvortex

Mostly random moveset ranking, unfortunately-


Smash Champion
Apr 11, 2022
1. Galar Stadium
2. Pallet Town
3. Lentai Region

1. World Tree
2. Cloud Sea

1. Darkvortex
2. LoZ00
3. Louie G.


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2020
Here are the votes:

Pokemon Tower 1
Galar Stadium 12
Wild Area
S. S. Anne 2
Pallet Town 9
Lental Region 6
Indigo Plateau

Galar Stadium is our first Pokemon stage.

Fonsett Island 1
World Tree 8
Cloud Sea 6

World Tree is the first Xenoblade map.

Olimar Moveset
Masked Borb Masked Borb
Louie G. Louie G. 7
D darkvortex 5
LoZ00 LoZ00 6

Louie G.’s Olimar Moveset will be used.

Masked Borb Masked Borb ’s Dr. Coyle moveset will be used.

Before we go into the next job, I’d like to do a check-in on the game so far. How does everyone like the character, stage, item, boss, and game mode selections so far? What do you like so far, and what would you like to have seen differently? For upcoming jobs, what types of content do you hope or want to see?

Fighters: I like the selection that we have so far. Barring Ring Fit Adventure, all of the major Switch IPs have a playable fighter on the roster so far. Even if some of them wouldn’t be my first choice, I think having characters like Edelgard and Dr. Coyle make the roster interesting. Also, I think the Let’s Go Pokemon Trainer was a cool idea despite the two transforming fighters (personally, Pokemon Trainer and Aegis are the best ideas for transforming fighters even though I thought Zelda/Sheik was cool in Melee and Brawl). Another thing thst I really liked with our roster so far is the even gender distribution, which is something that the mainline series has struggled with. In terms of fighters to add, I expect Luigi and Princess Zelda making it at the bare minimum. For other side characters, I could see Yoshi (if he counts), Wario (if he counts), Ganondorf, King Dedede, and Charizard being potential fighters, but I think that a second Fire Emblem fighter (my bias says something like Robin or Celica, but Byleth, Dimitri, Lyn, Lucina, or Chrom would also be strong additions), Villager, Tom Nook, Shulk, a Pop Idol Duo, or DJ Octavio would also be strong additions. For characters from series not on the roster so far, Mii Fighters and Ring Fit Trainee are the most relevant ones not on the roster yet, but I could see a more dormant fighter like Ness, Fox, or Little Mac making the cut.

In terms of clone characters, Octoling and Daisy feel like easy choices, and I‘m open to having multiple Links.

I don’t have much to say about the other forms of content except for liking it so far.
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Masked Borb

Smash Cadet
Jul 28, 2024
Cookie Country
Switch FC
Check In Time!
I personally have no gripes with who and what has been added in so far. If I were to choose a main out of the bunch we've got, it would probably be Bowser, lol-


Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2020
Check-In: I think we made the right calls in prioritising Switch era characters and evergreen characters here.

I feel like sooner or later, Luigi, Yoshi, Zelda, King Dedede, and another FE character will get into the base roster. Ganon(dorf), Shulk, and Wario could be in either the base roster or DLC, as I think these three could be the ones left out due to space.

In terms of clone/semi-clone potential, my eyes are currently drawn to Luigi, Daisy, Tom Nook, a Pikmin 3 captain, and Octoling. Things might change, and we might see unexpected clone choices get in akin to Melee’s actual clones, like a Dr. Mario or Ganondorf.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2015
Characters: So far I think we have done a tremendous job when it comes to represent various areas of Nintendo's library, especially during the Switch era. We got all the most important IPs covered and honestly, on top of Mii and perhaps one or two more obscure/retro picks, I think we should be good to go and start focusing on double dipping already representing franchises. Zelda, Luigi, King Dedede, one between Wario and Yoshi, another Pokémon, all these choices seem sensible. But staying on the topic of characters we have actually chosen, I really like most of them: along with obvious candidates like Mario, Samus, Link, Inkling, and Kirby, we have thrown in some curveballs such as Edelgard, Dr. Coyle, and Pokémon Trainer (although I must admit I am not a huge fan of this choice specifically). I am also super excited for clones, I think Luigi is the most obvious choice in that regard, but there are definitely a few more names I can think of on top of my head.

Stages: I mean, the selection so far seems fine, although I hope we will branch out a bit more from the NASB philosophy of having one character/one stage. I don't really like it for Nintendo especially and I would love to add stages from series with no fighters, it is one of my favorite aspects of the stage selection. Other than that, yeah, the stages we chose seem cool, I just want a Mushroom Kingdom thrown in somehow.

