May as well wrap it up here (and actually on time this time around.) Lots of responses - again, I'm sorry it's on the smaller side as a set of jobs, but it's an important one nonetheless.

As for
Job #03, the winner of the votes ended up being a
traditional racer. Unfortunately, I - being an absolute idiot - left the poll at the top open, so this is probably going to look really bad in hindsight, but what the hell.
Oh, and
Job #04 sees us bring back Beat's design from
Jet Set Radio Future! It's lowkey a great look for the guy!

Moving onto our next batch of jobs...
Job #05: How many tracks should we have?
It's kind of important for us to ascertain this in advance, given some of our track decisions might end up depending on the number of tracks we have. For context, the original game had
24 tracks before DLC (with a total of 6 cups) and
Transformed had a reduced number totalling
20 tracks before DLC (with a total of 4 cups.) Oh, and just so you know, we're going to be having cups of 4 tracks each, so please try and ensure your submitted number is a multiple of four.
Job #06: Submit a Sonic-themed starter track!
In a similar vein to how every single
Mario Kart game inevitably has a form of Mario Circuit as its first track, I think it'd be cool to do the same - but with
Sonic as a whole, in this case. Feel free to submit whatever kind of track from the series you like, but remember - the track needs to be approachable for newcomers due to it being the first track, and should help to showcase the game's mechanics in an easy-to-understand way.
Job #07: What should Sonic drive?
Sonic's unique in that he's had quite a few different vehicles over the years, be they the Speed Star that was created specially for the original
SaSASR or its various evolutions, his Cyclone from
Sonic Drift, one of the karts from
Sonic Adventure 2, the Sonic Speedster from
Sonic BOOM, and a wide variety of other vehicles. Should we go with something he's driven previously, or something all-new? It's your call!

I'm not going to add a discussion round this time, given there's three jobs instead of two. However, feel free to discuss how you think this is going!