In general, my idea and what I'd like to see from this topic is to stray a bit away from the OT Super Smash Bros. series, trying to build something "unique" that still feels sensible.


Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2020
Pangaea, 250 MYA
I've been mulling over the concept of a Switch-centric Smash game for a while. Smash games are usually a snapshot of what's going on in the current console generation, but Ultimate's big focus on veterans, ballot picks, and third-parties shifted it into a different sort of crossover. Which isn't inherently bad, mind you, but I'm still curious as to what an actual Switch-based Smash game would be like. I'll be sure to pitch in when the next jobs start up.


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2020
I’ll go to our next jobs now.

Job 39: Submit a Fighter from a Represented Franchise
Super Mario
Donkey Kong
Legend of Zelda
Fire Emblem
Animal Crossing
Player 1 NH.pngPlayer 6 NH.png
I’ll nominate the Villager from Animal Crossing as Animal Crossing is one of Nintendo’s core franchises, and (s)he is one of the few crossover characters in Mario Kart 8.

Job 40: Submit an Assist Trophy from a Represented Franchise
Super Mario
Donkey Kong
Legend of Zelda
Fire Emblem
Animal Crossing
Callie and Marie.png
I’ll nominate Squid Sisters, who would operate like in Ultimate.

For fun submit an item, and submit up to two history cards for Pikmin and ARMS.
I’ll submit the Deku Nut, which would work like in the real games.

Emperor Bulbax

Min Min
Max Brass
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Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2020
Job 39: Yoshi (Super Mario)

Everyone loves Yoshi. I think Yoshi would make a good addition, while we could leave Luigi to be a clone later on. And he’s not representing his own series here, instead just a part of the Mario series.

Job 40: Nia (Xenoblade Chronicles)

I think it’d be neat.


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2021
I want to comment the post about what i'm thinking about the Switch-centric roster,the roster i think that is a mess,some characters as Dr. Coyle over Min Min or Spring Man, Eldelgard over Byleth or Marth and Pyra & Mythra over Rex or Shulk are bad options,the stages are okay and the bosses are good options

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
Before we go into the next job, I’d like to do a check-in on the game so far.
I missed out so I'm gonna chime in on this now. I think the roster is coming along nicely, with some slightly more contentious choices peppered in.

The spread of series looks about right. I think some of us are underselling Star Fox, but I suppose I won't kick and scream if Fox is neglected. Nearly every prominent, active Nintendo series is accounted for and I do think we can be more comfortable in adding supporting characters now. I would also like a throwback character of some kind - the one thing I'm hoping is that people aren't taking the "Switch" part too literally. This can be a Switch game and still celebrate the entirety of Nintendo history. We're just assuming Smash started here, but it doesn't mean its values are exclusive to a single generation.

I appreciate how much we've let ourselves deviate from expectation. I do not think this roster is a mess. Edelgard is a popular and flavorful pull from Fire Emblem, although I'll admit it might be a good idea to add a more standardized swordsman alongside her. Dr. Coyle is still not really my first ARMS pick, but I like her. This is an instance where people just seemed so pumped about the idea that the creativity was infectious. Personally I think a simpler, more mechanically straightforward ARMS character is the way to go but Coyle is just cool. So nothing too major there but I still personally liked the idea of Helix.

I'm a bit iffy on Pyra and Mythra. They're fine additions, but I do think we could have just got away with Shulk first. Really a matter of preference here but I had wanted to explore another stance change concept that I've pretty much lost interest in now. Not exclusively Pythra's fault though, because we added another swap character in the process who I am a bit more critical of. I think Pokemon Trainer is a good concept. But adding it at the same time as Pyra and Mythra revealed a problem to me, that I don't like what can be perceived as "cheating" roster slots with team ups and swap characters. One of these characters is fine, but reaching two is a bit disappointing to me especially since the aforementioned concept (spoiler, would have been Squid Sisters or Off the Hook) has even less justification for existing. At least we're doing something different with Pokemon Trainer, in theory I actually think it's neat to add them over Pikachu as well, but now there's just kind of a stain in the roster's authenticity for me if we've over-relied on these kind of characters. I dunno, pet peeve.

All in all though I'm maybe 75% satisfied so far. I'm curious what other unique ideas we can provide to give this roster its own distinct identity, which is in my opinion the whole point of doing this game. The reason I roll my eyes at the assertion that Min Min or Byleth would be totally better is because that's just us repeating what already happened. This is the opportunity for us to flex our creativity a bit. If we can justifiably do something fresh then let's do it.
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Masked Borb

Smash Cadet
Jul 28, 2024
Cookie Country
Switch FC
Job 39:
King Dedede (Kirby)

Based on my name & pfp, you would think Meta Knight would be the next Kirby fighter I would suggest. Buuuuuut nope. He's seen as one of the few heavyweights, hammer-wielders, AND """Villain""" characters we could add to the roster (erm achtually, not technically a villain anymore but whatev-). Plus, I wouldn't mind seeing what new things we could have him do, if at all.

Job 40:
Hammer Bro (Super Mario)

The bane of all innocent players' existence when they think they can walk forward beneath some floating blocks. So many lives lost... so many 'game overs'...

Item: Super/Tanooki Leaf (Super Mario)

History Cards:

Alph (Pikmin)
Bulborb (Pikmin)

Master Mummy (ARMS)
Lola Pop (ARMS)


Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2020
Pangaea, 250 MYA
Job 39: Bandana Waddle Dee (Kirby)

Introduced as a throwaway starter opponent in Kirby Super Star, given an expanded role in Super Star Ultra's Revenge of the King sub-game, and finally promoted to a playable role in Kirby's Return to Dreamland, Bandana Waddle has risen up to Kirby's number two by the time of the Nintendo Switch. Whether it's in a supporting role, being the first of Kirby's playable friends you'll run into, or being Kirby's only ally in a game, BWD will help out in any way he can. He's the series' rising star, and it's only right to place him beside Kirby on the roster. Plus, Bandana Dee can represent Waddle Dees as a whole, who have become a secondary face of the Kirby franchise thanks to their cute and marketable appearance.

Gameplay-wise, Bandana Dee would wield his trusty spear in combat. If needed, we can supplement that with parasols, calling on other Waddle Dees, or perhaps looking at some of the other weapons Waddle Dees have used throughout the series. Overall, he'd probably be a straightforward, mid-ranged zoner. His relatively simple gameplay and cutesy appearance would likely give him solid appeal among younger and more casual audiences.

Job 40: Spiny (Mario)

Well it. Sure is spiny.

Spinies would walk back and forth across the stage. Their spiny shells would deal damage to anyone who touches it; However, they can easily be dispatched with projectile attacks.

It seems like Kracko was just added as an Assist Trophy and I reasoned it's best if we don't jump to another big floaty AT. I also think we should avoid actively trying to "deconfirm" potential popular candidates this early, unless we explicitly decide we can promote ATs later on. Lastly, I want to avoid the "fighter-lite" ATs like Black Knight, Zero, or Rodin, who just feel like a missed opportunity to have another fighter. So, that left me aiming for a recognizeable, grounded, common enemy.


Smash Hero
Nov 23, 2018
Nintendo Land Theme Parks, Incorporated
Job 39

Princess Zelda (Zelda)


One of Nintendo's most beloved and iconic fan favorite characters, the titular Princess of the Zelda series, she is an absolute essential must have for any Nintendo crossover event. She's also about to get her own game as the leading character in our own world. Adding her to the game would certainly be the height of wisdom.
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Smash Champion
Apr 11, 2022

Fighter from Represented Series: Tom Nook (Animal Crossing)
Tom Nook is more of a character than Villager IMO

Assist from Represented Series: Burrowing Snagret (Pikmin)
Acts like in Ultimate

Pikmin Cards:

ARMS Cards:
Spring Man
Ribbon Girl


Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2015
Job #39: Diddy Kong

Allow me to introduce a less straightforward choice than, say, King Dedede, Zelda, or Yoshi. I guess that the Donkey Kong series really isn’t big enough to warrant a second representative, but I would like to make the case for him simply because we are running a bit short on small, nimble fighters other than Pikachu and, arguably, Eevee. Therefore I think that, for the sake of variety of playstyles, a compelling case could be made for Diddy Kong. On top of that, make no mistake, his personality has been butchered hard in the OT Smash series, but Diddy Kong is a very entertaining and fun character, being a bit of a show-off.
I am not dying to see Diddy Kong in the game, but I guess he’d be a fun choice to keep in mind, especially, again, due to his playstyle, which is something we don’t really have right now.

Job #40: Soren

A big character in the Tellus series of games in Fire Emblem, I think that Soren might make some sense as an Assist character, if anything to represent another area of the series. As a character, I suppose that he could cast Excalibur as his attack, summoning spheres of wind which blow up when colliding with opponents, exploding into multi-hit wind blades which launch the opponents. Plus, Excalibur is, along with Bolganone and Thoron, arguably the most iconic Fire Emblem spell (and by far my favorite one!)
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Smash Champion
Jul 1, 2023

Squid Sisters
Not really a Splatoon fan but I've always felt the idols where a big part of that franchise and it's popularity. My idea is that they would not be another swap out character case and would instead be more like Ice Climbers, both being out on the stage at the same time. They'd have the same basic attacks but he two of them would have slight visual variables.


Mr. Resetti
Would work like he did in Brawl.


Labo Piano
Can be interacted with to summon music notes that will fly out and damage foes.

Hocotate Ship (Pikmin)
Plasm Wraith (Pikmin)

Mechanica (ARMS)
Ninjara (ARMS)

roster thoughts
Pretty soild! I admire us taking more risks like Coyle as the ARMs character or Edlegard as our FE rep (though I do think a Marth or Chrom being added later makes sense to go with her). I don't love the Pokemon trainer idea, but it's growing on me, I think adding them on top of the blade gals is a little much.

As existing series go I think picks like Zelda, Yoshi, Dedede and Luigi (who I don't think should be a full clone here. He's developed way too much of his own personality.) all feel like must have choices and we could probably make a case for another Pokemon. As "new" series go honestly there's something I want to address, which is that I don't think we should focus solely on modern picks. With this being the first ever smash game in universe, I do think we also need to delve into history a bit. It can certainty have a Switch focus but I do think we should also try to represent the company as a whole, especially with them really pushing switch online at this point.

For stages, I like what we have but as others have said I don't think we need to do the only one stage for each character thing, as I think franchises like Mario, Zelda, etc could have more stages than characters due to how many iconic and varied locations are found in those series. I also do want plenty of stages based on games not in our roster.

Don't have much to say on other content. Do wanna see some more modes as I think the Switch would allow us to be more content rich than 64, and a smaller more focused roster would allow us to really focus on side stuff. I really like us doing an OC big bad too, really helps give this game it's own identity.
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Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2020
Here are the nominations:
Pupp135 Pupp135 Villager
BritishGuy54 BritishGuy54 Yoshi
Masked Borb Masked Borb King Dedede
SharkLord SharkLord Bandana Waddle Dee
Mushroomguy12 Mushroomguy12 Princess Zelda
Qwerty UIOP Qwerty UIOP Luigi
Northsouthmap Northsouthmap Tom Nook
LoZ00 LoZ00 Diddy Kong
DragonRobotKing26 DragonRobotKing26 Marth
D darkvortex Squid Sisters

Pupp135 Pupp135 Squid Sisters
BritishGuy54 BritishGuy54 Nia
Masked Borb Masked Borb Hammer Bro
SharkLord SharkLord Spiny
Qwerty UIOP Qwerty UIOP Riki
Northsouthmap Northsouthmap Burrowing Snagget
LoZ00 LoZ00 Soren
D darkvortex Mr. Resetti

Vote for your three most wanted, where yours is not first.

1. Princess Zelda
2. Villager
3. Yoshi

Princess Zelda and Villager are cases where I‘m thinking of giving priority towards Legend of Zelda and Villager first. Yoshi is more of a case where I‘d still want to add him and Luigi to complete the core Super Mario cast.

1. Hammer Bro
2. Burrowing Snagget
3. Squid Sisters

Job 41: Submit a Stage (Open Ended)
SSBU-Boxing Ring 1.png
I’m going to nominate Boxing Ring from Punch Out!! I feel like this stage really fits perfectly, and it would be cool to have a couple stages from franchises without fighters
Job 42: Submit a Samus and Kirby Recolors and Alts

Feel free to Submit Two History Cards for Pokemon and Xenoblade.

Kanto Eeveelutions
Jhoto Eeveelutions

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Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2020
Pangaea, 250 MYA
Fighter Vote
  1. Luigi
  2. Zelda
  3. Marth
All three of these guess are prominent enough that I dare say they're inevitable. Marth in particular I'd like to elaborate on, as while Fire Emblem doesn't have much of a set cast, Marth is still the first and definitive Lord, and between Heroes, Warriors, the callbacks in Awakening, the 30th anniversary Shadow Dragon re-release (Even if it was limited time only) and Engage (Which was set to release in 2021 but was delayed, meaning it was most certainly in development during this project's time frame), he's still featured and referenced quite prominently throughout the franchise. Regardless of the timeframe, I'd be kinda baffled if there was a big Nintendo crossover and Marth wasn't there.

AT Vote
  1. Hammer Bro
  2. Burrowing Snagret
  3. Mr. Resetti
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Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2020
1. Luigi
2. Yoshi
3. Zelda

1. Hammer Bro.
2. Squid Sisters
3. Nia

History Cards:
Meowth, Mewtwo
Rex, Pneuma
Top Bottom